The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu Page 72

by Tang Xianzu

  When I bow before official gates,

  I will control myself when tears arise.

  Scene Fifty

  Spoiling the Banquet

  (Enter Du Bao, followed by the gatekeeper and attendants)

  DU BAO (To the tune of Liangzhouling):

  A thousand steeds gallop along the Huai,

  While wild geese flock across the cloudy sky.

  Thoughts of homeland make me weep and sigh.


  With good cheer,

  We’ve won the day,

  But now we still stay here.


  “The road to peerage is tough and rough;

  Of the hardship I’ve never had enough.

  Amid sounds of drums and bugles bold,

  I’m growing old.

  When peace arrived amid cheers,

  I dreamed of home and woke in tears.

  The war has kept me from home,

  Bringing endless thoughts on the roam.”

  As Envoy for Appeasement, I have been caught in the warfare. I broke through the blockade line to save the city and lifted the siege by a letter. Li Quan’s bandits are gone and the Jin troops are not coming yet. During this interval, I have to deal with a lot of aftermath. Attendants, wait for my orders outside the gate.

  (Exeunt attendants)

  (The gatekeeper stands on guard at the gate)


  I’m glad that the city has been preserved, but I’m in deep woe that my wife died.

  (In tears)

  My dear wife, I sent a memorial to the court yesterday, asking for an honoured funeral for you and asking for leave to send your remains to Sichuan. For the moment, I don’t know yet what the imperial decree will be. It is true to say,

  “Fame and wealth is but the dew

  While family union is extra hue.”

  (Reads the documents)

  (Enter Liu Mengmei in ragged clothes, carrying Du Liniang’s self-portrait in his sleeves)

  LIU MENGMEI (To the tune of Jinjiaoye):

  Poverty and weariness fill me with dismay,

  In addition to the autumn decay.

  (Straightens his clothes)

  I straighten my cap and gown,

  Not sure whether I’ll be accepted today.

  GATEKEEPER (In a harsh voice):

  Who’s coming outside?


  Envoy Du’s son-in-law asks for admittance.


  Are you serious?


  A scholar never tells falsehoods.

  (The gatekeeper comes in to report)


  I’ve made it clear in the official notice.

  (To the gatekeeper)

  How does he look like?


  Just so so. He carries a scroll of painting in his sleeves.

  DU BAO (Smiles):

  So he’s a painter. Tell him that I’m occupied with military affairs.

  GATEKEEPER (To Liu Mengmei):

  His Excellency is occupied with military affairs. You are free to go anywhere else.


  If I’m free to go anywhere else, I’ll be nobody.


  If you are somebody, you’ll not be free to go anywhere.


  Is His Excellency going out for a visit?


  All the officials and officers will be attending the Banquet of Peace. No appointments will be made today.


  What is the Banquet of Peace?


  It’s an annual banquet in the border area. As we’ve dispelled the bandits this year, the banquet is more sumptuous. On the banquet there are gold-flower trees, silver plates, bolts of silk, silver ingots, and gifts of all sorts. If you are Envoy Du’s son-in-law, you may bring some home.


  Yes, I see. I’m afraid when I meet him, what if he should ask me to improvise such poems as “On the Banquet of Peace”, “Song of Triumph” or “Ode to the Pacific Huai”. I’d better prepare a poem or two while I wait in the gatekeeper’s room. As the proverb goes, “Better prepared, less embarrassed.’’


  Will you step aside, sir? The officials and officers are coming.

  (Exit Liu Mengmei)

  (Enter Official)

  OFFICIAL (To the tune of Liangzhouling):

  When autumn arrives at the river Huai,

  We’re glad that arms are laid by.

  It’s time for us to sing praise

  Of peace with the best phrase.

  (Enter Officer)


  Officials and officers,

  Generals and ministers,

  Enjoy the dishes on the trays.

  How do you do!


  At the Banquet of Peace for the officials and officers, we’ve seen to it that aquatic food and land produce are sumptuous and that song and dance are splendid.


  Under the rule of His Majesty who is beloved by all his subjects, Your Excellency has inspired awe from all sides. As the bandits have been dispersed with a mere letter from you, we’ve prepared a Banquet of Peace in the army tradition. Now that everything is ready, would you please join the banquet?

  (Drums and pipes within)


  “The book on arts of war enhances eloquence;

  The limpid water sweetens cortex wine.”

  The wine, please.

  DU BAO (Sprays the wine):

  (To the tune of Liangzhouxu)

  To the north of the Yangtze,

  To the south of the Huai,

  The beats of night watch ring in the sky.

  OFFICIAL, OFFICER (Offer a toast):

  What an honour for the frontier area

  To welcome Your Excellency here!

  To our great joy,

  Without fighting a single battle,

  The war clouds are dispersed

  With a mere letter of persuasion.

  The alien horns are cursed

  On the first tower against invasion.


  When autumn winds

  Sweep the border weeds,

  We drink to our hearts’ content.

  For your meritorious deeds,

  Let’s drink to your health in the tent.

  DU BAO (To the previous tune):

  As His Majesty is amply blessed,

  With our unanimous efforts,

  The besieged city is no longer distressed.


  Your commands are strict and stern;

  Your tactics are hard to learn.


  With my letter to Li Quan and his wife,

  I used the old trick of bribing the wife

  And playing mournful alien tunes —

  A word is as sharp as a knife.

  Without outside help, we would have no way;

  It is Heaven that blesses us today.


  When autumn winds

  Sweep the border weeds,

  We drink to our hearts’ content.

  For your meritorious deeds,

  Let’s drink to your health in the tent.

  (Drums within)

  (Enter Messenger)


  “The gifts and titles from the imperial court,

  Are given to him who valiantly fought.”

  Your Excellency, the imperial decree has it that you are not allowed to retire. You are to return to the capital and be promoted to the position of Grand Chancellor. Her Ladyship has been conferred the posthumous title of first-rank Virtuous Lady.


  Grand Chancellor is equal in rank to the prime minister. As your subordinates, we’re overjoyed to hear that Your Excellency has been a minister of the highest rank.

  (Offer wine to Du Bao)

  (To the previous tune)

  For years and years you will have high renown,

  When you serve His Majesty in the capital town.

  After your departure,

  We’ll lay aside arms of any sort,

  When you serve in the court.

  The fragrance of osmanthus bloom

  Will accompany your steed;

  Amid flutes and drums, by night you’ll speed.

  When you serve in the palace,

  Will you remember the place where you succeed?


  When autumn winds

  Sweep the border weeds,

  We drink to our hearts’ content.

  For your meritorious deeds,

  Let’s drink to your health in the tent.


  Talented and in the prime of your life, you are destined to attain peerage. As for me, I return to the capital in grey hair. It’s nothing worth mentioning.

  (To the previous tune)

  When I look at the mirror every day,

  I weep because old times won’t stay.

  The landscapes change;

  The times change.

  I caress my sword;

  I tap the rails in melancholy tune,

  Only to raise my head to see the moon.

  When I leave this time,

  My feat will go with the eastward stream,

  (Raises his hands in salutation)

  But with whom will you sing under the moon?


  When autumn winds

  Sweep the border weeds,

  We drink to our hearts’ content.

  For your meritorious deeds,

  Let’s drink to your health in the tent.

  (Enter Liu Mengmei)


  “With a poem ready at the gate,

  To see the envoy, I have yet to wait.”

  (Greets the gatekeeper)

  Will you announce for me again, Sir?


  His Excellency is still at the Banquet of Peace.


  I’ve composed a poem on the Banquet of Peace, but the banquet itself is not over yet.


  Who told you to compose the poem?


  As I’m his son-in-law, sir, will you announce for me?


  Your Excellency, your son-in-law is at the door.


  You’re asking for a spanking!

  LIU MENGMEI (As the gatekeeper angrily pushes him):

  “The envoy is still at the fete;

  His son-in-law has to wait.”


  (Enter two singing girls)


  “On the battlefield the warriors die when they advance;

  In the camp, the beauties sing and dance.”

  We camp-girls are kowtowing to you.

  (To the tune of Jiejiegao)

  The flutes and drums resound in the camp

  When battle clouds disappear.

  Can His Excellency remain here?

  With a marten hat on your head,

  A belt of jade on your waist

  And a gold seal in your hand,

  You’ll gallop in the autumn breeze

  And walk on a road covered with sand.


  As you have defended the motherland,

  You’ll be welcomed by the musical band.

  (Enter Liu Mengmei)


  “You can enjoy a grander sight

  By climbing to a greater height.”

  Well, I suppose the songs have ended and the banquet is over by now. As I’m too hungry and tired, I have to force my way in.

  GATEKEEPER (Tries to stop Liu Mengmei):

  Don’t you feel the shame, you hungry devil?

  LIU MENGMEI (Annoyed):

  How dare you a humble groom insult the son-in-law of an honoured lord? I’ll give you a beating.

  (Beats the gatekeeper)

  DU BAO (Calls out):

  Who’s making such a noise outside the camp?


  It’s that son-in-law who came this morning, with a tattered gown, a battered hat, a ragged bundle, a broken umbrella and a torn portrait. He says that he’s so hungry and tired that he has to force his way in. He beats whoever wants to stop him. He’s beaten nine and a half men — only half of my face is spared.

  DU BAO (Angry):

  What a shame! I’ve issued an official notice of prohibition. Where comes the wretched guy, making all the disturbances?


  If he’s really your son-in-law, we’ll be honoured to meet him.


  You’ve been tricked! Tell the adjutant to arrest the scoundrel, send him by the postal route to Lin’an and put him to jail.

  (Enter Adjutant, shouting assent and tying Liu Mengmei up)


  Injustice! Oh, my dear wife!

  “Coming to Huai’an for my dear wife,

  I, a Confucian scholar, is put up in jail.”



  You know, my heart breaks as my family breaks in the war. I’m all the more grieved when this vagabond makes all the trouble.


  Her Ladyship has been conferred a posthumous title; her name has been recorded in the honourable list. You will have an heir in the future. So don’t be grieved. Tell the singing girls to pour the wine.

  (To the previous tune)

  In the south you’ll have a better career.

  Now that the urgency is over,

  Please have a drink with good cheer.

  You’ll enjoy a long and prosperous life,

  And have numerous heirs

  When you marry a second wife.


  I’ve got drunk.

  (Supported by singing girls)


  I shed a hero’s tears on beauties’ sleeves,

  But never for autumns a hero grieves.


  As you have defended the motherland,

  You’ll be welcomed by the musical band.


  I must say farewell to you now. As I’m eager to go to the capital, I must set off at once.

  (Drums within)

  (To the tune of Coda)

  Tomorrow we’ll drink a cup of parting wine.


  We hope to see your portrait in the Hall of Fame.

  DU BAO (Laughs):

  But only portraits of grey heads are in line.

  When bandits have been conquered in the west,


  You go back to the court with flags abreast.


  When wild geese fly across the sunset glow,


  Quietly flows the Huai with your name impressed.

  Scene Fifty-One

  Announcing the Results

  (Enter two generals of palace guards, carrying the Imperial Squash and Mallet respectively)


  “The dragon and phoenix symbolise the crown,

  With palace guards patrolling up and down.

  When results for imperial test are announced,

  News of triumph spreads in the capital town.”

  How do you do! His Majesty is going to give an audience. Let’s wait in attendance.

  (Enter the aged War Minister)

  WAR MINISTER (To the tune of Northern Dianjiangchun):

  I manage state affairs firm and fast

  And raise funds for the border provisions.

  Our country will forever last.

  (Enter Miao Shunbin)


  The scholars’ essays

  Sing praise of prosperity unsurpassed.

  How do you do! Congratulations on the surrender
of Li Quan and his gang. It all owes to your excellent maneuver.


  I’m here to report this to His Majesty. When you fixed the number-one candidate for the imperial examination the other day, His Majesty decreed that the results would be announced when the war ended. It’s high time for the announcement.


  I’m here to submit my memorial to His Majesty. Well, here comes an old scholar. Strange, what has he to do here?

  (Enter Chen Zuiliang in shabby clothes, holding a memorial in his hand)


  “Confucius, far and wide his name rang,

  Never met the emperor of his day,

  But the emperor of today

  Will meet me, Chen Zuiliang.”

  That’s something unusual.

  (Greets Miao Shunbin and War Minister)

  Your student Chen Zuiliang pays respect to you.

  MIAO SHUNBIN (Surprised):

  Are you another student who missed the imperial examination?


  No, I’m not. I’m brought here by the War Minister for an audience.


  Oh, he is the student whom Envoy Du sent to appease Li Quan. He’s carried Li Quan’s petition for surrender with him. That’s why I brought him for the audience.

  (Drums within)

  VOICE WITHIN (Solemnly):

  Those who have memorials to His Majesty, come to the royal court!

  (War Minister kneels at the front, with Chen Zuiliang at his heels, and kowtows)


  Your Majesty’s War Minister in charge of all forces begs to report with congratulations that Your Majesty’s heavenly virtue and earthly power have brought the Huai bandits to submission and halted the Jin troops. Du Bao, Envoy to Huaiyang, has dispatched Chen Zuiliang, student in the official school of Nan’an Prefecture, to report on this and submit Li Quan’s petition for

  surrender. That’s all I have to report.


  Let Chen Zuiliang make a detailed report on Du Bao’s appeasement of Li Quan.


  Long live the emperor!

  (Rises to his feet)


  The letter carrier, student Chen Zuiliang, begs to report.

  (To the tune of Zhuyunfei)

  In the area from Yangtze to Huai,

  Plains and mountains lie.

  Envoy Du devised

  A royal pardon and made him surprised.


  The bandit Li Quan surrendered at once

  And wrote a petition at this good chance.

  When the Jin emperor heard about it,

  He dared not advance.

  He could only reach Luoyang,

  And we shall soon defeat him in Bianliang.


  Wait for the imperial decree outside the palace gate.


  Long live the emperor!

  (Rises to his feet)


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