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Page 18

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “It’s your father.”

  Oh, God, what the hell did he do this time? I don’t have the patience for this on the best days, but right now, I might just lose it if I have to deal with him and his ignorance.

  “What about him?”

  “He’s had a stroke, sweetie. You need to come home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It’s been three days and I still haven’t talked to EJ. Maybe it was a dumbass move on my part to storm out. I couldn’t help it. She had hurt me so badly. I didn’t know how to respond. I know I lashed out and made demands that I shouldn’t have. But didn’t she understand why it was so important to me?

  “You are not fun company,” Fritz says.

  I glance at him. We’re in my apartment. I know that EJ is having her big thing tonight, but here I am, being the ass that I am. Jesus.

  “Then get the fuck out of here,” I say proving his point.

  He rolls his eyes and takes a long sip from his beer. “You’re going to have to talk to her at some point.”


  “That’s mature.”

  I flip him off and lean my head on the back of my sofa. We’ve been watching some dumbass college football game, and I don’t care who wins. Hell, I don’t even know who’s playing. Right now, I need some kind of noise to drown out the deafening silence in my apartment.

  “You should just give in and get shitfaced drunk.”

  “What good would that do?” I ask, irritated with him. I know he came over here to help me, to keep me company, but I want to wallow. A lot. “It’s eleven in the morning and I’m drinking. That’s enough.”

  “It’s Saturday during football season. It’s like a rule that you have to drink beer or something.”

  “You’re a dumbass.”

  He snorts. “Yeah, well, I didn’t fuck up my relationship with EJ.”

  “I didn’t fuck it up completely.” But I did. I knew that I shouldn’t have pushed her, but I couldn’t help myself. I opened my mouth and demanded things I knew she wasn’t ready for.

  “Then grow a set and go deal with your woman.”

  He sounds pissed. I look over at him and realize he is irritated. “Why are you so cranky?”

  “I want to be there tonight.”

  I blink. “Wait, what? You want to go to EJ’s thing?”

  “Of course. There should be a ton of women there.”

  I roll my eyes. “They don’t want some creeper hanging around.”

  “Why would I be a creeper?”

  I turn my head and look at him. Okay, so Fritz is one of those guys who can get away with all kinds of shit. He always does. He makes women giggle. Like all women. From four to ninety-four. They melt in his presence.

  “Those women are looking for happily ever after. Well, everyone except EJ.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I know this is the age of the thinking man, but you have got to quit your bitching. I don’t want to be here holding your hand like you’re a five-year-old going to school for the first time.”

  “It’s been less than seventy-two hours. I’m allowed to brood.”

  “Good God, man! So, she got a little upset with you. Time to man up and go talk to her. Apologize for being such a dumbass and then let her chart the course of your relationship.”

  “What do you know about relationships?”

  “A lot.”

  I snort. Fritz is a player. He tells women that’s all he wants, so he’s up front with women. But the idea that he knows more about relationships is laughable. “Really?”

  “Really,” he says with a nod. “You forget I grew up with four sisters. Four! And I know that women need to know that you appreciate them, but you also shouldn’t expect her to march to your beat. You’ve given her a few days, but you need to go after your woman. You had a fight. No big deal. My folks have arguments all the time.”

  That much was true. Last time we were visiting, his mother threw a baguette at his father for not paying attention. His father just laughed and told her he loved her.

  “And, I know your parents fight.”

  There’s a knock at the door, and I turn my head to look at it. “Who the fuck is that?”

  “I don’t know. That’s why you answer the door.”

  “Open up, you idiot,” Allison yells through the door.

  “Door’s open.”

  Allison slams the door open.

  “Sunshine,” Ed says as he hurries in behind her.

  “So, this is what you’re doing? Sitting here watching football?”

  I shrug and pick up my beer. It’s almost too warm to drink. It would be so much better if I could get shitfaced like Fritz suggested, but I can’t. I don’t feel like it.

  “Hey, answer me,” she says slapping me in the back of the head.

  “Watch it,” I say. “Keep your woman in control, Ed.”

  She smacks me again and this hit is hard. Ed chuckles. “I don’t try to control Sunshine.”

  “At least not out of the bedroom,” she says with a giggle.

  “Ugh. Gross,” I say. “I don’t have enough bleach to clean out my ears, so please stop.”

  “Have you talked to EJ?” she asks. Her phone buzzes and she pulls it out.

  “Is that her? Did she ask about me?”

  “God, have some respect, Bradley,” Fritz says, disgust dripping from his voice.

  “No. It’s Savannah. She’s got someone filling in for her tonight because we’re helping Jeanine with the party. I need to get there, but since you aren’t answering my texts, I came over.”

  “What do you mean you’re going over to help Jeanine?”

  “EJ had to leave. Family emergency that turned into a clusterfuck of epic proportions.”

  “What? She’s in South Carolina?”

  “Yes. I’ve been texting you since yesterday morning trying to get you to answer me. Her father had a stroke. She went to help with the mess of that. He died the next morning and then the shit hit the fan.”

  “What?” I ask.

  She crosses her arms across her chest. She says nothing, just stares at me. Years of experience tells me she’s going to win this.

  “What?” I ask, irritation threading my voice.

  “Watch the tone, Harry,” Ed says.

  I roll my eyes. “If you aren’t going to tell me, then leave.”

  “So, tell me, what is it to you?” Allison asks.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? It’s EJ. It’s important.”


  “Because I love her.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her?”

  “I did. That’s when she dumped me.”

  I feel rather than see my friends move away while Allison comes and sits in front of me on the coffee table. We’ve been close for siblings, even though we’re six years apart in age. Our mom’s breast cancer had brought us together at a point where most siblings would start stepping apart. I’m so fucking lucky to have her as a sister.

  “Listen, Harry, you just freaked her out.”

  “That’s an understatement. Did she talk to you about it?”

  “No. She just said she needed space. I know EJ, and I know to give her space when she asks for it.”

  I grunt and start peeling the label off my beer bottle.

  “You don’t know everything about her, do you?”

  “About her?”

  Allison nods. “About her family?”

  “I know her father walked out on her mom.”

  “That’s just one thing. He cheated on her mother for years. He didn’t hide it at all. And you know, Savannah is one of those southern cities where everyone knows everyone else, especially if you come from money.”

  “She said something like that.”

  Allison nods. “But her father…” she rolls her eyes. “When he finally left her mother, it was for a woman who was four years older than EJ. And he did it because the chick was pregnant.”

  “Yeah, she mentioned so
mething about that.”

  “But the guy cheated on her for years. Her grandfather was apparently the same way, so EJ thinks that most guys cheat. That good guys are few and far between. She also thinks James women don’t inspire fidelity.”

  I blink. “She thinks that?”

  “She doesn’t believe that she deserves it. It’s insane because she’s the sweetest woman, you know, right? She gives the best hugs and she’s so lovable. You freaked her out, and her first reaction is always to step away.”

  “Or maybe she doesn’t think the same way about me.”

  “No. She loves you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve been friends with EJ for over a decade, and she has never had a man last as long as you have. I think two weeks is her longest relationship. That is, until you.”

  Something loosens in my chest as my mind tries to work through all the things my sister just told me.

  “You think she loves me?”

  “I know she does. Maybe she hasn’t completely figured it out, but she freaked out because of that. So, what is your plan?”

  “I need to book a flight.”

  “That’s good…wait, what?”

  “I’m going to South Carolina, but everyone is sworn to secrecy. Where is she staying?”

  “With her mother.”

  “I need someone to take me to the airport.”

  “I doubt you’ll get a flight tonight.”

  “Who knows, but I’m going to try.”

  I grab my phone and start searching for flights. It’s going to cost a ton, but it’s worth it. Elliana needs me.

  “Harry, I was just suggesting picking her up at the airport when she gets home.”

  I look up from my phone and smile at her. I feel alive for the first time in days. “Well, sis, you should know better. Bradley’s never do anything halfway.”

  * * *

  By the time I get an Uber to her mother’s house, I’m bone tired. Allison had wanted to get EJ to pick me up, but she probably has too much on her plate to deal with. Also, there’s a tiny part of me that was afraid she would say no. That she would refuse to pick me up or even let me in her house. At least this way, I have the element of surprise.

  It’s close to midnight local time and the quiet street is almost deserted. There are a few houses with lights on, but this is definitely not a party neighborhood. The mansion I’m now standing in front of is the biggest house on the street and, apparently, EJ’s childhood home. Well, the one they moved to when her father left her mother.

  I’m holding my bags while standing at the end of the sidewalk that leads up to the massive wraparound porch. When people think of Southern Gothic, there is probably a picture of this in their heads. Large columns line each side of the porch, and the doors…they’re massive. I step up on the porch and knock on the door. The porch light comes on.

  The door opens just enough for a shot gun barrel to appear.

  “Who are you?” a female voice says.

  “Gran, what are you doing?” I hear EJ call out.

  “This man is here to rob us.”

  “Robbers don’t knock on the door.”

  “Maybe that’s how he’s trying to trick us.”

  I hear EJ sigh and it is music to my ears. My heart is in my throat from that one little sound. I can’t help it. She’s my home, the one thing that makes everything right in the world.

  There’s a tussle on the other side of the door before EJ’s face appears. Oh, fuck, she’s beautiful. Her hair is up in a messy bun, she has no makeup on, and she’s wearing that robe I love so much. She’s exhausted and stressed. I can see it there in the dark circles under her eyes, but I don’t care. All that matters is that I’m here finally. Her eyes widen.

  “Harry?” she asks, a little frown turning her full, pouty lips down.

  I give her a smile. “Hey, Elliana.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I stare at Harry, as he stands on my mother’s porch, wondering just what the hell is going on.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Do you know this villain?” Gran asks. I glance at her. I know this is for show. One thing about James women is that they are sharp as tacks well into their nineties.

  “He’s not a villain. He’s Allison’s brother.”

  “The nurse?”


  “What’s he doing here?”

  “I don’t know. I asked, then you interrupted.”

  She snorts at me. Another thing about James women. We make peacocks look mousy.

  “Allison told me what happened, and here I am.”

  I blink. “What do you mean? When did you find out?”

  “Listen, I’ll be happy to tell you everything if you’ll just let me in.”

  Good lord. I’m standing here with the chain still on the door demanding answers. “Hold on.”

  I close the door and slip the lock free. After I draw in a deep breath, I open the door. Good lord, he looks good. So solid and just so Harry.

  I step back as Gran raises her shotgun again. “He looks like he might be after your virtue.”

  “First of all, I said goodbye to my virtue a decade ago and, believe me, any virgin would be better off with Harry.”

  His face flushes. God, I missed him. So badly. I picked up my phone more than once to call him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d made such a big mess of things. Add in the disaster that my father left us, I just didn’t feel right about bothering Harry.

  “He has a beard. Bearded men are not to be trusted.”

  I roll my eyes. “Gran, put that gun away and go back to watching Housewives. I have it cued up on Hulu.”

  “Not those New Jersey girls? I said I wanted the Atlanta Housewives.”

  “Yes. It’s ready for you.”

  She eyes Harry. “I know how to change you from a rooster to a hen, and I will have no problem doing it. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

  Then she marches off to the living room.

  “Uh, is she serious?”

  “No. Well, maybe. She is a really good shot.”

  He shoves his hand through his hair leaving the strands disheveled. “Jesus.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  He swallows. “Allison told me what happened, and I came.”


  He pulls out his phone and purses his lips. “About seven hours ago.”

  I blink. “You just jumped on a plane because of…Just like that?”

  “You needed me.”

  Oh, God, I did. Handling everything with my father has been a disaster. Every day, there is a new horror, a new level of idiocy that makes me want to revive my father just to kill him. I feel the backs of my eyes start to burn.

  “Hey,” he says as he sets his suitcase on the floor and rushes to me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. He smells like peanuts from the plane and Harry. All Harry. It feeds my soul and quiets my fears. His lips brush over my temple. “It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Elliana, dear, who is that?”

  I pull back and Harry keeps hold of me. I don’t try to move away, because I might fall down. And well, I don’t want to. I didn’t know how much I needed him until this moment.

  “It’s Harry.”

  “Harry? Allison’s Harry?”

  “Yes, Mama.”

  My mother hurries down the stairs, a smile on her face. She’s tired and the fubar of our personal lives shows on her face. Still, she is smiling at Harry, a southern woman down to the bone.

  My mother is a tiny woman, especially compared to me, but probably one of the strongest women I have ever known.

  “Harry Bradley, how are you doing?”

  “I’m doing fine, Ms. James.”

  “Lillibeth, don’t trust him,” my grandmother yells.

  “Stuff a sock in it, Mama,” my mother calls out.

  Harry chuckles and I find the first real smile in days.

  “Well, this is…” my mother’s voice trails off as she looks between us. “Oh. Okay. I’m going to go watch TV with your grandmother.”

  “She’s watching RHOA.”

  My mother shudders. “God, she has the worst taste in shows. Oh, and Harry, you are welcome to stay.”

  Once she is out of earshot, I smile. “Mama secretly loves the show, but she would never admit to it.”

  “No shame in Housewives loving.”

  I chuckle, then it dissolves. “Really, why?”

  “Why is there no shame in loving Housewives?”

  “No. Why are you here?”

  “You needed me. I’m here.”

  “But we broke up.”

  He shrugs. “We had a fight.”

  “I thought…”

  “Yeah I did too, but the moment Allison told me about what happened, none of that mattered.” He steps closer and takes my hands in his. “I couldn’t leave you here on your own, love.”

  Tears are filling my eyes again. The last few days, starting with our fight and my father’s stroke and death…then the mess he left us in his will, have been hard. It has all been weighing on me. I’ve been trying to keep it under control, but it’s been so difficult. Mama has been a trooper, but, damn, I missed Harry. His hair is a mess and there’s dark circles under his eyes, he’s still the most gorgeous man in the world.

  “Thank you,” I say as he pulls me into his arms again. “It’s been really hard.”

  “Of course it has.” He says nothing else. All he does is stand there and offer me support, rocking us back and forth. The comfort is almost my undoing. We stand like that for a few minutes until I can finally get myself together and pull back.

  “Are you hungry?”

  He shakes his head. “Just fucking tired.”

  “Language, bearded intruder,” my grandmother yells out.

  His eyes widen and I laugh. “Yeah, she’s got bionic hearing. Let’s go upstairs and get you settled in.”

  He nods as he follows me up the stairs. I consider putting him in one of the other rooms, but I am beyond being able to put up a wall between us now. Maybe it makes me weak, right now, I need him though. And, for once in my life, I’m going to indulge.


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