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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

Page 6

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  Coura seemed to be doing well considering all that had passed. Her powers did not come back as sometimes did with the gifted thanks to the binding spell Keric placed on her. Looking forward to the future Keric knew that when Coura’s powers did come the good would come with the bad. One day the Evil that was in this world would fall upon her and try to destroy the very good that he held so sacred within her.

  The evil came in the form of Elders, from both the Vampires, and the Werewolf clans. They knew of the Prophecy and of the girl that would one day come to fulfill it. They knew that within her bore the key to uniting both races creating a new species that would have the powers to unite the humans and the children of the night together; thus, making the veil of secrecy of our kind nonexistent. With the unknown comes fear, and the ancients of both species feared what the humans could do if they knew they existed.

  Humans had the ability to kill millions of their own species with just a flip of a button. With that kind of technical ability oblivion would surely come to pass, if given the opportunity. Both clans Vampires’ and Werewolves came together to form a treaty. It is said that they agreed to form a treaty to work together to follow any signs of the girl in the Prophecy and report it to the elders so they could stop it from coming true; it was their only hope to succeed. They agreed to stop fighting amongst themselves and band together to fight against anyone who would have a hand in the Prophecy being fulfilled.

  Chapter 3

  Staring into the dark abyss of his eyes she wondered if this was really it. The culmination of her life in one race way of thought churning around the insides of her subconscious. The chill of the night was surrounding her; skin crawling with the fear and anticipation of what was to come next. Surely, this was it. The end of her young life and the genesis of a new beginning. She was ready. His fangs started to distend and come down to her neck. A woman's shrill scream rang through her ear drums. The mystic fog that was surrounding her seemed to dissipate. The spell was broken. She heard a whisper in a subtle low growl, “another time then my love, another time.”

  Coura awoke from her dream sitting straight up in her bed. Her eighteen inches of auburn curls dripping in a hot chill of sweat, glistening under the moonlight as her large coffee color eyes darted from wall to wall. Her body was shaking and still felt unsettled she glanced around the room. But no one was there. Did I scream? She thought to herself. She looked from the old sealed wood window to the creaky floorboard in front of the bed, but no one was there. The wind rustled in the trees outside slowly banging on the window in soft drums. And in the distance, she swore she heard a voice whisper… “I will come to you my love and you will be mine.” Goosebumps went down her arm.

  In a jump she flew from the bed. Dear God, she thought, he’s coming for me! I can hear him outside my door. OH crap! Ooh crap! Do I scream? Would anyone hear me? Maybe it’s Richard. Is he even home?” Coura heard someone racing towards her room. Hard stomping, footsteps fell, announcing that someone was in fact racing toward her room. Oh, thank you God its Richard, she thought as he banged into her room. “What’s going on!!!!!?” Her father shouted. The door slammed into the already delicate and aged wood panel wall, cracking yet another small hole into the wall behind it.

  Sitting there on the floor appearing to be cowering in fear, hands over her petite body, her head looking up with big owl eyes quivering in fear. The door had slammed open so fast she couldn’t register what her father was saying. Richard stood there in the doorway looking desperate and confused. “Are you ok? Coura? What happened? I thought I heard screaming coming from here. You didn’t see that Steve Matheson guy, did you?”

  “No!!! Dad, it’s not…he’s not. I promise... I haven’t seen him since we left San Diego. The he, Richard was talking about was Coura’s x-boyfriend from California Steve Matheson. A jerk that she remembered had become too obsessed with her and tried to force her on her senior prom night in the parking at the Point, a local hang out for kids. Coura had one good friend when she lived with her mom, a boy named Dante and she missed him.

  Steve had been Dante’s friend for a long time and had eventually fallen for Coura. He asked Dante to set them up on a date, and he did. Coura found Steve attractive. Who wouldn’t? He was five nine, a football player, and every girls high school fantasy. Coura couldn’t believe that he had found interest in her. She was far from popular; she spent most of her time alone and between classes sitting in the hallways at lunch reading books, her only friend was Dante. Then Steve came along, and everything changed.

  Coura thought that he was a nice guy and didn’t mind saying yes when he asked her to prom. Coura had gotten very dressed up which was a rare occasion, jumping a little out of her normal comfort zone. Steve had picked her up and took her to the prom. They had a nice night, he was kind and polite, and did all the right things. She had a lot of fun. When the night had ended Coura got into the car with Steve ready to head home.

  Steve kissed Coura, and one thing led to another and they got into the back seat. They kissed and he groped, but when he tried to go further with her, she told him he needed to stop. He wouldn’t listen to her, and pulled up her dress anyway, becoming more violent, he slapped her when she screamed for help, she tried to push him off, but he just ripped her dress even more trying to get between its folds.

  It was terrible, but Coura knew that it would soon be over as a giant hand came into the car window and pulled Steven off her. She rushed out of the car as Steve got his face pounded in by Dante. Dante had seen what Steve was trying to do to Coura when he and his date were going to his car. Dante acted immediately. He felt so mad; that anyone would try to hurt Coura, and even angrier that it was someone Dante himself had set up for her had turned out to be complete scum.

  If Richard would have been there, he would have broken Steve’s face given the opportunity. It was funny really, because Richard got to punch him thoroughly later. Fortunately, her best friend Dante had the pleasure. So, minus a ripped dress and being completely startled, and emotionally scarred; she made it from the incident somewhat unscathed, until the news of her mother’s death came to her in the hospital where she was at.

  Then a few weeks after the funeral she called her dad crying on the phone, telling him everything that had happened. He promised that he would be there and apologized for not making it to the funeral he got the message from Marshall a day after. Coura figured she might as well settle in until he got there.

  Coura’s memory flashed her a few days after she got home from the hospital. Marshall had already left, and she didn’t want to spend her day with Barbie, her step monster from hell, so she went on a walk to the community park. She was walking to her favorite old Oak tree to sit beneath it she had her favorite Poe collection. She was currently reading "The Cask of Amontillado" when she ran into someone. She had been so absorbed in her book she hadn’t been paying any attention to where she was going. She looked up apologizing and became startled when she realized who she had run into. It was the last person she had expected to be free out and about in town, it was Steve Matheson and he had the most devilish grin on his smug face.

  Steve had healed a lot, but he still looked a little yellow from where the bruises were fading. “What a coincidence having you run into me here. I heard you tried to have me arrested for attempted rape. You do know that was not smart Coura, considering who my father is, the assistant to the D.A.” Coura gulped shielding her upper body with her arms crossed over her book. He circled around her and Coura backed into the old Oak tree.

  “Listen, Steve I don’t want any more trouble. Can’t we just let bygones be bygones? I mean we’re both practically almost adults. I promise I won’t try to press any charges, just let me be ok?” Coura asked. She was back completely pressed against the tree. She was shaking, as he grabbed her jaw with his hands and raised her face to investigate his. “I always get what I want Coura, you’re going to learn that about me.” He bent down to her and forcibly kissed her he put a hand around her
neck and held her making her cry out and open her mouth as he forced his tongue into her mouth. She dropped the book and pressed her hands against his chest. When she couldn’t get him to budge, she kneed him in the nuts, and he cried out for a second and cowered beneath her.

  “God that really turns me on Coura, how did you know I like it rough?” Steve adjusted himself through the material of his khaki colored pants. Standing up quickly, Coura had her hands up ready to punch him if need be. He came at her again, and she punched him with a right upper hook to the nose. His head flung back, and it started to bleed. Wiping the blood from his nose, he came at Coura again wrapping his hands around her neck trying to choke her. “I think I might change my mind if I was you, because If I can’t have you no one can.” Coura was gasping for breath, she saw her dad running towards them from behind Steve. Oh, thank heavens she thought. She got a surge of energy at the sight of her dad and kicked Steve in the shins he immediately released her neck gasping for air.

  Her Dad Richard ran up wearing wrangler jeans, work boots and a polo tee and he was ready to kick some serious tushie. Richard got to Coura first making sure she was alright; she was gasping for air trying to refill her lungs with the delicious nectar of air. At which time Steve got to feet and charged Richard, instinctively he reacted. Being a veteran of the military, he was skilled in hand to hand combat. With two precise moves Steve was on the floor and Richard had got some worthy punches in.

  A blond mother in a jogging suite, and matching stroller witnessed the incident and flagged the officer on the horse who was talking to someone a distance away. When the officer arrived, Steve was on the ground with his hands behind his back and Richard restraining him. The women explained what she saw to the officer, then Richard, and Coura. There were purple marks all along Coura’s neck where Steve’s hands had been. The officer figured out what had happened quickly and even with his “father the D.A. assistant” there was no way he was getting out of this situation so easily especially when the officer heard about the attempted rape over the talkie from dispatch. Steve was arrested whilst Coura, Richard, and the witness Judy Simons had to go to the police station to fill out witness testimony and charges forms, Steve finally got what was coming to him.

  Richard Stayed in town until the hearing at which time a Judge sentenced him to a year in a military juvenile encampment in Dallas, Texas; followed by another 4 years in Federal prison back in California, with no chance of parole. Coura and Richard hugged each other as the court was released glad that justice had been served.

  After they left The Superior Court of San Diego, they headed back to Oceanside to Coura’s stepfathers Marshall’s Estate. Barbie was home, she was sitting on the couch watching Days of Our Lives as they came in. Coura walked on into the living room, while Richard waiting in the foyer for Coura to announce his presence to Barbie. “And where the hell have you been young lady?” snapped Barbie. Not actually looking for an answer just an opportunity to give Coura hell. Coura was positive she was going to start her normal put down and name calling session calling her a little slut and reminding her in so many words just how unloved she really was. But Barbie’s words were cut off before they even came out, seeing Richard standing in the foyer.

  Her face transformed from a scowling hag into a Cheshire cat. She stood and offered her hand out to shake Richards which he did not bother to even acknowledge, and she quickly pulled her hand back. “And who is this Coura?” Barbie purred. Richard answered for her. “I’m her dad,” he said shortly, “now move out of the way she has a lot of packing to do.” Richard returned to the foyer and grabbed the flat boxes and masking tape. when he returned Barbie looked him over, obviously seeing something she liked. “Well my home is your home,” she careened at him attempting to take a box. “I got it, just stay out of the way and we’ll be gone in no time.” Richard and Coura headed up the stairs, Richard with the boxes. Barbie yelled up the stairs after Richard, “My names Barbie by the way.”

  When Barbie heard the door slam, it ticked her off and she headed up the stairs. When Richard and Coura heard the heavy sounds of clicking heels, come up the marble staircase they knew that their time there would be short. Barbie burst into the room as Coura was putting together her first box. Barbie was there cell phone in hand. “Now you listen here Mr. Du Boise,” she said with her annoyingly nasal voice. “I just got off the phone with Marshall, and he said she can take her clothes and personal belongings but everything else stays,” she said arrogantly. That was the last straw for Coura she threw the box down that she was packing. Barbie had been yapping, and Coura turned on her angrily. “Oh, fuck you! Barbie, you didn’t talk to Marshall, he is in Iran you lying skank!”

  Richard chastised Coura for using foul language. “Now Coura I don’t care how old you are, you should not curse, it is not becoming of a proper young lady.” Forgetting to mention the disrespect to Barbie, she cleared her throat. “And as for what you said to Barbie, while it may be true what you said about this, err…woman, you should not stoop to such levels it’s beneath you.” Then Richard turned to Barbie, “And you, Coura doesn’t need this fancy house or this furniture, all she wants is her clothes and her personal stuff.” Barbie was tapping her shoe impatiently at Richard, twirling her fake bleached hair around her fake nail, chomping on a piece of bubble gum. “And you know what else? If you don’t get out of here and let us pack and quit stomping that ridiculously large foot at me, I might be tempted to shove your size twelve foot into your already large ass!”

  Barbie barked off at Richard, “You can’t threaten me! This is my house now, she showed him the five-carat diamond for emphasis. But she backed out of the room, nonetheless. Richard slammed the door in her face and locked the door. Barbie was beating on the door, brave now that there was something between them. She was threatening to call the M.P. cops. “Jeez, Richard said wiping his eyebrow, that women, well if she really is one, I have my doubts can really get a man’s blood pressure up. No wonder you called me kiddo, that woman is a BEAST!” Coura laughed, she unpinned her posters, and packed everything she could. The whole time Barbie was stomping her six-inch heels and beating on Coura’s door. “Man, she’s really got a bee stuck in her britches, don’t she,” said Richard. She doesn’t seem to be giving up, we should get out of here soon kido.” “Don’t worry dad, I’m already to go.”

  Two boxes were all she had accumulated over the seventeen years there that she cared enough to bring them with her. Richard carried one and Coura carried another. She looked back into her room as her dad was poking fun at Barbie. She felt like she was missing something, she just couldn’t remember what it was. She turned out the light and started on her new journey with her dad.

  Everything about what happened back in California seemed to haunt Coura. She had come unglued there, lost her mother there and apparently a piece of herself, though she wasn’t quite sure how that was possible. She didn’t like to remember Steve or that night, and mentally cringed at the onslaught of memories thinking about it brought on.

  Chapter 4

  “No Dad… It wasn’t him. I am sorry that I startled you.” Richard was all rumpled up and still wearing the dirty work clothes from the night before. His tall slim body was in a fighting stance. Oil stains covered his pants and his face was a burnt red. He had his salt and pepper hair sticking up in all directions and appeared to have metal flakes in it. He was holding a flashlight in one hand and a foam baseball bat in the other. “What are you going to do with that?” She said, rising from the corner. “Swoosh the bad guy to death?” She chuckled to herself. “Am I missing something?” Richard was starting to feel irritation from the lack of sleep and a desperate need to find out what happened. “Just an acute sense of logic,” she said to herself sardonically.

  Tingling in his legs started and waves of sleepiness was hitting him. “I am sure that if needed I could beat the crud out of somebody. Even these things can do some damage.” He said holding the foam bat. “Do you remember that black ey
e I got from it? When you were ten before your mom…” he stopped dead pan. “Yea when you missed the ball and got yourself in the eye right?” Getting irritated at his own fumble he stared straight at her. “Ok so what’s the deal? I’m not seeing a villain, minus your Mr. frumpy there in the corner.” Eyeing Mr. frumpy her oversized hippo cow teddy thing, she rolled her eyes at him. “So, what was all that screaming about?” He asked. “I didn’t realize that I did scream, I’m not sure exactly,” fumbling with her fingers then indirectly looking up at him, “I guess I got a little frazzled I had a nightmare.”

  “That is why I’m up at three in the morning?” Squinting with bloodshot grey eyes “you have got to grow out of that.” “Maybe if you didn’t read so much at bedtime you might sleep.” “But I didn’t!” She protested, “ever since you brought me to this god forsaken town the nightmares have started. There is something wrong with this place. There's never any sunlight, it’s always overcast. There are no people Richard. It’s like raining a lot! Of course I’m having bad dreams, sheesh.” “Why don’t you go to bed you look like hell, and I got to go find a job in the morning. A hurt look crossed Richards face, “Yea, I guess you’re right.” Regretting what she said, terrible for hurting Richards feelings but not knowing what else to say, Coura mumbled a heartfelt apology, “I’m so sorry dad, I didn’t mean it, it’s just ...I’m still adjusting.”

  Richard nodded in understanding, “I love you, sleep tight, I got to get to bed. Richard turned around rubbing his already sore eyes and walked right into the doorway. The sound of forehead against wood made a smack. He rubbed the gigantor knot that was slow forming on his head. Then he mumbled something incomprehensible as he fumbled out of the room. Coura could barely hold in a chuckle, as he went down the hallway.

  Still leaning in the doorway was the pink foam bat he had brought to her rescue just a few minutes earlier. Well, she thought to herself at least I am protected, with the great foam bat. She laughed and went to her nightstand. Looking down at the stacks of Poe that she was reading for the hundredth time, maybe he’s right, reading before bed may have had led my imagination astray. Climbing back into bed she looked at herself in the mirror from the door that went into her restroom her reflection pale compared to her normal tan color that she always maintained. Living here makes me look like death she thought; she straightened her blanket and the sheets and climbed into bed. Reaching over she pulled the light cord on the lamp next to her bed. She drifted away to sleep almost instantly.


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