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The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 2: Double Inferno (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Where’s my kiss?” he asked. He remained holding her long brown hair in his fist, not giving her much room to maneuver, and even that turned her on. She would never be the same again.

  She slowly turned around on his lap, straddled his hips, and leaned forward to kiss him. He released her hair and wrapped his big, strong arms around her, rubbing her back and her ass.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and continued to kiss him until he indicated for her to stop. She was relinquishing control to them step by step and with each new action or move. Her earlier fear of taking a chance with Matt and Tyler was slowly proving to be a waste of time, as they had said it would be.

  In her mind she realized that these two men were so very special. Their eyes indicated so much of their emotions, and the vibes they sent forth were strong and exposed their need for this type of relationship. The power, the command, the control they used on her aroused them in every way. The fact that her acceptance of their ways made them happy gave her a feeling of pride and achievement. She felt it in her heart, and it freaked her out a little to identify the feeling. Nothing had given her a spark of enthusiasm, excitement, and desire for more like what these two men did to her body and her mind. Their soft spoken words mixed with their firm demands made her want more, and she wasn’t even too concerned with the cost.

  She would certainly enjoy having sex with them if they continued to make her feel this aroused and good. The problem was that they had quite the reputations and seemed to have placed some sort of spell on her to make her accept them so soon. There would be no turning back for her, and most likely she would be ruined for any other man ever again.

  * * * *

  They were sitting in the kitchen, talking about Dixie Chix, when Paula looked out the window behind Matt and Tyler and saw smoke coming from somewhere outside.

  “There’s smoke. Oh my God, is it a fire?” she asked, and both Matt and Tyler ran from the room to check. She saw the shed and it was nearly fully engulfed in flames. Tyler was running toward the large garage that would surely catch on fire if the shed fire wasn’t extinguished. She ran to help as Tyler pulled out an extra thick hose and began to shoot water at the fire. In the distance she could hear the fire alarms blaring, and then Matt was next to her.

  “Go back inside the house. I want you safe.”

  “Let me help. What can I do?”

  “Get in the house now!” Matt ordered and she immediately did as she was told. She was shaking with fear and concerned for both men as they fought the blaze with what looked like a hose that didn’t have enough power. She glanced toward the side of the house and saw another hose. It was a regular garden hose, but maybe it would be enough to assist them. She debated about disobeying Matt. He ordered her to stay out of harm’s way. How mad would he be if she helped them? Just then, the roar of fire trucks approached and help had arrived. In a matter of minutes the shed was extinguished and the garage was barely damaged by the blaze.

  She waited by the side door for Matt or Tyler, but they were caught up in talking with the firefighters. Thank God they put it out. She wondered what had caused it.

  * * * *

  Matt stood next to Tyler.

  “Where is she?” Tyler asked, filled with concern.

  Matt pointed toward the house and Tyler immediately saw Paula standing there with her arms wrapped around herself. She was scared. He immediately felt relieved at seeing her and wanted to go to her now and console her, but he was pissed off about the fire.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” the fire chief asked as he spoke with Matt and Tyler.

  “I don’t know. Thank God Paula was looking through the window in the kitchen and saw smoke. This could have been worse,” Matt stated.

  Tyler glanced around as the last bit of smoky debris was extinguished by firefighters.

  “Hey, Chief, we got something over here. Tyler, you’re going to want to see this,” one of the firefighters stated.

  They walked over and immediately Tyler saw what the firefighter had seen.

  “Looks like this was started on purpose,” the fire chief stated as they looked at the melted container of gasoline and remnants of a trail of accelerant across the gravel in the direction of the woods. “It doesn’t take an arson investigator to see this. What the fuck is going on around this town, Tyler?” the fire chief asked.

  Tyler looked at Matt and wondered if his brother was thinking what he was.

  “I’d better grab my gear and record this. It’s a crime scene, that’s for sure. Let the others know and leave everything as is for now,” Tyler stated as he headed toward the garage. Matt followed him.

  He knew his brother would. This was crazy.

  Matt grabbed Tyler’s shoulder.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Tyler took his work bag out of the truck and placed it on the ground. He looked at Matt. “I think the asshole who’s been setting fires around town thinks I’m getting closer to identifying him.”

  Matt ran his hands through his hair.

  “Oh fuck, Tyler. Shit, this isn’t good. We need to catch this guy.”

  “That’s my intention. Go take care of Paula and make sure she’s okay. She looked really scared.”

  Matt nodded his head then turned to leave.

  “Matt, tell her good-bye for me.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter 9

  Paula was still recovering from the scare and the fire on Matt and Tyler’s property, never mind the occurrences that happened prior to that in their living room. They had started quite an inferno inside of her, and all the pep talks about being cautious and taking things slow were tossed out the window. The fact that Paula had a stalker, as BJ and Monte put it, made her feel on edge most of the night. Every time some guy winked or tried to flirt with her, she thought of them as a potential suspect. It put her in a crappy mood, and as a group of young cowboys closer to her own age started flirting with her as she passed by, she found herself stepping back in a manner that told all she was as skittish as a newborn colt. They, of course, tried to get her to come over toward their table to sit down, but she refused.

  “Come on, darling, one drink is all we’re asking for. We’ve been watching you for quite some time. You don’t have a boyfriend,” one stated. He was pretty husky.

  “How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?” she asked with her hands on her hips as she tried to act tough. Meanwhile, she felt like throwing up she was so damn nervous. The emotions came from fear of having a stalker and concern over following Matt and Tyler’s rules. No men, only them. She was their woman.

  “If you did, then he’d be an asshole for letting you outta his sights,” one of the other cowboys stated, and she shook her head.

  “I have to work, but y’all have a good time and don’t get too rowdy now.” She turned to walk away. She felt the hitch in her throat and the uneasy feeling in her belly. Her stalker had warned her from other men, and the two new men in her life had warned her from other men, too. She glanced around feeling her mood grow sour until she saw Matt and Tyler sitting at a table near the back corner. She almost missed them, and instantly her pussy clenched with anticipation of their touch. She had taken the time to shave her pussy bare at their request. Or was it really at their demand? Either way, it turned her on and made her so aroused she had touched herself. That had been a first for her, even with the years of abstinence.

  Matt had his arms crossed in front of his chest, and Tyler sat to the side of him with his hands on his lap. He looked angry, and then she saw the redhead and two brunettes approach them, and she froze in place. Neither man took their eyes off of her, and she stood in the middle of the room staring at them. Matt and Tyler looked really good. Both wore button-down shirts. Matt’s was dark blue, and Tyler’s was white. They were so handsome she felt her belly muscles tighten just thinking about what they did to her at their place. They hadn’t even had sex yet, and they made her come multiple times. Her pussy cle
nched from her thoughts, but then she observed the women sliding in to make a move on her men. Did she go intervene? Was that acceptable behavior on her part? Would they be angry and perhaps spank her later for bad behavior? She felt her cheeks warm, and that fuzzy aroused sensation filled her to her core. Oh yeah, she might want to be naughty on purpose, just to feel their big, strong, rough hands against her smooth ass cheek.

  Oh God, I have it really bad.

  She swallowed hard, suddenly having the urge to drink something whenever she looked at them. From where she stood, she could tell that the women were trying to converse with Tyler and Matt, but neither man looked at the women. Matt and Tyler stared at her, holding her gaze, and she wondered if they had watched her as she contemplated what to do next. She didn’t know how to react to the women flirting with them. She was instantly jealous and felt ready for a fight. That wasn’t her. She tended to mind her business most of the time, but right now she saw red. Would Matt and Tyler flirt with the women? They didn’t say that they were exclusively hers, did they? Finally, the women turned to see what had the guy’s attention, and they stared at her giving her the once-over. She shyly turned away. That was when she looked at two very rugged, handsome young cowboys who tipped their hats at her and asked her if she wanted to dance. She shook her head and said thank you, but they continued to look her over, making her feel like her choice of outfit was too sexy and she was somehow to blame for getting their attention. Her throat closed up. She thought about the flair skirt and matching camisole. It wasn’t too revealing, and it got pretty damn hot in there during the night. A feeling of intimidation, uncertainty, and fear gripped her insides. She turned toward Matt and Tyler, subconsciously reaching out to them for something.

  She saw Tyler’s facial expression change as one of the cowboys touched her chin. She stepped back and moved around them to look at Tyler and Matt again. She caught Tyler’s hand raise. He pointed at her then curled his finger and gestured for her to come to them.

  She took a deep breath but couldn’t help but glance around the room. Somewhere in Dixie Chix was her stalker. The chills ran up her spine as she slowly made her way toward him.

  “Hi,” she whispered, and he gave her a sideways glance.

  “Come here,” he told her, and she did. She walked closer to him, standing against his chair, leaning into his thigh as he placed his palm against her cheek.

  “What were you doing over there?”

  She knew he meant the cowboys who were flirting. “I wasn’t doing anything,” she replied with a bit of attitude. She really was in a foul mood and she felt uptight. How could she explain this to Tyler and Matt? They already had this influence over her. She hadn’t even had sex with them yet, and they made her feel this way. Hadn’t she made a similar mistake with Sal? Plus, in the back of her mind she worried about the stalker’s words.

  She felt Tyler’s hand against her hip then his palm moved to her lower back, almost to her ass.

  “Look at me.”

  She turned toward him and expected to continue answering his questions about the cowboys, but she didn’t want to talk about them. She was scared, and all she really wanted was to be held in his arms and in Matt’s arms, but if she admitted that, then she showed weakness. Weakness made her vulnerable, and she was already vulnerable and weak when it came to them. She felt his hand press harder, making her move closer to him. Because he sat on a high stool, she was only a couple of inches away from his shoulder.

  “What’s wrong? Something is bothering you,” Tyler stated, and then Matt moved his chair closer.

  Matt said her name and she glanced at him. Then she tried looking around the area as if she might actually see the man who wrote the letters. Her stalker? God, I don’t like this. She felt herself shiver and Tyler’s grip tightened.

  “Baby, you’re shaking. You’re not scared of us, are you?”

  She shook her head.

  “What’s wrong? Talk to us,” Matt insisted then got up from his stool and walked around the table so that he could place his hands on her shoulders.

  Tyler held her gaze.

  “I’m in a bad mood.”


  “Because I don’t like feeling this way and I’m frustrated and angry and mostly I’m scared.” She took a deep breath and tried to straighten her shoulders.

  Matt pressed his body against her back, and she leaned against him. Tyler cupped her cheek in his hand, and she pressed her lips against it.

  “It’s nearly midnight. When can you leave?” Tyler asked her.

  “In a little while. I’ve got all my stuff done for tomorrow night.”

  “Get someone to cover for you. We’ll follow you over to your place. You can grab some clothes. Tell Susanna and your friends that you’re staying over at our place.”

  “What? I can’t do that. I’m not ready for that, Tyler.”

  “You’re ready. Now go tell Susanna and we can leave.”

  “Unless you’d like us to check to see if you took care of your first assignment right here.”

  She felt her cheeks warm. They wouldn’t dare check to see that she shaved for them. Would they?

  Tyler raised his eyebrow at her, and she knew he would. The man probably had no qualms about having sex in a public place. She lowered her eyes. “I’m not ready for this.”

  “Paula.” Tyler said her name firmly as he pulled her between his thighs. She felt Matt place his hand on her right hip then take her left hand and hold it by her side. He wasn’t really restraining her, but she felt that touch of masculine control they both emitted, and she was aroused by it.

  She took a deep breath as Tyler pressed his thigh between hers, separating them.

  He is going to check. Holy shit, right here right now.

  In a panic she looked around them, and no one seemed to be paying attention to them. In fact, this was one of the darker corners of the room, and even she hadn’t known they were there for a long time.

  His large, warm hand smoothed under her skirt and against her thigh. She looked at him. His hazel eyes sparkled with something erotic and dark. This was a different man in front of her. He was in control, and he knew it, and he definitely liked it. This type of control and power turned him and his brother on, and damn it, it turned her on, too.

  “I hope you’ve been a good girl and did what you were told.”

  His finger brushed gently over her thin panties.

  “Or Matt will have to throw you over his lap and spank that naughty, round ass of yours.”

  “Oh God,” she whispered, and Matt squeezed her wrist tighter then gently kissed her neck and whispered next to her ear, “Be silent, baby, or you’ll draw attention to yourself. We don’t mind putting on a show, but you might.”

  She tightened up and glanced around again.

  “Quit moving and spread you thighs apart a little,” Tyler told her, and when she did, she instantly felt his fingers push aside her panties and touch her clit.

  She pressed her back against Matt. She was going to come. They had her strung so tight right now from their tactics that she was losing it. Her nipples hardened, her belly ached and quivered, her pussy swelled, and she desperately wanted their touch. She needed it, oh God, she needed his fingers up inside of her. She felt her breathing grow rapid the more his fingers teased her clit, and he used his thumb to check her bare mound.

  “Please, Tyler.” She moaned and he pressed his thick digit up between her slick folds and gave her what she needed. She closed her eyes.

  “Bend over as if you’re whispering in my ear. Place your hand on my shoulder for support,” Tyler ordered, and she immediately did as he told her. She needed their guidance. She needed for them to direct her and show her how to do this and handle them. Now she was even more aroused because Matt’s crotch pressed against her ass, and she felt his thick, long shaft. She leaned against Tyler, gripping his shoulder, and she kissed his cheek then whispered into his ear.

  “Please help me, T
yler. I’m going to come.”

  “Not yet, baby.” He continued to stroke her pussy. She wanted to move her hips to press down harder. Just a little bit more and she would be right there.

  “You’re torturing me.” She felt Matt pull her hand back behind her, and he placed it against his cock.

  “Come,” Tyler ordered as he shoved his fingers up into her, knuckles deep, then pressed his thumb against some special spot that sent her skyrocketing into an orgasm.

  Matt quickly pulled her back against him as she tried desperately to calm her breathing.

  Tyler placed his hands on her hips and smiled at her.

  “Such a good girl. I’m proud of you, Paula. I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

  Matt wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

  “This doesn’t seem fair. You touch me like this and make me orgasm like never before and you two seem so calm and collected.” She knew she sounded like she was pouting, but when did these men ever lose control? What made them feel like she felt when they controlled her like this and make her so aroused she’d let them toss her onto the table and fuck her just so she could find relief?

  Matt thrust his crotch against her ass, and she felt how hard and thick he was.

  “You think I’m calm, baby? Do you feel how fucking hard you got my cock? It’s taking all the control I can muster not to lift you up, toss you onto this fucking table, and sink my cock into your wet pussy. Now don’t piss me off. You go get your stuff and tell your friends that you’re leaving.” Matt pulled from her, turned her around, and directed her toward the back room, but not before spanking her on her ass.

  After a quick, shocked glance at him and Tyler, she knew she was in trouble when they got to their place. As she walked, she knew that people saw his public display of ownership. The smack to her ass aroused her, and as that sank in, she realized that although technically he hit her, it wasn’t out of anger. It wasn’t to cause pain, like what she had been used to. Instead, it was to keep her on the edge of what would be another heavy state of arousal that only they had the power and ability to do. This was what Tyler was talking about. Could she really give complete trust over to them, or would she always have that fear in the back of her mind about Sal and what he had done to her?


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