Book Read Free


Page 16

by Meisha Camm

  As I reached for my pocketknife, a man who appeared to be the manager came storming over.

  “Ladies, is there a problem here?” he asked, gazing down at Tina.

  “No, I was just leaving.” I dropped the magazines onto the floor.

  “Leave Jarrad alone. He’s mine, you hear me!” Tina yelled over and over again.

  I turned back around to see a young woman consoling her, Renee. She rolled her eyes at me and attempted to help her mother stand up.

  I hadn’t had a Saturday off in three weeks, and Tina wasn’t going to spoil it. Jarrad and I have been over for almost three years and she wants to trip now. I’m not going to deal with this drama. I buckled up my seat belt.

  Next stop was another Barnes and Nobles fifteen minutes away at Lynnhaven Mall. I’ve got to have my magazines.

  The clock read 4:53 and I was just about to start on my roast chicken dinner for Xavier and I, inspired by the cook on the show Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network. Her cookbook along with Everyday Italian arrived today in the mail.

  Just then the phone rang. “Hello?” I answered.

  “Alex, this is Maria.”

  “Maria, if you’re calling me to talk about Charlotte, please save your breath. I don’t think I’ll ever be her friend again.”

  “No, I’m not calling because of that. Can you come with me to my mother’s apartment? She wants to have dinner, and I don’t want to go alone. Plus, I can use you as an excuse to leave, if she starts drinking. I haven’t seen or talked to her in three months, so I have to admit I’m scared to deal with her and her drinking.”

  “What time do you want me to be ready?” I asked.

  “Be ready in an hour.”

  “All right.” I hung up the phone.

  As I was getting ready, I called Xavier to let him know I’d be cooking tomorrow for him. Besides, it was guys’ night out this evening. Xavier and I weren’t jealous people. I didn’t snoop through his cell phone, clothes, or papers he had lying around, and he did the same for me. I heard the horn blowing outside.

  “Hey,” I said closing the passenger door of her Altima.

  “Hi. I need to stop by the store to pick up a couple of sodas for Mom.”

  “All right. What’s been going on?”

  “Nothing much. I’m looking into applying for a business loan at BankFirst to build the restaurant. I’ve started jotting down ideas for the layout of the restaurant. I figure, with a business loan from the bank, my savings, and the money Tony gave me years ago, I can make something happen.”

  “That’s great. Promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Please have your crab cakes on the menu. Yours are very tasty.”

  “All right, I promise.” Maria pulled into the parking lot of Farm Fresh grocery store. “Are you coming in?”

  “Yeah, I’ll come in.”

  The store was busy and crowded. Sodas were two aisles down from where we were standing.

  When I grabbed a shopping cart, I spotted Hasaan. Then he spotted Maria not too far from me. Since leaving him, she hadn’t really dated anyone.

  I think she may still have feelings for him.

  “Hello, Alex,” he remarked in a friendly tone.

  “Do you have a job yet?”

  “Ha-ha. Very funny. I’m going to talk to Maria.” He walked past me. “Maria.”

  Yeah, you do that. She is just going to tear you down if you try to get with her or smooch off of her.

  Maria turned and looked at him in disgust.

  “Hasaan, what do you want? You can’t pay for your groceries?”

  “Yeah. Can I get twenty dollars please?” Maria raised her hand to smack him.

  “I was just playing. I’m glad to have ran into you.”

  “Hmm . . . I can’t say the same for myself.”

  “I don’t blame you for the comments you and Alex make to me. I smooched off of both of you. Maria, you were just trying to be supportive, and I used your kindness for weakness. I took a little time to go back to Jamaica and had a talk with my father. He was disappointed on the choices I’ve been making. I’m going to get myself together, by myself. Here’s my new number, just in case you want to talk from time to time.”

  Maria took his card. “Thank you. I accept your apology. I wish you the best of success in all of your endeavors.”

  “You’re welcome. I was looking for capers in the grocery store, but they don’t have the particular brand I want. Now I’m off to Wal-Mart. Take care of yourself, Maria.”

  “You too,” Maria said, seeming impressed with what he said.

  Hopefully, he can do the right thing, get himself together, and make Maria proud to call him her man. Well, that’s if she takes him back. I can tell Hasaan still wants to be with her.

  “Are you all right?” I asked as Maria was knocking on her mother’s apartment door.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just want Hasaan to get it together. I would take him back right now.”

  “I know. If you want, call him from time to time. It may give him some incentive to head in the right direction.”

  “Who is it?” Ms. Brown asked.

  “Mom, it’s Alex and I. Open the door please. It’s cold out here.”

  “Maria, Alex, you’re early. It’s so good to see you. I haven’t even started cooking yet.” She opened the door very slowly. Her hair was all over the place, looking a mess. Ms. Brown looked somewhat embarrassed to see us. It was as if she was preoccupied prior to us coming over here.

  I looked down at my watch. We were almost an hour early. The cologne of Dolce & Gabbana lingered in the air, a fragrance that Maria had purchased for Hasaan many times during the course of their relationship. I looked down the hallway to see Ms. Brown’s door shut.

  Maria seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. “Mom, is someone else here?”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Who’s here, Mom?”

  “A friend of mine who was just leaving.”

  “What’s his name?” Maria ran to the room, her mother following behind her.

  I followed behind Ms. Brown. I hope Maria and I don’t get arrested tonight.

  The mystery friend was in the shower. Maria opened the door and then the shower curtain to find Tony, her father, with soapsuds all over him. Maria was shocked.

  Ms. Brown looked bewildered, and I was just grateful it wasn’t Hasaan. Maybe it was wrong to think that way, but I didn’t put nothing past anyone.

  “Tony, what are you doing here?”

  “Taking a shower. I’m assuming this is your first time finding out about your mother and I. Baby, can you give me a few minutes to get cleaned and dressed? I’ll meet you in the living room.”

  “All right. Mom, where is it?” Maria started searching all over the apartment, especially the bathroom and kitchen cabinets.

  “Where’s what?”

  “The bottles of whiskey, your drug of choice, and Tony’s bottle of tequila.” Maria looked in the pantry.

  “Your father and I are not drinking any more. We’ve been going to the AA meetings together.”

  “How did you two get reacquainted again? I thought you despised him?”

  “Well, I do when he drinks. I’m pretty sure he despises me when I drink. When we’re both sober, we like each other. After all these years have passed, I still hold a special place in my heart for him. You remember Carl, the bail bondsman. He is both of our sponsors. He keeps a careful eye on both of us. Maria, baby, I know it may be hard for you to believe me, but your father and I want to stop drinking.”

  “What if he leaves you again or you may leave him again? Are you going to be down and out with a bottle again?”

  “I hope not. I took a stand not to drink any more, no matter how many difficult times I may face. One of our dearest friends, Dion, who Tony and I went to high school with, has been diagnosed with liver and kidney failure. He’s on the transplant list right now. Because of all his drinking an
d him not taking care of his health. I hope it’s not too late for your father and me to clean up our acts.”

  “Mom, you’re really going to clean up your act?” Maria had tears in her eyes.

  I couldn’t stop crying, myself. All Maria ever wanted was her mother to stop drinking and her father to show her that he cared. I was hoping Maria could find it in her heart to forgive Tony for not being there, and move on, giving him a priceless chance to be in her life.

  After Tony came out of the bedroom, we all started talking and laughing about how he and Ms. Brown met. She even showed Maria and I pictures of them as a family. I guess times weren’t always bad with this family.

  Ms. Brown explained to Maria and me, “Tony and I are taking one day at a time. Our goal is to get back together with both of us sober.”

  Since Maria cooked all the time at the restaurant, I wanted her to get a break from the kitchen, not to mention, get acquainted with her father. Ms. Brown and I made fried chicken, mashed potatoes from scratch with the skin, and steamed broccoli with cheddar cheese. For dessert, Ms. Brown had made a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting earlier in the day.

  Around ten, everyone seemed to be getting sleepy.

  All of us had a really good time.

  * * *

  Upon arriving home, I realized that I didn’t get one phone call from the hospital. I was on call tonight and tomorrow night. My patient, Sandra Gitson’s twin girls may come in the world tomorrow. After walking in the house, I hung up my coat and threw my purse and keys on the counter. Next stop was the bed.

  “Hey, baby,” Xavier said, lying on the bed.

  “Hey. How was your night out?”

  “The usual. We went to the ESPN club to watch a few games. After two beers, I was ready to come home. How did your night go?”

  “Maria and I went to her mother’s house to find her father Tony there. Her mother and father have stopped drinking and desperately want their relationship to work. They still love each other.”

  “That’s great to hear they both want to stop drinking. My father drank heavily after we left Puerto Rico. The nagging of my older sisters made him stop. They watched him like hawks and relentlessly threw away alcohol bottles and beer cans.” Xavier jumped up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom starting the shower.

  “I could use a shower myself,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I started taking all my clothes off to put in the hamper.

  “Hop in and let me wash you from head to toe.” He came out of the bathroom and took my hand, leading me back in.


  The water was extremely hot, just the way Xavier and I liked it. I stood directly in front of the water, while he stood behind me, rubbing my neck to get all the kinks out. These days they seemed to last a long time. It felt good, all the tension being released from my body.

  Next, he moved in front and backed me up against the bathroom wall. His fingers started playing with my clit. Then he kneeled down and played with my clit with his tongue. When I came, I almost fell down, but Xavier held my legs up.

  We got out of the shower. He dried me off and then carried me to the bed and tucked me in. I slept like a baby.

  Chapter 46

  “Girl, calm down. Everything will go according to plan,” Maria reassured me.

  “You know I’m not good at planning major events. If Charlotte were here, she’d take control of this whole situation.” I looked over my list of things to do.

  “Well, she wants to talk, but you and I both know you haven’t been returning her phone calls, text messages, or e-mail messages.” Maria shrugged her shoulders.

  “Can you blame me? It was downright low, the things she said to me.”

  “I know, but she wants to apologize. Give her a chance. You two have been friends for too long. You owe it to your friendship to at least hear her out for a few minutes.”

  “I’ll think about it, maybe. Right now I feel as though Charlotte doesn’t deserve a chance to say her piece about the situation. Did you confirm the food order with Rican Paradise restaurant?” I asked.

  “Yes, I did as you requested. I also confirmed the flight arrivals, ballroom, and the DJ. This will be a night to remember for Xavier. His dick must lift you to higher ground for you to be going all out for him.”

  “Hmm, hmmm . . . plus a bag of jalapeno potato chips.” I laughed.

  “Did you call and confirm the order with Speedy’s? Did you confirm the cake order?” I asked, checking my list twice of everything that needed to be done.

  “Yes, yes. Let me start getting ready so I can man my post at the ballroom.”

  While dabbing a touch of the fragrance Amor Amor on my arms, neck and behind my ears, I was eyeing myself in the mirror. Xavier can’t get enough of me when I wear this. I placed the bottle back on the dresser. I had on a plum V-neck dress that ties around the waist along with my lapis birthstone necklace. A simple white rose accented my curly hair. I didn’t want to show too much for this occasion.

  I answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Alex, it’s me. Everyone is here. Before you even ask, so is the food.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. Halfway to Xavier’s place, I heard police sirens behind me, forcing me to get over to the side of Providence Road. Damn, I picked a fine time to get a ticket. I’ll try hard not to get an attitude so I can be on my way. I rummaged through my purse to pull out my license. The registration was in my glove compartment. I rolled the window down.

  “License and registration please, ma’am.”

  “Hi, officer.” I handed over the items that he requested.

  “Ms. Gibbs, you were going fifty miles per hour in a thirty-five-mile-per-hour street.”

  I looked at his name badge. “Officer Jacobs, I’m so sorry.” I wasn’t trying to get out of ticket. I deserved it for all the other times I got away with speeding.

  “I’ll be right back. I need to check out your license and registration.”

  “Yes, sir.” Hurry the hell up, please. My man is waiting on me.

  “Your license and registration is fine. Here’s your ticket. I’ll see you in court in thirty days, or you can pay your fine through the mail with a personal money order or cashier’s check, or you can pay it online with a Visa or MasterCard. Try to be more careful and slow down,” he explained and walked back to his car.

  Chapter 47

  I was in such a rush that I brought my cordless phone with me and there was no time to go back home. I pulled up at Xavier’s house to find him going through his mailbox. I can’t believe this. I told him to be ready by six o’clock. I hopped out of my truck.

  “Honey, why aren’t you ready?” I looked down at my watch as I headed toward him.

  He gave me a warm hug. “Ready for what?”

  “Ready for the doctor’s ball I have to go to. It’s mandatory.”

  “Baby, I forgot. Work was crazy today. Can I just sit this one out? I’m tired. All I want to do is jump in the shower and have a couple of Coronas.” He started rubbing the back of his right shoulder.

  “I know you’ve escorted me to plenty of events, but this time I’m being honored for the successful delivery of those quintuplets. The parents and the children will all be there. After tonight, I’ll give you a break. To be honest, I get tired of going my damn self,” I told him, my lip poked out.

  “All right, anything for my baby,” he reassured me, gliding his finger down my arm.

  “You have less than thirty minutes to look as if you came off the cover of a Black Enterprise magazine.”

  “I can get it done in twenty. I need a quick shower. I hope I’m getting some ass for this,” he said, lightly smacking my butt.

  I’ll be getting the ass from him after tonight is over with.

  Chapter 48

  When we arrived at the Renaissance Hotel, I looked around the area carefully to make sure no one from the party was scattered outside or in the lo
bby. “Are you sure we’re going to the right room?” Xavier said. “Usually, I hear classical music and conversations about to do or not to do an episiotomy on a woman in the air.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you that your jokes are corny? This has to be the right room. It’s the same number on the invitation,” I explained while he opened the door.

  “Surprise, surprise,” the crowd blared out.

  Xavier took a step back to catch his breath and glance at everyone in the room.

  I invited any and everybody I could think of for his thirtieth birthday bash. I planned it a week ahead, to throw him off. Family, childhood friends, his agent and poker night buddies were here.

  In unison, everyone sang Happy Birthday for my sexy taste-like-Rican chocolate man.

  “Feliz cumpleaños, Papi!” I whispered in his ear and gave him a small peck on the lips.

  “Thank you,” he replied still in shock.

  Xavier didn’t want a big to-do for his day, but I couldn’t resist. His father, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends all embraced him with hugs and kisses. Five of his relatives flew in from Puerto Rico. Pictures of Xavier from an infant till now hung on the walls of the ballroom. My favorite was a picture of him at five years old holding his baby sister, Lola.

  The table was filled with chips and salsa, ensalada, black bean salad, fried plantains, grilled beef sirloin, chicken tropicana, chicken with rice, roasted pig, and other exotic dishes. The bartender was in the corner waiting to make any flavor margarita. For dessert, I ordered flan, a caramel custard, which stretched four feet long and rum pound cake. Plus, I had delivered a sheetlong cake with one of the pictures from Xavier’s portfolio to be on top.

  The DJ stepped down from the podium to hand me the mic.

  “Welcome, everyone,” I shouted to the crowd. “Thank you all so much for coming to my baby’s birthday party.”

  I looked into the crowd searching for Maria as they clapped and cheered me on. She winked her left eye to give me the cue.

  “Xavier, would you come a little closer? I want to give you your birthday present.”


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