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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 10

by King Coopa J

  “Smack this pussy Money!” One of his goons spoke. “This bitch snitchin’ bruh!”

  Twenty knew it was about to go down. He had a beer bottle held by the neck without it being noticed. “I don’t want to start anything and I didn’t snitch on anybody.”

  Money stared him down. He heard one of his boys yell, hit’em. Money cocked back to bust Twenty in the face. “Bitch nig-”

  Twenty swiftly jabbed him in his gut. He crashed the beer bottle over the head of the loud mouth goon.

  Tech jumped on the back of one and put him in a headlock. He couldn’t fight so he hung on for his life choking him out.

  Money got back to his feet and went at Twenty.

  Twenty caught him trying to spear him. He flipped him up onto the bar. He slid him across into all of the drinks down the line. Twenty was about to get attacked by the last goon. Paula blindsided him with a job in the face. She knocked his lights out. Twenty punch Money in the face five times before he passed out. The bar turned into mayhem.


  New Member

  Moneyhung on the edge of the bar. His face was bloody red. Paula signaled to Twenty frantically that it was time for them to go before the police arrived. Everyone in the bar was running wild. Bumping into each other, falling to the ground trying to exit the bar. It was hard for Twenty to hear Paula because of all the yelling and women screaming going on. He finally understood what she was saying.

  “Where’s Jeff!” Twenty yelled over the commotion exiting the bar with Paula and Tech.

  “He’s already outside!” She yelled back while pushing people out the way. “He was looking for you out there!”

  Twenty and his crew finally got outside of the bar. Everyone was loading up in their vehicles and burning out of the parking lot. Everyone made it out the bar except Money and his crew. When they did, he popped his trunk.

  Jeff was standing by the truck with a confused look on his face. “What the hell is going on?” He asked as they approached him.

  “Bar fight,” Tech said excitedly. “We were in a real bar fight ad I got two fine females numbers.” Tech started punching the air.

  “What, you guys decided to get into it when I’m not around?” Jeff asked. “I missed the fun? Who was it, you know?”

  “It was Money from back in the day.” Twenty answered.

  “Money,” Jeff asked. “What happened?”

  “He was upset about that Boss 302 and he said his spots have been getting raided lately. He thinks I snitched, because I got released early.” Twenty looked at his bloody knuckles. “Damn,” he muttered.

  “That bastard,” Paula said angrily. “How could he believe that it was you?”

  Twenty shrugged before he heard someone yell out to them over all the commotion.

  “Bro!” The surfer boy walked up to them. He held his hand out to Twenty.

  “Who is this?” Jeff asked.

  “No idea,” Tech answered.

  Twenty shook his hand. “Thanks for helping back there.”

  “No problem bro.” The surfer said.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I’m the one and only white boy with the brochunski swag. I’m Bobby bro and it’s my absolute pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “Brochunski swag,” Tech muttered to himself. He turned to Paula. “What’s the brochunski swag?”

  Paula whispered to him. “I think it’s what the white boys call being cool or something.”

  “Oh,” Tech whispered back.

  “You’re Bobby?” Twenty asked.

  “That’s me bro,” Bobby assured him.

  “You were sitting right next to me at the bar. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Us brochunski’s don’t speak unless we know who we’re speaking to,” Bobby told him. “That’s the brochunski way bro. You could’ve been the feds. When you said your name to the bartender. That’s when I recognized who you were bro.”

  “David told me about you,” Twenty leaned on the Lancer.

  Jeff whispered to Tech. “Doesn’t Bobby look more like a surfer man than a professional car thief?”

  Tech whispered back. “That’s the brochunski swag. It’s a white thing.”

  Paula started giggling with her hand over her mouth.

  “David, bro!” Bobby said excitedly. “He’s a brochunski too. How you know him?”

  “We were cellmates in prison.” Twenty told him. “He told me you were good at what we do. I need a man down on the team. I got a tough job to handle. He said you were the man.”

  “Bro!” Bobby started shaking his hand. “You got yourself a new member!”

  “Cool,” Twenty spoke casually. “Give your number to Tech and I’ll call you in the morning.”

  Bobby did what he was told. Police sirens were getting louder. Suddenly, someone started firing shots.

  “Shit!” Twenty yelled. “Somebody shooting. Ride out!” They loaded up into the vehicles and bolted. There’s not an Atlanta party without a shooting.

  Twenty and Tech raced back to the garage. Jeff and Paula followed them the entire way. Twenty was impressed with Tech driving skills. He couldn’t drive at all when they first met. That’s why he stayed behind a computer. Tech always beat him at race car games. Maybe all that driving paid off.

  They got out of the Lancer and headed inside. Jeff and Paula followed. Twenty went to the restroom to clean himself up. Paula turned on some music. Tech got everyone a beer. Jeff jumped behind the bar and started mixing drinks. Tomorrow was going to be the first day of work. They always let loose before they did a job. It was like a ritual.

  Twenty came out the restroom with his shirt off. He was revealing his decade trained muscles and heavily tattooed arms and chest.

  Paula noticed and couldn’t help to think how sexy he was. Dayum, she thought. She was with Jeff so she couldn’t express how she felt. Twenty was making her panties wet.

  Tech tossed Twenty a beer. “Twin.” He said coolly.

  Twenty caught the beer and popped it open. “Right on.” Twenty took a gulp while walking over to Jeff at the bar. “What are you mixing up for me?”

  “I have my special coming up.” Jeff was an expert at creating drinks.

  Twenty thought he would’ve been a good bartender if he didn’t start lifting cars getting used to that easy money with him.

  Paula sipped on her beer. She hated the fact Twenty took a seat next to her with his shirt off. She wanted to jump all over him. He was making her more than horny. Paula wanted to get some and not from Jeff. She could feel her heart beating in her clitoris. “Whatever he gets I want one too.”

  “Me three!” Tech said. He was jamming to the radio. He started mumbling to himself. “Geek swag, two girls, geek swag, two girls…”

  Twenty watched Tech from the bar. “That boy drunk.”

  “He’ll be on the couch soon,” Paula was watching him.

  “Here we go. The best drink in town.” Jeff slid Twenty and Paula his new creation.

  Twenty took a sip. “Dayum, this is good.”

  Paula sipped, then took a big gulp. She wanted to get her mind off having sex with Twenty. Hopefully, the liquor would free her mind from the thought. “He’s right, it is good. What are you calling it?” Paula finished off her drink.

  “The Jeff Bomb, baby.” Jeff looked at her seductively.

  Paula wasn’t into him right now. She definitely didn’t want sex from Jeff. She played along. “Well, give me another Jeff Bomb.” So I can get my mind off fucking the shit out of Twenty. “Make it stronger.”

  “Coming up.” Jeff started making her drink.

  “Drinking a lot now?” Twenty asked. He noticed Paula had something going on.

  Paula shrugged. She couldn’t let Twenty know she wanted him. “Clearing my mind.”

  Twenty nodded while he heard the phone ringing.

  “I got it!” Tech stumbled to the phone. “Yo, this is two girls, geek swag Tech’s garaaage.” He was drunk as hell. />
  “This is Rosa, can I speak with Twenty.”

  Tech wasn’t thinking about it, he just blurted it out. “Twenty, it’s fo you. That fine piece you had over last night.” He handed him the phone and danced off. “Geek swag, two girls…”

  Paula got angry inside and left the bar. She had to get away. She went to her secret spot on the roof. Thirty minutes later, Twenty popped up.

  “What’s going on?” He sat next to her on the roof. “You’re still coming up here?”

  “You still know the way?” She asked with attitude. She lit up a blunt.

  “Paula, what did I tell you about smoking weed? That shit fucks your mind up. He took the blunt from her and threw it off the roof.

  “Fuck, I’m a big girl now. Go back to the party.”

  “Why,” he whispered. “They all passed out from the Jeff Bomb,”

  Paula smiled.

  “You’re still beautiful to me Paula.” He said.

  She couldn’t help it. She grabbed him by the head and passionately kissed him. She finally restrained herself. “I can’t do this.” She left him on the roof by himself.



  “Twenty, what the hell.” Tech got on the roof. “Wake up man.”

  Twenty was on the roof so long he fell asleep. After Paula had left. He started thinking of a plan to lift the vehicles. The morning sun began to shine on him. He slowly woke up to the blinding illumination. He shaded his face as he spoke. “Dayum, I must’ve fallen asleep.”

  “Dayum right, you did. I’ve been looking for your ass all morning.” Tech told him.

  “My fault,” Twenty apologized. “Jeff and Paula still here?”

  “They left around two this morning.”

  “Oh,” Twenty got up and brushed himself off. “What time is it?”

  “It’s eight in the morning. We need to get started on the list. I already found where most of the privately owned vehicles are located. They are going to be the easiest to lift.”

  “Yeah,” Twenty walked towards the window. “I’ve been thinking about that.”

  Tech followed him through. “What did you come up with?” He asked hopping through.

  “Well, Daverson is going to be all over me. I have a plan to hide the exotic cars when we lift them instead of driving them all the way to the garage.” Twenty went into the restroom to wash the sleep out his eyes while Tech listened at the door.

  “You still have the automatic lift from the delivery truck?” Twenty asked. He wiped his face clean.

  “The one we lifted with all the car parts on it?”

  “Yeah, that one.” Twenty exited the bathroom and slipped on a fresh white tee.

  Tech turned around at the door to face him. “Yeah, I still have it. It’s out back. What about it?” he raised his eyebrow.

  “I was thinking about lifting an eighteen-wheeler.” Twenty elaborated while walking downstairs. “We could use the hydraulic pump on it. We could use that to make our own lift on the back doors of the eighteen-wheeler. Something that will open and let down so we could drive the cars into it. That way, if we’re getting chased by the law we could easily hide by dodging them and ducking the car off into the eighteen-wheeler. We could transport the cars from our garage to El’ Nino’s. We’ll have to get it done immediately. How long would it take you to build it?”

  “No time,” Tech said following him out back. “That’s a great idea. We can hide the cars on the move. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  Twenty spotted the lift. “Good, it’s not rusted. What time is Jeff and Paula coming?”

  “They said around ten or eleven.”

  “That’s too late for me,” Twenty muttered. “I need to get an eighteen-wheeler while it’s still early.”

  “I can go,” Tech suggested.

  “Nah, you need to be here working on the lift.” Twenty thought for a moment. “Call Bobby for me? It’s time to test the kid skills.”

  Tech dialed Bobby’s number and gave the cell phone to him. “Here you go.”

  The phone rang three times before Bobby answered. “Hello.”

  “Bobby, this Twenty.”

  “Hey, what’s going on bro?”

  “You ready to be a Lifter?”

  “Born ready.”

  “Where are you now?” Twenty asked.

  “Dropping the Lil’ brochunski off at school. What’s up, bro?”

  “I need you here for a job we need to do.”

  “Give me the directions and I’m on the way.”

  Twenty gave him the directions to the garage. It took Bobby fifteen minutes to get there. They met Bobby out front.

  “What’s up, bros?” Bobby asked. He gave Twenty and Tech some dap.

  “C’mon in so I can explain what you’re getting yourself into.” Twenty led the way into the garage. They all had a quick drink while Twenty explained everything to Bobby. He told him about El’ Nino and the money they were making from the thirty cars and Janet.

  “This some serious shit bro,” Bobby said. He drank some of his beer.

  “Yes, it is.” Tech added.

  “What you want to do?” Twenty asked. “You want to be down with the Lifters or what?”

  Bobby thought about the consequences. He wanted to be a Lifter. “Bro, let’s get that eighteen-wheeler.”


  Bobby owned the new Hellcat Doge Challenger. The vehicle was built with the type of muscle that would get the job done. Bobby and Twenty loaded up into the Hellcat while Tech stayed behind and got started on the lift for the eighteen-wheeler.

  “Bobby,” Twenty spoke seriously. “Glad you’re on the team man, for real.”

  “No problem, bro. I always wanted to be a Lifter. It’s not about the money you offered me after the job is done. It’s about saving that little girl bro.” Bobby fired the Hellcat up. The motor sounded like there was a monster under the hood.

  “Thanks, man.” Twenty held his hand.

  Bobby gave him some dap. “Lifters, bro.”

  “The first white boy to be a Lifter.” Twenty joked. “You just made history.”

  “First white boy with the brochunski swag to be a Lifter,” Bobby smiled and shifted the car into gear. “Where to?”

  “Drive a bit from town.” Twenty ordered. “Head down south. We don’t want to be close. Don’t wish to make the area a hot zone.” Bobby headed to the highway. Twenty pulled his chrome 9 from his waist. He looked it over.

  “That’s a nice piece.”

  “El’ Nino, I took it.” Twenty tucked it back in his waistband. “You own a weapon, right? You can’t be out here lifting cars without one.”

  “Us brochunski’s keep the heat.” Bobby signaled to the glove box.

  Twenty opened it. There was a .50 caliber Beretta resting inside. “Big weapon.”

  “That’s how we roll, bro.” Bobby pushed the Hellcat wide open on the highway.

  They went over a plan to lift the eighteen-wheeler. This job would be simple because they’re not looking for supplies. They just need one without designs or wording on the sides. All white would do, less attention when it gets reported stolen. There were millions of all white eighteen-wheelers. When the cops finally find it. It would be destroyed. They only need it 4 days. The plan was to hit a truck stop. Find an eighteen-wheeler good for the job and jack it. Hopefully, the truck driver wouldn’t buck. Twenty didn’t desire to kill anyone unless he had to.

  They got to the truck stop after an hour of driving. Bobby pulled the car to the side of the road. They surveyed the truckers from a distance.

  “Found one.” Twenty spoke. He is watching every truck carefully. “He’s on the move now.” Twenty ducked back into the Hellcat. “When he hits the open road speed up next to him and I’ll take it from there.”

  “No problem, bro.” Bobby put the car into gear. He waited for the eighteen-wheeler to pull from the truck stop. He waited two minutes for the truck to get a good distance away from the other truckers.

  “Ready.” Twenty signed.

  Bobby floored the Hellcat. The motor growled the entire way. “There it goes.” The truck was fifty yards ahead of them.

  “Ok, pull up as close as you can.” Twenty ordered. “I’m going to jump on the truck. When I do, pull in front and slow it down.” Bobby pushed the Hellcat harder and got next to the truck. He maneuvered into the opposite lane when it was clear.

  Twenty popped out of the sunroof. He held on while Bobby eased closer. “Shit!” Suddenly, another truck was riding down the opposite lane. “Bobby!” He got his attention.

  Bobby fell back behind the truck then maneuvered back into position.

  Twenty slowly stood and made the jump.

  “Fuck!” Bobby swerved the Hellcat off the road just in time to avoid hitting another truck head on. He pushed the car to get ahead of the big truck once more.

  Twenty hung on to the side of the eighteen-wheeler. The trucker noticed him through the side view mirror and tried to shake him off. Twenty tried to open the door to the truck. It was locked. “Shit.”

  The trucker rolled down his window while maneuvering the big truck lane to lane. The car in front of him was making it difficult for him. He was trying to speed up. The car was making it difficult by slowing him down. The trucker knew exactly what was taking place. He heard about guys on the open road getting jacked by outlaws for their truck supplies. That’s why he brought Johnny along. He reached for Johnny while steadying the truck. “I’ll show you sons of bitches.” He muttered. “You sumbitch’s wanna steal my goods!” He yelled sticking Johnny out of the window towards the Hellcat.

  “Oh shit.” Twenty saw the sawed-off shotgun out appear from the window and aim at Bobby. The trucker fired and the sound echoed in his ears. Twenty had to come up with a plan or the trucker was going to blow Bobby away.

  “Damn,” Bobby said. He whipped the Hellcat. “You want to play hard.” He had no choice but to swerve into the next lane out of the trucker’s way. Bobby maneuvered back into the lane the trucker was in to continue the plan. “C’mon Twenty, get this fool bro.” The trucker fired again. This time, Bobby was ready. He saw the shotgun and he swerved ahead of time. It was still a close call, though. What can I do? Bobby thought while whipping the car in front of the big truck.


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