Book Read Free

Eye Candy

Page 7

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  Alvin stopped and stared at me.

  “Do you love him, Maya?”

  I cocked my head as my mouth dropped open. “Are you really asking me that?” I asked. “Of course I don’t love him. I’m just playing a role.”

  “Yeah, at my expense.”

  I huffed as I plopped down on the sofa. This conversation was getting real old. “You told me you were okay with me going with him to the Grammys.”

  “I was okay with you going to the Grammys. I wasn’t okay with this!” He waved the magazine again.

  “You do know this is all part of what I do?” I said, glaring up at him and wishing I could make him disappear, at least until he calmed down.

  He was silent for a minute before saying, “Well, I don’t know if I can handle this anymore.”

  That made me stand up. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  He tossed the magazine at the table and tried to flex. “Meaning, I’m sick and tired of you and your ex, and you’re going to have to show me some respect.”

  “Are you threatening me?” I stepped closer so he could look me in my eyes.

  He didn’t flinch. “Take it as you want. I’m just telling you. There will be no more outings with your ex.” I immediately thought about the video J. wanted me to do. That I wanted to do.

  I sighed, then turned and walked away. “You’re really overreacting,” I said.

  “You heard what I said.” That made me raise both eyebrows. Alvin was about to get straight cussed out.

  “Uh, I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but I’m not the one,” I snapped. Forget being nice. Yes, I was wrong, but I wasn’t about to let him talk to me crazy.

  He sighed, too. “Look, Maya, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a jerk, but I’m just really pissed.”

  “Okay, but you’re pissing me off, too. I know you’re used to saying whatever you want to your girl, and she takes it,” I said, referring to his ex, Marisol. That crazy chick had tried to kill me, literally. She’d run me off the road trying to get me away from Alvin. She was out on bail, pending her trial, but as far as I knew, she was off minding her business. She’d loved Alvin something crazy. And although I’d never seen Alvin talk to her crazy, she was so weak and passive when it came to him. So, she’d let him get away with it. Me, on the other hand . . .

  “I chose you over Marisol, so we don’t even need to talk about her.”

  “Oh, don’t act like you did me a favor,” I snapped.

  He exhaled in frustration. “That’s not what I’m saying at all.”

  “So what are you saying? Because Marisol was your little puppet and you could say or do whatever, you think you can say whatever you want to me?”

  “Now who’s overreacting?”

  I pointed a manicured nail in his face. “Don’t get it twisted, Alvin. I’m still Maya Morgan.”

  “Yeah.” He stared me down but didn’t flinch. “And all Maya Morgan cares about is maintaining her star status. You all up under your ex bothers me. That should mean something. But you’re right. You’re the diva, but I’m starting to think maybe Maya Morgan might need to be by herself,” he said, then turned and stormed out of my front door.

  I didn’t know how to act. In the year since I’d known him, Alvin and I had never had so much as a minor disagreement. Now, we were having something this major? I let him go, and my gut told me if I didn’t clean up this situation with J. Love, things with Alvin were going to go from bad to worse.

  Chapter 17

  I was not a happy diva. I mean, I didn’t know what kind of attitude they expected me to have, sitting in this conference room like I was supposed to be excited about everything that was unfolding.

  They were acting like the Rumor Central ratings were horrible. Yes, they’d dropped a little, but I was still at the top of my game, so why they felt the need to change things, I just didn’t know.

  I sat on one side of the conference table; Nelly sat on the other. Tamara was at the head. Dexter and a few of the other producers filled out the other seats.

  Tamara had been rambling for a few minutes, but I’d been too mad to even focus on what she was saying. I finally decided to tune in.

  “I know everyone is not exactly thrilled with the changes, but we always try to do what’s in the best interest of the show,” she said. “MTV has a show coming out to rival Rumor Central so we have to solidify our place in the marketplace before it hits the air.” She turned in my direction. “Maya, your stories have been slacking off. We need some more Bling Ring, some more escort stories. We need some hard-hitting dirt.”

  I didn’t bother to respond. I wish I would sell out another friend for these backstabbing people. Get Nelly to do it, I wanted to say, but I remained quiet.

  Tamara continued talking, turning now to Nelly. “Nelly, we are so happy to have you on board. We’ll be expecting you to develop some contacts and bring in hard-hitting stories as well. We also hope your fan base will bring a whole other element to the show.”

  “Not to mention that dynamic personality,” Dexter said, patting her hand. I started to throw my phone and hit him in his red mop head. He used to be a fan of mine. That showed there was no loyalty in the entertainment business.

  “When are these changes taking place?” I asked, finally speaking up. I needed to prepare myself and figure out my game plan.

  “We’re not sure, but we’re at least a few weeks out,” Tamara replied. “We want to do heavy promotion, but we want it out before the MTV show and that comes out in August.”

  I sat back in my chair, relieved that I had a minute to figure things out.

  “We really want to get some A-list celebs to help us promote the revamped Rumor Central,” Tamara said. “You think Ross will do a promo?” she asked Nelly.

  Cue stupid grin. “Yes, he’ll do anything for me.”

  “Maya, you think you can get Alvin?” Dexter said, snickering as the whole table busted out laughing.

  I just glared at all of them. “Real funny,” I said.

  “Come on, guys. Let’s remain focused,” Tamara said, fighting back a laugh herself.

  Nelly raised her hand like we were in class.

  “Yes, Nelly?” Tamara said.

  “Can I say something to the team?”

  “Of course.”

  She stood like she was putting on a performance. “Well, let me just say I am thrilled to be on board. I have been a fan of the show, and just the thought that I’m now a part of it makes me so happy. I’m going to give my all to take Rumor Central to the next level.”

  I could tell they were all eating her phony act up. Was I the only one that could see through that sham?

  “Thank you all so much for working with my schedule,” Nelly continued. “The album is a little delayed, but I want to assure you all that I remain committed to Rumor Central.”

  “And what do you all plan to do when Britney Spears here goes on tour?” I asked.

  Tamara shot me a look of disdain. “We’ve worked all that out. You’ll handle the show solo on those days and, Maya, when and if you have anything come up, Nelly will handle it.”

  Oh, I didn’t miss her dig at me. When and if, like I didn’t have a life. I was so sick of these people.

  I tuned them out and pulled my phone out to continue a conversation I’d been having via text with Kennedi earlier. I’d filled her in on my fight with Alvin yesterday and I’d been unable to answer her last question because the meeting had started.

  Just wish Alvin was hot. Then all my troubles would be solved, I typed.

  “Maya, are we interrupting you?” Tamara asked.

  I quickly pressed SEND, then set my phone back down. I’d pretend to pay attention, but I wasn’t trying to hear anything they were saying. I had no intention of being Nelly Fulton’s partner, and as soon as they gave me her start date, I would start making plans to leave.

  As soon as we walked out, Nelly came skipping over to me. “Maya.”

  I kept
walking like I didn’t even hear her.

  “Maya, you know you heard me call you,” she said.

  I spun around to face her. “What do you want?”

  “We’re going to have to get along,” she said. “I’m willing to try if you are.”

  I just stood staring at her. “What do you want from me, Nelly?” This girl had to be the most annoying person I’d ever met.

  “Your friendship.”

  “I don’t need any more friends.”

  She shook her head like I was a lost cause. “Look, I think it would be great if you and I could get with some of the celebs they were talking about and shoot some of the promos. I mean, you’ve met Ross. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. And I’ve met J. Love at a few industry events, so I’m sure he would do it, too. Although I don’t know him personally. You know, maybe me, you, and him can hang out, go to dinner or something so he’ll feel comfortable endorsing the show.”

  This girl was truly crazy. “Not gonna happen.”

  “Why? Are you guys together, like boyfriend-girlfriend?”

  “You know what? My personal life isn’t any of your business. I have to see you at school. I have to tolerate you here, but I don’t have to be your friend. I don’t want to be your friend.”

  She had the nerve to sigh like she was getting really frustrated with me. “I don’t know what kind of working relationship you expect us to have like this.”

  I threw my hands up in frustration and walked away. She just didn’t know—we would have no working relationship. I needed to figure out a way to nip this cohost idea in the bud before it even got off the ground.

  Chapter 18

  I didn’t have a choice. I had taken today and just chilled. I’d even passed on going to the mall with Sheridan and Kennedi. I still hadn’t recovered from the L.A. trip, then that exhausting sham of a meeting yesterday. Not to mention the argument with Alvin—all of it had worn me out. I’d hoped he’d come around, but it was almost ten and I still hadn’t heard from Alvin, nor had he answered my calls or texts.

  I took a deep breath, my cell phone gripped tightly in my hand. I knew what I needed to do to fix this. I knew what I would want Alvin to do. Even still, that didn’t make it easy.

  “Just do it,” I mumbled to myself, before tapping J. Love’s name and waiting for the number to dial.

  “What’s up, beautiful?” he said, picking up the phone on the first ring.

  “It’s all you,” I sweetly replied.

  “I was just about to text you a pic of these fly Louboutins the stylist got for you to wear in the video. They’re custom made.”

  “Custom-made Louboutins?” I squealed. I quickly caught myself and fell back on my bed. “Actually, J., that’s what I was calling about. I’m not going to be able to do the video.”


  “It’s causing too much drama.” I felt sick even as the words left my mouth.

  “Too much drama with who?”

  “With my boyfriend.” I sighed. “He feels disrespected and I don’t want to upset him.”

  J. Love groaned. “Come on, Maya. Everything else aside, this is business. You can’t let ol’ boy mess with your business.”

  “Ol’ boy is my boyfriend,” I replied, “and he doesn’t want me to do it.”

  “Wow. Since when does Maya Morgan like being told what to do?”

  I had to tell myself that J. was just trying to get me riled up so I had to take what he was saying with a grain of salt. “I don’t like it. It’s called respect, J. If I was in a relationship with you and you didn’t want me to do this, I’d respect you enough not to do it.”

  “And I’d respect you enough not to ask you some mess like that,” he quickly replied. “I would realize that you’re Maya Morgan and anything that can further your career is good for you.”

  “Oh, so being a video vixen will further my career?” I tried to laugh to ease the tension.

  He didn’t find anything funny. “First of all, you won’t be a video vixen. You are the main chick in the video, the love interest, the female star. And second of all, since MTV is doing a world—did you hear me, world premiere—yeah, it can further your brand.”

  I was quiet. I hadn’t known this was going to be a world premiere. “J., I just don’t want drama in my relationship.”

  J. Love took a deep breath, like he was trying not to get upset. “I don’t want drama, either, babe. But this is what I was talking about. This is why people outside the business don’t work. You get me and I get you. I know this is all business, babe. But it’s cool. If you don’t want to do it, I’m not gonna sweat you. Your girl Nelly wants the part anyway.”

  “What?” That made me sit straight up in my bed.

  “Yeah,” he casually replied.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Cuz it didn’t matter. The job was yours. But now . . .”

  I couldn’t believe it. This girl was like a fly, always buzzing around my picnic. First my job, now my side jobs! “So you would really give my spot to Nelly?” I asked him.

  “I wouldn’t give it to anybody. The casting director would. I only had one request. Maya Morgan. If I can’t have her, I don’t care who they get. As long as she’s hot.”

  “Nelly is not hot,” I snapped.

  “Says you.”

  I was fuming. That’s why that trick was asking me all those questions. So, now, not only was she trying to weasel her way onto my show, but she was trying to slither her way in good with my ex. “Really, J.? That’s how we playing it?”

  “I’m not playing anything, Maya. You’re making your choice to stay home and be little Holly Homemaker or something. So you let your nerd boyfriend keep his leash around your neck and do whatever he needs to do. I’ll holla at you later.”

  Before I knew anything, J. had hung the phone up.

  “Ugh,” I screamed, tossing my phone across the room. J. Love was the only guy with the nerve to talk to me like that. No, he used to be the only one, I told myself. Now, apparently, Alvin felt like he was calling some shots as well.

  Was J. Love right? Was I letting Alvin put me on a leash?

  No, I was just trying to respect my boyfriend. That’s it. And I was going to stand by my decision, no matter how much it killed me.

  Chapter 19

  As soon as I stepped outside of my last class, I saw several people talking as they pointed down the hall.

  “What’s going on?” Sheridan asked, meeting me in the hallway.

  “I have no idea,” I replied.

  We made our way down the hall, to try and see what everyone was looking at. The entire hallway was filled with heart-shaped balloons.

  “Dang,” Sheridan said. “Somebody is having a lucky day.”

  I moved my messenger bag to my other shoulder, stood on my toes, and strained to get a better look. Suddenly, I heard singing, and a guy stepped through the middle of the balloons. He was singing “I Must Be Crazy” by Tyrese. His voice actually sounded really good.

  “Wow, someone really messed up,” a girl said.

  Everyone looked around to see who he was singing to. Then to my surprise, he kept walking until he stopped right in front of me.

  “Maya Morgan, I have a message for you,” the guy said.

  “It’s okay. I can deliver my own messages.” I turned to see Alvin coming up behind him and my mouth dropped open.

  “I just came to say I’m sorry.” Alvin handed me a huge heart-shaped balloon with the words Forgive me written across the front.

  “Dang, nerd boy got game,” this annoying boy named Jock said.

  “Shut up, Jock,” Sheridan snapped.

  “He’s gonna get in trouble for having all these balloons in the hallway,” our student council president, Lee, threw in.

  Alvin ignored them all, as if he and I were the only ones in the hallway.

  “What are you doing?” I whispered, even though everyone was zoomed in on us and could make out everything I said.
r />   “I hate when we fight and I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” Alvin replied.

  “Awww,” someone said.

  “Why she always get the good ones?” someone else added.

  I smiled. The good ones. Alvin was a good one and I did hate fighting with him.

  He finally noticed all the people staring at us. He leaned in and whispered, “You know I don’t like all this attention.”

  “So, why such a public apology then?”

  “Because you know how much I hate the limelight, and I thought if you saw me doing something so public, you’d know I was serious.”

  “Excuse me, what is all of this?”

  We all turned to see the assistant principal, Mr. Jacobs, approach us.

  “Sorry, sir,” Alvin said. “We’ll clean it all up.” He motioned toward the guy who had been singing, and he immediately began gathering up the balloons.

  “I know school just dismissed, but we can’t have these kinds of distractions,” Mr. Jacobs warned.

  “Yes, sir. We’re on it.”

  Mr. Jacobs nodded his approval as he turned to the other students. “Nothing to see here, folks. Unless you’re helping clean this mess up, I suggest you all head on home.”

  Of course, no one was trying to help so most of my classmates scattered and walked away.

  “What are you about to do?” Alvin asked me.

  “Nothing. We were just going to go get something to eat,” I said, pointing to Sheridan.

  “Do you mind if I steal her from you?” he asked her.

  Sheridan smiled as she shrugged. “Do your thang.”

  Alvin took my hand and led me out to his car.

  “What was that all about?”

  He stopped right outside the passenger door. “I told you that I hate fighting with you. And I miss us. And if you want to do the video, then I’m not going to trip.”

  I shook my head. “No, I won’t do it if it bothers you that much.”

  “No, if you’re my girl, then it’s no reason for me to be all worked up and upset. I trust you, so why I was trippin’, I don’t even know.”


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