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The Practitioner

Page 25

by Ronica Black

  He nodded, chanted something again, and reached out to touch the scar on her chest. Then he sat back and closed his eyes.

  Elaine closed her eyes, desperate to hear her again. “Barb? Where are you?”

  “I’m going now, Lainey,” she said softly.

  “No, don’t go.”

  “I need to. So you can grow and love and move on. I will always be in your heart. But you have to let the other in now.”

  Elaine wanted to cry, but no further tears would come. She felt a gentle pressure on her chest and then it released. She relaxed, felt so light. It was easier to breathe, to exist. She felt like she was floating off the dirt. Suddenly, she saw everything. Every grain of sand on the ground, every bead of sweat on her arms and faces of those she loved in the gathering of steam.

  “I see now,” she said. “I see it all.”

  Her eyes grew heavy with blissful peace. She smiled and was about to fall over on her side to sleep when she felt strong arms encase and lift her. More arms pulled her through the flap and she was seeing sky, darkening sky. She felt dirt being rubbed into her skin. Michael was talking to her, but all she could do was smile.

  A soft robe was wrapped around her, and she was helped into a lounge chair. Jolene helped her sip water. Henry, also in a robe, came to her, said something in Navajo, and touched her scar again. Jolene chanted with him, and they placed their hands on her arms and shoulders. Then he held her face and said, “Let it go, child. Let it all go.”

  She exhaled and felt herself shudder. Henry backed away. Jolene held her hand.

  “Breathe,” she said. She helped her sip more water.

  Elaine took the water and drank heartily. Her heart had suddenly awakened along with her mind. She blinked and took in her surroundings, saw the pop of colors everywhere. And she had a yearning like she never had before.

  She tried to stand. “Johnnie,” she said. “I need to go to her.”

  Jolene held her tightly. “Easy,” she said. “Let’s go rinse you down.”

  Carefully, she led her into the house and turned on the shower.

  Elaine stepped into cool water and allowed it to further awaken her. After a few moments of letting it slosh over her, she lathered herself up and rinsed, then washed and conditioned her hair. When she finished, Jolene had clean clothes for her folded on the counter.

  She helped her dry off.

  “Are you sure you are strong enough to go to Johnnie?”

  Elaine held her wrist and looked into her deep brown eyes. “I’ve never felt stronger in my life.”

  Jolene nodded. “You must go then.”

  She left the bathroom and Elaine dressed and combed her hair. When she walked down the hall, she found them all in the kitchen. Michael looked at her with worry etched on his handsome face.

  “I’m well,” she said with a smile. “I’m well, Michael.”

  He sighed and let the worry go. “Oh, thank God.” He embraced her tightly.

  “I need to go to Johnnie,” she said.

  He pulled away. “That’s fine. Henry said he would show me all of his work.”

  Henry removed his bandanna and tightened his robe.

  “If he brought his checkbook, you’re in for a treat,” Elaine said to him.

  He only smiled.

  “How can I ever thank you?” she asked.

  She crossed to him and took his hands. “Walk every morning at sunrise and give thanks for all that is around you.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  He hugged her. “Now,” he said. “You have a mission. You must go.”

  She backed away, smiled at them all, and headed out the front door.

  She had a mission.


  Chapter Fifty-six

  Johnnie settled down on a lounge chair out on the patio with a glass of ice water. Eddie had convinced her to let go of the soda, and the transition had been somewhat difficult at first, but now she wanted nothing but water. She sipped the cool water as she watched the big storm roll in over the red mountains. The sky was a blue purple, and lightning zigzagged and played tag. She smiled at the streaking rain, smelling the fresh earth it kicked up. She stood and held out her hand, caught the cold drops. Thunder boomed then cracked. She jerked but didn’t move. She’d always been stirred by storms, and she never failed to thoroughly enjoy one.

  She was still holding her hand out to catch the rain when she turned slightly and caught sight of someone standing at the Arcadian door.

  “Elaine,” she said softly. She pulled her hand in. “You’re all wet.”

  Elaine didn’t move; she just stood there in her wet clothes. Johnnie crossed to her and stepped inside.

  “Hey, how did it go?” Elaine looked different, calm yet stirred. She moved with purpose, but heat marked her cheekbones, and her eyes flashed with what could only be determination and desire. Johnnie felt her own skin heat at the sight. “Everything okay?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  Elaine didn’t speak. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn’t seem to find the words. Then, when she did speak, she was serious, confident, and not to be argued with.

  “Stand still,” she said. She took a step and ran her hands up under Johnnie’s shirt, causing her breath to shake. When she grabbed the fabric, she tugged it up and off and tossed it aside. Johnnie tried to say something, to touch her, but Elaine wanted none of it.

  “Don’t speak.” She studied her body carefully and then wrapped her arms around her to unfasten her bra. She sighed with what could only be pleasure as she took in her breasts. Johnnie’s nipples tensed with excitement, and the sensation seemed to go straight to her clit.

  Elaine came close, breathed upon her breasts, teased them. “I want to breathe you in and excite you as I breathe out.” Johnnie sucked in a breath and clenched her fists.

  “Elaine,” she whispered.

  Elaine lifted a hand, then covered her mouth with her fingers. “Shut up.” She lowered her hands and allowed them to drift to Johnnie’s waist. She unbuttoned her jeans and tugged them down and off. Then she peeled off Johnnie’s socks and rose to hook her fingers in her G-string. She hesitated then, looked up at her, and ran her hands around to her ass where she found bare flesh. She smiled wickedly and yanked off the G-string.

  Johnnie watched as Elaine straightened and took her by the hand. She led her outside to the private patio that backed up to the mountains. She pushed her gently into the lounge chair. Johnnie eased back and rested against the cushioned chair. Elaine climbed on with her knees and pushed Johnnie’s legs apart.

  Johnnie almost spoke, but thunder clamored over them, and Elaine lowered her head.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment? To feel you in my mouth, to taste your heavenly nectar? It feels like ages, so, so long. And I’ve ached and ached for you, for this.”

  Johnnie held her face with one hand, her whole body pulsing with anticipation.

  “I can only imagine how you taste, how you feel, how you’re going to sound when I bathe your beautiful body in pleasure.”

  Johnnie shifted, the feel of Elaine’s breath on her causing her to yearn for more of her.

  “I want your mouth on me,” she said.

  “Do you?”


  “Have you dreamt about it, Johnnie? Like I have?”

  Johnnie tensed, gripping the armrests. “Yes. I’ve dreamt of you from the moment I first heard your voice.”

  “I remember. I remember you wanted this.” She knelt closer and lightly kissed her thighs. “You wanted me so badly. Wanted my touch. The heat of my breath.”


  She kissed her again and moved upward. She rubbed her cheek against her leg, encouraging her to open them farther. Johnnie moaned and struggled for breath. Elaine snuck out her tongue and licked the length of her, teasing the inside of her folds. Her eyes flashed as she groaned and looked up at Johnnie.

  “Oh God, Johnnie, you’re so good. So unbe
lievably good.” She parted her with her thumbs and licked her again and again. And then as Johnnie shook and trembled from the sensation, she lowered her head completely and fed.

  Her eager mouth was hot and seeking, and it found Johnnie’s hungry flesh in an instant, kissing, licking, sucking. Johnnie threw her head back and nearly screamed with pleasure. Thunder answered and lightning flashed. Mist from the careening rain fell upon her bare flesh, but she didn’t care. She was too caught up in Elaine and her mouth and what she was doing to her.

  Elaine moaned and pressed in harder. Johnnie knotted her hands in her hair and hissed, feeling her head bob as she fed. Johnnie clenched her eyes and then forced them open. She didn’t want to miss a second. Elaine locked eyes with her and eased fingers up inside her. Johnnie leaned forward at the burning, full feeling and called out.

  “Elaine, God, Elaine, fucking yes!”

  Elaine gave a wicked laugh and fucked her long and slow, played with her G-spot. Johnnie couldn’t breathe, couldn’t speak. She just made small noises and loud cries matched by the thunder and lightning. The patio shook and the rain turned to hail. Some of it hit Elaine, but she didn’t stop. She kept herself attached to Johnnie, feeding and fucking.

  Johnnie stared into the great storm as the pleasure turned to thick waves. She felt them building, coming closer. She closed her eyes, squeezed Elaine’s hair in her hands, and cried out as the first heavy wave hit her. It crashed into her, forcing her back in the chair. She rocked with it, lifting her hips to Elaine in an offering. Again and again, she rocked as wave after beautiful hot wave came, crashing into her, melting her, destroying her with pleasure. Thunder shook them again, lightning cracked close by. Elaine groaned and kept on. She didn’t stop until Johnnie stilled and spasmed from aftershock.

  Eventually, they both stilled, and Elaine turned her head and collapsed atop her, panting. Hail pelted her feet and lower legs. Thunder growled, growing distant. When the hail stopped, Elaine lifted, met Johnnie’s eyes, and grinned. She crawled up to her.

  “Say it,” she said. “Before I die from contentment.”

  Johnnie reach out and touched her face. She opened her mouth, but the words were difficult to find.

  “It’s okay to be scared,” she said. “I am too.”

  Johnnie inhaled deeply. Then stared into her flashing eyes. “I love you,” she said.

  Elaine pressed into her and kissed her deeply. Johnnie kissed her back, and they sat like that for what felt like an eternity, kissing, tasting, exploring. Languid in love.

  Then Elaine pulled back.

  She smiled.

  “I love you too.”

  Johnnie kissed her, deeper, harder. She flipped her so she was on the bottom.

  Elaine laughed. “I just want to enjoy what it felt like in having you…finally.”

  Johnnie moved lower, kissed her neck. Bit. It caused her to jerk and sigh.

  “Are you sure?” Johnnie asked, nibbling her ear.

  “Mm, I don’t know.”

  Johnnie laughed, pressed into her, between her legs. “I bet you’re so wet right now.”

  Elaine’s breath shook as Johnnie kissed her collarbone.

  “I am.”

  “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” Johnnie teased her.

  Elaine laughed, held onto her, and ran her nails down her back. Johnnie cried out and laughed and then attacked her fully.

  Elaine laughed again and then stopped her and held her face.

  “Don’t ever leave,” Elaine whispered.

  Johnnie kissed her softly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Fifty-seven

  Johnnie entered the large art gallery with her nerves on edge. People milled about everywhere, walking, talking, looking, and seeking. The show was a success; she could tell by the number of pieces with orange stickers stuck to the description plate. Most were already sold. And the number of people, it was overwhelming.

  Johnnie looked behind her and found Jolene hesitating at the door. She grabbed her hand and then tucked her hand into her arm. They walked side by side, weaving between people.

  “Johnnie!” She turned and Eddie hurried up to her, two glasses of champagne in hand. “You little shit, this place is hopping.” He handed over the glasses and leaned in to kiss Jolene on the cheek.

  Johnnie wanted to smile, to be happy, but she was disappointed. Elaine had said she couldn’t make it. That she needed to meet a client out of town. Johnnie hadn’t argued even though it was so unusual for Elaine to say anything of the sort. She never mentioned meeting clients out of town before. But Johnnie tried not to worry. All things being said, their relationship was going really well. Johnnie spent most nights at her place even though she’d run Gail out of her place weeks ago and changed the locks. She’d heard Gail was back in Costa Rica so she didn’t really worry about it anymore. And as for Monica, she never spoke to her again once Eddie had made it clear that Johnnie was in love with Elaine. That and he had threatened her with her life to leave Johnnie alone to be happy.

  Johnnie looked around and smiled, trying to enjoy it. Her paintings hung everywhere.

  “Your big one sold,” Eddie said.

  “You’re kidding.”

  They followed him through a maze.

  “And so did the nude of Elaine.”

  Johnnie couldn’t believe it. She’d worked so hard, and tonight was the fruit of all that work. And it seemed to be a great success.

  “Who bought it?” Johnnie asked.

  Eddie shrugged. “Who cares? I want to know who bought your tree.”

  They came to a stop at the head of an aisle.

  Eddie stepped aside, and Elaine came into view. She was standing next to the large canvas of the tree. The one Johnnie had painted during the bottoms. She looked to Eddie who shrugged and grinned. She looked to Jolene who grinned as well.

  Her cell phone rang. Johnnie answered, looking at Elaine who was holding her phone to her ear.


  “Just walk to me,” she said. “Pretend no one else is here. Just me.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Johnnie said.

  “You can. I know you can. Come to me,” Elaine said. She was wearing a little black dress and matching heels. She looked drop-dead gorgeous with her shining black hair falling to her shoulders, contrasting with her red lips.

  Johnnie pushed out a breath. She took a step. Jolene released her.

  “Go to her,” she said.

  Johnnie kept the phone to her ear. She walked slowly. People crossed in front of her. The DJ’s music played. Her name was lit up in neon. She ignored it all and kept stepping.

  “Come to me, Johnnie,” Elaine said.

  Johnnie sped up. The tree was lit up in lights, and Elaine was directly in front of it, spotlighted. Johnnie approached and let out a long-held breath.

  “I made it,” she said into the phone.

  Elaine smiled and lowered hers. “Yes, you did.”

  She leaned in and kissed her delicately. Johnnie heated.

  “You look so damn good,” Elaine said. “I can’t wait to get you home.” Her voice was deep, throaty. Just like it had been that very first meeting in her office. She ran fingers up and down Johnnie’s black fitted blazer. Touched the turquoise necklace Jolene had given her. It was hanging against the bare flesh of her chest She took her hands.

  “You’re here,” Johnnie breathed. “And in that,” she said, looking her up and down. “Oh my God, I can’t breathe, Elaine.”

  Elaine leaned in. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” Johnnie said. “This is the best fucking moment of my life.”

  Elaine laughed.

  “Allow me to inhale all of this and have an anxiety attack, okay?” Johnnie pulled her close. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “So the client…”


  “All of it?”

  “All of it.”<
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  “And Eddie and Jolene knew?”

  “Mm. And Ian.”

  “Ian?” Johnnie looked around for him.

  “He’s my friend,” Elaine said. “The one I’ve been buying art from.”

  Johnnie shook her head. “You guys were all—you all knew—you all—” She couldn’t speak.

  Elaine looked toward the painting. “Aren’t you going to ask who bought your tree?”

  Johnnie looked at her, watched her smile mischievously.


  Elaine nodded. “Guilty.”

  “Oh my God, why?”

  Elaine wrapped a hand around her waist. “Because this tree represents our beginning.”

  Johnnie stood and stared at it for a long moment. The tree was coming out of the darkness and into the light. Elaine was right. It was them.

  “Did you buy your nude?” Johnnie asked.

  Elaine laughed. “No, we don’t need that one.”

  Johnnie tugged her closer. “Why not?”

  Elaine touched her lips. “Because you’ve got the real thing now.”

  Johnnie laughed and leaned in and kissed her. They kissed in front of the tree, not caring who saw or who was watching.

  Michael appeared with two glasses full of wine. “It’s about time you two shared this,” he said.

  Elaine toasted Johnnie. “To my love, here and now.”

  Johnnie clinked her glass. “And always.”

  They drank and kissed.

  It was their new beginning.

  A new life.

  And Johnnie, for the first time, walked toward it without fear.


  About the Author

  Ronica Black lives in the desert southwest with her menagerie of animals and her menagerie of art. When she’s not writing, she’s still creating, whether that be drawing, painting, or woodworking. She loves long walks into the sunset, rescuing animals, anything pertaining to art, and spending time with those she loves. When she can, she enjoys returning to her roots in North Carolina, where she can sit on the front porch with her family, catch up on all the gossip, and enjoy a nice cold Cheerwine.


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