Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 19

by King Coopa J

  “That’s it.” Tech answered.

  “Piece of cake.” Paula hopped out of the eighteen-wheeler. She hurried down the block towards the building. She was going through different options in her head about how to get the car out of the building. Getting into the study group wouldn’t be a problem. That’s the least of her concerns. She got to the front of the building. She waited until a group of people got on her. The group crowded around the door and started to enter. She slipped right into the group of people casually. She entered the building behind a heavyset guy who was sweating profusely. Maybe he just finished the mile run? Paula thought as she hid behind the sweaty man. He provided great cover even though she wasn’t really hiding from anyone. She just didn’t desire to stick out. She came from behind the guy and scanned the building taking in everything around her. Tech was right. This is going to be a challenge. There were people everywhere in different groups. Each group had a teacher. She noticed because every group had someone in a long white professor’s coat. How in the hell am I going to get the car out with all of these people in here? She continued searching for the Lotus Esprit. There were test cars everywhere. Some on the ground. Some on alignment machines. Some on lifts so you can see the underbody of the car. Some were hooked up to test machines and running. Hopefully the Esprit wasn’t one of them. You can’t run the miles up on a car and then ask someone to buy it from you is a big no, no. El’ Nino wouldn’t be happy with that. She slowly started walking toward a crowd around what seem to be a black Lotus.

  Someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Excuse me, Miss.” She turned around. “What study group are you with?”

  The man in front of her was one of the teachers. “I’m with the Esprit group. I lost track of them a minute ago.” She said sadly.

  “Ma’am, the group is right over there.” He pointed to the large group of people behind her. “And where are your study books that were assigned to you?”

  My books? Paula thought. “My friend Heather has them. I had to go to the ladies room and she was just standing here with them. When I came out I lost her and the entire group.”

  The teacher looked at her skeptically. “Ok, well hurry up and be on your way. The session has already begun.”

  Paula nodded and turned toward to study group. She hurried over and mixed in with them. The car in front of her was the Lotus Esprit. The car is absolutely beautiful to her.

  She listened to the teacher. “This is a mid-engine, aluminum bodied supercar designed to take on the Ferrari and the Lamborghini. This is a huge gamble for our brand. Our new alloy structure shares a number of components with the less extreme Lotus Elan. Our main competition will be the Ferrari 458 Italia, Lamborghini Gallardo and the Porsche 911 Turbo. Our Esprit offers mid-engine, rear-wheel drive platform with a V-8. Our V-8 can produce as much as 550 horsepower. We also offer a hybrid system such as this one.” He pointed to the Esprit and continued. “The hybrid version will lift the output to 620 horsepower.” He paused. He spotted the only person around him that wasn’t taking notes. He also noticed the very attractive female didn’t have any books with her. “Where are your books young lady?” he pointed to Paula. “Are you that smart that you don’t have to take any notes or am I just teaching for my health?”

  People started mumbling among the group. Paula built up her act and busted out crying.


  Maserati MC-12

  Twenty was driving Bobby to the neighborhood where the Maserati MC-12 is located. Tech had informed him on all of the details after he briefed Paula on the Esprit. The distance from the Lotus convention was only about five minutes. The drive for Bobby wouldn’t take long. He offered to knock the job out. This is his last job until tonight. The Ferrari 430 Scuderia would be the last lift. Twenty would lift the Land Rover and then get Janet back. The Lifters would be done, he thought. He wanted to continue lifting cars. He wanted to continue as a Lifter. He wanted to be with Twenty and the rest of the crew. He understood that Twenty was doing this for a reason. That was the only way he became a Lifter. Just a little experience he had with the team. He was grateful for. How many car thieves can say they were a part of the greatest team of car thieves of all time? He looked out of the window and thought about what he would be doing on Sunday morning when all of this was over.

  Twenty noticed that Bobby was quiet on the ride over. He looked like he really had something bothering him. Bobby was an up-tempo kind of guy. Why the long face? He was about to lift a Maserati MC-12. One of the most exotic cars in the world. This was something he thought Bobby would be excited over. He thought he loved lifting cars. Did he have a bad feeling about this one? “What’s up Bobby?” Twenty made the turn into the neighborhood. “What are you looking all down for? You’re about to lift a Maserati MC-12. You worried or something?”

  Bobby exhaled. “No way bro, that’s not it.”

  “What is it then?” Twenty inquired.

  “You bro,” Bobby said. “After Saturday, you’re going to be done. The Lifters will be done.”

  Twenty was silent for a moment. He could understand what Bobby is talking about. “Bobby, the Lifters will never be done. We’ll always be together. We’ll always be a team. Rather, we’re lifting or not. One day you’ll feel like me. You’ll get older or either go to jail. You have to get out when the time is right. The time may not be right for you, but it is right for me.”

  “Bro,” Bobby nodded his head. “I can understand that. Maybe after Saturday it will be the right time for me. Jimmy’s too smart to be left alone. All we have is each other.”

  Twenty smiled. “And us.” He held his hand out.

  Bobby smiled and gave him some dap.

  “Go get that Maszi.” Twenty said coolly.

  “Gotcha, bro.” Bobby hopped out of the car. He made his way through the neighborhood.

  He didn’t realize how huge the houses were back at the car. These were mansions. The houses were at least three to ten million dollar homes. Expensive cars, trucks, SUV’s, bikes and limousines were in everybody’s yard. One mansion had a helicopter on top of it. Talking about breaking the bank, he thought.

  He stepped in front of the house that had the target vehicle. The mansion was enormous. Three limousines were parked out front, a Rolls Royce and a stretch Bentley coupe. There was a 15 car garage next to the mansion. Even more exotic and luxury cars were in it. He surveyed the scene. Long driveway, no fence. Easy. This looked like the type of place that would have security running all around it. He noticed that every single vehicle was dressed in all black paint with dark tinted windows. The President would ride one these rides. He crept around to the garage. No big deal. He gawked at every car he passed. He finally found the Maserati MC-12. It resembled a street formula one car. The car looked like the word speed. He walked over to it and tapped the dark window. No alarm. He pulled the key out. Suddenly, he heard a voice call to him.

  “You like that car?”


  The Break Up

  Theteacher came over to Paula. “Ma’am, are you ok?” he asked concerned. What is this woman’s problem? She starts crying during a study session. Is she upset about the way I spoke to her in front of the study group? This never happened to me before. I’ve seen it all. “Ma’am?” He gently touched her shoulder.

  Paula jerked away and yelled throughout the building loud enough to stop the other study groups. “Just leave me alone, you mean man!” she began to cry louder. She made sure everyone’s attention was on her.

  “Ma’am,” the teacher spoke. “What is wrong with you? Will you please speak to me so I can help resolve this situation?” he now was kind of embarrassed. He was used to being the center of attention with his students. He’s never been the center of attention in front of a thousand people with a crying woman although.

  “I don’t want to speak to you!” Paula cried. “You don’t like me! All I wanted to do was come to class and learn something new today.”

��s not a problem.” The teacher noticed the student were mumbling to each other. It made him feel uncomfortable. Were they talking about him? Maybe because all of the woman wanted to do was learn and he somehow preventing that? “We’ll just get you some new books and then I’ll start back from the beginning.”

  Paula dropped her head in her hands. She secretly smiled to herself. She had the teacher going. He was such a fool. Now it was time for the switch up. “All you care about is them stupid books and not my emotions! You’re the worst teacher ever!” she started crying wildly.

  Oh dear God, he thought. What is wrong with this woman? What have I done to make this woman feel this way? Her emotions? Can’t she see I’m doing the best I can? Maybe I should break the class for a short recess while I figure this out. He looked around. They were whispering to themselves and other study groups joined in. “Everyone take a 10 minute recess. There is nothing to see here. The food court will be open if you want to grab a quick bit to eat.” He felt some of the pressure easing. He bent down on one knee in front of Paula. “Ma’am, can you please explain to me what is going on? The other students are not around if there is something important going on please feel free to let me know. I’m listening whenever you’re ready. If it’s personal and you want it to stay between me and you, it will. If you need help. I’ll do my best and if I can’t. I’ll find the best person for you.”

  Paula smiled in her hands. This guy is supposed to be a teacher. He’s not even smart enough to realize that I’m faking. She lifted her head from her hands. She wiped the fake tears from her eyes. She scanned the area. The students were gone and some of the other student groups were taking breaks also. Out of the thousand people that were in the building. There were about three hundred people left. That was good enough for her. “My boyfriend,” she sniffled. “He dumped me and I’m here to get him back.”

  “He’s in one of the study groups? This boyfriend of yours?”

  “Yes,” she sniffled.

  “What’s his named?” he asked.

  “Lotus.” she smiled.

  The teacher looked confused. “Lo-”

  She cut him off by putting her pistol under his chin. He never saw it coming. “Where is the exit for the vehicles?” the teacher pointed to the direction. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Lay down.”

  The teacher did and she fired shots in the air. People broke in every direction. She casually unhooked the Lotus from the test machine. She got in and drove off while people were scrambling for safety. People were dodging the vehicle not trying to get hit or shot. She shot out the glass doors from the vehicle. She put on her Prada Shades as the glass shattered while driving away in the sports car.


  It’s Been A While

  Bobbyturned around swiftly. His mouth dropped. He couldn’t believe what he saw. This is going to be his last lift without a doubt in his mind. What was standing in front of him is worse than the law. This is the end, caught red handed. Five enormous Italian looking men in black suits with sub-machine guns all aimed at him. There’s an elderly woman standing in the center of them. She looked about eighty years old. Bobby noticed that the elderly woman was still kind of attractive for her age. Must’ve been all the money keeping her healthy? He couldn’t think about that though. He was too busy trying not to take a shit on himself.

  The elderly woman spoke. “Answer me boy. Do you like this car?”

  Bobby did the only thing he could do. He answered. “Yes Ma’am, I do.” Please don’t let that get me shot. The enormous men stood in front of him without breaking a sweat. They were her bodyguards. The men looked serious and like they wouldn’t have any problem killing him.

  “What are you doing on my property boy?” The elderly woman ask. “Were you going to take from me? Don’t be afraid to answer me.” Little did Bobby know about this woman. She’s one of the most dangerous women in the world. She’s used to dead bodies. Bobby is just another Joe but for some reason. She likes him.

  This woman is about to have my head bro. Bobby exhaled. He was still alive and that’s all that mattered. This was a difficult question to answer. She wanted him to admit his wrongdoing. Maybe if he did, she would let him go. “I’m sorry Ma’am, I should’ve been on your property. I was wrong. Please forgive me. I’m only nineteen years old. Still young and dumb.”

  The elderly woman smiled. At least he wasn’t begging for his life like a coward. That earned more point for him. He wasn’t weak. “I said was you going to take from me boy? That’s what I want to know.”

  Bobby felt his legs shaking. The armed men were statues aiming at him. They wouldn’t speak or move. The elderly woman was the boss, obviously. They were waiting for her command to blow him away. Would she really kill him over the car? Did the vehicle mean that much to her? Twenty said there would be a time to call a quit. Was my time back at the car? Looking at the situation he was in. Maybe, it is? “Yes,” he answered bravely. “I was going to steal this Maserati. Not because I wanted to because I had to and if I had the chance again, I would. A little girl’s life depends on it. She was kidnapped and this car was on the list. I have to have it for her safe return.”

  The woman smiled. The boy was truthful. She dealt with a lot of scum bags who cried for their lives. She could tell when someone was lying. “Come with me boy.” She ordered. She turned and walked towards the house. The black suited men lowered their weapons.

  One waved him over and spoke in a deep harsh voice. “C’mon.”

  What was going on? Were they going to torture him in the mansion? He went with them inside the mansion. The inside was absolutely astonishing. Pictures were everywhere trimmed with gold frames. The stairwell and all of the trimmings around the house were in gold.

  “Up the stairs.” The elderly woman called to him.

  He followed her into an enormous room about the size of his house. There was a picture over the bed. There was an elderly man sitting in a gold chair and she was behind him. Fat

  “My late husband.” She noticed him looking at the picture. “He was the last great Mafia Boss. He left me with all this. Even his business. I call all the shots. I am the first Mafia Queen. The only thing he didn’t leave me is someone to be with. Everyone is scared to love me because of the fear of death. Do You want the car? Make love to me and the car is yours. I never liked it and I’m too old to drive it.”

  Better than death, he thought. He dropped his pants and gave the elderly woman the business.


  Mosler Photon

  Bobbyleft the mansion in the Maserati. He felt alive and great. The elderly woman actually was an old freak and she had some good. He even asked the woman for her phone number and promised to call and come back to see her. If he didn’t have to give the Maserati up for Janet. He would’ve had a free brand new exotic ride. He smiled as he pulled away. He asked himself what he would be doing Sunday. Now he knew. He would be visiting the Mafia Queen Maria. Maybe when she died, she would leave everything to him? Maybe he would be the first brochunski Mafia Boss. He didn’t bother to meet up with Tech and Paula. The law wouldn’t be after him so he was safe. He drove the exotic car around for a minute. The car was technically his why not enjoy it for a moment? He pulled up to the garage and blew the horn. The garaged opened and he pulled in. He cut the car off and got out. He noticed that Tech and Paula were back. He also noticed that everyone had worried looks on their faces.

  “Where have you been Bobby?” Paula was concerned. “We thought you were off to jail or got yourself killed.”

  Twenty spoke up. “We tried your cell phone several times why didn’t you answer?”

  Bobby smiled at them. “Us brochunski’s bro.” he spoke to all of them. “Know how to charm the ladies.”

  “Bobby what the hell are you talking about?” Paula fired. “You’ve been joy riding? Probably, picking up girls or something?” she crossed her arms.

  “Bobby,” Tech said. “You’ve been riding around getting’ girls and yo
u didn’t bring any back?”

  Twenty smiled.

  “Tech!” Paula straightened him.

  “Right.” Tech agreed. “Bobby you’ve been picking up girls in the car? Are you crazy?” he tried to sound serious.

  Twenty and Jeff smiled at each other. Twenty didn’t really care anymore as long as Bobby was ok. He was straight with that.

  “Bro’s, bro’s, bro’s.” Bobby looked at Paula. “And bro-ats. What we have here is a big misunderstanding. I wasn’t joyriding around picking up girls. That’s insane bro. This car here before us.” He pointed to the Maserati behind him coolly. “Was given to me.”

  “The person gave you the car?” Paula asked.

  “What, a Maserati?” Twenty asked shocked. “Dayum.”

  Jeff shrugged, shit happens.

  “Wow,” Tech muttered to himself.

  “Not just a person.” Bobby added. “The Mafia’s Queen.”

  “This dude lost it.” Twenty said.

  “A Mafia Queen?” Paula asked confused.

  “No way,” Tech was amazed.

  “A Mafia Queen gave you this million dollar car for free without you getting killed?” Jeff said. “Don’t believe it.”

  “A Mafia Queen gave me this car bro,” Bobby said. “Better believe it.”

  “What did you have to do?” Paula asked. “Kill someone?”

  “Yeah,” Tech said excitedly. “Did you feed the bastard to the pigs like a wise guy?”

  “Tech!” Paula straightened him again.

  “Right.” Tech sounded somewhat serious. “Bobby, I know you didn’t kill anyone did you?”

  Twenty smiled and shook his head at them.

  “Bro’s and bro-at’s.” Bobby spoke. “No way would I kill anyone. Us brochunski’s bro, only kill unless we have to. I got laid for it.”


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