Book Read Free


Page 11

by A B Turner

  “Don’t take them off now sweetheart, you’ll never get them back on, your feet will blow up like balloons.”

  I looked up at her and sighed heavily, knowing she was right but still sulkily wishing I could take them off.

  Kat grabbed her bag, went to the mirror and groaned,

  “So much for 24 hour lipstick,” she reached into her bag and started to quickly reapply her make-up, once finished, she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

  “Not bad, not bad at all.”

  She turned to me,

  “You too, Carrie, I’m not being funny, but you look like you’re auditioning for the next Batman the Joker.”

  I sighed again and wearily stood up, not really believing I could look even half as bad as she was suggesting, but one glance showed she wasn’t exaggerating. So, I gratefully took the hairbrush and make up bag from her and attempted to restore at least some idea of normality. After one last check, we left the room and headed back across the reception and through the doors, I immediately noticed Diana at the far end of the room. She was standing with the man I recognised from the book cover, he seemed to be intently talking to her and although she was obviously listening, her eyes seemed to be scanning the room throughout the whole conversation. As her gaze rested on me, she nodded approvingly before beckoning to a waiter who was hovering nearby. I heard Kat take a deep breath, before whispering,

  “OK Carrie, it’s showtime, eyes and teeth sweetheart and keep your lily white butt clear of wandering hands.”

  Before I had a chance to answer, she eased into a small group of guests and began talking, I just heard her ask if they were having a good evening, before I felt a firm grab on my arm. I spun round only to be confronted by a very red-faced Reg Dunwoody, his tie was now loosened around his thick neck, and the belt of his trousers was now hidden by the large roll of his stomach. As he pulled me closer, I could smell the pungent aroma of whiskey on his breath,

  “I’ve been waiting for you, love,” he slurred, “I am so bloody bored, why don’t we get out of here?”

  He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a hotel key,

  “There you are,” he said to the card approvingly, before swaying towards me,

  “OK love, take this,” as he pushed the key into my hand, “Get yourself up there and I’ll be right up...then we can have a bit of fun.”

  On the word ‘fun’, he winked at me, for a second, I pictured him naked, all pink and flabby, like some kind of overblown, overstuffed balloon. This mental image caused me to shudder and push the key firmly back into his hand,

  “I don’t think so, Mr Dunwoody.”

  Almost instantly, his expression darkened, with his hand still tightly gripping my arm, he pulled me closer until his face was only a matter of inches from mine,

  “I don’t like the word ‘no’, love, so be a good girl and get your arse up to my room, if it’s losing money you’re worried about, I’ll see you right, I’ll give you what you want.”

  I carefully removed his hand, before leaning to his left, so I could whisper in his ear,

  “You have absolutely nothing I would want.”

  I stepped back again, so I could look straight into his eyes with defiance, I was sure he was about to speak, when Diana suddenly appeared at my side, she beamed at Reg and then me,

  “I am sorry to interrupt, but Carrie I need your help, so I will have to tear you away from this charming gentleman.”

  Reg took a large gulp from his drink before banging the glass down on the table,

  “Take her where you want, she’s not got a clue about making someone welcome.”

  We watched as, after he barged past us, he pushed his way back to the table where his wife was sitting and sat down. After making sure he was now out of earshot, Diana looked at me with concern filling her dark eyes,

  “Are you alright?”

  I smiled and nodded, her relief was obvious as she patted my hand,

  “OK, go and mingle with the guests, don’t forget to talk about the book.”

  “I will,” I replied, I took a couple of steps before looking back at her,

  “Thank you for coming over.”

  She smiled and gestured at me to go, as I walked further into the crowd, I could feel she was watching me, but not just me. As I glanced back, she was now engaged in another conversation with a particularly-excitable woman, but, as I had noticed before, her eyes still scanned the room for any potential problems and for that, I was grateful. Thankfully, as I moved from group to group, it seemed Reg was in the minority, although it quickly became apparent, most of the people were there for the free bar and food, as almost none asked me a single question about the actual book. After almost two hours, I heard Diana speak,

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?” The general noise almost instantly died down, even the waiters seemed able to clear or fill glasses in silence. As Diana continued with her introduction, I quickly looked for Kat. At first, I couldn’t see her, but suddenly I noticed her leaning against a back wall, so I slipped through the crowd over to her.

  “So how’s it been sweetheart?” she asked, “I saw that fat guy get his chubby hand on you, how did you resist him?”

  I laughed,

  “Well it was difficult, obviously, but I remembered all my training.”

  She grinned broadly,

  “It does make me wonder though, how someone like him thinks he has the slightest chance with you.”

  “Well, love,” I began, mimicking his accent, “I am very big in electricals, so I can turn you on, make no mistake about that.”

  Kat giggled,

  “I’d be surprised if he could turn on a tap.”

  We both laughed, but on hearing a rather irritated shh from a guest who was standing close by, we managed to regain some control and turn to face the stage where Diana was now winding up her speech.

  “ it gives me great pleasure to introduce, award-winning author, Victor Bannen.”

  The watching crowd clapped politely as the dour-faced man nodded his thanks at Diana, before taking his place at the microphone. As the crowd settled again, he coughed, wiped his brow before finally speaking,

  “So, I hear you ask, what drove someone like me, an ordinary but obviously extraordinary man to write ‘Pushing Through.”

  He paused dramatically, his eyes widening as he looked around the room, the guests started looking slightly bemused, exchanging confused looks, obviously wondering if one of them was supposed to come up with an answer.

  “Money is my guess,” hissed Kat in my ear, this time I managed to stifle my laugh. Victor exhaled loudly before pounding his hand on his chest,

  “I needed too, I knew the world had a right to see inside my thoughts, feel my pain.”

  He paused again,

  “Oh we are feeling your pain, you pretentious twit, believe me,” Kat groaned quietly, “Come on Carrie, let’s take a break, our man Victor is only just getting started.”

  As he continued to speak, I followed Kat, keeping as close to the wall as possible so we wouldn’t cause any possible disturbance.

  Finally, we slipped through the French doors and out into the reception, the cool atmosphere was a welcome relief after the almost claustrophobic feeling of the room. We had barely taken another step, when one of the hotel security men walked hurriedly past us,

  “Sorry ladies, bit of trouble at the entrance, seems some photographer is trying to get in.”

  Kat and I watched him walk purposefully to the reception desk, where a uniformed doorman was waiting. They briefly exchanged a few words, before striding over to the huge doors. Kat took my arm,

  “Come on Carrie,” she said impatiently, “let’s grab some water before we have to go back, there’s nothing to see here.”

  As we walked past the doors, I heard a familiar voice,

  “Come on, just a few pictures, whip in, take a few pictures and out again, you won’t even know I’ve been there.”

  My heart almost leapt out of my chest, it was him, the ‘pudgy’ photographer. I could barely breathe, I fought every urge to look over at the doors, terrified if I did, he would see me, worse still, recognise me. I quickened my pace, my eyes fixed firmly at the small door which led to our room. I knew, if I could just get inside there, I would be safe. In my panic, I had forgotten Kat was holding my arm, I felt her suddenly stop causing me to jerk backwards too, but I knew I couldn’t stop, not even for her, so I started walking again until we finally reached the door. I wrenched the handle and almost dived in, still with a now-breathless Kat hanging on to me. Once inside, I sighed heavily, hoping somehow my heart would find some kind of normal rhythm. I knew Kat would expect some kind of explanation, so even though my mind felt like it was a complete jumble of half-thoughts and fear, I heard myself say,

  “Sorry Kat, I felt a bit weird, like I was going to faint or something.”

  Kat looked steadily at me, for a moment, I couldn’t tell if she believed me, but then she spoke, her voice gentle with concern,

  “You sit down sweetheart, I’ll get the water.”

  I smiled gratefully and sank into one of the huge armchairs, I felt slightly guilty about the lie, but I knew there had been no choice. She passed me a glass and then sat opposite me, almost as soon as I took the first mouthful, she visibly relaxed,

  “Feeling better?”

  “Yes, thanks, I don’t know what happened there.”

  Kat assured me it was all quite normal, the combination of the long hours on your feet and the stuffy atmosphere,

  “ no harm done, sweetheart,” she finished, before looking up at the ornate clock on the wall.

  “We probably have a few more minutes before we have to go back.”

  Those last two words hit me, I was safe in here, but what if he was still out there? Suddenly the door opened causing me to almost jump out of my skin, Jake stamped past me, threw his clipboard angrily on the small table and slumped into a chair,

  “Jesus!” he exclaimed, “Is that guy ever going to shut the hell up?”

  Kat laughed and passed him some water, which he accepted gratefully,

  “I wish those two security men would chuck Victor out as efficiently as they dealt with that press guy...they almost threw him down the road,” he chuckled, “Don’t think he’ll show his face again tonight.”

  On hearing this, I wanted to hug Jake, the relief was so intense, but instead I finished the remainder of my drink.

  “You sure you’re okay now? Because we should be getting back,” Kat asked.

  “I’m fine, come on, we had better go,” I replied firmly. After a quick make-up check, we left Jake and walked back across the reception, it was back to its quiet elegance, the two security men smiled as they opened the French doors,

  “Thank you,” I said, they nodded, probably thinking I was grateful for their courtesy, whereas, in fact, I was thankful for so much more. Once inside again, I felt myself relax, he had gone and now it was all about finishing off the nights’ work. Kat and I separated more and began circulating among the guests who were now clutching copies of Victors’ book. As I moved through them, pausing only to ask if they were enjoying the evening, my attention was suddenly caught by Mrs Dunwoody, who was waving from the far end of the room. I started to navigate my way around the small clusters of guests, who having been drinking champagne for some hours, were now considerably louder than earlier in the evening. I was almost floored by one woman, as she gesticulated wildly to emphasise the end of some anecdote. Fortunately, I ducked just in time, but a waiter behind me wasn’t quite so lucky and her heavily-ringed hand caught him straight across the cheek. For a moment, she froze, clearly realising what she had done, but then winked broadly at her friends, before grabbing the poor man by his waistcoat, pulling him to her and planting a huge kiss on his cheek,

  “There you go, my darling, you’re all better now I’ve kissed it better.”

  Her group all roared their approval, I looked at the waiter, despite maintaining an outward appearance of calm,his eyes sparkled with anger,

  “Shame it was only his face, Catherine,’ brayed one woman, “I’m sure he has many other things worthy of a kiss or two.”

  Another woman eased herself forward, looked him up and down with nothing less than a predatory demeanour,

  “I wouldn’t waste time kissing him, I would just give him a damn good fucking.”

  Once again the group laughed, by now, I was so incensed, I took a step forward, job or no job, this was just too much. I was about to speak, when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder,

  “Leave it to me, Carrie,” said a calm voice, it was Albert, we exchanged glances before he passed me and confronted the woman, who was, by now, slipping the shoulder straps off her plump arms. Albert inclined his head slightly as he addressed her,

  “My apologies for the intrusion, Madam, but Georges is needed in the kitchen immediately.”

  His firm authoritative voice made her stop revealing any more of herself, she scowled and turned her back on them both,

  “Not worth the time or the money,” she muttered, her group all seemed slightly stunned, until she roared with laughter again,

  “Seems I might have to find a better service somewhere else.”

  Her friends all seemed to relax again and the jokes flew thick and fast, I felt angry, both at them and myself for not doing more. Albert whispered something in the waiters’ ear, they nodded to each other, before the younger man hurriedly left the room. As I watched him go, Albert turned to me and sighed,

  “Ah Carrie, if only more women knew how to behave,” he sighed heavily.

  “I should have said..or done..” I stammered, he gently touched my arm,

  “No, that’s what I am here for, Carrie, but the fact you care so much does not surprise me,” he said thoughtfully, “I have had the privilege of learning that about you some time ago.”

  This sudden reference to our shared past, took me by surprise, I was about to answer, when he turned me gently round to see the still-waving Mrs Dunwoody, who, in all the excitement, I had completely forgotten.

  “Time for you to do your job now, Carrie,” he said quietly. I felt him quickly touch my shoulder before making his way through the crowd, I had wanted to say something, but I knew it was too late, so reluctantly, I moved quickly towards the anxious woman. As soon as I was within an arms’ length, she grabbed me,

  “Oh thank the Lord, you saw me,” she gasped, “I thought you had, but then that big woman started to strip off and I was sure you’d get sidetracked.”

  Her grip was so tight on my arm, I could feel the sharp edges of her manicured nails digging into my flesh, I must have glanced down, as she suddenly released me,

  “Oh I’m sorry, it’s just I am in such a state.”

  Despite still feeling a slight pain in my arm, I felt an overwhelming wave of sympathy for her,

  “Please calm down, Mrs Dunwoody, and tell me what’s happened.”

  She looked at me, as if the reason for her distress was blazingly apparent, yet I obviously hadn’t noticed,

  “It’s Reg!” she exclaimed, “He’s locked in.”

  I was still slightly confused, as how it was possible to lose someone quite that big and loud,it seemed almost an impossible idea to grasp, thankfully, through seeing my blank expression, she sighed heavily,


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