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Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella

Page 2

by Dawn Robertson

  I slowly lower my pussy down onto his waiting cock, taking it inch-by-inch until it can't go any farther. His balls press against my ass cheeks, and I feel the tip of his dick pushing against my cervix.

  “Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. He is breaking the rules, but I love it when he is vocal while we are fucking. Dirty talk just drives me fucking crazy.

  “Permission to speak. Fuck.” I let out a strangled moan and grind my cunt down over his dick again before I can compose myself enough to continue my thought. “Talk dirty to me baby, tell me what you are thinking, Levi.”

  He yells in pleasure. Literally fucking screams and grabs my hips encouraging me to fuck him faster. I'll never let him know it, but I love it when he is rough with me. I continue to grind my cunt down on him, I can feel his balls throbbing under my ass. I can feel his dick twitching within me.

  “Your pussy feels so good baby. So fucking good,” he tries to speak but he just can't get the words out. I know the feeling. If I was to try and say anything right now, it wouldn't even come out as fucking English. It feels too good.

  I compose myself, while I continue to work my soaking wet pussy up and down his cock.

  “When I’m about to come, take the fucking clamps off.” He groans, and I reach my hand down between our bodies and my fingertips run across my hard clit roughly. I moan and gasp working at my release.

  “Now Levi!” his hands leave my hips, and pull the clamps off in one swift movement. The blood rushes back to my nipples as my orgasm crashes through my body.

  “FUCK! Oh god!” I scream as wave after wave of pleasure cascades through me. His hands grab my hips again and he slams deep inside me a couple more times before I can feel him emptying into my hot cunt.

  “What the FUCK?” I open my eyes, and find Levi staring at me with a look of horror. His dick is still deep within me while he looks worried? Or maybe scared? What the fuck? I look down between our bodies to see white liquid all over his chest, and a spot on the comforter.

  “What the fuck?” I swipe my finger across it, expecting it to be his come? Although, I swear I just fucking felt him get off inside me.

  “Seven, your tits are leaking!” I look down, and sure as shit. The white stuff is leaking from both of my nipples. What in the fucking hell is that? And why the fuck is it coming from my god damn tits?!?!

  “Levi, what the fuck is it?” Yes, Levi M.D. What is coming from my tits, because I know you should be a fucking expert in nipple seepage.

  “Um, Seven. That is milk.” Milk? What? Why would I have fucking milk coming on my tits? I am not some kind of fucking farm animal.

  “WHAT? WHY would I have MILK all over me?!” This is a lost cause. I’m confused. I give up. Then this fucking guy starts to laugh at me. Seriously laugh. He is hysterical. Hysterically laughing while his dick is still inside me. Anal beads in his ass. Laughing. What is happening to my sex life?

  “Seven, pregnant women have milk in their tits. You know... to feed the baby once it finally comes?” He is still laughing. So hard now, he is gasping for air. Yup, clearly my parents never taught me much about the birds and the bees. Here I am, a twenty-seven year old mother to be, not knowing a fucking thing about breast milk. This is what my life has become.

  “Granted, it’s a little early for your milk to come in, but it may have been all the stimulation tonight.” He sits up, wrapping his arms around me, and kissing the top of my head.

  “Fuck this pregnancy shit.” I climb from on top of him and make my way for the master bathroom. He is on his own getting those beads out, I am just fucking done. I need a shower, and to just go to bed. I can't even fuck without something catastrophic happening anymore. I guess I am just going to have to accept that my tits have become a fucking carnival game. I’m sure I could pop one of those water balloons with ease.

  Watch out!

  The Truth Comes Out


  “Seven, you gotta get up,” I run my fingers down her bare arm and tug at the black comforter she has herself wrapped in.

  “Ugggghhhhh, go away. Sleeeeeeep,” she mumbles, and it’s adorable; but if we aren't on the road within the hour, we’re going to sit in nasty traffic trying to get out of the city. With her morning sickness still acting up, and the fact that she gets nasty motion sickness, I am not taking any chances that may tack on another hour to the already long drive upstate. I nudge her again before picking her entire body up from the bed, comforter and all.

  “Levi, put me down dammit!” Good, now she’s awake. I hate being an asshole, and I know she really needs her sleep, but she can sleep in the car.

  “We gotta leave within the next twenty minutes if we don't want to sit in traffic for hours.” At the mention of traffic, she was on her feet and running for the bathroom, brushing her teeth and getting ready like she was going for the gold medal. Fifteen minutes later, I toss the bags in the trunk of my Range Rover and we are on our way to Woodstock.

  I’m not really sure what to expect this trip. Thanksgiving was interesting to say the least. Star is doing good for herself, her house is beyond anything I ever expected for her. She is living the American dream with a bunch of bikers? Whatever makes her happy, but it certainly makes for interesting holidays.

  Fucking holidays. I don't want to think about it, but my mind wanders back to the last holiday I spent with my aunt and uncle.

  It was Thanksgiving, and most of the company had left for the night. The dishes were cleaned up, and my uncle was anxious for my aunt to finally pass out after her tenth Martini of the night. That woman could drink like a fucking fish.

  I’d just turned eighteen, but I was no saint by any means. High school had been good to me, until my parents died. I became a recluse. Until Thanksgiving.

  “Levi, you wanna come with me tonight?” my uncle asked while we scanned the channels, stopping at the occasional football game. We didn't do much together, ever. Honestly, I just lived here without much interaction with either of them. I’d be hitting the road soon anyway, I was old enough to move out and I didn't have much of a use for them anymore.

  “Where ya goin'?” He would always disappear all hours of the night and day. With no explanation, and when he came home, my aunt would always be pissed, but too drunk to do anything about it.

  “A club uptown, Attraction.” Sounds interesting enough. Maybe it would be good to get out of the house for a little while.

  The club was wall-to-wall packed. I’d never seen anything like it. Women and men basically naked, all over the fucking place. It was like dying and hitting the fucking sex jackpot. My dick stirred in my pants as a blonde walked by and brushed up against my body.

  “I take it you like what you see,” my uncle's voice snapped me out of the fog of lust I found myself stuck in. I only could nod in reply.

  “Come on, I got a surprise for you, Levi.” My uncle started walking in the direction of a long dark hallway. The dim lights hanging from the ceiling were red, and I could almost make out what looked to be torture devices on the wall. What.The.Fuck is this place? My pulse started racing, and instead of excitement coursing through my body, it was replaced by fear.

  What the hell was my uncle going to do? Give me to these perverts to kill? Fuck!

  “For you,” he opens the door to a small closet sized room. It’s brightly lit, unlike the hallway. There’s a small bed in the corner, covered in silk blood red sheets, and there’s a woman sprawled across it. She’s wearing a see through white teddy and a pair of white heels. Nothing else. Little is left to my imagination.

  “Um...” I don't even know what to say? What the fuck kind of club is this? I don't get it. Is she a prostitute? I can fucking get my dick wet without paying some broad to fuck me. This is totally not my thing. His hand nudges me into the room and closes the door. He is gone. I am still fucking confused as shit.

  “It's okay, Baby,” she coos across the room. “I won't bite... hard.” Her pink lips part, and she smiles. I feel a little more a
t ease, but not much.

  “What is this place?” I continue to look around, like I can see through the walls.

  “Oh honey, is this your first time?” She moves from the bed, and takes a few steps. Her body presses against mine and I can feel her stunning breasts press up against my body. Her hot pink fingernail runs down my cheek, and she whispers into my ear.

  “This place is a club where adults come to explore their sexual boundaries. Are you an adult baby?” Explore their sexual boundaries? What the fuck does that even mean? Whatever.

  “So you aren't a prostitute?” Laughter fills the room as she clenches her stomach in hysterics. She gasps for air, before finally stopping minutes later.

  “Baby boy, you thought I was a hooker? Oh no no lovie, I’m just a woman with needs, like I’m sure you are a man with the same.” I nod, as her hands run down my body, only stopping once she has my pant covered cock in her hands.

  “The name is Cindy Lou, I'm gonna have some fun with you.”

  “Earth to fucking Levi!” Seven's voice snaps me out of my own damn head. I can't fucking believe I spaced out like that. It's been fucking years since I even thought about any of them. Especially Cindy. Holy shit.

  “I'm sorry, Seven. What were you saying?” I white knuckle the steering wheel as I pull onto the Cross Bronx Expressway.

  “I wanted Starbucks before we got on the highway, but you were in fucking La La Land dude! Whatever, I got a bottle of water anyway.” She reclines her seat back and pops her prenatal vitamins into her mouth, chugging them down with the bottle of water. She is beautiful in her oversized sweat clothes, and the messy bun on the top of her head.

  “I can pull off in Harlem before we hit the interstate. You want your hot apple cider?” She hates the lack of coffee in her life these days, but when I waltzed in her office with the cider a couple weeks ago, she was sold on giving up coffee for another couple months.

  “You wanna talk about last night?” It slips out of my mouth before I even have time to think about it. After Seven had fallen asleep, I just laid in bed, wide awake thinking about all the reasons we shouldn't be fucking the way we want to. The worry. The baby. What is best for him or her.

  “What about it? The fact that our sex life sucks now, or that my tits can double as fucking fire hydrants now?” I can't help but laugh at the humor in it all. When her nipples sprayed milk last night, it was probably the hottest thing I had ever seen. I could have fucked her over, and over again. She was so pissed, she took off, leaving me high and dry. Anal beads in my ass, and desperate for another fucking orgasm. FUCK! Just thinking about it is making my dick hard.

  “It's just not safe, Seven.” I don't want to tell her about my past. I don't want her to know about other women. I don't want her to know why I have the worry, but I don't want to push her away any more than I already have been. I just want her and my fucking baby safe. God damn it all to hell, being a good person is fucking hard.

  “Levi, it’s fucking fine. Nothing is going to happen to Squishy because we bang. The doctor said it was fine!” She is mad. I can tell. Her voice has that cute little screech. Most guys would hate something like that, I just love my wife all fired up. My fucking wife. Seven is my wife. Hell, I never thought I could even get her to date me, and she married me.

  The Harlem exit off the Cross Bronx comes up, and I pull the car off the highway. Instead of following the road a couple blocks down I pull in front of a dilapidated old building and throw the SUV in park. I turn to her, and she just looks at me with a puzzled smile.

  “Seven, I didn't want to do this. I never wanted to talk about it. I never wanted to bring it up, but I have to.” Her smile fades, and she pulls her hands out of mine. I hadn't realized I’d even reached for her. “Years ago. Long before Sinners & Swingers, I went to a club. I made a lot of friends there, did a lot of drugs just for fun. But I continued a friendship with a woman there for a long time. She was married, and came to play while her husband was off with others. It worked for them, and I was barely out of high school.” I don't want to even remember this. I don't want to share my sexual exploits with her. I only want to think about the times we’ve been together. But, I know it’s not possible now.

  “Levi...” she starts to speak, and I hold up my finger and, for once, she pauses. I reach for her hand again, and kiss the tips of her fingers. My body starts to relax, and I know I can continue telling her if I am touching her in some way.

  “I was maybe twenty-one, and the woman I spent the most time with there, she was over the moon about expecting her first baby with her husband. They were good people, they deserved it, ya know?” She nods, and I take a deep breath. “She was about four months pregnant, and still coming to the club. A lot of guys loved that, pregnancy fetishes and shit. She continued getting rough like she always liked.” I don't want to finish this story. I don't want to tell my wife, who is almost four months pregnant about how some douche-bag killed this woman's baby.

  “One of the regulars got really rough with her. She didn't think it would be a problem, and of course she loved it. Just like we both do. But, when she was done, she was bleeding. Bad.” I still remember the night like it was yesterday, fuck, something that horrific you can never forget.

  “It was bad Seven, she lost her baby. Right there, in the fucking club. I don't want you to hurt like she did. I don't want anything to happen to our baby. It would gut me if it did.” I kiss the back of her hand, and pull her close, over the center console in the car.

  “I'm not doing this because I want to hurt you, or for you to go without. I just never want to see something like that again. It fucked with me for a long time, which is why I stopped going to the clubs altogether. I could never go back there either.” She nods, and I wait.

  “Levi, if it means that much to you, we can keep to the vanilla as much as the two of us can. But I promise you, it won't hurt our baby,” her lips brush across my cheek, placing kiss after kiss across my face until she lands on my lips.

  “I love you Seven James-Parker.” I put the car in drive and make it my mission to get across Harlem to Starbucks before we do end up in traffic.


  The car stops in front of Starbucks and my crazy ass husband double parks and bolts out of the car for my fix. I am left in the car praying a fucking NYPD officer doesn't appear out of nowhere and slap a fat ticket on the windshield. But worst of all, I am left to my own thoughts, with the story my husband just dumped in my lap. I mean, I knew about the kink club. I knew how his uncle turned him on to the scene. I know where his likes and dislikes come from. Hell, I know that at one point in time, my husband actually had a real man's dick up his ass to see if he was gay, bi, or just enjoyed anal play. None of which fucking bothers me at all. If anything, it turns me on like fucking nuts!

  But, I don't even know what to say about this Cindy chick. When he gets back in the car I just stare at Levi with my mouth gaping open. I knew there was a lot we don't know about each other, but I never thought there was anything this serious behind the easy going and fun loving man who won me over. I cringe because I hate serious discussions about anything in my personal life. It makes me incredibly fucking uncomfortable.

  “I'm sorry, Levi. Really, I’m sorry you had to go through that.” I want to hug him, I want to let him know whatever happens with us, and our baby will be different. But then again, I’m sure that would put him even more on edge. We need to work on finding some kind of kinky happy medium. We are both sexual creatures. We built our relationship solely on a kinky fuck. Where do we go from there without that in our relationship?

  “Were do we go from here?” The question lingers between us, and we both look stumped. Neither of us want to put the brakes on our sex life, but I don't want to drive my husband into a fucking nervous breakdown either. I may put on this badass bitch front, but I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him.

  “We just need to find a middle ground, Seven.” A middle ground, huh? I guess
I could arrange that for another couple months. But as soon as my womb is vacant, it is on like fucking Donkey Kong.

  “Levi, we’ll figure it out. And we have a long weekend to start,” I give him a wink and steal a kiss before he pulls back out into traffic, heading for the highway.

  I blinked my eyes open, just as we pulled up the long gravel driveway of Star's spacious home; completely thankful I slept the entire drive. I really needed that. I would never let Levi know, but the long hours at work have really been taking their toll on me. A yawn escapes me, and I let out a moan while I stretch.

  “You shouldn't be making those noises right now.” Levi growls from the driver’s seat. I can't help it, even after our talk earlier I can't stop thinking about fucking him six ways till Sunday. I don't want to tone it down, even though we will be in a house full of people.

  Star comes barreling out of the house, sweatpants, a tight t-shirt and bare feet. The car comes to a stop and I jump out. Maybe I’m starting to get those maternal instincts?

  “Get in the damn house! You ain't got no damn shoes on, and there is fucking snow out here!” She jumps up and down with excitement as I climb up the porch steps. The old farm house that was falling apart for years is slowly coming to life with all the small, yet beautifully fitting, changes she has started to make. Even at Thanksgiving, there was so much work to do, but now it looks like it belongs in a Christmas movie.

  “Where is my best friend, and what have you done with her?” I look to the right, seeing a giant decorated Christmas tree right on the outdoor porch sitting between two white Adirondack chairs. The railing is lined with bright blue Christmas lights and snowflakes. It really is festive. I have to give her that. I could never pull something like this off, then again, I could never live in a house like this.


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