in Red Cross, 82–83, 151–52, 173–76
in restaurants, 56–62, 64–65, 129–30, 140, 195–96, 214–15
in US Navy, 73, 116–17
in WAAC, 89, 100
in workplaces, 16–18
racism. See also racial discrimination; segregation
American attitude, 140, 180, 192, 225, 234
beliefs about blacks, 12, 98
British attitude, 180
education about, 68
European attitude, 217
Rahn, Muriel, 230
railroad workers, 22–23
Randall, Constance, 218–19
Randall, Geraldine, 183
Randolph, A. Philip, 42–43, 45, 47–48, 49, 51
rationing, 169–70
Raynor, Thelma Holman, 183
Red Ball Express, 186–87
Red Cross
blood drives, 173–75, 192
clubmobiles, 178–79, 186, 188
Motor Corps, 148
overseas service, 177–79
racial discrimination, 82–83, 151–52, 173–75
recruitment of blacks, 177
segregation, 173–75, 177
Red Cross Clubs
in Australia, 183, 191
in British Columbia, 181–82
in Europe, 185–86, 187–88
in Great Britain, 178, 180–81, 182, 217–18
in India, 189
in New Guinea, 184, 185
in North Africa, 182–83
Register and Vote campaigns, 67
restaurants, 64–65, 129–30, 140, 195–96, 214–15
restaurant sit-ins, 56–62
Rhythm and Blues USO tour, 209–10
Rhythm Carnival USO troupe, 211
Rice, Johnnie Mae, 213–14
Rice, Sammie M., 118–19, 121, 125, 130
Ricketts, Adele, 113–14
riots, 4
Robinson, Ellen L., 120, 122
Robinson, Flo, 206–7
Robinson, Mary, 82
Robinson, Rose, 135, 136
Rogers, Edith Nourse, 88
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 55, 69, 85, 178, 231–32
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
anti-discrimination stance, 9, 17, 48
on entertainment, 198
Faucet and, 67, 68
on four freedoms, 42–43
on March on Washington, 47–48
WAVES, 117
Ross, Geraldine, 186
rubber plantations, 121
Russell, Anna, 108
Russia, 222, 225
“Salute to Colored Troops,” 197
Sandifer, Faye, 189
Schenck, Caroline, 125, 135, 137
school segregation, 3, 54–55, 235
Scott, Alivia, 18
Scott, Austin, 163
Scott, Hazel, 196–97, 232–33
scrap drives, 141–43
segregation. See also racial discrimination; racism
acceptance of, 140, 192
in airplanes, 130
in AWVS, 156, 161–62
on buses, 55, 75, 142–43
in civilian defense classes, 146
in court system, 236
in housing, 115, 201–2
Jim Crow laws, 55, 213, 214, 231
in journalism, 31
in labor unions, 24
laws against, 235–36
in military, 27, 44–45, 73–74, 76–77, 79, 87, 140, 204
in military bands, 228–29
in OCD, 150–51, 152
in Red Cross, 173–75, 177
in restaurants, 56–62, 129–30, 140, 196
in schools, 3, 54–55, 235
of toilets, 17–18
on trains, 20, 160
in US Army, 73–74, 89, 109
in USO, 166–67, 204, 205
in WAC/WAAC, 87–88, 89, 93–94, 97–98, 109, 228
Selective Training and Service Act, 44
Semper Paratus, Always Ready (SPAR), 118
Sepia Swing Revue USO tour, 205
service clubs, 97
Seventh Women’s Ambulance and Nursing Corps, 164–65
sexism, 8, 103. See also gender roles
Shaw, Bertha, 82
Shaw, Ethel Popel, 170
Sherard, Corrie, 105
Shubuta, Mississippi, 39–41
Simms, Margaret, 217–19
6888th Central Postal Directory, 110, 111–14, 112
Smith, Alberta, 125
Smith, Betty Jane, 111
Smith, Geraldine, 82
Smith, Shermine, 60–61
social welfare agencies, 147
Southern Pacific Railways, 160
Soviet Union, 222, 225
SPAR (Semper Paratus, Always Ready), 118
Spears, Rosa, 184
Spears, Rosemary, 183
Spragg, Venice, 34
spy activities, 219
Stallworth, Bertha, 20
Stamper, Mary, 190
Staupers, Mabel, 73–76, 77
St. Clair, Bette, 205
Stewart, Esther, 120
Stewart, Mattie W., 148
Stilwell Road, 134–35, 136
Stimley, Eula Loucille, 78
St. Louis protests, 53, 60–62
Stop the Killing Campaign, 236
Strange Fruit (Garrett), 32
“Strange Fruit” (Meeropol), 39
Sublett, Marie, 102–3
Sublett, Robert, 102–3
Sugar Hill neighborhood, 201–2
Taylor, Dorcas, 131
Taylor, Rebecca Stiles, 34
Ten Percenters, 88
Terry, Jessie L., 145
“These Versatile Women” (Garrett), 32
Thomas, Lillian, 208
Thomas, Sarah, 120
Thompson, Vora, 60–61
Thornton, Modestine Crute, 60
335th Station Hospital, 135–36
Three Rhythm Rascals, 210
Three Shades of Rhythm, 205–6
Tiny Tots Checking Room, 166
Tovalou-Houenou, Kojo Marc, 226
Townscent, Elcena, 125, 128
training programs, government, 9–10, 11
Trent, Estelle, 186
Truman, Bess, 233
Truman, Harry, 232–33
tuberculosis wards, 79
Turner, Effie Mae, 13
Turner, Helen, 78
Turner, Jessie, 231
Tuskegee Institute, 29, 75
United Domestic Workers’ Union, 24–25
United States Employment Service (USES), 14–15
University of Maryland, 2–3
US Army, 74, 82. See also Army Nurse Corps
US Army Air Corps, 28
US Army Air Forces, 29
US Navy, 14, 44, 73, 77–78, 116–17
USO (United Service Organizations), 165–68
USO clubs, 165–68
USO tours, 205–12, 215–17
USS James Parker, 119
Vaughan, Evelyn G., 187
Vinson, Rosemary, 125, 135, 136–37
volunteering, reasons for, 143, 145, 192–93
voting rights, 2
WAAC (Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps), 104, 106, 107
admittance of blacks, 70–71
auxiliaries, 100–103
basic training, 93–98
field assignments, 103–8
gender discrimination, 103
graduation ceremonies, 99–100
military benefits, 108–9
officer candidate training, 88–89, 92–93, 95
pressure to perform, 95–96, 105
racial discrimination, 89, 100
recruitment efforts, 71, 89–93
segregation in, 87–88, 89, 93–94, 97–98
specialist training, 101, 103
WAC (Women’s Army Corps)
military benefits, 108–9
neighborhood associations, 114–16
news articles, 32
overseas service, 109–1
segregation, 109, 228–29
WAC Bands, 227–29
WADCA (Women’s Ambulance Defense Corps of America), 155
Wade, Ruth, 106
wages, 7, 10–11, 25–26, 85
Walowitz, Shirley, 59
WAND (Women’s Army for National Defense), 162–65
war bonds, 147, 148–49, 197–98, 201, 229
Ward, Henrine, 177–78, 180, 193
War Emergency Volunteer Services (WEVS), 155–56
war industry, 5, 9, 43–44, 48. See also defense plants
War Manpower Commission, 7
War’s Greatest Scandal, The (Myers), 50
war workers. See aviation industry; factory workers; journalists
Washington Post, 237–38
Waters, Virgie, 66
Watkins, Doshia, 135
WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), 116–17
WDCA (Women’s Defense Corps of America), 153–55
We Are Americans protest, 53–54
Webb, Idell, 122–23, 130
Weir, Vernice, 105
Welcker-Jordan, Mercedes, 106, 157–58
Wells, Clara, 183, 184
“We’re the WAACs” (Welcker-Jordan), 106
Western Electric Company, 17–18
WEVS (War Emergency Volunteer Services), 155–56
Wheeler, Doc, 207
Wheeler, Eva, 135
Wheeler, Ruth Mattie, 60–61
White, Eva, 153, 193
Wickliffe, Marjorie, 162–63
Wiggins, Edgar, 211
Wilkins, Roy, 41
Williams, Alexander (Jake), 37
Williams, Rosetta, 207
Wills, Frances, 117
Winburn, Anna Mae, 212–17
WINGS (Women in Ground Service), 10
“Win the War” bond rally, 197
Wise, Ethyl, 207
WLA (Women’s Land Army), 172
Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), 116–17
Women in Ground Service (WINGS), 10
“Women in the National Picture” (Spragg), 34
Women Ordnance Workers (WOW), 10
“Women Power in War” (Briggs), 34
Women’s Ambulance Defense Corps of America (WADCA), 155
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). See WAAC
Women’s Army Corps (WAC). See WAC
Women’s Army for National Defense (WAND), 162–65
Women’s Bureau of the US Department of Labor bulletin, 37–38
Women’s Defense Corps of America (WDCA), 153–55
Women’s Division for the Sale of War Bonds, 147
Women’s Land Army (WLA), 172
Women’s Motor Corps, 147
Woods, Esther, 35
Wool Conservation Program, 148
Works Progress Administration (WPA), 27, 67
WOW (Women Ordnance Workers), 10
Wright, Cora, 116–17
Wrights, Eleanor, 59
Young, Rosalie, 208
YWCA, 23
Zhukov, Gregori, 210–11
Zurita, Juan, 159
Double Victory Page 24