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Imperfections Take Me As I Am (The Imperfections Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Shaniel Watson

  I requested a special song for us from the ministers premier collection, Elvis Presley. I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You. I knew Ava would get a kick out of it. She laughed all the way down the aisle shaking her head at me.

  “I can’t believe you picked that song for me to walk down to you. You are so lucky I like you.”

  I hold her hand standing closer to her until the tip of our shoes touch. “You love me. You want to know what else?” She nods her head and I whisper in her ear cupping the back of her head, “You are so beautiful.”

  “You think?”

  “I’m serious, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with. Inside and out.”


  “Really. You were always beautiful, sexy, and sultry. Everything you do has an undercurrent of sexy. What sets it off is the confidence in which you do the simplest things. The way you sweep your hair over your shoulders, the swish of your hips. Watching you is foreplay without you even trying. Today you’re going to be mine, for the rest of our lives.”

  She leans into me, the side of her face against mine, pressing her lip against my cheek. “Are you sure you want to do this? Once we do, there’s no turning back?”

  I kiss the shell of her ear. “Then I guess I’m stuck with you and your sweet sassy ass mouth that are good for more than a few things.”

  “Damn right.” She beams. “Let’s get married.”

  We were married and officially Mr. & Mrs. Reed. We picked out a temporary wedding band. I promised her I would get her something different that really fit her. She said she didn’t care as long as it didn’t turn her finger green and we were married. Always surprising me.

  I close the door to our honeymoon suite seeing her sitting on the bed. Waiting for me completely naked. She’s a contrast in every sense of the word sitting with her legs closed. Palms face down on her thighs, her raven black hair, eyes blazing bright with a burning sultry fire. Perfectly matched with her smooth plush flower petal lips. If the sight of her doesn’t turn any man stone rock hard, absolutely fucking nothing will.


  I hold my hands out to him waiting for him to come to me. This is the first night of many together for us. I always thought I wanted a huge wedding with everything imaginable you could have. But when it came down to it, all I needed was the person I loved and I have him. Nothing else matters.

  He walks to me taking off each piece of clothing one by one. Reaching me, he takes my hand turning it over, kissing it and helping me up. His arms go around me never breaking eye contact. Singing an old familiar song while he sways with me securely wrapped in his arms. He sings it slower than usual. Nick Jonas, Chains.

  I laugh at his choice in songs. “You’re on a roll with your song choices today. You know how to pick em for a man who doesn’t have a favorite song.” He simply smiles and I continue to listen to him. “I didn’t know you could sing?”

  “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me Mrs. Reed, but I’m an open book to you.”

  “You really love me.” I say, stating the fact. Not asking for an answer or reassurances. He gives it to me anyway.

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have taken those vows. Of course, I love you. Those vows, through sickness and in health. I meant every word. Till my dying days. Death and beyond this life to the next.”

  That’s it. The flood gates of tears I’ve been holding back all day burst wide open. He wipes them away with the sweetest expression looking at me.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t know,” I say my voice breaking. “It’s such a sappy thing to do.” I clear my throat, trying to shake it off. He says the sweetest thing to me. One of the many for today.

  “If you want to cry a river of tears, go ahead. I like when my wife shows her vulnerable side. It makes me feel useful. Gives me a chance to take care of her, which I intend to do for the rest of my life.”

  He moves his hand down to my ass pulling me up his body. Laying me on the bed he covers my body with his. I stroke the side of his face kissing him deeply. He laces his fingers through mine, placing them above my head, placing soft kisses across my lips and I feel something in my palm between our hands.

  “What’s that?” I ask. He picks my hand up off the pillow and kisses each one of my fingers then slips something down. “Chris.” My lips tremble. “When did you find time to do this? It’s amazing...I love it.” It’s a beautiful two band halo emerald engagement ring, surrounded by diamonds, an exact fit.

  “My wife deserves nothing less than the finest things in life. This will do.”

  My vision blurs as warm tears roll down. Rejoining our hands, he pushes them under the pillow. Kissing me with such force it takes my breath away. He positions himself at my entrance and I ask, “No protection?”

  He kisses my neck and flicks his tongue over each of my erect nipples making me arch up before he answers. “You’re my wife, I’m your husband. You trust me?”

  “With my life.” I bite his lip pulling him closer to me, making him groan, grinding against me. I stop him before he enters me.

  “What’s wrong?” He eagerly looks at me.

  “I have a song for you, too.” I smile and start singing. Give in To Me. I’m shocked to my toes when he picks up the lyrics and starts singing to me. Which leads to me tearing up, again. “When did you start listen to country music?”

  “Well now, my woman is country in high heels. I better listen to what she likes, she’s country strong.” I laugh and he laughs with me.

  “God, I love you.” He sucks my nipple deep into his mouth, rolling and licking. I pant holding him tight and moan, “I need you.”

  “You have me.” He sinks deep inside me. I close my eyes and we make love for the rest of the night.


  We came back home and started telling our families immediately. I knew Chris’s mother was going to be mad but I knew my mother was going to hit the roof and so was my father. I am his baby girl and only child. We decided to give them a little...a lot of time to adjust to the news of their new son in law. And when we go to visit I’d make sure to put away all my father’s shot guns. We had a good laugh about it on the flight back.

  “What are they going to say when you bring home a black husband?”

  “You know my family is not like that. Your sister is married to my cousin. They love her. What’s your mother going to say when you bring the fabulous, which is me, home?”

  “You brought home one like me. My first white daughter in-law, welcome.”

  We had a good laugh.

  The first person we did tell was, of course, Cat. Okay, we didn’t...get to it-she sort of walked in on us. Chris told her to drop by his office the day after we came back. This time I was at fault. I underestimate the amount of time she would take to get there.


  Cat walked in on me almost going down on her brother. In my opinion tragedy was averted, I didn’t get to work yet. She only caught a flash of his junk. She backed out closing the door, her hand cover her eyes so tight I’m surprised she didn’t gauge one out. I ran out after her holding her hand. She didn’t appreciate that either, she snatched her hands back.

  “You need to lock the door...If you’re going to do those things!”

  “It’s okay, it’s okay.” I reassured her.

  She looks at my hand saying, “What’s that?”

  “We’re married!” I squeal as a few people walked by eyeing us curiously. “We got married, so it’s okay.”

  Cat screams in delight jumping up and down hugging me. Almost making us lose our balance, she’s so giddy with excitement. She knocks on Chris’s door. “Can I come in? Are you all put together?”

  “Yes, Cat, you can come in,” he say’s looking at me all judgmental. I shrug my shoulders, innocently smiling at my husband.

  Not looking him in the eyes she hugs him. “Congratulations. I can’t believe you got married in Vegas and didn’t te
ll anyone. Mom is going to kick your ass. Oh my god, Ava.” She turns to me. “I’m so happy for the both of you. Oh my god.” She fans her eyes bawling, “I’m so happy for both of you. Ava, my mother is going to kick your ass too.”

  We all burst out laughing and she immediately starts making plans to have a big dinner party to celebrate our newlywed status. I walk her out hoping not to run into Kate when I’m coming back in.

  Chris says, “You need to get out of here so I can get some business done.”

  I sit on his desk pulling him between my legs. “As soon as you address me by my full name.”

  “Mrs. Ava Ann Penelope Reed, will you get the hell outta here and stop distracting me. I’ll be at one of our homes waiting for you.”

  “Good. We’ll continue where we left off.”

  “I’m going to fuck this pretty mouth raw and hard then put you to bed.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” Jumping down he swats me on the ass. I shake my head giving him a warning glare.

  I go into work and tell the girls in the shop and they scream down the place scaring the hell out of some customers. To say they were happy for me would be putting it mildly.

  Later in the day, I call Gage to give him the good news. He was happy for me but he was still having women issues from an unwanted admirer. Yeah, he slept with her once. He asked me for advice and I told it to him straight.

  “Gage, you once gave me accurate wonderful t-shirt advice I’m going to impart back to you. Keep calm, eventually they go away. Most of all, don’t fuck em or they’re going to fuck you in return.”

  If he has any sense in that thick Alexander head, he’ll listen to me. I felt like I was a college advisor because up next was Emma.

  “Ava, can I ask you something?” She says in a small voice.

  “Sure, honey.”

  “It’s about a guy.”

  “Then, I’m your gal. Did you find a boyfriend?”

  “ I mean there’s this guy that I like but, I don’t know if he likes me and...”

  “Why don’t you go talk to him and find out? It’ll be easy enough to figure out if he likes you.”

  “Ava, I couldn’t do that. I can’t look a guy in the eye without making a fool out of myself. I wish I was like you and had your confidence. You’re so fearless. It’s like you have no fears about anything.”

  “If I let you believe that, what kind of friend would I be? It would be a total lie. I have as much fear as anyone.”

  “Ava, you’re perfect. I can’t believe you have fears.”

  “Far from it, I have a shit load of fear like everyone else. I’m just better at covering them from the world.”

  “That’s hard to believe.”

  “It’s true.” I nod. “If you need help or advice on guys, you can come to me anytime. If you want, we can give you a makeover? And how about I help you find a date, or talk to this guy you like?”

  “Thanks, Ava. I’ll think about it. Your cousin Gage...”

  No. I hope he is not the guy. I’m going to give her the best advice I can like I gave Gage. I hope she takes heed and listens.

  “Emma, honey, you’re a nice girl. Gage, well...he’s Gage. Honey, leave that one alone He ain’t done breaking hearts yet. I don’t want to see yours get cracked. You understand what I’m saying?”


  I give her a hug and she goes back to work. I might need to have a talk with Gage. I hope she listens to me. Not that I don’t think Gage is a great catch. I don’t think he’s ready for a girl like Emma.

  Months later, I see Sage. She walked into my shop. Being me, I went up to her and said hi. There was no let bygones be bygones. She looked at me like she wanted to rip my head off and stick it on a javelin pole, sailing it clear across the sky. Oh well. A few tense words were exchanged before she walked out. I didn’t think she was going to buy anything.

  “Ava. I wish I remembered where your boutique was. I would have stayed away from it as if my last breath would be snatched away from me in a most cruel wicked way.” She walks past me. I turn around and she turns back. “You made my life hell when Chris and I were together.”

  “I’m sorry, not everyone is meant to be together.”

  “No, you’re not. You got what you wanted. I was doing things out of character for me. I was trying to play your games. The same things that hurt me. I’m not as calculated as you. Your type of deceit is an art. You do it well.”

  “Sure you’re not that person,” I say doubtfully. “You were just a woman trying to hold on to the man she loves. I understand. Unfortunately, it’s the same man that I love. So, by the same token you should understand. I was just a woman trying to get the man she loves.”

  “You’re good, Ava. You’re good.”

  “No tricks, Sage. No smoke, no mirrors, I opened up and dropped my guards for him to see the real me.”

  I think back to things Cat said in the hospital. ‘Don’t only show him the balls to the wall you. Show him the real you.’

  “I took sound advice from a trusted friend and she was right. That’s how I got the man I love who loves me.”

  “How great for you.”

  After Chris and I were married he went to see her to tell her we were married. He changed the locks on his apartment and brought her the rest of her things. He didn’t elaborate but he said she did not take it well. He left it at that and for once I didn’t push.


  What a day. I told my mother about Ava and I. She kind of flipped the fuck out for a minute. I finally got her under control. She’s more upset with me than Ava, so that’s a plus. It’d be a real bitch if my wife and mother couldn’t stand each other. I don’t envy Cat there. It’s enough to deal with Kate and Ava not getting along.

  I go out back and there she is sitting by herself. I’m sure she heard it all from my mother’s high pitched shrieks.

  “Hey, sis. I guess you heard?”

  “Let’s not jump into it right away. I’m willing to talk about the christening, just so I don’t have to hear how you betrayed me with my enemy.”

  “About time. Why weren’t you there with the rest of the family?”

  “I’m tired of being the center of the awkwardness in the room. I thought I’d make it easier on everybody not being there.”

  “You were invited.”

  “I know I was extended an invitation out of courtesy through the family. I get it.”

  “If they didn’t want you to be there, they would have said so. You know Nick. He would have been the first to tell you you weren’t welcome.”

  “It was Jace’s day. I didn’t want to ruin it. I saw the pictures, he’s gotten so big.” She looks away far off into the distance.

  “It’s okay, you know.”

  She looks over at me. “Is it?”

  “Sometimes it is.”

  “He would have been one. A little bigger than Jace.”

  “I know.” I hate to see my sister like this. Still mourning the loss of her baby. I take her into my arms resting her head on my shoulder.

  “I love Jace. Sometimes seeing him reminds me of what I lost and will never have. And the look on everyone’s face, oh poor her, but she brought it on herself. I know they’re right.” “You should be with family. Come around more, please. I know you want to deal with this yourself. We all need help now and again. It may not feel like it all the time but we love you. We care.”

  “I know you do.”

  “So do the rest of us, Kate.”

  She nods her head wiping her eyes. “I know, it’s just...sometimes I forget. It may not seem like it but I am doing much better. Dr. Fine is slowly weaning me off my meds. Chris...I’ll try to come around more.”


  She pulls out of my arm, her hand on my chest. “Enough about me and my inability to be a completely functional emotionally intact individual. You married my arch enemy. You know it’s not too late to claim temporary insanity and get it annulled.”
r />   “Sorry, done deal, she’s a keeper.”

  “Good luck to you. You do like damaged women, don’t you? You picked the most damaged of us all.”

  “Not damaged. Misunderstood, like my sister.” I bump her shoulder. “You both have a lot of balls and guts but you don’t know when to let your guards down and accept help when you need it. You know, both of you are a lot alike.” They are but neither one of them would ever admit to it. “She’s willing to give you a chance if you give her a chance.”

  She huffs and rolls her eyes. “I give her two seconds before she makes a snide comment towards me and we’re at each other’s throats.”

  “Come on, give it a try. I want my wife and my other half to get along. Come on twin, make me happy, don’t make me choose because I can’t.” I can but I won’t because if I do, I know I’m choosing Ava.

  “Fine. I’ll give it the old heave ho try, only for you. I want you to be happy and if she makes you happy, I’ll try.”

  “All I’m asking.”

  “But I want to go on record saying Sage was great for you.”

  “To you the bag lady down the street would seem like a great choice next to Ava.”

  “Your right about that. Come, let’s go inside so I can hear mom yell at you again for a shot gun marriage.”

  “I’m going home to my wife.”

  “Suit yourself. I think this will be more entertaining.”

  “I doubt it.”

  One month of wedded bliss...

  Soft light filters through the room. I roll over in an empty bed and hear water running. Rubbing my eyes, I stretch and get out of bed. Today is our one month anniversary. I was hoping to wake up next to my wife and make slow sweet torturous love to her. That’s my beauty, always making me change my plan to suit her. I couldn’t be happier. Who knew? I smile truly happy and go to get my wife.

  “Happy anniversary, beauty.” Walking up behind her I places a kiss on her shoulder, trapping her against the sink.

  Her face lights up pulling her lip between her teeth. “Happy anniversary, babe.”


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