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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 6

by King Coopa J

  “What the hell are you talking about Tech?” Twenty didn’t know what the hell she possibly could be upset about. He just basically did ten years for her.

  Jeff walked up to them. “The day you left to lift the last car. You never told her you were going. You always told her about every lift except that one. She felt left out man. Maybe she thought things would have gone differently if she would’ve known. She’ll be alright, though. She just needs to be left alone for a while.”

  Twenty thought back ten years. He remembered when he planned on calling her. He decided against it to keep her safe. Ten years of being upset with me, he thought. She must hate my fuckin’ guts. I have to explain to her that it wasn’t my idea, it was Jeff’s. Then again, I can’t do that. They’re together now. I don’t want to ruin anything else. I already caused her enough pain. She’s better off being mad with me. Hopefully, she’ll learn to let it go. Twenty heard a light overwhelming voice.

  “My name is Janet,” the little girl held her hand out.

  Twenty looked down at the small girl. Absolutely struck, she resembled her mother in every way. She looked just like a little Paula. Jeff was a lucky man to have such a beautiful family. He thought for a minute, if only. Then blocked that thought out immediately. He was supposed to be serving life.

  “You’re my uncle Twenty right?” Janet asked. “This is my uncle, right Jeff?”

  “It’s Dad,” Jeff corrected her. “How many times have I told you? Yes, this is your uncle Twenty. Now go make sure your mother is ok.”

  “Alright Jeff,” Janet ran out of the room before her father could respond.

  “It’s Dad!” Jeff called after her. He turned to Twenty. “She never calls me dad. Kids these days. Too much TV.”

  Uncle Twenty. That’s pretty cool. Never thought I would’ve been an uncle being the only child. “Cute kid.”

  Jeff shook his head. “And takes after her mother.”


  The Old Home

  Twenty, Jeff and Tech stepped outside on the front porch for some fresh air. Twenty wanted to ease the tense situation. He was already having a hell of a time. He wondered if he would’ve been better off staying in prison. He smirked at the stupid thought, hell nah. Anything is better than that place. He had a Mexican boss threatening his life for a reluctant job he vowed not to ever do. He almost got his head blown clean-fucking-off. Even worse, Paula has been upset with him for the past ten years. His first day out isn’t going as he planned.

  Jeff noticed the smirk on Twenty’s face. “What’s going through your head?” He asked him casually. “I know that look. Something is rattling your brain.”

  “Yeah,” Tech followed. “What’s going on up there in that head of yours? This is supposed to be a good day. Your home man, lighten up.”

  Twenty didn’t want to necessarily tell them what he was thinking about. Tech was right. This is his first day out and he was going to enjoy himself. Although, there was one thing in particular he wanted to let them know. “I’m cool, I was just thinking about where I’m going to stay.”

  “That’s what you’re worried about?” Jeff spoke up. “My home is your home. Don’t ever think you don’t have a place to stay. You helped me out in the beginning, right?”

  Twenty didn’t have to think long about that one. “Nah man, I can’t do that. You have your family here. I can’t invade on that.”

  “Trust me,” Jeff assured him. “Why you think houses come with guest rooms? Shit, I’ve been waiting to use mines. I rather get bothered by you than anyone else in the world.”

  Twenty slowly shook his head. There was no way he could live in the same house as Paula. Jeff wouldn’t understand how that would make him feel. He needed to free his mind of her totally. Being in the same house, under the same roof was not the type of rehab he wished for. Far away as possible, that’s his best bet.

  Tech noticed what Twenty had on his mind. The problem was, Twenty was in love with Paula now. Jeff didn’t understand that, but Tech understood the situation quite well. He noticed how he looked at Paula and reacted to her being upset with him. Tech wasn’t the best with women, but he was smart enough to make it out if he saw it. He spoke up before Twenty could respond to Jeff’s offer. “He could stay at the garage. It’s all decked out now.”

  The garage, Twenty thought. That’s a great idea. The garage was their old spot where they would bring the cars they lifted. It had two office type rooms and was big enough for ten vehicles at a time. “That’s what I’ll do, I’ll stay at the garage.”

  “Cool,” Tech said. “You’ll love it. I spent time changing the rooms around. I laid new carpet in the entire place. I turned one into a bedroom already, bed, table and a TV. Everything you’ll need. I even got a mini refrigerator.”

  “Yeah, Tech really laid that place out.” Jeff praised him. “I’ll live there, it’s that clean now.”

  “That’s great.” Twenty spoke. “I can’t believe you guys still fuckin’ have the place.” He thought for a moment. Are they… Nah, couldn’t be. “Y’all… not… still lifting are you?” he asked skeptically.

  Jeff smiled. “Hell, nah. I told you. We’re done with that. We were being watched too hard to continue. Tech just bought the place and decided he wanted to fix it up.”

  “It was all I had left to remember us by. I couldn’t let them tear it down.” Tech muttered.

  “Cool,” Twenty said in relief. “That’s good you kept us alive Tech. You’re the man.”

  “C’mon.” Jeff walked towards the truck. “Let’s go check your new spot out. You won’t believe what he did to the place.

  They all loaded up in Jeff’s F250 and headed over to the garage. Twenty couldn’t believe his eyes when he stepped into the place. Tech had the place laid out just like he had mentioned. It resembled the inside of a five-star hotel lobby. “Yeah, you did your thang Tech.” Twenty surveyed the place.

  Tech came over with a beer. “Welcome to your new home.”


  El’ Nino pulled up to the front of his Mexican restaurant. Twenty wasn’t cooperating the way he intended. There was only one way to handle the problem. For one, he didn’t wish to kill him. That was considerable. Twenty is his only resort and he would make him cooperate. He had to weigh his options and use his strong arm once again. The first thing he needed to do was get in contact with The Spokesman. This was his guy. To El’ Nino, The Spokesman had no other option. Help him solve the problem or die. If he didn’t cooperate and El’ Nino lose his buyers. Everyone had to die for it. That’s just the way El’ Nino is going to resolve the problem. Everyone is going to fucking die. That’s the way that Mexican they call El’ Nino rolled. Kill every fuckin’ thing.

  Nacho emerged from the limo first. His hand was in excruciating pain. The monster ignored the harsh amount of pain because he didn’t want to show El’ Nino he was weak. Twenty had got the best of him once. Next time, he would be more than ready or El’ Nino would surely make him pay with his life. “Clear Boss.” Nacho surveyed the scene and led the way for El’ Nino.

  El’ Nino stepped from the limo with an extreme amount of anger simmering. His face wouldn’t show his expression. Something he was taught to do before his mother killed his father. He was only seven when that happened back in Mexico. His mother told him if he cried at the funeral. She would kill him too. She had no patience for a weak child. She was the boss of the family. She only needed his father to get pregnant. When it was time to train El’ Nino to be the next boss. That was the first lesson. Never show signs of weakness.

  El’ Nino walked passed Nacho with one thing on his mind, easing his anger. He opened the door for himself and stepped into the restaurant area. Everyone stopped and their attention focused on him. He made his way through the crowd of people.

  One man tried to get his attention. “Hey El’ Nino, how are you d-

  That was as far as the man got. El’ Nino pulled his desert eagle from its holster. He blew the man’s head clea
n off his shoulders. Blood covered the entire area. The man’s body was still standing without his head. El’ Nino nonchalantly pushed the body out of the way as he spoke. “Don’t feel like talking my friend.”

  The wife and eleven-year-old daughter were at the table. They were screaming at the top of their lungs. El’ Nino turned the .50 cal. on the wife. He pulled the trigger three times, finishing her for good. Blood from the wife shot all over her daughter. The girl was completely covered in her mother’s blood. She grabbed her dead mother. She held her while begging for her to still be alive. Her mother and father slaughtered like wild animals in front of her.

  Nacho caught up to El’ Nino and stood by his side surveying the scene. There wasn’t a sound in the restaurant except the little girl. Everyone feared El’ Nino and wouldn’t dare tell a soul. Their families would meet the same fate if someone would dare to be brave enough.

  El’ Nino turned to Nacho. “Have the men clean the bodies up and order me three tacos and a large fruit punch. I’ll be in my office.” Like it never happened, the people in the restaurant turned continuing their meals and chatting. El’ Nino began to walk off.

  Nacho listened to the girl scream. “Boss, what about the girl?”

  El’ Nino turned around and couldn’t look even more serious. “Clean her up and sell her to the prostitution ring. Young white girls are fetching good numbers right now.” And that’s the way it went. El’ Nino could destroy your family in a heartbeat. The crime ring, loved and protected him. There were billions made every year through him, long as the money flowed. Everyone was happy. El’ Nino settled in his office chair and called The Spokesman.


  Power Move

  Twenty, Jeff and Tech all sat around the 60inch flat screen TV. They were talking about the past ten years. Tech went to the mini frig and got them some more beers. Twenty told them all about his experience with the White Shield biker. They were shocked to find out he tried to attack him and ended up killing himself. He told them how John Kim became his close friend after the incident and how they trained every day.

  “So you know Kung Fu’?” Tech asked karate chopping the air.

  “I know enough to kill someone, that’s for sure.” Twenty drank some of his beer. He never thought for a second in his life. That he would be home free enjoying a beer with his friends. He pinched himself a couple times to make sure his new life wasn’t a dream. He probably would kill himself if it is a dream and he woke up.

  “Man, I want to learn some of that shit.” Tech said. “The girls love that Kung Fu’ shit. I did my first girl to a Bruce Lee movie.”

  “Tech,” Jeff replied nonchalantly. “C’mon, you know you didn’t get none.” He gulped some of his beer.

  “Well, I stuck my finger in there at least.” He spoke with assurance. “That’s close enough for me and that’s for damn sure. Tell him, Twenty.”

  They all began to laugh. Tech was thirty years old and still haven’t got any. He isn’t gay. He is scared out of his mind to speak to women, though. Every time he actually got a girl and sex came up. His confidence shot down to zero. Twenty is his mentor, he always gave him advice and fixed him up with different women.

  “He’s right.” Twenty spoke while still grinning. “He was in there and after the girl stormed from the house. He put his finger to my nose. It smelt like shit and it was some on his finger.”

  Jeff started cracking up. “You stuck your finger in her ass goofball?”

  “Well…” Tech felt embarrassed.

  “One the first date,” Twenty grinned. “And stuck the shit to my nose like he was the man or something. Like he really did his damn thing.”

  “You weren’t supposed to tell him about the ass part,” Tech muttered.

  “I can’t believe you guys never told me about that,” Jeff spoke. “That was funny as hell.” Jeff sipped on his beer. His phone began to ring. He was laughing with the guys as he checked the caller ID. “Oh man,” he told them. “Paula’s calling me. I better get home. Janet’s probably driving her crazy. I’ll talk to you guys later.” He dapped them up and went to the door. “A’ight, call me later.” He told them. He picked his phone up while exiting.

  “Paula is probably fine now,” Tech spoke while walking over to the computer. “Janet be driving her crazy sometimes. Come check this out, though.”

  Twenty walked over to the computer. “What do you have going on over here?”

  “Check it out for yourself.” Tech clicked the mouse and pointed to the screen.

  Twenty focused in on the computer screen. “Dayum, that’s a sweet engine.” He said. “Got to cost a fortune?”

  “It will when I finish designing it,” Tech spoke proudly.

  “That’s you?” Twenty pointed to the screen.

  “All me,” Tech replied. “Been working on it for the past year. I’m making custom parts for it. I’ve almost got the cutting done. Then I’m going to start the assembly process.”

  “What’s the numbers looking like?” Twenty sipped his beer.

  “Close to 1800 horsepower.”

  “1800 HP,” Twenty repeated with wide eyes. “That’s a fuckin’ monster. Are you going to sell it when you're finished?”

  “I really don’t know. I started the engine for fun at first. I have never thought about selling it. I might pass it along to my kid if I ever have one. Maybe he would keep it and pass it on or sell it. It will be worth more money then.” Tech suggested.

  “Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.” Twenty said. “Somebody might come along and make a better one. Get it while you can and go down in history. I feel the kid thing too. Well, I’m going to head upstairs and check the room out. Call me if you need me.”


  Nacho looked at the house from the black Benz. There were two soldiers with him for their next mission. Nacho was speaking to El’ Nino on the phone making sure he was at the correct location. He already had one fuck up for the day. Everything had to go just as El’ Nino ordered. After seeing El’ Nino vaporized the innocent because of his anger issues. This had to go right. There wasn’t any telling what his mind would do.

  Nacho hung up the phone with that Mexican they call El’ Nino. “This is the house.” He informed the two soldiers.

  The soldier in the driver seat cut the engine. “All we need is the girl right?” he pulled his pistol out ready to carry out another sin.

  The soldier in the passenger seat held his weapon at the ready. “Just the girl?” he was looking up to the house.

  Nacho wanted to let them understand their assignment one more time for assurance. “We go in and take only the little girl. No one is to harm the female. She’s the key. If she dies, El’ Nino will kill all of us. Before that, I will kill you first. Remember, we need her to convince Twenty for the job. Do I make myself clear on what is to be done?” Nacho went over what was to only take place.

  “Just the girl, don’t harm the woman.” The driver spoke.

  “Easy enough for me to follow.” The passenger assured Nacho.

  The Spokesman had given El’ Nino the directions to the only person in the world that could convince Twenty for the job, Paula. She had a ten-year-old daughter name, Janet. They were to kidnap the girl without harming Paula. Tell her if she ever wants to see her daughter again. She’ll convince Twenty to do the job for El’ Nino and she’ll get her daughter back at the end of the job. How great it was. The Spokesman always kept a trick up his sleeve. Money is the ruler of all evil.

  “Let’s get this over quiet and quick.” Nacho emerged from the Benz follow by the two soldiers in the same motion. He closed his tailor suit jacket and snap one button. He casually approached the door and he knocked twice. The soldiers stood on each side of him. Nacho heard a small girl’s voice approaching the door. He smirked hearing her voice walking right into his trap.

  “Someone’s at the door mom!” Janet called out. “Who is it!” she opened the door without her mother’s permission.

; “Don’t open the door without looking first honey!” Paula called to her.

  Janet was frozen looking up to the largest man she has ever seen in her life. She wasn’t half his size and he frightened her to death.

  “Honey,” Paula called walking to the door. “Who-” she was shocked by the enormous Nacho. She couldn’t get the words out. She sensed something bad was about to happen. She was right. She heard one of the soldiers against the house. “Run honey!” Paula yelled and tried to slam the door in their face.

  Nacho massive hand caught the door and easily forced it open. He noticed Janet had taken off like a track meet. “Go around back.” He ordered the soldiers. Nacho grabbed Paula while the soldiers went after Janet.

  Janet ran out of the back door and climbed up to her tree house. Just like her mother taught her. She opened her secret box and waited.

  One soldier went climbing after her. The other waited at the bottom. Suddenly, several shots were fired. The soldier’s body fell from the tree house and crashed onto his comrade.

  Janet aimed her 9mm at the other soldier and emptied the clip.

  “What the fuck!” the soldier shielded himself with his fallen comrade. Hoping a ten-year-old wouldn’t end his life. He heard her gun click. Empty, he thought. He pushed the body off and hurried up the tree. He saw her reloading the clip like a pro and this was something she did on the regular. Shit! He knew he was a second away from getting his head blown the fuck off. This little girl was dangerous. He amazingly beat her to the punch. He pointed his gun at her face. He captured her and struggled to get her back to Nacho. Not only did she know how to work a 9mm. She’s strong as hell to be ten. Fuck it, he thought. He stopped and placed his gun on her temple. “If you keep putting up a fight I’m going to blow your fucking brains all over the place you little bitch!” the soldier was furious and almost forgot what Nacho said. I’ll kill you if you harm the girl or the mother.

  “You’re a pussy for messing with a little girl.” Janet didn’t fear the man even though there was a gun to her head. “You little oh bitch.” She started laughing. “Yeah, that’s what you are. A little oh bitch.”


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