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Page 10

by Aline Riva

  “You may have a big knife,” Mack said, “But I have my cock in my hand. I'm the queen's chosen one!” he casually shook his dick in the direction of the guard, letting droplets of urine fall on to his robe.

  “Warrior!” Mack added, then he turned away, went back into the pod and closed the silk curtain once more with a smirk on his face - it had just occurred to him that, as the queen's chosen mate, he now had a certain amount of trust handed to him...Perhaps the guards could not imagine a reason why he would want to run from his envied position...

  Which made the possibility of escape that little bit easier, perhaps...

  His hopes had risen, but only for a moment. He turned his head, looking to the closed door as he wondered what had happened to his best friend, locked in the next room with two alien women, one armed with a straight razor... he had heard him cry out a few times, but then he had fallen asleep and heard no more.

  “Please be alive,” he whispered as he thought of Jinx, and then he crept past the queen's bed and over to Cora, who had sat up and rubbed tired eyes.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  She met his gaze and nodded.

  “As okay as I can be, trapped here with these fucking monsters!”

  He knelt down beside her, his gaze filled with remorse.

  “I'm sorry about what I did to you -”

  “Don't be!” she said firmly, keeping her voice low as she glanced to the queen, who was still sleeping with her eyes open, “You did what you had to do, and so did I. And I'm glad we're both still alive. Come here.”

  To his surprise as he leaned closer, she embraced him tightly, giving him a hug and a squeeze and then letting go again.

  “We'll get through this,” she promised him, “You and me, okay?”

  Suddenly tears were stinging his eyes, and it seemed so crazy to think any hostile situation could make him weep after the conflicts he had witnessed as a young man, but this was different, this was something that cut to his soul on a level he had never known existed until now.

  “I just want to know he's okay, I want Rik to be okay, he's my best friend!”

  As tears spilled from his eyes she sat forward, wiping them away with the hem of her sheer gown.

  “Shh!” she said urgently, “Don't wake that black eyed bitch! It's going to be worse when they serve up breakfast.”

  “I'm not eating my best friend!” he said tearfully.

  She dabbed at his eyes again, then kissed his cheek.

  “Mack, think about this – he went into that locked room with two women. If they wanted to put him in the pot he would have been in last night – they slow cook their meat. And they like human blood – they drink it fresh. If they'd killed him they would have shared his blood with the queen. They would have cut him up for breakfast! He's not dead, okay?”

  He blinked, looking at her in surprise as he silently marvelled on how she had managed to calmly make so many observations about the horror going on around them.

  “And I'll tell you something else I noticed,” she added, “Some of them sleep standing up. They just kind of go into a trance for a while, especially the guards when they change shifts.”

  “And sleep with their eyes open...” he murmured, unsure why the two facts seemed tied together in some obscure way. He had no knowledge of this alien species but all the same, he turned over those facts very carefully.

  “We need to keep watching them,” he told her, “The more we know, the better our chances of escape.”

  She hesitated, not wanting to say something she was sure must have crossed his mind, too.

  “What if we can't escape? We need to decide how things will be if we never get out of here.”

  He stared at her. Until now, he had been bearing the strain of the situation, waiting for a moment to arise that he could assemble some kind of plan to get out – but as he caught the look in her eyes, in that moment he considered a possibility he had not dared to let creep into his mind before:

  What if they never got out of here?

  Visions of all he had done with Cora flashed through his mind, the heat of the moment, the animal lust he had felt...In some dark corner of his mind he was thinking about her pregnant with his child, giving birth to his son, who would be raised a warrior, because he was a warrior...

  “I'd always keep you safe,” he whispered, thankful she could not read his mind as he silently chastised himself for such terrible thoughts.

  She placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes.

  “I can still feel you inside me,”she whispered, “At least it would be okay for us...I mean, none of those freaks would ever touch me, the queen wants you to mate with me...Make love to me, gentle this time...”

  “No!” he brushed her hand away, trying to ignore the stirrings of an erection caused by the need he had seen in her eyes.

  “You're nineteen years old and far too young for me! What we did was forced on us, to encourage it to go on would just make it worse for both of us -”

  “In what way? I feel so safe with you. I think I love you -”

  “No, I am not hearing this!” he said firmly, “You're in shock, or you're looking at me as some kind of protector who can save you from this hell and I don't know that I can! My ship is wrecked and we are far from home, Cora! I will not lose sight of who I am and this place will not change me!”

  “What if I'm pregnant?”

  She had said it so calmly. Mack had pulled back all thoughts that beckoned from that dark corner of his mind, remembering he would do whatever it took to survive – and keep his sanity...

  “When rescue comes you can request emergency contraception. Don't worry.”

  “But what if rescue doesn't come?”

  “It will!” he said firmly, “Keep remembering that! You have a life to go back to and so do I!”

  Then the alien queen breathed out audibly and turned on to her back.

  “Stay strong!” Mack whispered to Cora, then he got up and sat down on the edge of the bed, his back turned to the waking queen as determination burned in his eyes as he thought of his best friend, and desperately hoped he was still alive.

  Chapter 8

  As they reached the mining site, Jody looked around at the open shaft and the old sign that had been weathered but was still readable: Shine Gold and Diamond Corporation. Then the sun rose, and as she looked about the landscape that carried every shade from rocks to lush green earth as beyond the mountains, the sea air blew tasting of salt and a hint of the desert, the sun broke through, shading the landscape in fresh, vivid colour.

  “How can a place so beautiful be so terrible?” she murmured.

  “I was just thinking the same thing,” Zeke replied, as he cast a glance about the alien wilds, “At first glance everything seems perfect – on the surface. “

  “Speaking of the surface,“ she said as they approached the entrance to the shaft, “I thought when planets suitable for colonisation were found, they scanned for life? I thought that was part of the colony rights procedure – the right to live free from danger that could be posed by the possibility of hostile indigenous populations? Or did they start skipping that one after the first few colonies?”

  “I'm in security, that's my field,” he replied, “I know for a fact they don't skip that one – just in case there is alien life out there. It's always been believed that finding it is one day inevitable.”

  “So how come they missed a whole tribe living in the forest?”

  He looked at her, turning over the question silently.

  “I have no idea...they couldn't have missed it!”

  She looked to the fading sign above the entrance to the mine.

  “Maybe they knew.”

  “Impossible,”Zeke replied, “The mining corporation would have known the planet was up for grabs when the scans had been carried out and the details were sent back to earth. Any life forms would have been reported immediately.”

  She frowned, looki
ng about the landscape bathed in early morning sunlight.

  “So the scans came back as no population here at all?”

  “They must have done.”

  “ come they missed a whole settlement? And that place is just the queen's residence – where are the rest of them? No families in the settlement, no children...just the queen, her sister, her servants and her guards.”

  “Which would suggest the population is scattered about the planet, yet there's nothing out in the desert or down in the caves or we wouldn't have made it this far.”

  They exchanged a glance.

  “Something is wrong somewhere,” Jody said, “There's no way those savages flew here in their own craft and set up camp – the only ships here are from earth.”

  “And yet they know how to take one of our vessels apart, even removing an escape pod,” Zeke replied.

  They had reached the tunnel that sloped downwards, towards the heart of the mine. Jody hesitated as Zeke opened up a box at the entrance and flipped switches and then over head lights came on, revealing a long tunnel that lead downwards.

  “They left the power running...that's good. We can be sure of satellite connection to the droids.”

  She shot him a nervous glance as they began to walk down the tunnel.

  You're sure these droids are switched off?”

  “Not off,” he replied, “Sleeping.”

  She shivered as they ventured deeper underground, with every step a large shaft loomed closer, where a lift waited, the lights on.

  “Just my luck the transport from the surface is working too,“ she replied, “I bet we have to go down there, right? With how many of those things in sleep mode?”

  “Between two to three hundred, possibly as many as five hundred,” he replied.

  They had reached the lift. He pressed a button and the door swung open. Jody stepped inside and Zeke followed, then he pressed the down button, and the lift began to descend into darkness.

  Back at the settlement, the smell that hung in the air was strangely exotic and partly vile but Rik Jinx had passed the point of dwelling on the thought of what breakfast would consist of as he thought how Vishcarra had appreciated him going down on her that morning. It had been a strange experience, licking at folds of firm but soft flesh as she made a sound deep in her throat that sounded like appreciation as she ran her fingers through his hair. If she had reached orgasm, he had not been aware of it, but knowing nothing of her species, perhaps she had climaxed many times in the hour he spent down on her... Now he gripped at the hard wooden bench, guiding her hand between his legs as he drew attention to his hardness.

  “Feel that? See, I told you I can get hard for you now...Oh yes please, yes,” he whispered, as she drew back from him, paused to stroke his backside as he waited for it, face down and on his knees as he saw her dip her hand into that bowl of fat once more.

  “We should do this again after breakfast!” he said breathlessly, and then he closed his eyes as he heard her sliding grease on to wood. Then she pushed it inside him again, working it in and out as her other hand firmly moved in small, jerking motions, demanding his hardness gave into her desires.

  “! Oh fuck, oh I can't take this...”

  As he yelled out loudly not caring if the whole settlement heard him, his body trembled and he felt sure that one day, if he went though much more of this wonderful torture, his brains would actually explode. Then his climax spilled with force on to her hand and on to the bench, his legs buckled and he slumped exhausted, giving a weak murmur of protest as she removed the solid object that his body had clung to deeply in orgasm, and he felt the loss of it sharply as he turned over.

  “Come here, beautiful creature,” he said, placing his hands on the slender waist of Vishcarra. She leant over him, and as she smiled he felt an ache stirring already in his groin as he took in the sight of her double row of teeth, seeing this alien beauty in a new light...

  “If you suck my cock,” he said carefully, “Promise me you will not bite it off?”

  Her eyes glittered darkly.

  “I will never harm you,” she purred, and she ran her tongue over those pointed teeth, he took in the sight of them, double rows, sharp as a piranha...

  He couldn't stop himself as a bolt of pleasure shot through his groin at the mere thought of it.

  “I want you to suck my cock,” he said to her carefully, “I want to feel your teeth gently...but no hurting me. Just let me feel it...Tell me you're going to devour me...but don't do it, just pretend by saying it and then suck it, does that make sense?”

  Her alien eyes fixed on him, she silently processed his request, and then she laughed and even the blackness of her gaze could not take from the amusement he saw there.

  “You humans are strange!” she said, “But so amusing!”

  Jinx felt his face flushing slightly.

  “Us humans...some of us...have fantasies,” he replied, “We like to pretend...for the bedroom...”

  She laughed aloud, then she threw her head back, inhaling deeply, before falling forward and meeting his gaze once more.

  “For you, my human plaything,” she purred, and then she drew back from him, her gaze settling on his perfect body, naked in the soft light of the enclosed room.

  “Show me...” she whispered, and he felt himself harden at demanding tone of her alien voice. Then he gave a gasp as she pushed his thighs apart, and he felt her breath on his groin.

  “Maybe...” she said, pausing to draw him into her mouth, then as her double row of teeth scraped carefully along his hardness, he gave a soft moan as his body trembled, and she released him once more, so carefully, not wanting to damage the very important part of the human who she was growing to adore.

  He had raised his head, watched her sharp teeth caressing him so tenderly, so carefully. Jinx felt in a trance as he met her gaze and those teeth of hers gleamed deadly sharp.

  “Maybe,” she said again, enjoying the clear sense of excitement she held him under, “I shall eat you. Maybe I shall bite this off.”

  And she took him in her mouth again as Jinx gave a cry of sheer pleasure as he closed his eyes, shaking and panting as she gave him the most exquisite oral sex he had ever known in his whole life and long list of conquests. It was like nothing on earth – and neither was Vishcarra. He knew it for sure now, he didn't care if he never saw earth again...

  As he heard a sharp cry come from the closed off room, Mack jumped up from the bed,looking in alarm towards the sealed door. Then he heard Rik cry out again.

  “Fucking hell,Vishcarra! Oh yes, YES...Oh fuck me, yes!”

  As he gave another low moan and murmured something that was lost through the closed door, Mack realised he had just heard his best friend coming, and he laughed out of sheer relief.

  “He likes my sister, and I think my sister likes him too,” purred Lazzarra, and her hand rested on Mack's shoulder, making his blood run cold. He glanced at her and forced a smile.

  “And soon you shall know how this warrior shall please you, Majesty,” he replied, “But first, we shall feast?”

  The alien queen smiled, as Cora shot him a look of horror.

  “But Majesty,” Mack added, taking the hand of Lazzarra and kissing it respectfully, “If I am to make warrior sons with you and Cora, I must not contaminate my seed with meat, and neither must Cora.”

  Her dark eyes regarded him thoughtfully.

  “You shall be permitted one taste, and to drink of the blood,” she replied, “And then no more...we must think of the warrior seed.”

  Mack forced a smile, realising his plan had worked...she thought he actually wanted the human flesh...

  “Only one taste? And only drinking the blood? What a shame, I wish I could eat a whole human!” he agreed, but his sarcastic tone lost on the queen, as Cora's face paled at the thought of it.

  Then the door to the sealed room opened up, and Jinx walked out with a smile on his face.

�� he said brightly as he went over to the corner where he had dropped his clothing the night before, “Are you okay, Mack? You look a bit pale!”

  And he put on his jeans, zipped them up and then put on his trainers, leaving his shirt off.

  “Are you okay?” Mack asked carefully, looking with concern at his best friend, who seemed far too happy about this situation now, a situation that yesterday had seen him at breaking point...

  “I've never been better!” Jinx said, and then he turned to Vishcarra, patting the crotch of his jeans.

  “This,” he said, “Is only yours...I cover up in front of others, yes?”

  The queen's sister smiled and he smiled back at her, and in that moment as Mack looked on and thought of all the times he had seen Rik flirt with women, a horrible realisation hit him:

  Rik was not faking this.

  He was behaving as if nothing was amiss.

  He was looking at Vishcarra with real emotion in his eyes.

  His best friend had lost his mind...

  Just then as the servant girls returned with fresh garments for the queen and her sister, Vishcarra paused to take something from a tray, then she smiled to the servant and dismissed her, turning to Jinx with her gift.

  “You wear this, my Jinx,” she purred softly.

  He took the necklace of human teeth from her and held it up, admiring the way the teeth shone white against the leather cord they were attached to.

  “What a lovely gift!” he said warmly, and put it on without hesitation.

  “Thank you,” he added, grasping her hand and bowing as he kissed it, then he straightened up and turned to Mack.

  “Nice teeth,” he remarked, running his finger across the smoothness of the necklace, “What do you reckon, Mack? They looked capped to me. I think they might have come from Tina.”

  Mack's stomach turned over and he dared not think about the early morning feast that was about to be served up, because the sight of that necklace was enough to sicken him completely.


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