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The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas 2: Double Inferno (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Not looking like an accident, Sheriff. I don’t like this one bit.”

  The sheriff let out and annoyed sigh.

  “What the fuck is going on in this town? We’ve got this asshole after Paula, and now an arsonist setting fires.”

  Tyler felt the worry in his gut. He thought about Paula but knew that Matt was with her and the security system was still on.

  “I know, Sheriff. It’s fucking crazy. I’m waiting on some information on those two bodies found in the hotel. My investigation thus far indicates that the fire started in that room.”

  “What about the body found here? You know that’s Carla Simpson’s trailer?” the sheriff asked, and Tyler nodded his head. She was a nice woman but a bit on the wild side.

  “Do you think there’s a connection?”

  “I’m adding up the dots and coming up with a pattern, but connecting them and being sure is difficult at this stage. My gut says it’s the same person setting these fires. If you look at the history of fire calls over the past five years in Delite, you’d see they were few and far between, and none got so bad that buildings were destroyed or people killed. In all four cases, an accelerant was used.”

  “Is it the same accelerant?”

  Tyler nodded his head.

  “Is the accelerant accessible?”

  “The lab results from the samples I took from each fire show turpentine.” Tyler carefully placed the top on the vial of a sample he’d just taken. He showed the sheriff. “If this comes up as turpentine, then we have another connection. I’m going to call the ME’s office and see what they have on the other two victims.”

  “Well, the coroner’s office van just pulled up about five minutes ago. They’re taking care of the body in there now.”

  “Did your team case the area and talk with any potential witnesses?” Tyler asked the sheriff.

  “They’re still interviewing people. Mrs. Smelter said she heard Carla pull up in her car a couple of hours ago, and she heard two doors close.”

  Tyler looked at the sheriff, surprised at the info.

  “You think she was with our arsonist?”

  “A good possibility. We’re towing in her car so it can be checked for fingerprints.”

  “Great. Maybe we’ll get lucky and catch the one responsible.”

  “I’ll be happier when both these guys are caught and we can rest easily at night. How is Paula doing?”

  Tyler released a sigh.

  “She was tossing and turning a lot in her sleep. Matt’s with her now.”

  “I’m glad she has you two. Susanna and the women are worried. Monte’s staying there until he can get his team together to do some security work on their house.”

  “Good. I know our relationship just started with Paula, but she means a lot to Matt and me. We’d do anything for her.”

  “I know what you mean. Monte and I care a lot about Susanna, and the fact that she was nearly killed by that asshole who hurt her years ago was the scariest thing we ever went through. I worry about all those women, and it’s our job to protect them.”

  Tyler couldn’t help but wonder if the sheriff was giving him a friendly warning.

  He looked him in the eye. They were the exact same height, similar builds, and ex-military.

  “We’re going to take good care of her and we’ll help you and Monte watch over the others.”

  The sheriff nodded his head, and then Tyler’s phone rang.

  * * * *

  They met inside of the sheriff’s department. It was Tyler, Sheriff Parker, Detective Louis, Deputies Vic and Tommy Ollsen and some members of the forensics team.

  “Okay, it’s official. I called you all here because it appears we definitely have a serial arsonist on our hands,” Tyler explained as a series of comments went through the room.

  “From my findings at the crime scenes and the tests conducted by the lab, it appears that our arsonist has been using turpentine as an accelerant to start these fires as well as destroy evidence,” Tyler stated.

  “Evidence of what? I mean, is he starting these fires to get off or is he hiding something?” Deputy Tommy Ollsen asked.

  “He’s hiding his murder victims.” As soon as he said the words, the room exploded with questions.

  “Okay, okay, everyone just calm down and let me explain what I have so far. Then Detective Louis will explain what he needs and where this investigation is headed. The medical examiner has conducted an autopsy on the bodies found at the previous fire in the hotel. Those two women were dead before the fire. They sustained numerous stab wounds to their chests and abdomens. The bodies were very badly charred. However, he was able to determine cause of death by the gashes to the flesh and breaking of ribs.”

  “Holy crap,” Deputy Vic stated.

  “I’ll let Detective Louis explain further and what we’re to do from here.” Tyler sat down and listened to the conversation and tried to answer any questions he could. It was 10:00 a.m. by the time they ended the meeting and the sheriff and Detective Louis discussed forming an investigative team. They had a large department and the resources needed to handle this case. But Tyler’s mind kept racing back to Paula. He missed her. He missed holding her in her arms, and he missed the sounds she made when she was fully aroused and ready to explode. He hoped that Detective Louis and his team came up with some useful leads. Or maybe Monte would be successful in finding some clues. Either way, he needed to get back to Paula. Holding her and having her close to his heart and in his arms would bring him peace.

  He was heading out of the precinct along with the sheriff when Tyler noticed the envelope on the windshield of his truck.

  “What the fuck?” he asked as the sheriff followed his line of sight then grabbed his arm to stop him.

  “Don’t go any closer. I don’t trust this fucking guy. He knows you’re with Paula now, and he’s pissed. That’s obvious from his previous threats in the letters.”

  “Let’s see what the asshole left me.”

  “Wait. Walk slowly.”

  The sheriff made Tyler nervous, but right about now Tyler’s anger was ruling any other thoughts he might have.

  He touched the envelope and looked around. He’d parked next to the sheriff’s truck near a set of trees. He opened the envelope and pulled out pictures and a note.





  Tyler passed the letter to the sheriff as he looked at the pictures. They were photographs taken of him and Matt at the club talking with two women they knew and had casual relationships with. Their names were Carole and Marla.

  He felt his gut clench.

  “You have to call them and make sure that they’re safe,” Tyler stated.

  The sheriff pulled out his cell phone and called into the precinct to ask them to contact Carole and also Marla.

  “Send a patrol car to each location.”

  “These past lovers of yours and your brother’s?” the sheriff asked him.

  “We played together a few times over a year ago. Nothing serious and no strings attached. Marla and Carole are free spirits.” Tyler ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Hopefully Marla and Carole are okay,” the sheriff stated.

  Just then the sound of the fire alarms in the distance blared into action. Tyler looked at BJ.

  “Fuck!” Tyler opened the truck door to reach for the radio to find out about the fire call. There on the seat were pictures of women tied to beds, blood covering their bodies. He recognized their faces despite the bruises and cuts. They were the victims found in the past few fires. Then he came to the last picture. It was of Paula. She was completely naked and standing in her bedroom. In that moment it hit him. They were all local women.

  The serial arsonist was also the person stalking Paula.

  * * * *

  Marla’s boyfriend Felix hugged Marla as she sat on her sofa,
talking with the sheriff and Detective Louis.

  “So this guy sent you some letters stating that he was interested in you?” the detective asked.

  “Yes, multiple times until I started dating Felix. No one ever approached me, and it was more recently. Suddenly, about two months ago, the letters just stopped. I figured this guy found someone else to bother,” Marla stated.

  Immediately, Tyler knew that it was Paula. He felt his phone vibrate and he got an update of the earlier fire call. It was a barbeque fire and easily put out by one truck. He sighed but felt incredibly uneasy. He wanted to get to Paula and Matt, but he also worried about Marla and Carole. Carole was sitting on the other couch just staring at them.

  “And the same with you, Carole?” Detective Louis asked.

  She nodded her head.

  They talked to them some more but really didn’t get any possible leads or indication of who this guy could be. Tyler left the house and headed home. He was exhausted, and he wondered how he would tell Matt and Paula about the envelope and the update in the case. Their serial arsonist and killer was the same man stalking Paula. Tyler clenched his teeth as he gripped the steering wheel and headed home.

  Chapter 12

  “Do you always stay in bed so late?” Matt asked Paula as she snuggled deeper into the pillow.

  She sighed and nodded her head but kept her eyes closed.

  He ran the palm of his hand along her thigh to her hip then over toward her ass. Leaning forward, he licked her belly and she shivered.

  “What time do you usually wake up?” He kissed along her belly then hip bone where his arms rested.

  “Whenever I want to or when something wakes me.” She gave a small smile but kept her eyes closed.

  He nibbled on her hip bone and she giggled.

  “That type of wake-up call?” he asked then rolled her to her back.


  But then he moved between her legs and spread her thighs by caressing her. She was naked and fully awake now with her large breasts showing and her nipples hard and aroused.

  He stared down at her, caressing her thighs to her hips, and she reached for his hands.

  “Oh no, you don’t. Place your hands above your head,” he ordered, and she complied. “So obedient. You haven’t made one mistake yet to cause us to punish you.”

  He caressed further up her body, cupping her breasts then using his thumbs to play with her taut nipples. She inhaled then exhaled, holding his gaze.

  “You sound disappointed.”

  “Oh, I guess I am a little bit. I love your ass, and it would give me pleasure to spank you when you’re naughty.”

  She gasped and he held her hips firmly.

  “You will like it, Paula. It’s very arousing.” He trailed his fingers down her belly to her pussy. He used his finger to spread her folds, noting how aroused and wet she already was. “Did you come without my order?” he teased and she shook her head.

  “Oh, then someone is very horny this morning.”

  She blushed, and his cock reacted as it tapped against her thigh.

  “Is there something of mine that you want this morning?”


  “Tell me what you want, Paula.”

  She lowered her eyes to his cock but wouldn’t say the words. He knew she wasn’t used to talking dirty, and that fact turned him on entirely too much. He wanted to see her squirm then get her to say the words she needed to say.


  “You. I want you.”

  He chuckled. “I want you, too, baby, but that’s not what I mean and you know it. Can’t you say it?”

  She shook her head.

  “Why not?” he asked as he pressed his finger up into her pussy.

  “Please don’t tease me, Matt. I just can’t say it.”

  “Oh, but I enjoy teasing you and seeing that sweet shade of pink cover your chest and your cheeks. You’re just so sweet and adorable.”

  She sighed and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Watch it, darling. Don’t push your luck with me. I may have more patience than Tyler, but I can be quite demanding.”

  “Like now?” she retorted, and he pinched her clitoris.


  “That’s right. Now what if I told you that seeing your pussy makes my dick so fucking hard that all I can think about is sinking it into your wet pussy and fucking you long and hard?”

  She opened her mouth and gasped. He waited for her answer.

  “Yes, take me.”

  He smiled. “Now you try it. Tell me what you want and I promise to give it to you.”

  He continued to press his finger up into her pussy as he used his other hand to pinch her nipple. He rolled it between his fingers and she moaned.

  “Please, Matt, I need so badly. I want your cock in my pussy, hard.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth as he pulled his fingers from her pussy.

  “And that’s exactly what you’re about to get.”

  He reached toward the table for a condom and pulled it on.

  “Keep those hands up there.” She nodded and he massaged her thighs as he pressed the tip of his cock to her very wet folds.

  “Ready, baby?” he asked. As she nodded, he pressed into her deeply, all the way without pausing, causing her to gasp and lower her hands.

  He stopped and she immediately reached back up and this time held the pillow.

  “That’s one spanking for disobeying.” He began to stroke her pussy over and over again with his cock. He was totally aroused, and she looked like a goddess lying before him.

  “So fucking sexy. You feel so good, baby.”

  “Oh, I love the way you feel inside of me. I need more, Matt.”

  She begged and he increased his speed until he could hardly control his own needs. Over and over again he thrust into her, rocking the bed and eliciting moans and finally a scream as he ordered Paula to come.

  “Oh, Matt!” she screamed as he pounded into her three more times before bursting inside of her.

  * * * *

  It was noontime when Matt took a shower then headed downstairs to make him and Paula something to eat. He was starving, and she was, too. She was slowly getting out of bed and about to enter the bathroom when the bedroom door opened and Tyler stood there.

  She immediately smelled the scent of burnt wood and he looked tired.

  “Hey.” She quickly grabbed the throw blanket on the bottom of the bed and covered herself. He scowled at her.

  “Take it off,” he demanded, and man, did he seem really upset.

  “Get over here. Is that any way to greet me?”

  She walked over to him, minus the blanket, and she felt nervous inside.

  “Kiss me.”

  She reached up and tried to reach his lips but she was too short. Suddenly, she was in his arms and her legs were wrapped around his waist.

  He covered her mouth and kissed her deeply as her nostrils filled with smoke and burnt wood. He carried her into the bathroom and as he released her lips, he slowly lowered her feet to the tile floor.

  “Undress me.”

  She reached for his shirt and helped him remove it. She pressed her hands against his muscular chest and then leaned forward to kiss his skin.

  “Pants.” He interrupted her pleasure in kissing him. He liked being in charge, but when would she get to savor in enjoying his body?

  She undid the button and lowered his pants to the floor. He kicked off his boxers then walked her backward toward the shower. When he didn’t move to turn on the water, she did it for them. She stared up into his eyes. He looked so tired and upset. Something was really bothering him.

  “Tyler, what’s wrong?” He shook his head and stepped into the large shower, reaching a hand out to her, so she joined him under the hot spray of water.

  “Wash me.”

  She reached for the soap and began to lather it up in her hands. She was shaking. She’d never showered wit
h a man before or washed him. She would get the chance to touch every part of him, and some more than others. She began to run her hands along his chest then upper arms. She reached around and caressed his back then brought the soap around to lather it better. She reached for his cock and began to wash it thoroughly. He closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure. This made her so very happy. Then he stepped under the water and cleaned off the soap. A moment later he lifted her up and spread her to his liking.

  “Are you on birth control?”


  “We need to do something about that. I want you when I want you and I don’t want to worry about condoms. You belong to me now, and this is my pussy.” He pressed his cock into her pussy. She gripped his shoulders as he began a series of slow, deep thrusts into her. Her breasts rocked against his chest, and he increased his speed. She could see the veins by the side of his head pulsating. He wanted to go harder faster but was holding back. Was that for her? He needed this. She felt it with her entire being, and she would do anything for him and Matt.

  “Harder, Tyler. I need you to fuck me.”

  His eyes opened wide at her words, and at first he seemed angry, but then he gripped her hips and he thrust against her, stroking her pussy with his cock so deeply and quickly that she was losing her breath with every stroke.

  “Fuck, Paula. Come with me, baby. Come with me now!” he yelled against her shoulder then shoved her hard against the wall. He pulled out and squeezed her tight. She exploded with him then held him against her, his face wedged snuggly against her neck. She could feel him breathing heavily, and her legs were shaking against his sides.

  “So fucking sweet. You’re mine, baby, forever.”

  His words hit her hard, and she felt panicky and ready to cry. Did he mean it or were they just words said in the heat of passion?

  As he lowered her feet gently to the tile floor, he reached for a bottle and began to wash her hair with the shampoo and tenderly care for her. When he was finished, she washed him and then they rinsed and exited the shower together. He covered her with a towel first and then himself.


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