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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

Page 14

by Iris Bolling

  He made love to her again and watched as she fell asleep in his arms. The burden of guilt that had been placed on her was criminal. The beatings she had taken, were accepted by her as her punishment for her mother’s sins. This task to have the sanctions lifted and kill the Senator, whoever he might be, is a foolish mission. There had to be another reason her aunt wanted the Senator found. This woman in his arms wasn’t the enemy, at least not yet. She is a victim. It is his duty to protect innocent victims. At this moment Akande is just that and he vowed he would do all he could to prevent her from killing this Senator and becoming an enemy of the United States.


  “Dress quickly, we’re about to draw fire.” Monique dropped the clothes she found on a boulder outside the cave at Joshua’s feet. They had been trying to communicate with him for the last hour. The delay caused them to be detected by locals. Now, there was chatter indicating they were going to have company soon. To find her superior wrapped in the arms of some woman, rather than handling business pissed her off. His reputation as a womanizer was well established and she did not have an issue with that. She really didn’t, hell she liked a good lay once or twice a day herself. However, what they did for a living was dangerous. If she found them and was able to walk up on him this way, so could the enemy. According to him, their job was to protect the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You had to be alive to do that. She could have easily taken his life.

  Joshua opened his eyes to see Monique Day, his trainee, standing above him. She did not look happy, but she rarely did. “Lower your voice.” He looked at the sleeping form of Akande in his arms and smiled. Sleeping with a woman was one thing. Waking up with her was another. He liked waking up with this one. He covered her with one of the fig leaves, before rising.

  “Really,” Monique Day looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “I spent eight weeks in Quantico, three months training with you. I finally get a few days of R&R only to be cut short with a message, extraction needed. I come to your aide to find you here, doing this. I ought to cut your dick off, that’s what I should do.”

  Joshua covered his jewels with his hands as if protecting them. “Hey, watch your mouth. I’m standing here naked.” He began dressing, pants first. He had seen first-hand how well Monique handled a knife.

  “You would have been a dead naked man if I was your enemy.”

  “Shh.” Joshua glanced down at Akande as he pulled Monique to the other side of the cave.

  “Don’t shush me. You’ve lost your mind. And what’s with the damn leaves?”

  “Long story, Spicy. What’s the situation?”

  “There’s a chopper above hovering. Bogey’s about ten miles out; should be on us any minute. If we want to get out with limited casualties, the time to leave is now. You may want to wake up Eve over there.” She nodded toward the woman lying on the leaves.

  “Akande,” Joshua walked over, bent down and kissed her temple. “We have to go, sweetheart.” He picked up her clothes and gave them to her. “Dress quickly.”

  “Sweetheart?” Monique raised an eyebrow.

  Akande turned over to his warmth, then slowly opened her eyes. A smile touched her lips when she looked at him. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” he smiled. “We have to go. Let me help you up.”

  She took his hand and started to rise, when she saw a woman in what looked like a cat suit, looking at her with angry eyes. She jumped behind Joshua.

  “Oh, please,” Monique turned her back. “We don’t have time for this.” Her handheld came alive with chatter. She turned back. “Time to go is now.” Monique climbed from under the waterfall to see the chopper above. The ladder was still suspended in the air, waiting for them to climb aboard.

  “Go,” Joshua yelled as he helped Akande dress. “Are you okay?”

  His concern for her was so touching, tears surfaced before she could stop them. “Yes, I’m fine.” In truth her back was throbbing and her thighs were sore.

  He took her hand. “Follow her up the ladder.”

  “Who is she?”

  “A friend.”

  Akande did not know if she liked the way the woman looked at her or the word friend. She climbed out to see the ladder. She looked back at Joshua.

  “You can always stay your ass here.” Monique grinned down at the woman.

  “Stand down rookie,” Joshua commanded, anger clear in his voice.

  Monique gave him a look that would have some men running. “Yes, sir.” She turned, grabbed the end of the ladder and began the climb up to the chopper.

  Joshua held Akande by the waist and helped her, holding the ladder steady as she climbed. He took one last look around the cave. This place would be etched in his memory. He then followed the women. The moment his foot hit the ladder, the pilot pulled away from the fall. Shots rang out as they flew through the air, Joshua still climbing the ladder. He looked to see where the attackers were located. They were at the Emure border. Why were they taking gunfire from Emure?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The situation in Asmere is escalating. There are reports of gunfire near the East border. The operative in the area is under attack by unknown forces.”

  Royce had examined the information on his way to the Pentagon. “Unknown? It’s not Asmere forces attacking him?”

  “We can’t confirm or deny,” Lieutenant General McGary stated. “I warned you this situation would get out of control, Senator. This region is unstable. Any disturbances in this area could affect future plans.”

  The Lieutenant General had no idea how close to the truth he was. The future plans he was referring to had little consequence compared to the actual plans to secure the region. “I did not request your commentary, General. Only the facts as they pertain to this situation. Why do we believe it is not Asmere forces attacking the operative?”

  Angered by the Senator's remarks, the Lieutenant General’s reply was terse. “The operative’s message says it all.”

  Royce noted the tone of the Lieutenant General’s reply, but really did not give a damn. He outranked him as a Senator and as an ex-military General. “Why would Emure open fire on an operative who just rescued their Princess?”

  “That is the million dollar question, sir.”

  “You have twenty-four hours to find me the million dollar answer, Lieutenant General. In the meantime, I want a conference with King Aswan. Make it happen.” Royce stood. “General.” Royce nodded, indicating that McGary was to remain.

  Lieutenant General McGary looked bothered by the request for him to remain. The other men in the room took the cue. Once they were alone. Royce turned to the General. “Attention, soldier.” The Lieutenant General immediately adjusted his posture and stood at attention. Royce stood in front of the man, legs braced apart, arms folded across his chest as if he was ready to do battle. “Are you forgetting your rank?”

  “No, sir.”

  “No, sir what?”

  “No sir, General.”

  “When you are in my presence, your opinion is to be kept to yourself unless I ask for it. Is that understood, Lieutenant General?”

  “Yes sir, General.”

  “The next time you use a dishonorable tone with me, I will bust your ass down so fast you will wish your mother had never screwed your father. You are dismissed, soldier.”

  Lieutenant General McGary saluted, crisply turned then walked out of the room. Royce sat back in his chair drained. Under normal circumstances, he would have let McGary’s disrespect slide. Royce was very aware of who he was in this world, but had no need to shove it down other people’s throats. To Royce, McGary was nothing more than an irritating fly who wanted to be more than he was before his men. Royce understood that maintaining the respect of the men who serve under you was important, that was the only reason he did not reprimand McGary in front of his men. He was sure working on less than two hours of sleep added to his not so accommodating mood today.

  Thoughts of the n
ight before with the insatiable Shelly Knight brought an immediate smile to his face. He laid his head back, closed his eyes and he could taste her on his lips. The thought caused a rise against his zipper. God, he wanted her again. He sat up, looked at his watch. He called his office.

  “Yes Senator,” Kathy answered.

  “How are things at the office?”

  “Hectic, but manageable,” Kathy replied. “How are things at the Pentagon?”

  “Manageable, but they’re about to hit the hectic mark. Anything there I need to handle?”

  “It depends on what you are planning on doing instead. If you are planning on having another date with Ms. Knight, I can manage here.”

  A broad smile touched Royce’s face. “I plan to do just that, if she will have me.”

  Kathy laughed. “I am so tickled by your reaction to this woman. Go, I’ll handle the office. If anything serious comes up, I know where to reach you.”

  “Thank you, Kathy.”

  “Hold on. Ms. Knight’s line is ringing now.”

  “Stop reading my mind.”

  “Why? I’m so good at it.” She switched calls. “Ms. Knight, Senator Davenport is calling. Please hold.” She put Shelly on hold. “I had to make you sound important.”

  “Go home to your husband, woman.”

  “Have a good evening, Senator.”

  Royce heard a click on the phone. “Hello, Shelly.”

  Shelly stood in her kitchen, waiting for the water to boil for her tea. Royce had been on her mind all day. Her mind was tired, but her body was humming just from the man’s voice. “Hello, Senator.”

  “What happened to Royce?”

  “You will get that when I see you again.”

  “Will tonight be too soon?”

  “That depends. Are you bringing your weapon with you?”

  “What weapon?”

  “That body of yours. I’m humming for more.”

  His laughter rang out. "I needed that, Shelly. You have no idea how much."

  "Having a rough day?"

  He rubbed the back of his neck. "A very hard and long one."

  "Sounds like the description I gave you today." He laughed. "Have you been there since you left last night?"

  He sobered. "I'm afraid so."

  "Wow. Are things that serious? Anything you can talk about? I'm a good listener."

  He hesitated. The issues he dealt with were not something you could take home to the wife to discuss. That was one aspect of his job his ex-wife did not understand. "It’s classified information."

  "Oh, no, you keep that to yourself. I can't have you telling me stuff that will have unsavory characters coming after me. You keep all of that to yourself. I'll use other means to relieve you of all the pent up stress from keeping secrets."

  If Royce had been anywhere near her, he would have kissed her. That was the very reason he never shared anything classified with his ex-wife. It was to protect his family. His ex had taken it as him being closed off from her and the children. Because he wouldn’t discuss things that were on his mind with her, she began to shut down on him. Eventually she found someone who would tell her all and had an affair. That ended his marriage and his political career. He refused to tell the public why his marriage was dissolving. Of course the media came up with their own spin on things and that was just that.

  “It doesn’t bother you that I can’t and will never be able to discuss my work with you?”

  “No,” Shelly replied. “There are going to be times when I will not discuss my day with you. When you can and you need to, you will. I’ll be here to listen.”

  He stood and smiled. “Ms. Knight, you just earned another notch on my belt.”

  “You don’t plan to beat me with it, do you? I’m not into the bondage, beating thing. You know with the whips and things.”

  Royce laughed. “No,” he continued to laugh. “I might try a few toys here and there, but not whips or chains.”

  “Toys? I’ve got some toys for you. They’re called East and West and they are straining for you with all this grown and sexy talk.”

  It took him a minute. “East and West.” He laughed. “God, I’m going to bottle you up and keep you. I swear I am.”

  “I like having you around, too. So when are you coming over?”

  “I think I’ll be coming around eight, but I will be at your front door around seven, armed and dangerous.”

  “I got that. That was cute. I think I might be rubbing off on you.”

  He picked up his briefcase and turned towards the door. “You smack it up and rub it down.”

  They both said, “Oh no,” and laughed.

  “I’ll be waiting for you, soldier.”

  “I like the sound of that, Ms. Knight.


  Joshua arrived at the hotel in Washington late in the evening. They made no stops between leaving Asmere and arriving in the United States other than switching from the chopper to a plane.

  He walked through and surveyed every room in the hotel suite before allowing Akande to enter. Monique had a change of clothes for Akande and Joshua grabbed his things from the chopper. They’d washed up and changed on the plane. Joshua needed a thorough cleaning and he was certain Akande would appreciate the same.

  Akande was still standing by the door when he turned around. “You are safe here.” He took her hand and brought her into the sitting area of the suite.

  “Is this your place?”

  “No.” He pulled her down into his lap. “This is where we are going to stay until we work out this situation.”

  She sat up. “There is no situation, Joshua. You fulfilled your promise. You brought me to America. Now, I must find my father.”

  “Back to that again.” Joshua dramatically dropped his head on the back of the sofa. This brought laughter from Akande. He jerked up. “What, was that laughter I just heard?”

  She playfully punched him in the abdomen. “Ouch.”

  “You’ll hurt your hand doing that.” He liked seeing her being this free. Her life had been so serious. He wanted to see her smile. “How about this, we’ll jump in the shower, order some room service and live like humans for tonight. Tomorrow, we find your father.” He kissed her lips. “Will you give me tonight?”

  That was the first time he had kissed her since leaving the cave. She liked it. She liked it too much. They would have to part ways soon. God forgive her, she wanted to feel him inside her again. For she knew after tonight, there would be no more. “All right, you have tonight.”

  Before she could change her mind, Joshua picked her up and carried her to the shower squealing.

  Joshua sat her on the floor in front of the shower and began to remove his clothes.

  “What are you doing?” A shocked Akande asked.

  “Taking a shower.”

  Akande looked around and saw a tub in the corner. “All right, I will bathe in the tub.”

  Joshua looked at the tub then back at her. “Okay, the tub can be freaky, too. We’ll bathe in the tub.” He pulled his shirt off.

  She momentarily lost her train of thought seeing his naked chest in the light. Shaking it off, she balled her fist up at her side. “You cannot bathe with me. It is not done.”

  The look on her face and the fist at her side made him realize she was serious. He kicked off his shoes, pulled her into his arms and proceeded to kiss her senseless. By the time he was finished, they were completely undressed and under the shower with her back up against the wall. He turned the shower on allowing the water to cascade down their bodies. His hands moved over her smooth wet body as boldly as hers roamed over his. The possessive kiss became lazy. He now had her complete attention. He wanted to take his time, go slow, say all the sweet words she’d never heard and show her how a woman should feel in a man’s arms.

  Akande never knew when they entered the shower because she was too busy trying to follow his kiss. It was powerful, forceful, possessive, and she loved it. She loved the feel of his
hard body on hers, his muscle bound leg between her thighs making her heart pound and her stomach flutter. Now he was teasing her with feather like kisses down her neck, across her shoulder. She pulled his face back to hers, and sought his lips. She wanted his tongue merging with hers.

  Joshua gave her what she wanted with a growl mixed with laughter. She grabbed his shoulders and began moving her body restlessly against his. She raised her thigh as if she were trying to climb him. He helped by wrapping his hands around her waist then picked her up until she was eye to eye with him. He leaned his body against hers and held her in place.

  He touched the side of her breasts, loving the heavy weight of them in his hands. Her nipples had hardened at his touch. He gently rubbed his thumb across them anticipating their taste. He broke the kiss with one stroke and captured her nipple with the next. She inhaled and let out a deep moan. Her hands became wild, they were all over him as he sucked, licked and devoured her breast. He broke the contact and captured her lips again. Their kisses were ravenous and he liked it. He broke the kiss and looked down at her passionate face, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she did, he saw the passion, the desire, the need. He grinned, and then sucked the other nipple into his mouth. She moaned. He was beginning to like hearing that sound from her.

  Akande was overwhelmed by his strength, his muscles, his entire body. She held his head to her breast, for the warmth of his mouth and the pull of his lips filled her with an indescribable sensation. The feel of his thigh was like steel between her legs. She was about to explode. “I’m burning, Joshua,” she husked out. “I’m burning.”

  Her words drove him crazy. He ran his tongue down her stomach to her navel as his arms lifted her higher. He dipped, placing her legs over his shoulder, held in place with his hand on her stomach. His tongue lashed into her with a vengeance. She screamed at the sensation generated by him plunging in and out of her. She was so sweet, his knees almost buckled. He bent his knees and pushed back up as if he were lifting a hundred pound weight. Her thighs tightened around his neck, her hands holding his mouth to her, her body moving to the rhythm of his tongue until it shattered.


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