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Wedding Heat: Hole In One (MMM)

Page 4

by Giselle Renarde

  “Oh, but his ass is so fucking tight,” Greg said to Remi. “You’ve never fucked a tight ass like this, Mister Man. I can’t keep it together. I’m gonna blast so fucking hard.”

  “Yeah, do it,” Remi encouraged. “Wait, no. Pull out and come on his chest.”

  Joey cried, “Yeah!” around Remi’s fat dick.

  “Joey, drop the club,” Remi instructed. “We gotta flip you over, dude.”

  He didn’t think he could. His arms felt trapped in that position.

  “One arm at a time,” Remi said. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you. You’re not gonna fall.”

  Breathing hard around the fat cock in his throat, Joey released the club with one hand. Right away, he started falling to the side, but Remi was there to catch him. He could feel his ass ring clamping down on Greg’s hard dick. Greg was yelping like he could barely keep it together, but Joey felt oddly estranged from this whole situation. His muscles were screaming from holding such an awkward position. Maybe he was in so much pain he’d actually left his body.

  The guys both slowed down. Greg pulled out, and his dickhead left Joey’s ass with a pop. Eyes closed, Joey felt himself moving, being turned, flipped. It seemed like he was floating, or underwater, flying and drowning at the same time.

  When he opened his eyes, Greg was standing between his knees, which were bent. His back rested fully on the moss-covered rock ledge, his feet flat on the ground, his dick pointing to the sky. Remi had shifted away from the scene, snapping on a condom while Greg tore out of his.

  “Stroke your dick, Joey.” Greg was stroking his too. “I’m gonna come so hard, bitch.”

  The words rocked Joey’s body as he grabbed his own hard dick. Fuck, it was so swollen he could hardly touch it. His cockhead was as purple as Greg’s, but his pace was much slower. Even just the press of his fingers at the base of his shaft made him shudder and gasp.

  Greg didn’t seem to have that problem. Remi poured lube over his hand, and it flew against his fat dick so fast all Joey saw was a blur. He envied that racing pace, but he knew he couldn’t keep up. Greg’s dark eyelashes fluttered, lids closed, lips hung open in ecstasy. With a sudden gasp, he arched, drawing Joey’s gaze to that magnificent erection as it burst with a thick rope of cum.

  “Fuck,” Greg whimpered. “That’s just for you, buddy.” He half-laughed as his fist urged more hot cream to splatter against Joey’s chest, belly, forearm. It was everywhere, playing against his skin with the warm breeze.

  “You didn’t come,” Greg said. Disappointed?

  Remi shuffled Greg out of the way, hauled Joey’s legs up over his shoulders, and said, “Don’t worry. He will.”

  Even with another dose of lube, Remi’s dick was a tight squeeze. Shouldn’t this get easier with every go? Well, it didn’t. With the change in position and his butt cheeks clamped together, this time felt totally different. Remi had to grab his cheeks and spread them, holding him aloft a different way.

  “Don’t fight it,” Greg whispered against Joey’s cheek. Joey’s face was so blazing hot that Greg’s breath felt calmly cool. Greg traced his soft lips all down Joey’s arm. “Open up for him. Open up, open up, open up.”

  Joey breathed hard. With his shoulders resting on the mossy rock ledge and his whole body tilted on the diagonal, Greg’s cum slid slowly toward Joey’s neck, gliding through his sparse chest hair and over his erect nipples.

  Arching until his abs burned, Joey kissed Greg full-on. Their tongues whipped and wove, hot beyond sizzling, as Greg pawed at Joey’s aching dick. The moment he touched it, Joey’s asshole eased up, welcoming Remi inside. Deep inside.

  “Oh god,” Joey whimpered, wishing he sounded rougher, tougher. “Fuck yeah, Greg. Stroke it.”

  Remi’s fingers dug into Joey’s ass cheeks so hard he was sure they’d leave bruises. “Hey, what about me? Should I just drop you and walk away?”

  “No, no!” Joey cried, like the threat was real. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

  “Hard like this?” Remi taunted, driving his dick into Joey’s asshole, reaming it like pain didn’t exist. “Or harder?”

  If it wasn’t for Greg’s mind-melting hand job, Joey probably couldn’t have taken the pounding. There was something about the mixture of bliss and searing pressure that made everything perfect. The kiss and the tug and the fuck melded together until he couldn’t hold out.

  “I’m gonna fucking come!” Joey cried, rocking back against Remi’s hips and forward into Greg’s hand.

  “Yeah, me too!” Remi’s urgent grunts rattled through Joey’s body. The flap of Greg’s hand on his dick made him writhe and moan.

  Remi tightened his grip on Joey’s ass. Greg wrapped one hand around his sensitive balls, and that was it. He was done. Galaxies rolled across his field of vision as he clenched his eyes shut. The pleasure was so immense he really didn’t think he could handle it, but Greg was slathering fresh cum all over his dick as Remi erupted in his ass. He couldn’t push the pleasure away. It was too present, too immediate. It shocked through his body in centralized zaps, making him arch and cry way too loudly.

  Greg cackled and slapped his belly. “Shut your fucking mouth! You’re gonna get us caught.”

  “I thought we already did get caught,” Joey replied, gazing up into Remi’s blissful face.

  “Hey, I’m not gonna tell on you,” Remi said, his breath raging after their shared orgasm. “My bosses wouldn’t exactly be happy if they knew I spent my working hours sucking and fucking in the bush.”

  With another piercing cackle, Greg asked, “Come here often, do you?”

  Remi laughed as he put on his clothes. Then he picked up the golf club, which still had a condom on the end of it, and said, “I’m taking my balls and going home. See you around, boys!”

  Joey watched in disbelief as the guy walked away. “I can’t…” He looked at Greg, who didn’t seem half so stunned. “Can you… can you believe that all just happened?”

  “Sure I can.” Greg stood up, still naked but for his godawful socks and cleats. “I used to run into Remi at the clubs before he started this summer job—in the gay clubs, not the golf clubs.”

  “I don’t think you’d have much luck in either wearing socks like those.”

  “Fuck you!” Greg teased, throwing Joey’s clothes at his head.

  “Awww, I don’t want to get dressed yet.” He was feeling silly now, lost in the wild, ecstatic bliss of orgasm. “You’re not my daddy. You can’t make me.”

  Breathing through his hand, Greg did a Darth Vader impression: “Joey, I am your father!”

  A giggle rose through Joey’s belly, and he laughed like a little girl. “Oh my god, I fucking love you, man.”

  Greg’s expression fell, and Joey stopped laughing. The woods seemed quiet now. No birdsongs, no squirrels rustling under dried needles and leaves. Just the two of them, and this gaping statement like an open wound.

  “Do you have a boyfriend back home?” Joey asked in a sudden burst of anxiety. He wondered if he’d been duped, or just plain stupid, and still he was too exhausted to move from his stone ledge.

  “Seriously?” Greg laughed. “If I had a boyfriend, don’t you think I would have brought him to my cousin’s wedding?”

  “No,” Joey shot back, feeling petulant and juvenile, but not caring. “It’s a family wedding. You came with your family. Just give me a straight answer.”

  Greg popped a hip and rolled a wrist. “Honey, I can’t give you a straight anything… unless it’s in your ass.”

  The quip sent a surge of rage through Joey’s chest, and when he shot up from the moss bed, Greg flinched. “Just answer the fucking question, Greg. Is there another guy or isn’t there?”

  “Okay, jeeze, I’m sorry!” Greg kicked his feet into his underwear and pant legs, then unfolded his shirt. “Yeah, well, there are a couple guys I see sometimes, but it’s not like they’re… I mean, you want a yes or no answer? No, I don’t have a boyfriend. I…” He pulled his top over his
head, shoving it into his pants with obvious frustration. “I only met you yesterday!”

  A glimmer of sunlight reached through the leafy treetops to gently stroke Joey’s cheek. His heart slowed. Nature’s warm caress calmed him enough that he could really stop and think about what was going on between him and Greg.

  “I was a fucking virgin until yesterday.” Joey smirked at Greg to assure him the anger had faded. “I don’t want to come off all clingy or whatever, but it’s kind of a big thing that you were my first.”

  Greg looked so serious Joey actually felt worried, though he couldn’t pinpoint why. In those awful golf clothes, he sat beside Joey, so close they were almost touching, and said, “Nobody’s ever told me they loved me before. Not even my mother…”

  Greg looked away, rubbing his face against the short sleeve of his shirt. He’d built such a fabulous wall of sarcastic bitchiness around himself that it hadn’t occurred to Joey he might have deep longings. This was about so much more than the two of them, more than jealousy or sex, more than romantic love.

  “Sometimes people feel things they don’t say,” Joey told Greg. He wasn’t used to being the consoler, and he wasn’t sure if his words made any difference, but what else did he have to offer? “Like, okay, you met my sister Vanessa. She’s the coolest, bravest, awesomest person I know and do you think I’ve ever told her that? Hell no! It’s just not the way we are.”

  Greg swallowed hard and then laughed, looking hopefully into Joey’s eyes. “She couldn’t possibly be cooler, braver, and awesomer than me?”

  Joey chuckled, shaking his head. “No way, buddy.” He gave Greg a shove before rising meekly to his feet. “You take the fucking cake.”

  Greg pressed his incredibly soft lips to Joey’s. They held that innocent pose, breathing together, and inhaling into a fuller, more luscious kiss.

  “Speaking of cake, you’d better throw your clothes on.” Greg slapped Joey’s ass, sending a ripple of lust through his exhausted body. “We gotta get dressed for my cousin’s wedding party thing.”

  “You mean my cousin’s wedding party thing,” Joey teased as he heaved his pants on.

  “Hey, so we never did settle that issue,” Greg said as they wove their way through the wooded path, back toward the pro shop and the exit. “When your cousin marries my cousin, does that make us cousins, or…”

  “Yeah, like we need to get any kinkier.” Joey ran ahead, catching mottled rays of light through the treetops. “I think getting fucked by a golf club is as kinky as I ever need to be.”

  Greg laughed as he chased Joey through the woods. He smacked Joey’s poor tired ass like life was as simple as a game of tag. “I fucking love you,” he said before darting up the path.

  The End


  Eroticist Giselle Renarde is a queer Canadian, avid volunteer, contributor to more than 50 short story anthologies, and author of dozens of electronic and print books, including Anonymous, Ondine, and The Red Satin Collection. Giselle lives across from a park with two bilingual cats who sleep on her head.

  Ms. Renarde’s anthology My Mistress’ Thighs: Erotic Transgender Fiction and Poetry received an Honourable Mention in the 2011 Rainbow Awards. She is a contributor to Tristan Taormino’s Lambda Award-winning book Take Me There: Trans and Genderqueer Erotica, as well as such notable anthologies as Best Women's Erotica, Best Lesbian Erotica, Best Bondage Erotica, and Best Lesbian Romance.

  Online, Giselle has contributed erotic content to such websites as For The Girls, Ruthie's Club, Three Pillows, Oysters & Chocolate, The Erotic Woman, Every Night Erotica, Frequently Felt, Whipped Cream, Long and Short Romance, and Every Day Poets.

  Other Titles in Giselle Renarde’s Wedding Heat series include:

  Wedding Heat: One in the Hand

  Wedding Heat: Two in the Bush

  Wedding Heat: Skinny Dipping

  Wedding Heat: Pretty Cousin

  Wedding Heat: MILF of the Groom

  Wedding Heat: If the Shoes Fit

  For news, updates, and special offers, visit the Wedding Heat website:

  If you enjoyed Wedding Heat: Hole In One, you might also enjoy:

  Wedding Heat: Skinny Dipping

  By Giselle Renarde

  Forget the happy couple—it’s the guests that make this wedding sizzle!

  Joey’s a virgin. That’s not the sort of thing he’d admit to most people, but when he meets Greg at his cousin Maggie’s luxury woodland wedding retreat, he finds himself freely admitting to this embarrassing quality. Joey and Greg hit it off right away, teasing and taunting each other, but when Greg casually mentions that he’s gay, Joey isn’t sure how to react… not until a bunch of the guys strip naked for midnight skinny dipping in the man-made lake. Something tells Joey he won’t be a virgin for long!

  WARNINGS: This title contains graphic language, explicit gossip, naked guys and gay sex.

  Excerpt from Wedding Heat: Skinny Dipping:

  “What about you?” Greg asked. “You ever knocked a girl up?”

  “Yeah right.” They very idea made Joey laugh. “Not even close.”

  “Ahh, you’re a virgin,” Greg said, understandingly, not goading or teasing.

  “Yeah.” Joey would have lied to anybody else, but there was something about Greg, maybe just the fact that he was gay, that made it easy to be honest. “Are you?”

  “What do you think?”

  Something touched Joey’s dick underwater, and he jumped, squealing like a little kid. “Oh my god, what was that?”

  “My hand, you dumb fuck.” Greg shook his head, and Joey laughed, feeling like a total idiot. “No wonder you’re still a virgin.”

  This time when Greg found his cock underwater, Joey didn’t squeal or squirm. He turned to face Greg, holding the guy’s shoulder to steady himself. When Greg wrapped a fist around the base of his shaft, his thighs and ass muscles tensed. His breath staggered now, rattling in his chest before bursting past his lips.

  “I’m not really…” Joey stopped himself, trying to figure out what he wanted to say. “I mean, it’s not every day I’m attracted to someone. I’m not like that.”

  The way Greg nodded, it seemed like he understood better than Joey did. God, it felt good the way Greg stroked his dick—firm, hard, forceful but not rough. Rough would come later. Joey always liked to work up to the ultimate sensation.

  “I’ve got your cock,” Greg said. “Don’t you want to touch mine?”


  “THE END!”


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