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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 4

by King Coopa J

  David finished unpacking and seated himself on his new unwanted bed. He wished he could be back at the house on his queen size. Twenty, he thought. Where in the hell do I know that name from? I know that name from somewhere. He watched Twenty splash water on his face. He read the word tattooed shoulder to shoulder on his heavily inked back. “Lifters.” He muttered to himself reading the words. That’s where he remembers the name Twenty. My boy Bobby. “Lifters, that’s like a gang of car thieves’ right?” David didn’t want to come at Twenty like that and he hoped he didn’t decide to come over and pummel his face. He heard stories about crazy men in prisons. They react to any and everything. The prison fights, the rapes, oh the rapes. He prayed a million and one times before he entered the prison that no one would take his booty. He would probably commit suicide. Being taken from behind reluctantly was something he wouldn’t be able to live with. He hopes Twenty not a butt chaser.

  Twenty turned the water off. He looked in the mirror at his freshly shaven face. He heard David mention car thieves and it brought an extraordinary amount of memories and emotions. Now he was staring the demon in the eyes again. He turned around. David looked like he was about to run for his life. His eyes said he just took a shit on himself. Twenty understands that David is scared of him. He probably fears being in prison with a man all by himself at night. Not knowing what would happen to him. He’s good at reading people. John Kim trained him well in that art. “Not a gang, was a family. We didn’t steal cars. That sounds petty. But yes, we lifted vehicles. You must’ve watched the news?”

  “My friend Bobby told me about you guys.”

  “Bobby?” Twenty thought about the name. “Don’t know any Bobby.”

  “Oh, I know you don’t know him. He’s a… I guess a lifter too. Well, he steals vehicles. He always talks about being the best. Better than Twenty he would say. He knows all about you. He said he wished he and his brother Jimmy Neutron could join your Lifters crew. He was motivated to get into it from you. He’s the best in the area. If you ever get out, he hangs at the Scores Bar and Grill. Look him up. He’ll be good for your team.”

  Twenty smiled. “Listen, I’m done with lifting. I’m sure your friend Bobby and his brother um… Jimmy Neutron are great guys. That’s life, I’m done with. I’m here for life.”

  David looked to the floor concerned and worried to death. He thought he had offended Twenty. “Sorry.”

  Twenty smirked. “I don’t like boys.”


  Strong Arm

  Ablacked out limo pulled up to one of the most marvelous house in Atlanta. A black Mercedes Benz SLS AMG with two Mexican soldiers pulled up behind it. They were waiting for orders from the limo to go handle the type of business they both loved to do. It was 2:30 in the morning. Nobody was awake in the nice size brick house. All of the lights were off in the house. El’ Nino cracked the window for some fresh air. His personal bodyguard Nacho and The Spokesman were seated with him. The Spokesman came just for the thrill of it all. He was with El’ Nino two other times they strong armed prominent men in the city. While they were doing their thing. He would secretly roam around for qualified information. It was convenient since El’ Nino basically did the hard part. There was no better way to get information on somebody than at their home. He loved it.

  El’ Nino grabbed a plate off the table in the center of the limo. He picked up a nicely rolled one hundred dollar bill. He lowered his head down to the plate. He put the rolled bill in his nose and snorted from his mountain of cocaine. The coke rushed through the bill into his nostril entering his system. He sat the bill back on the plate and passed it to The Spokesman. He was feeling much better and he took a sip of the cognac to add to the rush.

  The Spokesman took an even longer drag of the cocaine. He tried to pass the plate to Nacho. Nacho turned him away and The Spokesman took another long drag. He felt like the coke was clearing his mind for what he was about to witness. He was feeling like he could fly right through the limousine’s sunroof. He started giggling to himself. The cocaine had him geeked out of his mind.

  “Nacho.” El’ Nino turned his attention to the powerful man. “Send the call to the soldiers.” He was ready for action after the bump of coke and cognac.

  Nacho nodded. He emerged from the limo and signaled to the men in the Benz that the time was now. They exited the vehicle and followed Nacho to the front door with their pistols in hand. Nacho approached the door and without thinking about it. His massive foot successfully went through it. He stepped in and stood by the door.

  The two soldiers rushed upstairs to the bedroom. One opened the door to the master bedroom letting his weapon lead the way. The Mayor had woken up and was one number away from calling the police. The soldier had made it just in time. He stuck his pistol to the Mayor’s head and the other soldier grabbed his screaming wife. He backhanded her across the face, silencing her completely. The soldier made the Mayor hang up the phone. They brought him and his wife downstairs to Nacho.

  Nacho appearance horrified them to death. He made them have a seat on the couch. They both held each other trembling with fear. Nacho walked back to the limo and informed El’ Nino the job was complete.

  El’ Nino emerged from the limo followed by The Spokesman who was high out of his mind. They followed Nacho back into the beautiful home. When El’ Nino entered the house he immediately noticed the Mayor and his wife in fear for their lives. He waved the gunmen off. “Put the guns away.” He ordered them. “You’re scaring our Mayor and his wife to death.” The soldiers put their guns away. He saw The Spokesman giggling to himself. He was already searching the house in his own world for valuable information. He turned his attention to Nacho. “Nacho, show the Mayor’s wife how much I care about them.”

  Nacho nodded and approached the Mayor’s wife. The massive man stood over them. They held each other tight. Nacho pulled them apart and grabbed the Mayor’s wife by the throat and lifted her from the couch. The Mayor jumped and Nacho kicked him in the stomach. He held his chest while his wife's feet dangled in the air. Nacho tightened his grip. She was losing air. Nacho punched her in the stomach and blood instantly shot from her mouth. The Mayor cried for his wife. He laid on the floor in a fetal position. She passed out in Nacho’s massive bear grip.

  El’ Nino smiled. “Mayor, your wife doesn’t have much time. If you cooperate, she’ll live. If not, you’ll be planning a close casket funeral for her tomorrow. Now, I need a man released from prison. They call him Twenty.”


  What I Prayed For

  Twentycame back from the showers and laid out on his bed. He worked out long and hard. It’s been a week since his friend John Kim left the prison. David was cool in his own way.

  He had good conversation. Especially, being young as he was. He talked mainly about females and the nightlife. Things that were really no concern to him anymore, but David was funny. And hearing about all the things he used to do.

  David loved females just like he once had. He had a different girl for every day of the week. They traded stories about their different women. Twenty had a lot more than David ever dreamed of. Twenty dated so many different women it was hard for him to remember them all. It didn’t matter, though. He no longer saw himself has a player. He realized over the years that he only needed one woman. That woman was Paula. When he talked about Paula, David could tell that he was more than in love with the woman. The only thing Twenty didn’t bother to talk about were the times he lifted vehicles. Under the circumstances, he did tell him about the first one he ever lifted. Only because that’s how he met Paula. David never bothered to ask him about any of the lifts. He understood that Twenty changed his life around. If he wanted to share them, he’ll do it willingly.

  Twenty closed his eyes and began dreaming about the second time he ever met Paula their tenth grade year.


  Twenty was walking down the school hall not paying any attention to what was in front of him. He was chatting a
way with Jeff while they were about to be late to class as usual. Hell, they had skipping next period on their mind any way to go lift the Principal’s new Jaguar. Twenty stole the key right under her nose when he had a discipline visit. They strutted down the hallway like tough guys. Suddenly, Twenty bumped into a girl who was rushing to class and all of her books fell from her hands. “Damn, I’m sorry.” He apologized without looking at her. He bent down to pick up the books just when the tardy bell rang. He gathered the books.

  “It’s ok, I’ve been late to all of my classes. I’m kind of new here.” She said warmly.

  Twenty handed her the books and when his eyes met hers, he was shocked. Jeff watched both of them confused. Twenty’s mouth dropped to the ground. He noticed her long hair, beautiful skin tone, them hazel eyes that screamed out at him. He knew exactly who he was staring at and being stared by. It was the girl that was sleeping in the back seat of the first car he ever lifted. The only difference was, she’s older now and has a bangin’ body.

  “Do I know you from somewhere?” She asked.

  “I don’t think you do.” Twenty wanted to get away before she found out he was the one who lifted her dad’s car. “Come on Jeff, we got something to do, remember?” He pulled Jeff by the arm and tried to get away.

  She stepped in front of him to prevent him from passing by. “You’re in a rush to steal another car?”

  Twenty eyes got wide.

  “I know who you are. How could I ever forget? You and this crybaby tried to steal my father’s car when I was sleeping in the back and you wrecked it like idiots.” She reminded them.

  “I’m not a crybaby.” Jeff insisted.

  They both ignored him staring each other down. Twenty was hot that this girl called him an idiot. He hated to be called names. He thanked his cracked out mother for that. Where ever she was. “That’s right and don’t forget I would’ve got away if you hadn’t been there. If you had never distracted me. I would not have wrecked the car. Not to mention, I came back to make sure you were ok and if you want to know goody two shoes. We are about to steal another car, the Principals. Now run along to class. You’re already late.”

  “Oh shit,” Jeff muttered to himself. He noticed the two were at a standoff.

  Paula has never been talked to that way in her life. For some reason, she liked Twenty and wanted to show him she wasn’t a goody two shoes. “I’m coming with you or… I’ll tell.”

  Jeff was lightly shaking his head no.

  Twenty smirked. “Damn right you are.” That was why he told her in the first place.


  Twenty, Twenty. Hey bro, wake up. You got some mail. Twenty heard David calling him in his sleep. He slowly sat up in the bed. He wished he could’ve slept a second longer. When he saw his friends in his dreams that was the only contact he had with them. Dreaming kept him from being in the prison. “Mail?” He asked curiously. Damn, I got some mail, he thought. It’s been ten years since I got some mail.

  “Yeah bro,” David assured him. “You got some mail, two letters.” David handed him the mail.

  “Who did I get some mail from?” He muttered to himself and taking the two envelopes.

  “I didn’t read anything but your name on the front bro. I didn’t want to get all up in your business.” David took a seat on the table and watched him. He thought to himself, he must never get mail.

  Twenty tore into the first envelope without bothering to read who the second one was from. He was excited that his friend John Kim had written him. “It’s my boy John.” He began to read the letter.


  What’s going on man? How have you been? Hopefully good. My wife and I are picking up where we left off. I told her about you and how we trained every day. We plan on renewing our wedding vows. We’re taking a trip to China. When I get back, I’m going to come pay you a visit.

  Twenty continued reading the rest of the letter. David noticed that the other envelope had fallen from his lap. Twenty was far into the letter to pay any mind. David thought it would be a nice thing to do if he picked it up for him. David retrieved the envelope from the ground. He couldn’t help but notice the gold letters across the front. It was from the Supreme Court of Atlanta. He already knew Twenty was serving a life sentence. Why would the Supreme Court send him a letter after ten years? He held the envelope up. “Twenty, bro.” He said efficiently. “I think you want to crack this one open. It’s from the Supreme Court of Atlanta.” David handed him the envelope.

  Twenty sat the letter from John Kim to the side. He was already reading it a second time while thinking about what he would write back to his buddy. He was too caught up in the letter that he completely forgot about the second envelope. “The Supreme Court of Atlanta.” He read the gold words across the top. He began to open the letter. Why would they send me a letter after ten years? Maybe they decided to give me the death penalty or something? These crackers won’t leave me alone. Don’t they know I got life? Isn’t that good enough? He began to read the letter. As he read the letter his heart began to race. Blood drained from his head. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. The situation was hard for him to comprehend. His eyes became three sizes bigger. He felt like yelling at the top of his lungs. Life rushed back into his mind full speed. This new excitement was taking over his body. A second chance.

  David noticed the expression on Twenty’s face. He looked extremely excited about something. He couldn’t wait to hear. He couldn’t hold back any longer. The big smile across Twenty’s face made it impossible for him to resist asking. “Twenty, what is it bro? I’m dying over here to know.”

  Twenty held the letter down. He brought his attention to David still smiling. “They’re giving me an immediate retrial.”

  “A retrial!” David said excitedly. “Man, that’s fuckin’ awesome bro!”

  “I can’t believe it myself. They said the evidence against me wasn’t clear. There wasn’t enough to convict me of one hundred and seventy-six crimes. They’re giving me a retrial in a week. I’m free! Yeah!” He couldn’t hold it any longer. He was too damn excited. There was a chance he could be free. A second chance. Every night he prayed for a second chance and now he was about to get one.

  “Man, you’re going home bro.” David gave Twenty some dap.

  “This is the chance I’ve been waiting for. Ten years in here and now I might get the chance to go home. How about that.”

  “God works in mysterious ways bro.”

  “Yes, he does.” They talked for the rest of the night and drank coffee like crazy. Thinking of freedom made it hard to sleep.



  Theguards came to pick Twenty up from his cell two days later. He was headed back to Gwinnett County Jail. Back to where it all begun. They shoved him onto the bus. He took a seat in the very front. There were no other prisoners on the bus, just him, two guards and the bus driver. He settled down in his seat thinking to himself in two more days he’ll be free. There was no other way in his mind this trial would go. He thought about his friends and if they knew he was given a retrial. If they were happy about him having a chance to come home after all these years. Would they be there watching or not? There were questions that couldn’t be answered. There were no hard feelings about them not contacting him. Although, there was some in the beginning. After he got into the Bible with John Kim. He knew that God forgives and he wanted to forgive them. He would question them about it. There has to be a reason behind not contacting me. He vowed if they released him. This would be his last prison experience.

  The bus pulled up to the jail. The guards lifted him from his seat. Twenty swung his arm away. “I got it, you don’t have to put your hands on me.” He said sternly. The word had got around that Twenty had been training with John Kim for the past ten years. The guards knew too and they wouldn’t dare try him. Not even in handcuffs. John Kim hands were registered as deadly weapons and his were just as deadly. John taught him all his secrets. Twenty go
t himself off the bus. Smelling the country air was refreshing to him. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Ah.” He knew he was home and soon he felt that he would be free.

  They led him into the building. They searched him again and placed him inside a holding cell by himself. After he was in, they took off his handcuffs.

  One guard stopped at the door. He turned around. “Hope it goes well.” He smirked. “And not for you, asshole.” He shut the cell door and locked it.

  Twenty sucked his teeth and leaned his head against the wall. “Cracker.” He muttered.

  One hour later a guard unlocked the door. A unit worker entered and handed him a peanut butter sandwich and an orange juice. “Here you go my guy.” The unit worker handed him an extra sandwich secretly. “Twenty, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” Twenty slipped the sandwich inside his jumpsuit without the guard noticing.

  “Beat them crackers at trial for us.” He whispered.

  “No doubt.” Twenty pounded him up.

  “C’mon.” The guard ordered. “Don’t fucking talk to the inmate. You want me to fucking lock your ass down with him?”

  “Fuckin’ cracker.” The inmate worker muttered to Twenty. “Stay up, dawg.” The unit worker vanished with the guard.

  Twenty sat down and worked on his first sandwich. He demolished it and then killed the orange juice. He figured he would save the other sandwich for later. He tossed the trash by the door. He stretched out on the bench. It was colder than a bitch in the cell. He put his arms inside his jumpsuit and closed his eyes. He thought about what the unit worker said. The word must’ve got around that he was getting a retrial. He was considered the greatest car thief in Atlanta’s history.


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