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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

Page 18

by King Coopa J

  “The Chief speaking.” He answered in a raspy voice.

  “Chief, this is private investigator Daverson.” He said then sipped his coffee.

  “Detective Daverson,” said the Chief. “I haven’t been bothered by you in a long time. This must be important?”

  “It is,” Daverson answered seriously. “I have a lead on the car thefts. I believe their next theft will be a Ferrari.”


  The Breakdown

  Twentyzipped the car up into the eighteen-wheeler. He hurried from the back of the trailer. He slapped the side of the trailer for Tech to close the lift as he ran to the front. He opened the door frantically and hopped in. “Drive, drive!” he ordered Tech.

  Tech could tell by the way Twenty was acting that something was wrong. He cranked the truck and smashed the gas without any questioning. He noticed Twenty checking the side mirror as he got further down the street. He was at a safe distance and he checked his side mirror himself. There was no one following them. “What happen back there?” he focused on the road while asking the question.

  “Drug dealers,” Twenty looked through the side mirror one more time just to be absolutely sure no one was following them. “We were at a drug dealer’s compound.”

  “The Bugatti belongs to a drug dealer?” he made a wide turn.

  “Yeah,” Twenty exhaled and leaned back in his seat. “Some serious drug dealers were making a deal and I had no choice but to get in the middle of it.”

  Tech was really interested. “How that come about?”

  “Well, when I jumped the fence.” Twenty elaborated. I crept to the side of the compound. Then I overheard two voices. I thought they were coming for me. They were tending to some business. I looked through the window that was up ahead. I noticed a group of men. They were standing around a desk with fifty kilos of cocaine on it.”

  “That’s some major r weight.” Tech cut in.

  “Yeah, I know.” Twenty continued. “Then I crept around to the front of the mansion where I saw the vehicles from the far road. That’s where the Bugatti was. I had to come up with a plan to open that damn gate so I hot-wired one of the trucks that were out front and ran it through it.”

  “That was a pretty good idea.” Tech said casually pulling into El’ Nino’s enormous garage.

  “You think?” Twenty hopped out of the truck. “Well, it worked. On the other hand it almost got me killed.”

  Tech lowered the lift so they could get the Bugatti off the truck. “Almost got you killed? The dealers found out?” Tech stood in the back of the truck.

  “The damn truck alarm went off on me.” Twenty hopped up onto the truck.

  “Dayum,” Tech watched Twenty pull the Bugatti off of the lift and then he got the door from him.

  Twenty pulled the Bugatti in with the other exotic cars. It made number 21. He shut the car off and got out. Tech met him by the car. Twenty leaned against the Bugatti. “All the men that were in the compound came storming out.” he continued the story. “They took firing positions and let loose on me.”

  “You superman or something?” Tech joked. “I don’t see any bullet holes in you?”

  “They stopped firing because their leader wanted to know who sent me.” Twenty walked towards the door.

  Tech followed. “Who sent you?” he asked confused.

  “He kept going on and on about who sent me to kill him and steal his drugs.” Twenty locked the garage up and they walked back to the truck. “I remembered the name I overheard by the window. I told him a guy named Himis sent me.”

  “Himis,” Tech said starting up the truck.

  “Himis turned out to be the guy he was dealing with.” Twenty relaxed back in his seat as Tech pulled off.

  “Oh lucky guess,” Tech said. “Did he believe you?”

  “Did he,” Twenty assured him. “They turned their guns against each other.”

  “Oh shit,” Tech said excitedly.

  “Yeah, oh shit.” Twenty echoed. “The dealer shot and killed the guy and his men. It gave me just enough time to get away.”

  “Yeah,” Tech said casually. “You’re superman.”


  Bentley Mulsanne

  Twentyand Tech made it back to the garage. Jeff’s truck was parked out front. He had arrived when they were out on the Bugatti mission. Tech opened the front door. He noticed Jeff seated in front of the TV watching the sports channel. “Jeff.” He said coolly.

  “Tech, Twenty. “Jeff turned to their attention. “What’s going on? You guys were out too long. So I made myself at home.” He held up a bag of chips. “I got dip.”

  “I’ll take your offer on that.” Twenty took a seat next to Jeff. He kicked back and helped with the chips and dip. He almost got killed. Just to make it out alive and be sitting here eating chips and dip is a pleasure and a blessing.

  “You know the Lakers got swept?” Jeff popped a chip in his mouth.

  “Oh yeah,” Twenty popped one in his mouth. “I saw it the other day. I couldn’t believe it, crazy.”

  Tech went over to his workstation. The only place he ever goes in the garage beside to bed. There’s work to be done and this is when he was at his best. When Twenty and Jeff get a chance to watch sports. It’s easy for their attention to easily get occupied. He would be the one to tell them that there was work to be done. Hey, we still have to rescue Janet remember? That’s funny how a sports broadcast will totally make a man forget the task at hand. Tech clicked his mouse. The next lift is the Bentley Mulsanne. “Jeff,” he called keeping his attention on the screen. “Where’s Paula and Bobby? They were supposed to be here by now.”

  Jeff finished gulping his Kool-Aid. He signed, “Ah. Paula left, she forgot something at home. I think it was her purse or something. I don’t know, some girl shit though. Ah, man!” Jeff jumped up and so did Twenty. They both got excited over the basketball highlights. “Did you see that dunk!”

  Twenty had his hands on his head in disbelief. “He dunked right over his tall ass. Tech!” he called. “You got to see this shit! It’s crazy.”

  Tech shook his head. I can’t ask a simple question, he thought. “Jeff.” He called calmly. “And Bobby?”

  “Oh yeah, um Bobby…” he thought still amazed by the dunk. “Bobby, um… had to pick up his little brother Jimmy Neutron. He um… got suspended for teaching class again because the teacher didn’t show up. He played substitute.”

  “He taught the class?” Twenty dipped a chip while thinking about the genius 13-year old teaching an entire 12th-grade class.

  “Bobby said Jimmy told the substitute to go home. That she was at the wrong place and he is the sub for the day.” Jeff told him.

  “Really, she believed him?” Twenty inquired.

  “I guess so because he taught the class and seven other periods before he got caught.”

  “Dayum.” Twenty said. “Jimmy the truth.”

  “Funny thing is,” Jeff added. “The kids were actually learning something.”

  Even Tech paid attention to what Jeff was talking about. He likes the kid Jimmy Neutron. The fact that a 13 year old could convince a real teacher that he was the substitute. Then turn around and teach eight classes is astonishing. He didn’t deserve to get suspended. He deserved the right to finish teaching for the rest of the day. Tech focused on the computer. Bentley Mulsanne. “Jeff.” Tech called.

  “Yo.” Jeff answered coolly without turning around.

  “You have to lift the Bentley Mulsanne. A man named Jason Grey owns it. My sources say he has a meeting today at the Four Seasons hotel. They have valet parking so you know what you’ll be disguised as?”

  “The mat that’s rolled out when his rich ass steps out that muthafucka.” He joked.

  “Right now,” Tech said seriously. “I wish that were possible. Unfortunately, you weren’t clean enough for that job.

  “Oh man.” Twenty laughed. “Not the geek trying to sneak one.”

  Jeff jumped up and tu
rned to Tech. “You wanna get some! You wanna joke?”

  Tech smiled. “Nah Jeff, you got it.”

  Jeff sat back down and popped a chip in his month. “He doesn't want none.” He told Twenty.

  “You’ll be one of the valet parkers.” Tech continued. “He will arrive at the hotel around twelve. So let’s keep in mind that we don’t have that much time wasted… you emotional bastard.”

  Jeff walked into the Four Seasons hotel. His plan is to get one of the valet parking suits. He watched all of the people in the massive building carry on with their business casually. Little did they know, the snake was in the jungle and it’s about to strike. He walked through the crowd noticing everything around him. He noticed a woman with a small dog in her hands. She looked to be complaining about something to one of the hotel managers. All he could read was her lips and from the distance she seemed to be angry. He noticed three kids running around the resting area. The mother was having a hard time controlling them. He watched that scene play out and knew that would never be Paula. Paula would beat the hell out of them kids until they understood that she’s the boss and what she says goes. That’s where he’s going to meet, he thought. He noticed a group of well-educated men standing around an older one. They all had on nice suits and each a briefcase. The scene looked like a private event. Their area was roped off leading to the back. He wondered what type of meeting they were having. He didn’t think too long about it. Maybe later, they could have a meeting about how one of the members getting his Bentley lifted.

  He stood at the front desk behind a man with an all brown suit on. He observed the valet workers coming from a back room while he waited his turn in line. He overheard the man in front of him talking about how much it would be for a week. The desk worker had told the man it was a special going on and he could stay for $1,500. Wow $1,500. That’s special? He continued watching the workers go in and out of the room. He looked up at the enormous clock on the wall. Fifteen minutes before the Bentley would show. He had to make his move.

  “Sir,” the desk worker called getting his attention. “Can I help you?”

  “Fifteen hundred for a week, right?” Jeff threw out there. He needed to break the conversation fast and head to the back room.

  “Yes sir,” the front desk worker said nicely. “That is our special for the week. Would you like to purchase it?”

  “I’m alright for now.” Jeff said. “Let me check my bank account. I’ll be right back.” He walked away. He made his way through the crowd over to a busy backroom that the workers were coming in and out of. He checked the area to make sure nobody will notice him slip into the room. Everyone seemed to be still carrying on about their own business. Now, he thought. He swiftly pushed through the backroom door. He noticed a few workers were still in there. He carried on like he worked there himself. He went over to the valet parking suits. They were all hanging in a row, different sizes. He grabbed one that was about his size and swiftly put it on and then he hurried outside to where the other workers were servicing. He stood out there nonchalantly waiting for the Bentley.

  “You’re new here?” One of the guys on the unit stopped him.

  “Yes, I am.” He said. “Just started today.” He noticed the Bentley pulling up.

  “How long ha-

  Jeff cut him off. “Sorry, can’t chat. Got to work.” He said walking off to the Bentley. He stood there patiently waiting for the rich man Jason to emerge from the vehicle.

  Jason got out of the Bentley. “Hey,” he said coolly. “Don’t fuck my baby up.”

  Jeff smiled and walked around to the driver side. “I promise I won’t, sir.” He got in.

  “I’m telling you.” He said harshly. “This my baby. I’ll fucking kill you over her.”

  Jeff spoke coolly. “I got you.”

  “Here’s the key.” He tried to hand it to Jeff.

  Jeff smirked at him. “Don’t need it.” He started the car and sped off.

  Jason looked shocked. “Bring back my fucking car!”


  Lotus Esprit

  “Tech.”Jeff said. He was amazed after driving the very smooth Bentley Mulsanne into El’ Nino’s enormous garage. Even though the luxury car could only do zero to sixty in 4.9 seconds. He was fascinated with its other amazing features. “Check out these leather seats, the trimming leather into the panels for the wall and ceiling. Leather wrapped around these motorized blinds. Polished burl-walnut crown molding, baseboard, and door and window trim. Man, the wall-to-wall Wilton wool carpeting and the custom-designed lighting. Dayum, a desk, bookcase and filing cabinets and they match the veneered fold-down tables. The Naim audio system and it matches the thumper. Tech, I’m about to take this car back home with me.”

  Tech smiled. “Is a $330,000 luxury car really worth it?” He said looking through the window at Jeff.

  He looked at Tech like, yeah… this one is. “I can lift another one.”

  “Jeff,” Tech said seriously. “Get your ass out of the car and let’s go. We got a long day. This car isn’t all that.” he walked away.

  “Tech growing some balls.” He said to himself. He got out and shut the door. He made his way back to the truck and hopped in with Tech. “You know I was just bullshitting right?”

  Tech started up the eighteen-wheeler. “Yeah, right. I’ll lift one of them baby’s if I knew how.”

  They got back to the garage. Twenty and Bobby were outside kicking it. They were talking about Bobby putting 22’ inches on his Hellcat. Twenty suggested putting 24’s on it. Might as well ride big.

  Jeff walked up. “Put the fo’s on it. Black on red would look nice.”

  “Ho’s love the fo’s bro?” Bobby asked.

  They all laughed. They went inside after a couple of minutes. Jeff was telling them how cool the Bentley is and that one day he’s going to buy one. He had to, the car is a retired man’s dream.

  “I would live in that thang.” Jeff told them as they entered the garage.

  Paula was sitting on the couch. She turned to their attention. “Live in what?”

  “Somebody’s in trouble...” Tech said coolly.

  “Nothing.” Jeff spoke. “At home, of course. We were talking about a car.”

  Paula walked over to Tech by the computer. “It figures.” She answered softly. “What’s up next, Tech. I’m ready to work. It’s getting boring sitting around here.”

  “Well, actually.” Tech clicked the mouse and went to the Lotus Esprit file. “It’s almost time for the Lotus convention. It will be starting in the next hour.”

  “Finally.” Paula said. “I get to lift a car that hasn’t come out yet. This is going to be a challenge isn’t it?”

  “You sound like you want it to be.” Twenty walked pass heading to the couch.

  “Maybe I want it to be.” Paula said eyeing him. “You don’t get to have all the fun.”

  “Bro,” Bobby said. “I’ve been having fun with my lifts.”

  “You always have fun.” Jeff said. “You actually love doing this shit for a living.”

  “That’s right bro.” Bobby assured him.

  “Although,” Jeff said. “When I was your age. I loved lifting cars too. I guess when you get older and have a family, things change.”

  “Or go to prison for life.” Twenty added from the couch.

  “Paula.” Tech got her attention. “The Lotus will be a challenge if that’s what you were asking for. There will be different groups that will be listening and learning the new vehicle from top to bottom. It will be your job to hide among the group unnoticed and then somehow work your magic to get the car lifted safely. The building will be crowded with study groups working on different Lotus. So driving the car out of the building through the people will be a task. Don’t run anyone over. So… Is that fun enough for you?”

  Fifteen minutes later. Tech and Paula were down the street from the Lotus convention. The building looked like a school. Many people were going into the building. They wat
ched the scene carefully.

  Paula turned to Tech. “Get in, hide among the study group. Somehow lift the Lotus and drive the car safely out the building without killing anyone.”


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