Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 20

by King Coopa J

  “Wha...” Twenty said coolly.

  “Dayum,” Jeff was shocked.

  “You’re dead.” Tech said. “The Don is going to whack you. That’s what wise guys do when you sleep with their women.”

  “Laid by a Mafia Queen for the car?” Paula asked.

  “He’s dead and yes by the Mafia’s Queen.” Bobby explained the entire story to them.

  “Eighty-six!” Twenty said. “You like that old whipped pussy?”

  They all laughed.

  “And it was awesome bro.” Bobby assured them.

  “That-is-nasty.” Paula walked off.

  They talked for a few more minutes before Tech got down to business. “Jeff.”

  “Yo.” Jeff said coolly. “My turn?”

  “That it is. The Mosler Photon is owned by a bank manager. All he does, is work long hours. He drives only to work and home, work and home.”

  “Let me guess.” Jeff joked. “He’s probably at work or… home?”

  Tech and Jeff drove to the owner’s house and the car wasn’t there. Jeff had searched the garage thoroughly. The car wasn’t there or nowhere else on the property. Their next move was to the owner’s job. They drove up to the bank and Tech parked the eighteen-wheeler in a large plaza behind the bank. Far enough for the owner not to be aware of what will happen if he was to come running out. He would actually have to chase Jeff, which is impossible. The distance is too far and the car was too fast.

  Jeff hopped out of the truck. “Be back in a flash.”

  “You have the key right?” Tech asked before Jeff could shut the door.

  Jeff showed him the key. “C’mon, I’m a vet. Do I look like Bobby?” he flipped the key up in the air coolly and it landed in his front pocket.

  “You got to teach me that.” Tech said.

  “Be back.” Jeff shut the door. He walked through the parking lot towards the bank. It was a nice day outside for a good lift. After the Ferrari FF he had to grab tonight. He might throw a couple of burgers and ribs on the grill. They all would drink a few beers. They’ll relax while talking shit about the past. Hell, he might even hit some of the weed Paula’s been sneaking off to smoke. Yeah, he knew about that. He let it go because he knew it would ease her mind about Janet. “Oh shit!” he shouted while falling to the ground. He had tripped over something. The key had flown from his pocket. He reached for it as he was falling. It was like the key and his body were floating through the air in slow motion. He fell all the way flat on his stomach without catching it. He immediately looked up to catch where the key would bounce to a landing spot. “No…” he scrambled to a crawling position while trying to catch the bouncing key. The key had bounced over a sewer and fell in just before he almost caught it. “Damn!” he was frustrated. That was the only key. He got up from the ground and brushed himself off. “Ok, you’re ok.” He told himself. “You’ve been in worse situations than this Jeff. You just have to go in there and take the key off the manager.” He made his way over to the bank. He exhaled and opened the door. The manager was there. He definitely noticed the orange and black custom stripped Mosler Photon double parked before he walked in. He scanned the bank. He saw a guy working his ass off in his office. That’s got to be him. He told himself. He walked right into the guy’s office and took a seat. Manager, Rocky Jones. He read the badge on the desk.

  “I’m busy Sir. Please find someone else to help you.” Rocky asked nicely.

  “I’ve found him.” Jeff said. “I only want to deal with you. You’re the brotha in the bank.”

  “Sir,” Rocky said seriously. “As in myself, being a brotha doesn’t matter. Everyone in this bank is more than qualified to help you.”

  “Fuck it,” Jeff stood. “I’ll just take my ten million dollars and go somewhere else.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” He stood. “I’m sorry. Have a seat.” He couldn’t let 10 M’s walk out of the bank. “If you’re serious. I’ll be more than happy to help you my brotha.”

  “Serious?” Jeff sounded frustrated. “Man, I’m gone.”

  Rocky came around the desk and pleaded with Jeff. “Ok, you’re serious. Just let me go get the paperwork. Have a seat. I’ll be back in a minute.” He left the room and shut the door.

  Jeff smiled. He tore the office apart and finally found the keys in the bottom drawer. He snuck out of the office and went straight to the car.

  Rocky noticed Jeff leaving and followed out behind him. “Sir please, I got the papers my brotha!”

  Jeff didn’t turn around.

  He’s getting in my car, he thought. He took off after Jeff. “My car!”

  Jeff started the car and began a mean burnout.

  Rocky chased Jeff the entire way to the next lot. He cut Jeff off and hopped on top of the car.

  Tech noticed a man on top of an orange sports car. “That’s Jeff?” he muttered. The car was swerving all through the parking lot. After a long minute. The guy was finally thrown from the vehicle and rolled about ten feet before coming to a stop. When the Mosler pulled up. He knew it was Jeff. Wow, the guy is a track star.


  The Visit

  Jeffhad loaded the Mosler Photon in the trailer in front of the Maserati. Bobby had taken up so much time with the Mafia Queen that he had to bring the car back to the garage. He didn’t have access to El’ Nino’s garage. They unloaded both of the exotic vehicles. They headed back to the garage where everyone was waiting for their return. They pulled into the parking lot and parked the eighteen-wheeler in the back.

  Twenty met them in the back. “Where’s the old women?” he joked with his arms out.

  “Not this time.” Tech walked over to him. “We couldn’t find any. They must’ve gone to bed early.”

  Twenty laughed. “But it’s only sex.”

  They went into the garage. Jeff got behind the bar and made everyone some drinks. Tech seated himself in front of the TV. He gave the computer a break. Everyone already knew their last assignment. The Ferraris tonight and the job would be 95% complete. The final vehicle, the Land Rover on Saturday. Twenty, Paula and Bobby sat at the bar.

  Jeff slid them all a straight shot of vodka. “To the Lifters.” Jeff held his glass up. Tech ran over and he slid him a drink. “Ok, one more time guys. Tech was late.” They all laughed. He raised his glass a second time. “To the Lifters and our last job tonight. May everything work out for us tomorrow.”

  Everyone raised their glass and spoke at the same time. “The Lifters!” they all threw the shot back.

  Twenty spoke up first. “I think I’m about to go pay El’ Nino a visit.”

  “What’s the visit for, bro?” Bobby asked.

  Tech knew what Twenty was thinking. He wanted to let El’ Nino know that the job will be complete tomorrow and everything has been going according to plan. That way, there will be no excuses about handing Janet over to him. He thought it was a great idea. “He wants to let El’ Nino know that the business is being taken care of. He wants everything in order after he lifts the President’s Land Rover.”

  “That’s correct.” Twenty said.

  “C’mon,” Tech said. “I’ll drive.”

  Twenty and Tech made their way over in the Lancer. They talked about their plan for tomorrow. They had had an idea, but it still wasn’t full proof. I little more thought and it would be good. They pulled in front of the Mexican restaurant.

  Tech spoke. “You want me to go in with you?”

  Twenty smirked. “You afraid to die?” he joked.

  Tech answered by getting out. He made his way in the restaurant.

  “Tech, when you grow some nuts?” He got out and hurried up to Tech. They both went in. The first person he saw at the door was the waiter. The same waiter, he had busted in the nose. The guy had a face mask covering his nose protecting it. His eyes were still black and purple. When he noticed Twenty he became very frightened. Twenty held his hands up. “I didn’t come here to start trouble. I just want to speak with your boss.”

>   The waiter hurried off and came back after a minute. “He’ll see you.” he pointed to the office.

  The guy seemed scary to Tech. Twenty is a tough guy and he wanted to be a tough guy too. As he walked passed the waiter, he flinched at him. “Punk.”

  The waiter was frightened and had stumbled back into a table. He slid off of the table cloth and all of the food fell on top of him. The guest had jumped from the table to attend to him.

  They walked into the office. El’ Nino was behind his desk being that Mexican they called El’ Nino. “Please be seated.”

  Twenty waved the offer off. “This won’t take long. I just want to tell you the cars are in the garage and after the lift tomorrow on the Presidents truck. We’ll meet back here to pick-up the girl and the money.”

  El’ Nino smiled. That’s what he wanted to hear. “Good my friend. It will be done. I’m a man of my word. I want you to meet some of my friends tonight Twenty. I will be hosting the Mexican Ball. Come see what I’m about. You might think differently about me. Bring a nice young lady with you and enjoy yourselves. Please don’t say no.”

  “Nacho, give him invites.”

  Twenty and Tech walked back to the car. “Tech, two points for the flinch.”

  Getting some balls, Tech thought.


  599, 458,430, FF

  “AMexican Ball?” Jeff asked. “He wants you to go to a Mexican Ball?”

  “Yeah,” Twenty sipped his beer. “He wants me to bring a girlfriend or something.”

  “What about that little Spanish girl I’ve been hearing about?” Jeff asked.

  “For one,” Twenty spoke. “I don’t have her number. Second, I’m not about to bring her around people like that. I'm not putting anyone else in danger.”

  “Take Paula. “Tech threw out there.

  “Nah,” Twenty said. “Too dangerous.”

  “No way!” Jeff fired. “I already lost my daughter.”

  Paula stood from the couch. “I want to go.” She said warmly. Everyone stared at her silently.

  “Paula,” Jeff turned to her. “You can’t.”

  “Jeff, please.” Paula said. “I can make my own decisions. I want to meet the man who kidnapped my daughter. I want to get a good picture in my mind of him. So when I get my baby back and all this is said and done. I will know what he looks like so I can kill him.”

  “Paula,” Jeff said concerned.

  “Jeff there’s no changing my mind.” She said cutting him off. She turned to Twenty. “When are we leaving?”

  Twenty had no choice but to agree with her. She’s a mother and this was her child. “I think it’s best if we leave after the lifts on the Ferrari’s. We won’t have any distractions after that. There is no telling how long he will want us to stay.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Tech added. “Lift the Ferrari’s then head over.”

  Jeff walked to the bar. “I can’t believe this.” He muttered to himself. He poured himself a double shot of vodka and threw it back.

  Twenty walked over. “Jeff,” he said softly. “I won't let anything happen to her. I put my life on it. All El’ Nino wants to do is convince me to join him after this job. That’s it. It’s better I befriend him then be against him. It will make the chances better for Janet if he thinks I’m on his side.”

  Jeff took another shot of vodka. “Don’t let anything happen to her.”

  The rest of the day was long. They went over the plans for the Ferrari lift, the Land Rover lift and the chances of something happening at the party. The time was approaching. Thirty minutes until midnight. Thirty minutes until the lift.

  “Here are the keys.” Tech said. “Twenty, the Ferrari 599 Replacement. Paula, the Ferrari 458 Italia. Bobby, the 430 Scuderia. And Jeff, the Ferrari FF.” everyone checked their keys before he continued. “There’s a twist to this one. The eighteen-wheeler will only hold two of the vehicles. Twenty, the 599 have to be one. The other one is up to y’all. The other two will have to race the cars back to El’ Nino’s garage unharmed.”

  “Bro,” Bobby spoke. “I’ll race.”

  “That leaves Jeff or Paula.” Tech said.

  “I’ll race,” Jeff said quietly. He was still upset about the situation earlier.

  “It’s safer. Twenty and Paula can head to the ball while we finish up with the cars at the garage.”

  “Ok,” Tech said. “Twenty and Paula, eighteen wheeler. Jeff and Bobby, racers. Let’s get it.”

  They all rode out in Jeff’s truck except Tech. He took the eighteen-wheeler. Jeff parked the truck up the street at a friend’s house. They walked the next two blocks quickly. The Ferrari warehouse was up ahead. Twenty had something telling him they should creep over one at a time. Four people walking up to the building would be suspicious. They all took the back way. Creeping one at a time and watching each other back. They got in through the back door swiftly. All of the Ferrari’s were absolutely astonishing. They hurried to their target vehicle.


  The agent was sitting outside the bus stop. They never noticed him sitting there. On the other hand, he almost let them slip by. They were fast. He dialed Daverson’s number.

  Daverson picked up. “Daverson speaking.”

  “Detective, four suspects just entered the Ferrari dealer.”

  “Is Twenty one of them?” he asked.

  “Too hard to tell.” He said. “What you want us to do?”

  “Don’t let them get away.” He snapped. “We’re loading up.”


  The Ultimate Chase

  Twenty,Jeff, Bobby and Paula all came racing out of the Ferrari warehouse. Twenty was ahead of the group. He was the first to be greeted by the helicopter. He skidded the car to a stop. What the hell, he thought. Everything went perfectly. Did someone set me up?

  Jeff stopped behind Twenty. “Oh shit!” he said to himself.

  Bobby slid next to Jeff. “Bro,” he was shocked by the helicopter.

  Paula skidded the 458 next to Bobby. “Oh my God.” She muttered to herself.

  The police began to flood the area. Someone spoke through a megaphone from the chopper. “Get out of the vehicles and give yourselves up!”

  Twenty looked in his rearview. His team was behind him. Waiting for his decision. Their engines were revving. They would follow until the end. Twenty shifted into first and burnt out towards the cops.

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Jeff shifted to first and took off right behind him.

  “Lifters bro!” Bobby yelled excitedly peeling out behind them.

  Paula kissed the air seductively and smashed the gas.

  Twenty glanced at the rearview. He smiled. His team was right behind him. He paved the way by driving right through the team of police cruisers. The cruisers drove off to the side not wanting to crash head on. He skidded out onto the open road. Heading towards Tech would be dangerous. He needed a new plan.

  “Behind you,” Jeff skidded the FF right behind Twenty.

  Bobby shifted back into first after sliding onto the road behind Jeff. “Still here bro!”

  Paula was pushing the 458. She was the second best driver out of the bunch only to Twenty. She drifted onto the road and overtook Bobby speeding past him. “Here I come.”

  Bobby watched Paula drifted right past him. “She’s good.” He shifted into second and got behind her.

  Daverson was in one of the Chargers. “Chase them! We can’t let them get away!” he yelled over the radio turning the Charger onto the road.

  The police was pursuing them. We need to get to the highway, Twenty thought. He noticed the helicopter. It swooped down in front of him and he maneuvered the 599 around it.

  “What the fuck!” Jeff jerked the wheel and swerved around the chopper.

  “Desperate.” Paula muttered and skillfully maneuvered around the chopper and sped ahead of Jeff.

  Bobby maneuvered around it. “This is the best bro!”

  Twenty dialed Tech from hi
s new cell phone. “Tech,” he was frantically as he answered.

  “Where are you guys?” Tech asked worriedly. “I saw the cops rush the warehouse.”

  “Listen.” Twenty ordered. “I need you to get to the highway. When I dodge the cops. You can pick me and Paula up on the move.”


  He hung up with Tech and called Jeff. “Jeff we have to split up. You and Bobby head right at this next turn. Paula and I will head left toward the highway.”

  “Right, be safe.”

  Twenty called Paula. “Follow me.” He hung up and smoothly went into an astonishing drift heading left. He punched the gas.

  Paula drifted right on his tail. They were almost bumper to bumper. “I’m behind you baby.” She shifted and pulled up next to him and rolled down the window. Twenty rolled down his. He looked so sexy to her driving the 599. He belongs in that car. “Highway?”

  Twenty nodded.

  She blew him a seductive kiss and sped ahead of him.


  An agent called Daverson from the chopper. “Two heading towards the highway and two heading west.”

  “Where is the 599 heading?” Daverson asked. He knew if this was Twenty and his team. He would be in the Ferrari 599. He would surely drive the most expensive car.

  “The highway.” The agent told him. “Then follow that car!” Daverson ordered. “That’s the one we want. Send some cruisers west to cut the other two off. Let’s not fuck this up!” he hung up the phone and sped towards the highway. Here I come Twenty.

  Twenty drifted onto the highway behind Paula. Paula stepped her game up, he thought. He noticed the helicopter was still on their tail. We need to somehow dodge this helicopter.

  Paula pushed the 458 maneuvering through traffic. She noticed the helicopter flying over them. “Twenty we need a plan.” She said to herself gripping the wheel.


  Jeff skidded the FF right. He noticed Bobby make the same maneuver. The helicopter went after Twenty, he thought. He checked the rearview. Flashing lights were behind Bobby. He maneuvered to the opposite lane.


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