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Blood Apocalypse - 04

Page 30

by Heath Stallcup

  Max nodded to Jack and Viktor rolled his eyes. Jack fought the urge to say, ‘Let’s do this, Pops,’ as he really liked the idea of seeing his child born.

  Tufo looked around the room. “Jacobs, Lamb, Tracy…go with them. I want a secure perimeter around the front of this bunker. If those bastards figured out that the HQ is a ruse, we’re going to need a secure line out there.”

  All three operators snapped to and fell in behind Thompson. They went to the side blast door and filed through the antechamber. As they emerged from the building next to the bunker, they assumed tactical position on either side of the bunker. Jack stepped next to a POD station. “Did you guys see what was hitting the OpCom?”

  Neither man answered him and he looked more closely in the moonlight. The man standing next to him leaned against the building in a casual manner. Jack elbowed him. “Hey, pal?” The man fell over, his head rolling away from his shoulders. “Oh, shit,” he muttered. Jack keyed his coms, “We got a problem.”


  “All of the POD personnel out here are dead,” Jack reported calmly.

  There was a brief pause before Tufo came back, “Say again, Chief?”

  “I repeat, all POD personnel stationed outside the bunker are dead. As in decapitated. Over.”

  Max stepped out into the battlement and drew his sword. “Show yourself, you bastard!” he yelled into the darkness. “I know you’re out there, I can smell your rotting flesh!”

  Jack was just about to inform him that a direct challenge might not be the best idea when a voice echoed back from the darkness, “I see your bravado hasn’t lessened over the years, Centurion.” It hissed from the shadows and Jack couldn’t pinpoint a location.

  “Show yourself, you coward!” Max bellowed, taunting him.

  Jack turned to say that name calling probably wasn’t a great idea either, but Max had disappeared from where he had been standing and Jack heard a loud booming crash behind him. He turned quickly to find the blast window shattered and the innards of the command center in disarray. “Converge on me! Now!” he ordered as he headed for the window.


  Hammer and Dom had just made their way back around the war zone, pushing the SCOUT vehicle as hard as they dare through the open desert. They watched the fire rain down from above and listened to the radio chatter from all the units as they made the slow approach to the base proper.

  They heard the chatter from OpCom to the Hercules and coordination from the drone operators when suddenly all the chatter suddenly stopped. They could still hear Lt. Gregory, but it was if someone had unplugged the command center and both men knew… that was NOT right.

  “Me thinks something is amiss,” Hammer yelled as he floored the SCOUT.

  “Me thinks if you don’t fucking step on it, I’m gonna be pissed.” Dom gripped the overhead roll bar.

  “This thing can only go so fast.” Hammer responded as the SCOUT cleared a small dune and the two men went airborne. “It isn’t made for speed in this kind of terrain.”

  “Just get us there, dammit.”

  Neils pressed the accelerator to the floor and tried to avoid the larger rocks and dunes. They raced around the rear of the base and slid the machine to a stop into the side of a metal building, bursting the rear tire as it made contact with the building’s foundation.

  “Go, go, go!” Dom shouted as he cleared the vehicle. Hammer pried himself from the seat and climbed over the nose of the vehicle.

  Just as his boots hit the ground something HUGE landed in front of him with a ground shaking thump and growled. He looked up into glowing red eyes and could barely make out the silhouette of a monstrously large and muscular beast. He drew his carbine and pointed it in the direction of the beast, but the weapon was pulled from his grip and tossed aside.

  As Hammer started to rise up and draw his sidearm, the largest hand he had ever seen wrapped itself around his middle and lifted him to the creature’s face. He fought back a yell as he was certain he was about to become a midnight snack for something he hadn’t seen before.

  “Let me go, dammit. I think the vampires have gotten inside,” Dominic roared from the creature’s other hand. Neils glanced over and saw that Dom was easily held like a rag doll.

  The creature pulled them both closer to his face and took a great big sniff of them. A deep guttural voice rumbled from its chest, “Humans.” And dropped them to the ground.

  Both men lay in the gravel near its clawed feet and looked up as the giant gargoyle unfolded its great wings and prepared to take flight. “Apologies,” it rumbled. “I thought the monsters had gotten past my men.” With a massive beat of its wings, it took to the air and disappeared against the night sky.

  “Sweet Mary, mother of God…” Neils muttered. “What was that thing?”

  “Gargoyle,” Dominic said. “Ran into one once a long time ago. Ugly bastards.”

  “I think I need clean underwear, Dom,” he said with a shaky voice.

  “Yeah, nerves of steel and all that.” Dom gathered himself from the dirt and handed Neils back his carbine.

  “No, seriously, man. I think I just shit my pants.”


  Damien fought through the crowd until he made his way back to the edge of the embankment. He ran as hard as he could along the ridge and passed by Thorn’s troops defending the edges of the dry lake bed. He looked down at the base proper and knew that the only way to the base was to go deep through the desert and around the back way or run the lake bed and take his chances with all of the hunters and their silver rounds.

  “Don’t take chances, lover. We are too close,” Rachel warned.

  “It will take longer to go around.”

  “Then go faster.”

  He sighed and dropped back through the crowd of defenders, working his way to the back of the crowd. Once he reached the outer fringe, he prepared to cut through the desert when Foster stepped in front of him.

  “You look like hell,” he said.

  “I’ve been killing.” Damien stopped short.

  “Where are you going?” Foster asked, curiosity painting his features.

  “Just taking a break,” Damien lied. “I nearly bit off more than I could chew with that last one…so to speak.” He cracked a stupid smile at Paul and wiped the black blood from his mouth. “Had to rip his throat out with my teeth before he tore my arms off at the sockets.”

  Paul nodded, studying the younger vampire. “You need to be careful, son. Some of the older vampires are tricky bastards. They can hide their age from you and use it against you.”

  Damien nodded. “I found out the hard way.” He glanced back over his shoulder at the large number of vampires just standing around waiting for a chance to take a moment at the front of the lines. “But I’ve been at the front line since they advanced. Felt a breather wouldn’t hurt.”

  “Take one. You’ve earned it.” Paul waved him on.

  Damien had to truly concentrate on his words with Rachel whispering in his ear the entire time, “Eat him! Eat him!”

  Damien lowered his head as though he were beat down and trudged past Paul who patted his shoulder when he passed him. “Don’t be long. This is a good lesson for you, my son.”

  “I’ll not be.”

  As soon as he entered the shadows, Damien made a break for the open desert and curved around for the backs of the buildings.


  Mitchell coughed and waved away the dust and smoke that hovered in the air. He stood slowly and craned his neck to appraise the damage. “Sitrep!” he yelled into the carnage that once was the command center.

  Something moved in the debris and he pulled his sidearm and sighted in on the pile. He saw an arm in black BDU’s come up from the trashed equipment and then a head with a trimmed goatee, blood trickling down the side of his face. “Mark!” he exclaimed and moved to help him up.

  “RPG?” Tufo asked as Matt helped him to his feet.

  “No idea. I didn’t see
any flames. Just felt a concussion.” Matt began hearing groans around the room and turned in time to see Jack and the other operators come back in through the opening where the blast window once was.

  “Survivors! Find ‘em and clear ‘em out!” Matt barked.

  Jack used hand signals to direct the other operators as he kept his carbine up and at the ready. “Where’s Max?” he asked.

  “He’s with you.” Matt raised a brow. “Isn’t he?”

  “Negative, Colonel. He disappeared a fraction of a second before the window blew in. I think he’s in here somewhere.”

  A loud groan from the rear of the command center caught their attention and a locker was pushed over to reveal Max propped against the wall. Matt moved through the debris to help him. “What happened?”

  Max shook his head to clear it. “I was either hit by a bus or the bastard tackled me.” He coughed. “I forgot how hard he hits.

  Viktor climbed through the window, his crossbow at the ready and stood blocking the only open exit. His eyes and weapon scanned left to right, then up and down. “He’s in here somewhere.” He said softly. He strained his ears to listen. The crackling of electrical lines, the snap and pop of hi voltage power. The sizzle of electronics burning up inside their housings. The breathing of unconscious equipment operators. The rustling of hunters as they stirred from the blast. The movements of those already up and around. The tinkling of chains in the overhead as something moved about…he swung the crossbow up and searched through the girders of the overhead. In the darkness, he couldn’t make out any shapes and the acrid smell of the multiple fires ruined his sensitive nose. He narrowed his eyes and tried to force them to adjust to the darkness.

  His ears heard Max curse and kick open something metallic, but he blocked it out. His eyes searched for the monster, any movement at all…from his peripheral vision he caught movement and spun on it, bringing the weapon to bear on hunters bursting in from a side door, weapons ready.

  “Shut the door!” he yelled. “We must keep him inside!”

  The hunters entered, some at the ready, the rest to dig through the debris and remove the injured. Once they entered, those at the ready kicked the doors shut and stood guard until the injured were gathered and ready to clear from the damage.

  “What is he waiting on?” Matt asked.

  “I don’t know,” Viktor whispered.

  “Me.” Max pulled his weapon from the fallen locker. “He’s waiting for me to get my feet back under me so he can knock them back out, aren’t you?” he yelled. “Sorry bastard.” He kicked the locker clear and yelled into the overhead. “Bring me your worst, you blood sucking son-of-a-bitch!”

  Viktor saw a fraction of movement in the girders and fired on it. The resulting howl nearly pierced his ears and sent many of the hunters scrambling to bring their weapons to bear on the ceiling. Viktor quickly reloaded the crossbow and brought the weapon to bear on the girders again, but the howling had stopped. The arrow fell to the floor in two pieces, the blood upon it smoking.

  “You shall pay for your insolence,” the Sicarii growled, his voice seeming to echo from every direction at once.

  “There’s more where that came from,” Viktor snapped back.

  Hank lowered his carbine and drew his sword. Sanchez noticed him and followed suit. She ribbed Marshall and handed him her P90. He took the weapon and held one in each hand, easily handling them as though they were pistols. Drawing her sword, she did her best to clear her mind and prepare to draw blood.

  A fluttering sound to the far side of the bunker caught their attention and all eyes followed a cloak as it fell to the floor. Spalding stepped over and picked it up. “It’s empty. There’s nothing there.”

  “And there’s nothing here, either,” the Sicarii said as he struck out at the hunters on the other side of the bunker.

  As quickly as a thought he sent Jacobs flying across the bunker and sprawling into Major Tufo. Both were sent skidding across the rubble strewn floor. Lamb was punched in his body armor shooting him across the room and smashing into the other blast proof window. Marshall didn’t see the kick that sent him sailing across the room to smash into Donovan. Donnie did try to catch the man and break his fall, only to send the both of them into the concrete wall. Wallace rolled and tried to fire on the dark vampire but Tracy was in his line of fire. He held his finger off the trigger as the Sicarii used both hands to shove the huge man hard, rolling him through all of the broken equipment.

  Before the Sicarii could react again, Hank went into action. Slicing and dicing, he did his damndest to remove the vampire’s head from his body. Mitchell stood in stunned silence as he watched the warrior monk move with fluid grace, spinning and slashing, stabbing and blocking, his blade slicing so fast that even with the enhanced vision that his wolf gave him, Matt could barely see the steel reflect the flashes from the sparks that were still erupting across the room.

  Maria performed a tactical roll and came up behind the vampire. Joining in, she began slicing away, matching Hank in his movements to try to cut the monster down, but neither warrior was fast enough. The faster they moved, the quicker the vampire avoided their blades. If they sliced, he ducked or sidestepped and on more than one occasion he would move in such a way that he caused Hank’s blade to strike Maria’s or vice versa, sending jarring pain to the other’s hands and vibrating up their arm.

  Once the Sicarii felt he had enough of playing with the two hunters he jumped up and away from them, kicking Maria’s blade from her hand and numbing her arm all the way to the shoulder. He landed behind the female hunter and grabbed her by the throat, spinning her around in front of him as a human shield. As the other hunters froze in their tracks, an evil smile began to form at the corners of his mouth.

  “I don’t think you want to do that.” Rufus stepped from the shadows at the very back of the bunker.


  Barbara tried to argue with Laura but it was like arguing with a fencepost. “I used to swim and run track in college. Plus, I’m a full foot taller than you. I’ll do it!” Laura argued.

  “Oh you did not just go there.” Barbara planted her hands on her hips and stared daggers at the taller woman. “You may have legs that go all the way up to your damned armpits, but that doesn’t make you faster than me. I’ll have you know that I’m used to chasing a sugar-loaded six-year-old that is the spawn of Bob Mueller all over hell and creation. I think I can dive my tiny little ass behind a door before the boogey man makes me into a Scooby-snack,” she snapped, moving her neck and waving her finger at Laura the entire time.

  Laura looked down at her and shook her head. “Does that shit work with Bob, because, seriously? You’re not intimidating me at all,” she said flatly.

  Barbara pursed her lips and glared at her, breathing heavily for the longest time. Finally she stopped pushing her chest out and waved her hands at her, “Alright, fuck it. I quit. It hurts to keep shoving my boobs out like that, and to be honest, I don’t really feel like being bait for that thing.” She walked behind Laura and stood behind the steel fire door that went to the stairwell. “You do it and I’ll hold the door.”

  Laura snorted and stepped up to the steel door. As she got ready to open it she took a deep breath and blew it out. She looked at Barbara. “Remember…if that thing gets past me, or…worse, don’t be a hero. Just pull this to, kick the lock pin and get your cute little ass topside.”

  Barbara smiled at her. “So, you think my ass is cute, eh? I knew you Amazons were a little off.” She tossed a teasing wink.

  Laura froze and blushed. “I didn’t…I…I’m not gay.”

  Barbara blew a kiss and gave her another wink. “Whatever you say, tall, dark and luscious.”

  Laura stammered and couldn’t find her words. She would reach for the door handle then turn back and open her mouth to say something but stop. Then turn back to the door, and turn back with her finger in the air as if something had occurred to her.

  Barbara laughed at he
r and shook her head. “Oh, for the love of Pete, get your hot, sexy ass out there, Amazon!” she laughed. “I’m just messin’ with you!” She pointed to the door with tears threatening her eyes.

  Laura flustered and tried her best to calm down. She took another deep breath and blew it out. “Ooh, I love it when you do that. Shoves your boobs WAY out there,” Barbara cooed.

  “Will you stop it?!” she ordered and stamped her foot. “You’re distracting the hell out of me.”

  Barbara smirked at her and hiked an eyebrow. “Mm-hmm. I bring out your inner Brandy, don’t I? I knew it.”

  Laura shot her a quizzical stare. “Inner what?”

  “Your inner Brandy?” she repeated. “You know. Brandy. Cuz it’s a ‘fine liquor’?”

  Laura shook her head. “I don’t…”

  Barbara rolled her eyes. “Oh my God, you really should have been a blonde, sugar. It’s a FINE LICK HER. Fine liquor, fine lick her…if I have to explain it, then it just totally ruins the joke.”

  “There’s something wrong with you, you know that?”

  “Yeah. Bob tells me that all the time.” She gave her an impish grin. “I can’t help it. I make jokes when I’m nervous.”

  Laura resumed her spot by the door and listened for movement outside. She flexed her neck and shook out her hands. She took a deep breath then blew it out quickly and threw Barbara a dirty look…who was now staring up at the ceiling and pretending to whistle a tune and not stare at her boobs.

  “I didn’t look, I promise. Besides, I’ve seen you naked. In the shower,” she muttered which totally stalled Laura from opening the door.

  “You what?”

  “It was an open bay shower. It wasn’t like I was checking you out or anything though.” She rolled her eyes. “I was just saying.”

  Laura nodded. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Yeah. Okay,” she repeated. “‘Cuz, you like totally look a lot better wet and naked.”

  “Please, will you stop?” Laura all but yelled. “I need to concentrate!”


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