Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3)

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Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3) Page 4

by Shaniel Watson

  “I want a lot of things, doesn’t mean they’re right for me.”

  “Sometimes you have to give new things a chance. Could be the best thing you’ve ever done, you might love it.”

  “Ava, stop.”

  “Stop what? I’m only being friendly. A little friendly conversation between ex bedmates. Don’t worry, I won’t bite unless you want me to and I think we both know....”

  Turning his head away from me he quickly says, “I’m with Sage.”

  Ah hell. I heave a sigh. “So you keep telling me. Did your lower half get the memo?”

  “It will. Natural reflex of a well-endowed beautiful woman pushing up on a man. Trying to do the right thing by his girlfriend, who you are not.”

  “No, I’m not.” Yet.

  I’m about to tell him how easily that can be achieved when Jace stirs in his crib with a soft whimper. I sigh in frustration as much as the slight fatigue coming over me. I turn around reaching into the crib to stroke the baby soft curls on Jace’s head. At the same time Chris rubs a gentle hand on his little back making him still for a minute. He rubs his little balled up hand over his eyes before they flutter open and he looks at me and smiles.

  Making me exclaim in a hushed voice as if he’s still sleeping, “Oh my god! I can eat him up! He’s the cutest thing ever.”

  “He sure as hell is.” Chris looks at me and we both smile as his head pops up off the mattress. He picks him up holding him in his arms. “We know where he get it from, his mama’s side of the family, of course.”

  “You ain’t nothing but a lie,” I exclaim making us both laugh. I kiss Jace’s hand and play with his hair. “You know he has his good looks from us. I mean come on, look at me.

  “I’m looking. I remember it all very well.”

  “Remember what well?”

  And she’s back. “Hey Sage, I didn’t see you hugged up with Chris. I assumed you left.”

  “You assumed wrong. Where my man goes, I go.”

  I know that’s right. “Frick and frack, where you see one the other will eventually turn up. How cute is that?” Not.

  “I think so,” She turns to Chris, putting her arm around his smiling. “What was that you were saying about remembering well?”

  “Go ahead and tell her, Chris. I’m sure she’ll get a kick out of it.” Jace squirms in his arms babbling with his hands in his uncle’s face. He gives me a tense smile, turning to Sage and kissing her on the forehead.

  “It’s nothing, just one of many jokes she pulled on me when she was a kid. My little sister’s pesky friend.”

  “Oh yeah.” She reaches up playing with Jace, cooing at him when he grabs her hair. “What was the joke?”

  “She thought it was funny to put a flaming bag of dog shit on my step. Making me step on it with a blow back of shit splashing all over me. She thought it was hilarious but I didn’t and I still don’t.”

  We both know he’s blowing a lot of it around now.

  “Me either,” Ms. perfectly old and proper says wrinkling her nose, still playing with Jace.

  “No, I guess you wouldn’t.” That’s why he needs someone like me. “Excuse me, I’ll tell Cat Jace is fine.”

  With that I leave the not so happy couple and get a drink. Taking a seat, I close my eyes for a brief second rubbing my temple at the slight headache I feel coming on. Seeing the not so perfect couple together seems to be affecting my health in more ways than one. Especially when I open my eyes and see his eyes on me for the briefest second with Jace between them in his arms, talking and laughing with my family and friends.

  If I truly believed he didn’t want me and we wouldn’t have a chance of making it together, I would leave him alone, no questions asked. Don’t ask me how, but I know we would be good together. If I didn’t know it before, I sure as hell knew it the first time we were together. Being with Chris switched something in me. Made me want something I didn’t want before.

  I always thought he was good looking and I wanted him but I want him in a much different way now. I think it’s what Cat said. Where I’m hard and impulsive he’s calm and level headed. We balance each other out. We make the perfect combination. If he could only take me as I am, and I think he can. Once we get a few things worked out, like getting rid of Sage.

  I get up strolling across the room. Nick stands in the middle of the living room with Cat at his side. His hand wrapped around her waist.

  “Cat and I would like to thank you all for coming tonight.”

  “Yes, thank you. We brought all of you here tonight not just because we love spending time with our close family and friends, but because we wanted to let you know-”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re having another baby already.” Chris smiles shaking his head.

  Nick looks at him with a pointed stare. “If that was the news, it would be a joyous blessing. Right?”

  “Absolutely,” he says as the palm of Jace’s hand slams against his mouth. Making everyone laugh. “Hey, buddy I was just looking out for you. Making sure you get all the attention. Trust me, I know sharing’s a bitch when you have siblings.”

  “Chris, watch your mouth. I don’t want that to be one of his first words. Don’t make me rethink the decision Nick and I made.”

  “What decision?”

  “Nick and I want you and Ava to be Jace’s godparents. Officially, when he’s christened in two weeks.”

  Coming up beside Chris I put an arm around his back. The other around the arm he’s holding Jace with. “I already knew I was his godmother before he was born. As if I was going to let anyone else be.”

  “I remember when you informed me.” Cat smiles. “Lucky for you, I agreed you would make the best godmother in the world.”

  “We’re going to be the best godparents to our godchild aren’t we, Chris,” I say squeezing him and Jace close to me.

  Sage, the thorn stuck to his side, grating on my nerves the entire night I make some headway, wraps her stick arm around Chris before I can finish my sentence saying, “He will be the best godfather. As well as he is a great uncle and boyfriend to me.”

  “How can we forget with you always dangling off him? An accessory wherever he goes.” I smile sweetly leaning over to her from Chris’s other side. “Some might call it needy but I think it’s downright charming.” If charming was sickeningly clingy and threatened by the competition she knows I am.

  Nick clears his throat, clapping his hands together while Cat pulls my hand off Chris leading me over to where they’re standing and he says, “Good times, please everyone take a drink. Enjoy yourselves for the next hour before I politely ask you to leave, so I can spend time with my extraordinary lovely wife and son.” He winces from the discreet elbow Cat gives him to the side.

  “Nick,” Cat says with warning in her eyes.

  “What? I’m play. Just kidding. You can stay as long as you want for the next sixty minutes.” He grins making Gage and a few of us chuckle. Grabbing Cat by the waist he plants a kiss on her lips. “I can’t help it if I want you all to myself. You’re that lovable.”

  “Aww...Chris, isn’t that sweet?” Sage chimes in.

  “Sure, let me get you a drink.”

  Nick holds his hands out for Jace. “Chris, I’ll take him.” Chris hands Jace over to Nick and leads Sage by the hand away from us.

  I watch them walk away then speak, “Cat, your brother’s girlfriend has a problem.”

  Taking Jace from Nick she kisses his cheek. “What is it?”

  “She’s afraid I’m going to take her man.”

  Nick drapes his arm around Cat’s shoulder and frowns. They both look at me questioningly. I answer honestly without a hint of hesitation before the question is asked.

  “She’s right.”


  That ass. Her body. The face. She is the total fucking package.

  I know she’s going to fight me at every turn. My life is going to be a power struggle with her to see who has the biggest balls. A contr
olling woman is one thing but Ava Alexander is out of the box. Over the years I’ve known her, she’s gotten more aggressive and tenacious. It doesn’t help that she’s also gotten more beautiful and irresistibly sexy as hell with her thick black as night hair and cobalt blue eyes. If I get anywhere near her, she’s going to drive me crazy. Disturbing my piece of mind and sanity.

  It would be exactly like when she was a little girl playing tricks. Crushing on me yet terrorizing me at the same time. When you’re a kid tricks can be harmless but as an adult tricks that come in the form of Ava can be dangerous. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I’m trying to do the right thing by keeping my distance from her. But when I saw her before we left Cat’s tonight I couldn’t help it. I was concerned.

  Ava is always upbeat and full of energy so when I saw her leaning against the kitchen counter with her head down I went over to her after putting my jacket on. Sage was busy saying goodbye to Jace and my sister. “Hey, you alright?”

  After a beat she turns around to face me lean back against the counter. Crossing her arms pushing up her full fabulously real breasts. I remember spending an entire night worshipping them along with the rest of her body.

  “Careful, I might misunderstand and begin to think you actually care.”


  “You don’t have to say anything. Your girlfriend is coming this way, wouldn’t want you to get in trouble consorting with the enemy.”

  “Cut it out, you’re not the enemy.”

  “Maybe to you, but your girlfriend marching this way thinks otherwise.” She quirks her lips smiling when Sage stands beside me taking my hand interlocking our fingers.

  “Babe, all ready to go?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  “Great.” Sage faces her. “Ava, goodnight.” She looks to me and back at Ava. “You know maybe next time you should bring your own date. I noticed Logan left a while ago with Gage.”

  Ava stares at her not giving away any emotion. I’m sure there is a whole lot of things she wants to say. Let’s hope she doesn’t and lets the night end without an altercation.

  “Don’t worry about me, Sage. I’m like a cat, I always land on all fours.”

  “I bet you do. Keep me in mind if you have any problems finding a date. I have a few men in mind for you.”

  Biting her lower lip, she turns her eyes to Sage giving her her full attention with a look of a challenge. “I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight, Sage.” Putting a slight smile on her face, she turns back to me. “Chris. As to your question before, I’m fine.”

  “Goodnight Ava,” I say with one last look behind me.

  It was another long silent ride back to Sage’s place. I had a feeling of what would happen once we got inside. I spend the drive preparing for the disruption that is Ava. Sage is not a needy or insecure woman but Ava rubs her the wrong way, without her even knowing Ava and I hooked up before we decided to be in an exclusive relationship. I want to reassure her of my commitment to being with her. I don’t know...she’s all the things I want in a woman and I want this to work.

  “Why are you giving me the silent treatment?”

  “I’m not,” she says in a monotone voice.

  “Something’s bothering you. What is it?” She takes off her jewelry placing every piece in their individual compartment in her jewelry box.

  “Why would I be bothered by you and her and the way she had her hands and her half-dressed body slathered all over you?”

  Says a lot she managed to get all of those words out in one breath.

  Letting out a breath I reluctantly prompt, “Her who?”

  “Feigning ignorance won’t help my mood. You know who.”

  “The her you are speaking of is my little sister’s friend. There’s nothing for you to work yourself up about.”


  “I’m here with you. My eyes have been fixed on you the entire night. And what I intend to do with you out of this dress. I’m with you and only you. You have my full undivided attention.” Which she does. My eyes are on her when I pull her rigid body into my arms. “I intend to take full advantage of your delectable body. I would be a fool to look at another woman with all this, this, and this.” Every this is with a kiss to another part of her body. Shoulder, cheek, and ending at her lips.

  Sighing and relaxing in my arms she puts her arms around my neck. “In that case, you have my permission to take full advantage of me, body and all.”

  “I didn’t know your permission was needed. I thought I had full access?” I smile at her.

  “You do but access was nearly denied tonight.” She makes a face about to say something then stops as if she changes her mind. Shaking her head instead saying, “Let’s forget about the unpleasant moments of tonight and concentrate on us and all the things you’re going to do with your full access pass.”

  “A plan I can get down with.” Happy to be done with the unpleasantness of a conversation to do with Ava I kiss her cheek. Then I lift her up throwing her back onto the canopy bed.

  “Ow, Chris, take it easy,” she says a little breathless with a smile as I climb over her.

  I sit back with her trapped between my legs making sure not to put too much weight on her body. Looking down into her pretty face waiting for her next words.

  “I like it when your dominant side comes out sometimes, but not tonight, okay?”

  “Sure, babe.” I lean down kissing her, slowly undressing her. Taking my time the way I know she likes.

  I take in her every moan and shudder against my body. Rocking into her gently reassuring her I want to be with her. Until she reaches the end of her climax. I didn’t fully get there but that’s okay, it was still good. After we’re done, we lay in Sage’s bed with her in my arms listening to her fall asleep. Unconsciously my mind drifts to a dark haired blue eyed temptress and one seemingly unforgettable night spent with her. Not good.

  “Neither one of you were at Cat and Nick’s last night,” I say to my father and brother in my office.

  “You know how that goes,” Jay says, sitting back.

  “We’re making progress,” my father says.

  “Yeah, Nick hates us and what he says goes. Cat follows his lead.”

  “Jay, you know that isn’t true. She has her own mind and he doesn’t hate Dad,” I honestly tell him.

  “I stand corrected, he hates me and mom,” he scoffs raising his hand.

  “We’re not going to touch the subject of him and Mom.” Yes, I am. But not with them. I’m going to have my own conversation with her about her antics. “I don’t think he hates you, he hasn’t gotten over the way you treated Cat. It’s not easy listening to the woman you love being called out of her name. She looked up to you as her eldest brother. She was hurt by the things you said.”

  “I know I was out of line. Those things were said in the heat of the moment, it was a crazy time.”

  Crazy doesn’t come close to describing the things that were happening.

  “I walk out of one room where my sister is distraught after losing her baby. Then walk into the next room to find my baby sister in a lip lock with a guy who’s supposed to be mourning the loss of his baby with her sister.”

  “I know it was crazy. I don’t know exactly how I would have reacted walking in and seeing them either. But you handled it wrong, Jay.”

  “We all did, son. We turned her into the villain then made her a victim. She almost died because of it,” my father says to us still visibly stressed when the mention of Cat almost dying comes up.

  Jay hangs his head. “I messed up.”

  “We are moving past it now. Making amends, that’s what matters. Us coming together as a family,” Dad says. “You were the only one in her family who gave her a chance, Chris, sticking by her. Your sister is slowly forgiving us and I know it’s going to take Nick some time. She did call to let us know about Jace’s christening. I accepted on the behalf of all of us.”

  Jay then adds, “She called Vanessa about
it when she was setting up a play date for Sasha to visit Jace and her. It’s sad that my wife has a closer relationship with my sister than I do. We use to be close.” He shakes his head eyes cast down.

  “As Dad said give it time, she’s coming around. Remember whatever you do refrain from insulting her husband- the person who stood with her through everything. Who would walk through fire and stop breathing if it meant protecting her and making her happy.”

  With a resigned sigh he says, “I will.”

  My door opens and in walks my other sister. One of the major forces in our family’s almost complete unraveling. “Chris, I had some ideas for decorating the units we talked about trying to sell.” She stops short seeing Dad and Jay sitting in my office across from me. “What’s going on? Are we having a meeting? No one told me.”

  She’s my twin but we are as opposite as night and day. She is stunning and well-dressed at all times, works hard, and always on time. She runs her decorating business and her employees like her life. Everything in order the way she wants it, even if she has to be less than nice about her demands. I love her but most people would call her a bitch because they don’t know her as well as I do. It’s taken her months to pull herself back together with some much needed therapy. Ever since losing her baby and being the main cause of Cat and Jace almost dying.

  She looks happy today. Some days it’s touch and go, not that she would willingly admit it to anyone. That’s when the twin in me kicks in and has a talk with her to make sure she doesn’t sink too low. Losing what she’s working so hard to rebuild, a piece of herself she lost somewhere along the way. Sometimes she pushes me away, but I stay to show her if there is one person in this world who won’t judge her and is going to stay by her, it’s me.

  There is one thing I won’t do for her though, placate her and tell her what she wants to hear instead of what she needs to know. That’s the truth, no matter how painful or angry she gets with me and I’ll still be here for her.

  My dad is the first to speak. “We’re not having a meeting, honey.” He looks at me and we both know her happy day isn’t going to be so happy anymore.


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