Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3)

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Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3) Page 3

by Shaniel Watson

“I’m surprised a trail of guys didn’t follow you up here. You’re like a neon traffic sign signaling mile long curves for days.”

  “You know me, I try,” I say, tossing my hair over my shoulder for dramatic effect, walking in as she closes the door. “Speaking of gorgeous, I love your dress.”

  “This old thing. Thanks,”

  It’s a bodice fitting navy blue plunging neckline flowing out at the waist. Her hair is in loose bouncy curls around her shoulders with minimal make-up on, she looks younger than twenty-six. If you’re a guy, she’s the perfect MILF combination of petite cute and sexy. The opposite of me at almost five nine.

  “Everyone’s migrated to the living room.” She walks ahead of me through the kitchen of the open floor plan apartment.

  Our friends and a few other people I’ve met in passing before are circulating around the room eating and having small conversations. Right away, my eyes land on the person I want to see the most and the one I want to see the least.

  “I see all spice isn’t office ready uptight tonight.”


  “I’m making an innocent observation.”

  “You haven’t been innocent a day in your life.”


  Seeing us Nick comes over, pulling Cat into his side with one hand around her shoulder. He kisses her with a quick peck on the lips. Cat is practically beaming up at him. He starts speaking to me with his attention focused on his wife adoringly before he turns his line of vision on me. God, these two are sickeningly in love. I’m a little jealous. I have to admit, I wish I had a little of what they had. They deserve every ounce of happiness and then some.

  “Hey, Ava, happy to see you could grace us with your presence.”

  “Don’t mention it. You know the party can’t start without me.”

  “Yes, as I can tell by your attire. You have a hot date later?”

  “This was simply the best outfit for this occasion. Simply sexy.” For catching the eye of the man I want.

  “You’re overdressed for this small gathering,” he says, eyebrows going up questioningly.

  Cat looks up at him one corner of her mouth raised. Her eyes roll over to where Chris and Sage are standing not paying any attention to us and rolls her eyes back over to land on me.

  “I see. This is a drama free zone tonight, Ava. Don’t set anyone off. We can’t have people leaving with missing limbs and one eye.”

  I laugh drawing the attention of a few people. Including the main person I came dressed to kill for. Cat bites down on her lips to keep herself from laughing, too. “You guys have so little faith in me?”

  They look at each other then back at me simultaneously saying, “Yes.”

  “When Chris is involved, I’m not sure what you’ll do,” Nick says.

  I clasp my hands behind my back, cocking my head to the side, making sure to enhance all my curves from the right angle for any whose eyes may stray this way. For them to see all I’m working with. No one can accuse me of being shy. I know what I have and I am not afraid to use it to my advantage. “Don’t worry officer, your wife already read me the riot act,” quickly changing the subject I say, “Now where is my adorable godchild?”

  “Nick put him down for a nap before everyone arrived.”

  “Why did you do that? I haven’t seen the little cutie in a while. I’m by myself, I was looking forward to him being my date.”

  “You’re welcome to see him anytime you want. You know where his room is, you were the master decorator,” Nick says.

  “Don’t forget, Aunt Allison was my second in command for how great it turned out. Along with Cat’s color scheme.”

  “I agree, Mom and you did a great job.”

  “Yes, I couldn’t imagine doing a better job myself. I can’t tell you enough what a great job you and Allison did,” Cat says.

  “I keep telling you, don’t mention it. It was our pleasure.”

  I don’t know much about baby rooms but I learned fast when Cat was in a coma and we weren’t sure when or if she would wake up. I was a mess. Nick was in no shape to do much of anything but sit by her side, tirelessly waiting for any sign she was coming back to him.

  Thinking about that horrible time makes me take a quick look over my shoulder at the one person that could comfort me at the time. I was at my lowest fearing my best friend wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive to see the beautiful child her and my cousin created.

  Call it kismet or the laws of mutual attraction working in my favor. At the exact moment I’m thinking about him, my eyes collide with his in a clash of heated memories of one erotic sensual night spent together. No shame, no boundaries, no limits or expectations.

  A faint smile floats across my lips. It’s returned with the sensual curve of his. Taking me back to a time and place where those lips were turning me inside out, caressing every inch in and out of my willing body.

  As fast as it was, the connection is sharply snapped. By the one thing standing in the way of the person I want the most. She leans into him, whispering in his ear and he turns kissing her on the cheek. At that I turn back around, focusing on my cousin and best friend who are eyeing me waiting for me to say something.

  “What?” I say, shrugging one shoulder casually.

  Nick looks at me shaking his head. “We are in trouble, aren’t we? And so is he.”

  Cat smiles and I simply smile saying, “Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room.”

  Coming out of the bathroom I see my cousin Gage and his friend. My friend Isabelle with her husband Kevin. The quintessential frat boy or I should say ex-frat boy. Two perfectly matching blond cake wedding toppers. But the nicest people you would want to meet.

  Then there’s Chloe the fourth wheel of me, Cat, and Isabelle’s friendship. She’s changed her hair again, this week’s colors are pastel purple and green highlights. It fits her brown completion and Asian features. Out of the four of us, she’s the one with the wildest streak.

  That’s saying something coming from me. We bump heads a lot but if you’re in trouble she can be counted on. Plus she makes a kick ass wing woman at a club. The girl knows how to bring the party alive. Funny...we’re the most alike but we drive each other nuts when we’re together for too long.

  “Hello, Ava.”

  “Hi Kevin.” I lean in greeting him with a hug doing the same with Isabelle. Chloe gives me a slight eye roll which I return, it’s our way, and I giving the guy standing next to her, I’m assuming is her date a hug.

  “Why are you overdressed and exposed, taking all the attention away from me?”

  “I would say you’re underdressed and out of the loop as usual, Chloe,” I smile knowing she’s going to hit me with a comeback.

  “Oh you, anything but little-”

  My southern accent makes its Appearance as sweet as can be, “Watch your mouth now. We wouldn’t want to kick things off in the wrong way already.”

  Isabelle being the usual referee between us jumps in holding Kevin’s hand and holding the other between us even though we haven’t made a move. “Guys let’s keep it clean. No hen house bickering tonight.”

  “Sure,” I say.

  “It’s amazing how you two can be the best of friends partying, drunk out of your minds but you can hardly be sociable in a calm social setting,” Isabelle says.

  I look at Chloe, take a sip of the drink in my hand thinking on that. “What do you say Chloe, should we put more of an effort into getting along?”

  “No. It’s our way!”

  “My thoughts exactly. It’s our way.” We high five in agreement.

  Isabelle smiles and Kevin looks at her. “Is, you know these two are never going to change. Just sit back and enjoy the verbal jabs. It’s their way of connecting.”

  “He’s right, Isabelle it’s our way of hugging it out. Right skank?” Chloe says playfully pushing my arm making me laugh.

  “You know it.” These girls are the best friends you can ask for. Individually,
we are all different but we each bring something to the friendship table that’s needed at one time or another.

  “I’m going to catch up with you guys later. I’m going to talk to Gage.”

  I reach over to Gage and take a quick look around surveying the room for Chris. I don’t see him or Sage anywhere in sight. She probably stole him away to hide him away from me. She’s been draped over him the entire night. Like they’ve been surgically attached with no chance of separation without a precision surgical blade. If you’re that insecure it means you know you don’t have a hold on him, do you.

  “No Logan, I will not go out with you,” I tell Gage’s friend for the hundredth time.

  “Why not?” He says looking offended.

  “One, you’re too young for me-”

  “Age is nothing but a number.”

  “I thought you had a girlfriend. What’s her name?”

  “We broke up.”

  I look at Gage for confirmation of this. He nods once, taking a drink from his glass resembling a younger version of Nick at his age with green eyes. “They sure did break up. After a jealous fit where she falsely accused him of battery and an overnight stay in jail. Don’t worry, Nick was on the case for him. After he was through with her and her lawyer, she dropped all the phony charges.”

  “Your brother was a lifesaver, man. He put the fear of god into Shannon when he was through with her.”

  I say, “You sure know how to pick them don’t you, Logan?”

  “I do now. I wouldn’t mess around on a woman like you, Ava. You have the face of an angel and the body of a goddess. This two piece, it’s’s like hot liquid poured over your body to create the perfect form from all sides. Front...” He tilts his head to the side, “No need for me to mention the back, you know what you got. One date?”

  I laugh feeling terribly flattered. Gage looks at him like he’s lost his ever-loving mind. He’s almost as tall as Gage and he’s not bad on the eyes. “You’re cute but once again I’m going to decline. If I were still in college, I would be all over you like hot wax.”

  Gage smiles taking a sip from his bottle. “Yeah, I could see her burning you from both ends. Logan, my man, be thankful. She may look as sweet as honey with that southern drawl she uses to disarm, but she’s tough on her men.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” He licks his upper lip. “I’ll take the risk, cause this honey looks good enough to eat. Tasty.”

  “Dude, shut up. I don’t want to hear that. She’s my cousin.”

  “You guys are hilarious. But what I need is a favor from you, Gage. Chris.”

  “You’re still on that?”

  “Yes,” I say moving closer to him. My hand is on his shoulder facing the happy couple coming back into the room from the roof top garden.

  “I can’t recall seeing you like this before. You could have about any man you want. But you’re choosing the one who is doing an Usain Bolt to get away from you.” He chuckles.

  “He is not! Hardy, har har. Laugh it up. If I was a less secure woman, you would hurt my feelings.”

  “I’m sorry, I’ve never seen you sprung on a guy.”

  Logan looks to where Sage has a vise grip on Chris’s arm and it’s all I can do to stop myself from rolling my eyes in disgust. She has the nerve to finally acknowledge me by turning and smiling with a wave of her hand. Then takes the same hand with her spider fingernails, wraps them around Chris’s tie and pulls him down for a kiss. The same move I used on him at the wedding making sure she had a good view of it. She’s good. Bring it on, Sage. May the best woman win. She gives me a sly wink when Chris turns his head.

  Logan takes my hand in his caressing it in a way that would make me want to get to know him better. If he wasn’t my little cousin’s friend, saying, “She looks good but not as good as you. You’re a cool chick Ava, I’d pick you any day.”

  “Thank you, Logan,” I say, shaking out of the tight grip he has on my hand before he gets any bright ideas to touch the art instead of standing back and admiring it, that’s a no no. “Are you going to help me or not, Gage?”

  In his laid-back way, he quirks his bottom lip to the side assessing me. Exuding the good looks and the charm of an Alexander without the sternness which comes along with it. “I’ll help you.”

  “Yeah! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I give him a hug, kissing him on the side of the face and he gives me an easy smile.

  Logan says as fast as lightening, “You need a favor from me, let me know. Anything you want, I’m here to serve you.”

  Oh, gosh Logan. “You are persistent.” He could be useful. “Since you want to help me so much, there is something you can do for me.”


  “You, my friend,” I run my hands down the side of his shoulders to his hands. “Can escort me hand in hand as my companion for the night. To have a little chat with Gage and the happy couple over there.”

  “Say no more. I’m here for you. I will always be here for you.” He nods his head with all the seriousness that is so not warranted.

  “Alright Romeo, let’s go.” Gage snickers. I look at him and laugh, walking over to Chris and Sage.


  “Hey, Chris, Sage, what’s up?” The guys give each other one armed guy hugs. Sage gives Gage the dreaded triple side kisses only someone as pretentious as her, who is not from Europe, does.

  “Haven’t seen you in a while,” Chris says.

  “You know me, I’m in and out. Cat called to tell me my brother said to get my ass over here, so here I am.”

  Chris tips his head up at Logan. “What’s up?”

  “Not much,” he swings our hands up in case Chris didn’t notice us holding hands and looks behind me, “Enjoying the lush scenery.”

  I could smack him. Instead, I hold my smile smacking him on the shoulder as hard as I can with a thump. “Sweet, isn’t he?”

  “Ava,” Chris say looking at my hand on Logan’s chest.

  “Chris, nice to see you, as always.” I say with a smile biting my lower lip.

  “Ava, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be, Sage? Nick’s my cousin and Cat’s my best friend.”

  “I haven’t seen you at any family functions in months. Since the wedding, I believe.”

  “Family functions is right. I, am family. I haven’t been feeling myself but don’t you worry your pretty little head. I’m going to make sure you see much more of me.”

  “Well, I guess that’s good.” She eyes me.

  “It is. How have you been Chris?”


  “Don’t be modest, Chris, tell them about the big real estate deal we closed today. Reed Real Estate is going to be one of the top agencies in New York.”

  “Congratulations,” I say along with Gage and Logan. “Your father must be proud.”

  “Oh, he is,” she answers as if I’m talking to her. “We celebrated with champagne and his father even said if I wanted, I could have a position there when I’m ready. We’re all going to dinner tomorrow night for a real celebration with his family. Since you won’t be there, I’ll let them know you said hello.”

  “I’m sure you will, Sage. Don’t put yourself out.” Who is she kidding with her obvious attempt to show me she’s a permanent fixture, ensconced in his life?

  “I don’t mind in the least.”

  “Well thank you for volunteering to do so, speaking for him.” I look at Chris.

  “Cat! You wanted to speak to me?” Chris calls to her from across the room in an obvious attempt to get away. “We’ll be right there.”

  I’m sure Cat doesn’t know what he’s talking about from her semi-confused facial expression.

  “Ava, Gage, Logan, nice chat. Come on, Sage.” He takes her by the arm fleeing the scene.

  Not turning around to see him retreat I say, “That was going well until the seasoning opened her mouth.”

  “Right,” Gage says taking a swig
of his drink.

  I spend the next thirty minutes feeling my energy starting to dip. Hoping I can hold up ‘til the end of the night talking to everyone. I help Cat bring out the food to be served and then go check on Jace for her. To my surprise guess who I see, Chris. Finally without his tagalong shadowing every move he makes.

  “Hi Chris.”

  “Nice performance out there.”

  “What performance?” I act as if I don’t know what he’s talking about.


  “He’s cute.”

  “Puppies are cute, you don’t date them. Besides, I know he can’t handle you. You’ll burn him alive and make a meal out of him.”

  “I’m not that bad.” I’m amused. I mimic his stance with my arms on the railing of the crib. “Do you have someone in mind who can handle me?”


  “Too bad,” I say with faux disappointment, pleased with the direction our conversation is taking.

  He looks down at Jace sleeping soundly. “He doesn’t have a care in the world, does he?”

  “Lucky him. It’s hard to fathom how two people coming together in a time of so much upheaval around them could make and bring someone so precious into the world.”

  “It is.” Leaning over the railing he crosses his arms.

  I turn my head facing him. Leaning over the railing with him I move into his personal space. Close enough to feel the warmth of his body against my lips. The slight tick of his strong jaw works as he swallows. His throat constricts and I can’t help but ask, “Nervous?”




  “Chris.” The tip of my nose brushes against his jaw sending a thrill through me.

  I know this one touch has him feeling the same thrill of sensation floating through my body. His breathing changes as he stands up to his full height. Not willing to let him retreat, I move further into his space, leaning forward in a calculated move skimming the tip of my breast against his chest.

  In doing so, making myself squirm wanting to press my full body against his rising heat. Carefully I keep the lower part of my body a fraction of an inch away from him with his warm breath blowing against my face. An intoxicating smell of alcohol and pure him. “You want me Chris.”


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