Book Read Free

For King and Country

Page 24

by Geneva Lee

  “At least I’m not a—”

  David stood abruptly, knocking my drink onto my lap. “My apologies. Excuse me.”

  I swiped at the ice-cold liquor, brushing it from my skirt before it could soak completely through.

  “Shame about your dress,” Pepper said. “At least it was hideous.”

  I glared at her but clamped my mouth shut. It might be smart to keep my enemies close, but it was even better to keep my mouth shut around them. I had no doubt every word I uttered to her would be distorted and used against me. Edward watched from across the room. Despite the concern written on his face, he didn’t put down his billiard cue.

  This evening was turning into a nightmare, and if I was going to survive the entire weekend, I needed to pace myself on the drama. Exiting the room quickly, I realized I had no clue how to find my room again. I would have to track down Alexander and pull him away from his urgent business.

  My footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. Not even a sliver of light seeped from the closed doors that lined the corridor. Passing each, I listened for Alexander, pausing when I finally heard low, angry voices. I crept toward them, concealing myself in the shadows. It wasn’t that I wanted to eavesdrop, but I suspected that my intrusion wouldn’t be welcomed.

  It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the room’s darkness, and when they finally did, I realized that it wasn’t Alexander and his father. It was Edward and David. Not wanting to interrupt their argument, I turned to leave just as Edward lunged forward, grabbing David’s face and crushing his mouth to his own. My confusion froze me to the spot even as comprehension dawned on me.

  I pressed myself to the doorway to stay out of view. How had I not seen it? My mind replayed David and Pepper’s nasty exchange, and Edward’s reaction to his departure. I’d wondered why David had stayed around when he clearly loathed most of his companions. Now I knew: he was as stuck as I was.

  David pulled away from Edward. “Enough! I’m tired of this game.”

  “This isn’t a game,” Edward said, taking a step toward him.

  David backed away, shaking his head. “You’re flirting with those sniveling bitches and running around pretending to be a playboy. You may not think you’re playing a game, Edward, but you are—and from now on, you’re playing alone.”

  “David, wait!” Edward called, catching up to him and grabbing his arm.

  “Take your hands off me,” David warned.

  “I’m sorry that it has to be like this.” Edward released his arm. “I wish it were different. I love you.”

  David ran a hand over his closely cropped hair. “That won’t work this time. It’s not enough anymore. Wishing gets you nowhere. If you want things to be different, then change them.”

  “You know what I’m dealing with. If Alexander—”

  “Waiting around for your brother to solve your problems isn’t changing things,” David said harshly. “At least, it isn’t changing things with me.”

  Edward brushed a finger down David’s cheek and shook his head sadly. “Tell me what to say.”

  A rustling noise behind me drew my attention away, and I whirled around in time to catch Jonathan and Priscilla approaching. I stepped into the doorway, blocking them from entering the room. David and Edward would see me, but something told me that their relationship wasn’t common knowledge. I knew what it was like to be under the scrutiny of the Royal Brat Pack. Whatever was happening with them, they deserved to work through it privately.

  Priscilla swayed on her feet, clutching on to Jonathan as she giggled. The two stopped as soon as they saw me.

  “Excuse us,” Priscilla hissed. She attempted to push past me but lost her balance. Jonathan caught her waist and held her upright.

  “What’s going on, Clara?” Jonathan waited for me to explain why I wouldn’t let them past. His gaze darted from me to the door, his pupils as black as a snake’s in the dark.

  I had to think of something quickly, but my mind stuttered to a halt. “Do you…have you…seen Alexander?”

  “She’s like a lost puppy,” Priscilla said with a snigger.

  “Hush, Pris,” Jonathan admonished her. He smiled apologetically, but his eyes remained cold. “I’m sorry to say we haven’t.”

  I’d delayed them long enough to buy Edward time, and I could only hope he had used it, because I wasn’t sticking around to deal with the drunken tart. Breezing past them, I offered a simple goodnight. Behind me I heard Pris whisper, “Off to bottom Alexander.”

  A smug grin carved across my lips. I knew I wasn’t imagining the edge of jealousy in her tone.

  But as soon as I was free of them, I was left to ponder what I’d stumbled upon. Did Alexander know? Did anyone? I understood why David was angry, but I think I knew why Edward had kept their relationship a secret. The gossip. The tabloids. The assumptions. I was all too familiar with what it was like to be linked to a Prince of England. Still, Alexander had claimed me as his, not hiding our relationship. How would I feel if I was still his dirty secret?

  My stomach flipped at the thought, and I realized I had my answer. As difficult as things sometimes were, I wouldn’t have been able to cope with it.

  It was an impossible situation: being torn between love and reality.

  I finally found Alexander in the library with his father. Hesitating at the door, I tried to decide if it was better to knock or wait for them to finish. Alexander had disappeared to speak with him over an hour ago, and from the sound of their discussion, he wouldn’t be finished any time soon. Alexander’s grandmother Mary watched the exchange stoically, hands folded serenely in her lap. I had no doubt that she was analyzing each of Alexander’s statements for later dissection.

  “You have responsibilities,” Albert lectured him. “Clara is very pretty, but you can’t make life decisions based on what your dick wants.”

  Alexander folded his arms over his chest. “This is the twenty-first century. Clara is well-bred—”

  “She’s American.” Mary said the word American as though it tasted rancid on her tongue.

  Alexander glared at her, his lips thinned, and she shrank back under his primal stare.

  Albert continued, ignoring the exchange between his mother and son. “You need to be prepared to assume my role—”

  “Are you planning to retire?” Alexander asked dryly.

  “I do not approve of your flippancy,” Mary chided. Her nose tipped up as she spoke.

  Albert rubbed his temples, his voice growing somber. “There are situations that you need to be briefed on, and yet you’re busy screwing that—”

  “Choose your words very carefully,” Alexander warned him, rising from his seat with clenched fists. “She is precious to me.”

  I’d spent enough time lurking in the shadows tonight, and I was tired of it. I rapped once on the door and stepped inside.

  “I’m going to bed,” I told Alexander, ignoring his family. I thought of David as I spoke. I was tired of the games too, but I wasn’t ready to walk away.

  “I’m coming with you.” Alexander crossed the room and took my hand. The light contact crackled with suppressed electricity. We’d both spent the evening defending ourselves against attack, and I knew that the bond we shared had seen us through it. I longed for his hands on my body, for the reassurance of his demanding, but attentive, touch. Judging from the protective way he stood between me and his father, he felt the same need.

  “We are not finished speaking,” Albert said.

  “This conversation is over,” Alexander said in a firm voice. “I’m not debating this with you any longer. I’ve made my decision.”

  Albert’s eyes slid over me as if estimating how challenging of a problem I was to him. A chill cascaded down my neck, turning my blood to ice under his unflinching stare. But in the end, he only said, “Goodnight.”

  My fingers twisted together as I hesitated in the hall. Alexander had headed to his room to change this morning, and I was surprised by how nervous I was abou
t brunch without him. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, awareness sliding over my body, and I turned to find Alexander watching me from a doorway.

  “Have you decided to run?” he asked.

  I looked at him, confusion swirling through me. After last night I’d considered it, but Alexander had persuaded me to stay with methods that were likely illegal in several countries. No, I had decided to weather this weekend. It would be over soon, but I knew that there were going to be issues to deal with when we got back to London. For now though, I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head.

  “This—” he ran his fingers down my silk, garden skirt “—needs to come off later.”

  I’d chosen a simple white blouse and skirt because they looked appropriate for brunch, but I’d deliberately worn the pale green skirt for the way it billowed as I walked. That, combined with its shortness, was sure to catch Alexander’s attention.

  “Cancel the hunt and you can take it off now,” I promised in a husky voice.

  “I’ll only be gone for two or three hours,” he said, running a hand down my bare arm reassuringly.

  “That’s long enough for them to eat me alive,” I pointed out. I tugged at the hem of my skirt.

  “I’m told they’re serving sandwiches,” he said, “but I’ll remind them that they have to answer to me if anyone upsets you.”

  I nodded, not reminding him that I could take care of myself. He probably just wouldn’t like the consequences.

  “You’ve got that wicked gleam in your eyes, Clara,” Alexander said softly. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing.” I stroked a hand down his chest, leaning in for a kiss. But he pulled back.

  “Something tells me that you’re going to be fine.” He sighed and took my hand, pulling me toward the dining room. “Try not to be charged with treason.”

  I wasn’t making any promises.

  The men going on the hunt had gathered, and as soon as they saw Alexander, the teasing began. Jonathan clamped a hand on his friend’s shoulder and shook his head. “You’re going to let that fox get away, Alexander.” Jonathan’s gaze swiveled to me and he grinned. “Although it doesn’t look like you’re hurting for tail.”

  I shot him a thin-lipped smile. He might not remember what he did to Belle, but I did, and he wasn’t going to charm me into forgetting, especially not with locker-room humor.

  Pepper entered the dining room. Her hair was up in a demure bun, and while her electric yellow dress hugged her willowy figure, it still fell just below her knees. Her gaze slid up and down me. She didn’t bother to hide her smug dismissal of me as the Queen Mother appeared behind her in a loosely fitted, linen pantsuit. Her appearance distracted Pepper, who began to immediately kiss ass.

  I stifled a gag over the obvious and false flattery. Did Pepper really think she could get to Alexander through his grandmother? That just proved that she didn’t know him at all.

  Alexander caught me around the waist, pressing a kiss behind my ear that sent a ripple of excitement tingling through me. “I will see you soon, poppet.”

  And then he was gone. Pushing my shoulders back and my chin up, I took a seat at the table. Edward appeared in the doorway, and his grandmother balked at him. “Aren’t you joining the men?”

  “Hunting doesn’t appeal to me,” he said, stepping into the dining room. “I was on my way down for coffee.”

  I knew I liked him.

  “Join us,” she said, patting the table next to her. “We’ll have tea.”

  “I would love to, but unfortunately I need coffee. I’ll see you for dinner though.” He pecked her dutifully on the cheek and ducked back out before he could be entreated again.

  Mary turned toward me, a tight smile on her face. “I’m afraid that this brunch might not suit your tastes.”

  “I’m not picky.” I dropped my napkin, smoothing it over my lap.

  “We don’t eat a lot of American food,” she said with an edge of apology, although there was an edge of something cutting under it. “I wasn’t certain what they served for brunch.”

  I bit back the retort that tried to tumble from my lips. “English breakfast will be fine.”

  She waved that off. “Too many sausages. I’ve ordered something much lighter. I hope you don’t mind the absence of meat.”

  “I’m sure Clara will have plenty of meat later,” Pepper said in a sweet voice as I choked on the sip of water I’d just taken.

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. Who was being immature now?

  Thankfully, the staff appeared before the claws came out, placing platters of finger sandwiches and egg tarts before us. Everything smelled wonderful—buttery and rich—and my mouth watered impatiently. As Belle had drilled me, I waited for my host to choose her food first. I didn’t feel the same etiquette applied to Pepper Spray.

  “Don’t wait for me,” Mary admonished. “You girls look like you’re wasting away.”

  I bit my lip to keep any hateful words from spilling out.

  “You know that I have to watch my figure, Mary,” Pepper said. “But you’re right to be concerned over dear Clara. We must be certain she’s eating.”

  My eyes narrowed. “That’s really none of your business.”

  “They printed it in the Daily Star. It’s everyone’s business.” It was Mary who spoke, her dark gaze regarding me like a hawk. “If you’re going to keep company with my grandson, I’d advise you to remember that you have no secrets, young lady. Every mistake you have ever made is news. Just as every decision you make from this moment on will be.” A grim smile curved onto her lips, as if to say welcome to the family.

  “You’d do well to share that bit with your friends as well,” Pepper added, but her haughty smile suggested that I was too late for that.

  Who had she been talking to? I pushed aside my curiosity, realizing that it didn’t matter. Right now my survival depended on getting through this brunch.

  They wanted me to retreat. They expected me to as they circled around me, squawking and flapping their wings, which meant it was the last thing I would do. “I’ll be sure to pass along your advice.”

  “Be careful,” Mary continued, smothering a scone with Devonshire cream. “You never really know who your friends are.”

  I sipped my tea deliberately, peering at them over the cup’s rim. “I imagine that you don’t.”

  After a delightful brunch, I retired to my room under the pretense of reading, but I couldn’t concentrate. The morning meal of double entendre and backhanded compliments had exhausted me, and I wished once more that I were back at my flat, having a low-key weekend with Alexander. But I recovered when there was a knock at the door and bounded toward it.

  I forced a smile when I opened it and discovered Norris. “Good afternoon.”

  “They’re on their way back, Miss. Alexander sent me ahead to ask you to welcome them.”

  I didn’t need further persuasion. Tugging on my boots, I followed him outside as the hunting party arrived. Alexander steered his horse toward me, a riding crop clutched in his hand.

  I raised my eyebrow, nodding at the instrument.

  “Father insisted. Of course, if you know what you’re doing, you don’t need one,” he said with a shrug. He lorded over me, looking regal on the powerful Arabian.

  “I could have used one this morning,” I admitted and his lips twitched.

  “I suppose it would have its uses,” he said in the slow, sexy voice I loved. Alexander held out a hand, and I looked up at him in surprise. “Come.”

  I’d waited all day to hear him say that, and I couldn’t keep myself from raising my eyebrow suggestively. His mouth curved into a mischievous smile. After spending the day saying all the wrong things and constantly apologizing for myself, the sight of his sinfully beautiful face made my mouth water.

  “I’m wearing a skirt,” I said as the breeze caught its hem, whipping it slightly too high so that my bare thighs were revealed.

  As ready as I was to run aw
ay with him, I wasn’t exactly prepared for riding a horse, and everyone was bound to talk about us while we were absent from the house.

  “Believe me, I noticed.” Alexander swung a leg over the saddle and jumped down, pulling off his helmet to reveal his sexy mess of jet black hair. He looked magnificent in his riding breeches that hugged his muscular calves and did nothing to hide his tight ass. “I need to get you away from these bloody people. I want you all to myself.”

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked, dropping my hand in his. Skirt or not, I would go anywhere he led me.

  His voice lowered, since more than a few curious eyes were now watching us. “You’re asking the wrong question.”

  “I am?” I blinked my eyes at him in mock innocence.

  A growl rumbled in his throat as he took in my act, and I could see the wheels turning behind his crystal-blue eyes. “You should be asking what I’m going to do to you.”

  My mouth went dry, and I waited for him to continue, too caught up in the heavy sexual tension crackling between us to find my voice. I craved the reassurance of his touch.

  “Ever heard of the term saddle sore?” he asked with a wicked grin that made my pulse rev in expectation. “If I don’t ride off with you right now in front of all these people, tonight they’re going to wonder why you’re walking so strangely.”

  Oh my…yes, please. “So the ride is an alibi?”

  “It’s all part of what I plan to do to you.” His arms wrapped around my waist, and he drew me roughly to him. I stumbled into his arms, my head swimming with the heady cocktail his presence always created. When he brushed his lips over mine in what was for him a fairly demure show of affection, all the reasons that this was a horrible idea vanished. A moment later, he hoisted me onto the saddle. It was large enough to allow me to ride sidesaddle, but then I remembered what he said about keeping up appearances, and I shifted my leg so that I was sitting normally, my feet dangling above the stirrups. I pushed my skirt safely under my rear so as not to show off my bum to half the Royal Family but also to avoid chafing against the leather. He handed me his riding crop but passed off the rifle he’d carried during the hunt to a nearby gamekeeper. Alexander mounted the horse, taking the reins with one hand as the other held me firmly against him. I settled into the embrace, relishing his warmth and the hardness of his body against me, although even as I relaxed, a steady thrumming built inside me at his nearness.


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