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Just a Kiss

Page 13

by Bonnie S. Mata

  “Okay, that helps, and more than likely they crossed her into Mexico through Reynosa. Let me get going to the Valley, and I'll keep you posted.”

  Chapter 28

  The mysterious visit

  One of the bodyguards had escorted Celina from Rafael’s house back to the room where she was staying. She was feeling relaxed after a hot tub soak and shower she had taken at Rafael's mansion. Even though she didn't approve of the drug lord's lifestyle, she did take him up on the summer sundress that he had laid on the bed for her. Not only was it pretty, but it was clean clothes to wear on her freshly showered body. She sat on the bed feeling full from the delicious lobster meal she had eaten. She had never experienced such luxuries and was feeling guilty that she had enjoyed every minute of it.

  She fell asleep and awoke hours later, to a noise in the room again. “Who's there?” she demanded. Her heart thumped so hard, it echoed in her ears.

  She heard a rustling sound. She sat up on the bed and could see the Victoria's Secret bag moving, and then an apparition appeared. Was it a prank? She looked around at the walls, looking for a projecting light. Are these assholes trying to scare me using this tactic? Her head rotated and her eyes scanned the room. She could not see a light making the image. Panic took over her.

  Oh my, am I hallucinating? Those sons of bitches better not have drugged me again while I was sleeping. She looked at her arms, scanning them carefully for bruising and soreness from a needle poke.

  The apparition smiled at her and said, “Don't be scared.”

  If her bladder had been full, she would have peed her panties. Celina grabbed a pillow, placed it on her chest, and scooted to the top of the bed when she heard her speak. She wanted to scream from the top of her mouth but held her screams, as if paralyzed. She opened her mouth to release her fear, but not a sound escaped from her mouth.

  “You moved the lingerie in the bag. I had fixed them for you earlier,” said the silhouette, in a very soft voice.

  She squinted, blinked, and squinted again. Was her imagination being fueled by her adrenaline? Celina swallowed hard and asked in a faint voice, “Who are you? Are you real?” she squeezed the pillow tighter.

  “I'm sorry, if I scared you,” said a soft and sweet voice. “I just couldn't help seeing the bag.”

  “You mean the Victoria's Secret one?”

  “Yes. It brought me so many happy memories.” She walked over, grabbed the handles to the Victoria's Secret bag with her fingers, and twirled it. She was like hypnotizing herself as she saw the pink striped bag move around in circles. “You know, I used to work there, and I took pride when I made a sale. I enjoyed wrapping the lingerie in the pink tissue paper and I loved to overspray the tote bags with perfume.”

  “I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound stupid, but are you a ghost? Or is this a dream?”

  She set the bag down. “I guess… yes, I am a ghost. I've been here for a long time… I think.” She extended her hands in the air, moving freely around the room.

  “What happened?” Celina asked, still holding on to the pillow for security.

  “Well, I went out on a date and never went back home,” the ghost walked back towards the window and peeked out. “I remember that day… I was so excited to be going out on a date… he was handsome and seemed nice.”

  “Oh, my gosh, did your date kill you?” She sucked in air.

  She turned back around to look at Celina. “Oh no, but I didn't know that he had problems, or that his brother did. He had been in the store a few days before, buying his mom some creams and perfumes and we hit it off. He then came to the store the next day and bought some more, I think to talk to me this time, because that's when he asked me out that Wednesday for a date on Friday.” She walked toward the Victoria's Secret bag and looked inside with a big smile. “I loved my job! I had just completed my probationary period with the company.” Her eyes lit up.

  “What store did you work at?”

  “At Mall del Norte, in Laredo.”

  Celina’s hand flew to her chest and pulled her head back. “No way! I'm from Laredo too.” She released the tight hold on the pillow. “What's your name?” She asked with much interested.

  The ghost seemed surprised, too and walked towards the edge of the bed. “Are you serious? My name is, Elia Leal, and I feel terrible that my mother doesn't know where I am. Can you please tell her that I am here, and that I'm sorry?” She looked deep into Celina’s eyes with emotion.

  Tears began to roll down Celina's face.

  “Why are you crying?” Elia extended her hand, as if to try to wipe away her tears. “I saw you crying the other night, too.” Her voice was warm and caring.

  Celina had a lump in her throat but managed to speak. “I was kidnapped, and I don't know if I'll ever leave here… but if I do, I will find your mother and tell her.”

  Excitement came over her, and she moved closer to Celina. “Oh please help me! I am here with many others.”

  She felt a chill race over her head at the thought, then down her spine. Then it sort of went over her body as she forced herself to move away. “Where?” Her head moved quickly scanning the room, as if spirits would fill the room any minute.

  “Well, the others have been here before me and my date Luis Javier, but anyway, we are all buried outside along the sidewalk.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened, looking out the small window of the room.

  “Yes, that night after they did what they did… they threw my body in a ditch, out there.” She pointed out the window.

  She rubbed her hands over her arms. “Good God, Elia. Can I ask you, want happened?” Celina only wanted to know, because she was wondering what Rafael, the boss man, was capable of. Was it true what Carmela had told her? Should she fear him? She had not seen any sort of violence from him yet? Only a perfect gentleman, so far.

  “Well, Luis Javier, that's the name of the guy who asked me out. Well, anyway he and I went dancing in Nuevo Laredo because I still wasn't of age to go to clubbing here in the U.S. So, when we were leaving the club, these guys grabbed us and threw us in a van and we ended up here. Luis Javier and I think that his brother owed them money on a shipment that went bad, and they tortured me to make him talk.”

  Celina’s face cringed. “Oh, I'm so sorry, Elia. How old were you?”

  “Twenty.” She lowered her head, and continued. “They did horrible things to me,” she paused and then continued. “I was gang raped by all who were in the room… there must have been ten or twelve men in the room. I had never really had sex but twice with an old boyfriend. I was so humiliated by the way they displayed me, while they watched each other take turns on me, as Luis Javier watched. I was also sodomized, several times and even had two guys do me at the same time,” she waved her hand in the air, while she made faces remembering the moment, “it's hard to explain, but they did.”

  Celina knew what she meant, because she had seen the sexual act herself earlier.

  “Luis Javier kept telling them that I wasn't his girlfriend, hoping they would stop, but they didn't. They beat me like a piñata. They yanked my fingernails off, one by one, with pliers, as I screamed,” she stopped to look at her hands, “and still Luis Javier wouldn't tell them what they wanted to know. They then began to beat him. Everyone took turns punching him, as if he was nothing. They used bats, pipes… anything that they could get their hands on in that room…was used. Then one man took a machete, and cut my nipple off, put it in his mouth and sucked on it. By then I was already numb and knew that they were going to kill me.” She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. “Then that same man took the machete and cut Luis Javier open, like if he was a deer. He gutted him open like an animal while Luis Javier was still alive, and all of his intestines spilled out of him. Next thing, I knew… I was dead, and Luis Javier's body was dumped over mine, but he was still alive when they buried him with me.”

  Celina was in tears, listening to the horrific details. She shook her head and said, “I’m s
o sorry that this happened to you Elia. If… if I get out of here, I promise that your mother will find you, and give you a proper burial. I promise.”

  “I don't know the names of the others, only Luis Javier's, but yes, we are all here en la banqueta de los muertos.”

  Celina repeated softly in English, “The sidewalk of the dead.”

  Loud noises came from outside the door, starling the girls.

  “What is it?” whispered Celina.

  “I don't know,” replied Elia.

  Chapter 29

  The breakout

  The door opened slowly, and a head peeked in. “Celina,” the voice whispered.

  She had heard that voice before since she’d been there, but she wasn’t sure whose voice it was. Was it Rafael coming for her, to take her back to his house?

  She cocked her head to one side and narrowed her eyes. “What do you want?” she demanded, not knowing who it was.

  “It's me, Pancho,” he replied, closing the door behind him.

  There stood the man that was going to save her from this hellhole. She looked at him, at the height of him standing in full gear. Wow. Her eyes zeroed in on the small black vest that he wore with lots of pockets over a bare, muscular chest. Madre mia, que hombre tan guapo! Her eyes then looked up to see his face painted just like the soldiers in the movies. Lucky me. My very own G.I. Joe.

  Her gaze then moved to look at him straight at his eyes. Dark brown, very intense eyes, eyes that were so compelling, looking right back at her. She caught a fleeting expression across his face and his eyes flared right back at her. Her pulse quickened, and her mouth went dry.

  “Here, put these tennis shoes on quickly, so we can go.” He handed her a pair of white Nikes with a black checkmark.

  She grabbed them from his hands and sat on the bed to put them on.

  He kept his attention on her. His eyes followed the halter top straps to the white dress that she wore. They continued to trail down to the V-shape cut of the dress, where her breasts were.

  When she tied the last lace, she glanced up to find him deep in thought, with his mouth slightly opened. She cleared her throat.

  His face flushed, and he closed his mouth.

  She smiled at him. “Are you sure we're not going to get killed?” She stood up.

  He ignored her comment. “Please hurry, Celina,” he commanded, turning to the door.

  “Did you come alone, or did you get help?” She looked at his tight-fitting black pants with lots and lots of pockets.

  “Just me, like I told you yesterday. Let's get going.” He held a high-powered rifle in his hands.

  She walked over to grab her Victoria's Secret bag and threw her high heels in the bag.

  “No, leave them.” He narrowed his eyes.

  She narrowed her eyes right back at him. “No, I'm taking my stuff with me.” She held the bag tightly, refusing to give in to his demand.

  He shook his head. “Whatever you’ve got in there, I'll re-buy for you,” he said, opening the door to the room.

  Following right behind him she whispered, “You don’t know how long it took me to find this stuff.” She turned away from the door and then glanced down to look at the guard, who was now on the floor.

  He turned back and looked right into her hazel eyes. He took a deep breath and said in a stern voice, “Stay right behind me, and follow my every order.” He walked slowly down the hallway, keeping close to the wall, towards Rafael's office.

  Celina didn't answer but did as was told. Pancho led the way, pointing a large M16 assault rifle. “I sure hope you know how to use that thing.”

  He turned back to look at her and smiled. Baby if you only knew what all I can do with this gun and what all I have done with weapons such as these.

  “Ay ese estop!” shouted a voice in broken English.

  Pancho kicked open the door to Rafael's office in less than a second. He jerked Celina's arm, pushing her in the office. Celina fell to the floor and then heard loud gunfire from Pancho's gun. She curled up in a ball and covered her ears with her hands. The sound was intensely loud.

  Pancho rushed in, yelling, “Get up! Move it, move it.” He grabbed her arm, helped her up, and led the way down the steps, where Rafael had taken Celina earlier.

  “Why are we going this way?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?” He frowned, shooting the lights on the overhead porch.

  She put her hands down and opened her eyes after the loud rounds of fire. “The golf cart isn't here. What if Rafael comes back this way?”

  He stopped in his tracks giving her a hard stare. “What do you mean? Have you been down here already?” he snapped. He hated deception.

  “Yes, earlier today.”

  His gaze flared with anger for a moment. “What did you go do? He never brings girls to his house. What part of the house were you in?” He pressed his lips tightly together and reined in the anger pulsing through them. He eyed her lips, waiting impatiently for her to reply.

  “I don't get it? Why are we arguing about this now?” She snapped at him and narrowed her eyes.

  He closed his eyes for a brief moment, took a deep breath, and then asked, “What floor did he take you to?” He walked up to her, with his face only inches apart from hers and shot her a furious glare.

  “Third,” she muttered.

  His brows drew together glancing at Celina. “Mother fucker!” He shook his head, looking down at the ground. “Mother fucker!”

  “Pancho!” Her eyes widened in alarm. “Good God, this is ridiculous.”

  Cold, bitter rage cut through his voice. “Uh, were you in his bedroom?” He then made eye contact with her.

  God, his eyes were so dark. So dark that he was scaring her. She gave him a hard stare.

  “Well?” A frown crossed his face.

  “It's like yes and no.” She looked away.

  He looked up at the sky. “OH, hell. Well, which is it?” His voice was loud and angry, a warning as to how he felt. He walked away then came back, lowered his head and ran his hand over his face.

  Celina felt her heart nearly stop in her chest as Pancho waited for her to reply. “He took me so I could cut his hair.”

  “Cut his hair? Yeah, right!” He turned his back and began to walk. His walk turned into long strides, and then his long strides turned into a jog, headed up to Rafael’s house.

  Celina tried to follow behind him. She wanted to explain to him, but he wouldn’t stop. She then yelled as loud as she could, “I'm serious! Stop and listen to me, Pancho. You are jumping to conclusions. Nothing happened!”

  He stopped in his tracks and then turned around slowly to see her. He could see that she was blinking back tears.

  “He has a sink and special chair. You name it, he has it there.” Tears prickled in the back of her eyes.

  “And why would he want you to cut his hair?” His throat was tight, so many emotions tearing through him now.

  She shook her head and yelled, “Because, I'm a hair stylist!” She stomped her foot on the cement. “You know nothing about me! I am part owner of a salon back home in Laredo.” She threw her hands up in disbelief.

  “Oh you are?” voice more relaxed but with some sarcasm. “And what about the bedroom?” His face flushed and his chest heaved.

  She blinked up at him, and she swore she felt the very air around them become thicker, still, and heavy with tension. “He got a call, and said it was an emergency so he had to leave. But before he left, he said I could make myself at home and shower up, and he left me this dress on his bed.” She looked down at the dress she was wearing.

  “Oh! I see!” He looked up and down at the white halter-top long dress that she looked incredibly sexy in. “Did he see it on you?” His eyes continued to roam up and down the dress.

  “Of course not! I told you that he left. I also ate a very delicious meal there too. I was starving!”

  A breeze blew and outlined the curves of her body, capturing his attention. “He
was trying to seduce you,” he said, moving his hand in front of her face. “That son of a bitch, I knew it.” His voice was calmer.

  “What?” she walked next to him.

  He stopped in his tracks. “He was going to double cross me from the very start. Good thing I didn't do his dirty job. Not that I even thought about it.” He looked at her lips.

  “So I take, he's not a person of his word.”

  “Uh, hell no.” He cocked his head back.

  Two men down the tunnel from the whorehouse fired shots in their direction as they stood discussing her visit to Rafael's house.

  “Get down on the ground and cover your head,” he yelled at her, grabbing her arm as he stepped in the line of fire, shielding her with his body. Pancho pointed his M16 rifle and returned with heavy fire. “Get up and run as fast as you can,” he commanded. “NOW! Move it, move it!”

  Celina got up and took off running, holding on to her Victoria's Secret bag as her heart pounded. A loud explosion came from the tunnel, and black smoke filled the passageway.

  “Let's get going.” Pancho came up behind her, grabbing her arm, running alongside of her.

  Celina looked at him through the thick smoke and tried to keep up with him going up the stairs.

  He placed his hand at the small of her back and gave her a firm push up to the steps. “When we come to the end of the stairs, I need for you to turn left and head out towards the patio. Don't worry. I will be right behind you.”

  She nodded and did as told. When she reached the last step, she went left and went to the far end of the patio area, near another set of steps that led out into the property. She sat on the cold concrete, hugging her knees. Mother of God, I am so scared, and my ears are ringing from that loud blast. She tried to control herself and stop her teeth from chattering as she waited.

  Moments later, Pancho was running towards her and said, huffing, “Run as fast as you can.”

  “Oh my God, are you blowing up something else?” She swung her head trying to look back. Something any typical woman would do.


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