Book Read Free

Eye Candy

Page 10

by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  “I’m not in her room,” J. Love said. “I’m standing out in the hallway with you. Maya, I need to talk to you.”

  “Go away, J. My dad shoots guys who come in my bedroom.”

  “But your dad isn’t here.”

  “Oh no, oh no,” I heard Sui mumbling.

  I decided I needed to go out before she had a heart attack. I made my way across my plush bedroom carpet and swung my bedroom door open.

  “Dang!” J. said, making a face. And then I realized my hair was probably all over my head and I didn’t have a drop of makeup on.

  “Oh my God,” I said, closing the door real fast. “Give me a second,” I snapped. I grabbed my brush and tried to make some semblance of order out of my hair and then I dabbed some powder across my face, put on a touch of lip gloss, and then opened the door back up. Sui was still standing there, ringing her hands. J. Love had a determined look on his face like he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Okay, much better,” he said, smiling. “Now go put on some clothes so we can go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, and what gives you the right to come barging in my house demanding to see me?”

  “Because word on the street is that you’re sitting up in here going crazy and that you were a basket case at school yesterday, called in sick today, and now everyone’s mumbling that you’ve been dumped and don’t know how to take it.”

  “What?” I said.

  “Exactly,” J. Love replied. “And divas don’t roll like that, right? Isn’t that what you’re always telling me?”

  “Are people really talking about me?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure MediaTakeOut probably has a long scope lens trying to get in your house and get a picture of you now. Don’t let them see you sweat,” he said. “Don’t let them see that somebody got the best of Maya Morgan.”

  I stood taking in his words.

  “If ol’ boy cheated on you, then it’s his loss and better you find out now than later.”

  Those words made me choke back a sob, and before I knew it, I was crying.

  “I just can’t believe he did this.”

  J. Love took me in his arms. “It’s okay, babe. I told you I’m here for you. Now the best way to get him back is to get yourself together. Let’s go out on the town. You put a smile on your face and let him see you in a magazine with another dude.”

  “But he knows that we’re not together.”

  “And he also knows that I want you,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “J. . . .”

  “Naw, I’m not saying you gotta give me a chance right now,” he said, holding his hands up. “But make him think it. Make him suffer like you’re sitting here suffering. Come on, Maya, you’re better than this,” J. said, motioning up and down my body.

  Even though I was wearing silk bottoms and a tank, I had wrapped myself in my big Hello Kitty plush robe with some giant furry house shoes. Yeah, there was definitely nothing diva about me right now.

  “You know what? You’re right.” I dried my eyes and held my head high. “This ain’t how divas roll,” I said, pointing up and down my body.

  “That’s my girl,” he said. “Let’s get changed. I’m waiting.”

  Sui lightly tapped him on the shoulder. “But can you please wait downstairs? I would hate for Mr. Morgan to get home and there be a murder.”

  “She has a point,” I said. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay, that means thirty.” He winked. “But I’ll wait, because you’re worth it.”

  As soon as he left, I jumped in the shower. The cold water instantly gave me a much-needed jolt. J. was right. Maya Morgan didn’t do pity parties, especially over a guy who didn’t deserve it. That’s what I got for turning “domestic.” I was turning my focus back to what mattered. My fabulous life.

  “Wow, you were actually ready in twenty minutes. You look gorgeous,” J. Love said when I emerged downstairs, fresh, dressed, and back to normal. “That’s the Maya Morgan I know.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled. “So where are we going?”

  “How about we go to McCormick and Schmick’s?”

  “Okay, cool,” I said. For anybody else, that may have seemed like a big deal.

  “I got us a private room,” he said.

  “A private room?” I said. “What do we need a private room for?”

  “To celebrate.”

  “What are we celebrating?”

  “Oh, dang, that’s the whole reason I came over here.” He pulled his cell phone out and punched in a number. “Oh hey, yeah I’m here. I forgot to call.... Yeah, she is.... Okay, hold on.”

  He handed me his cell phone.

  Who is it? I mouthed. He thrust the phone toward me without answering. I finally took it. “Hello?”

  “Maya Morgan?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Hey, lady, this is Hype Lee, the director.”

  “Oh, hey,” I said, looking at J. Love in confusion.

  “Yeah, usually this should come through your agent, but J. is a friend of mine so I wanted to deliver this news to you personally.”

  “What news?”

  “I’d be honored if you would take on the female lead in my new film.”

  “What?” I said. “I got the part?” I hadn’t even done a formal audition, just sent him a video tape of me reading lines.

  “Yes, ma’am. I told you we wanted a fresh face on the acting scene. And with your star power, we can’t go wrong. We already sent our formal offer to your agent so he should be calling you about it soon, but I’m hoping you’ll say yes.”

  Yes! I wanted to scream, but I knew I had to play it cool and I had to make sure the contract was on point.

  “Wow! Thank you. I’m honored and I can’t wait to see the contract.”

  “All right, I’ll talk to you soon.” He hung the phone up and I handed the phone back to J.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that immediately?”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to cheer you up.”

  “Well, that definitely cheered me up! I can’t believe I got the part!” I jumped up and hugged him tightly.

  “Girl, please, as if you didn’t think you would.”

  “I’m not an actress, remember?”

  “You’re a natural at everything you do. And me and you together, girl—we’re about to take celebrity couples to a whole ’nother level.”

  “But we’re not a couple,” I reminded him.

  “Not yet. But we will be.” He grabbed my hand and led me out before I could respond. The thing is, this time, I didn’t want to protest.

  Chapter 27

  Something was seriously wrong with Yolanda. She stood in the doorway to my office, looking like she’d seen a ghost.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I asked, spinning around in my chair. I was in a much better mood today. I had gotten the part, J. Love had taken me out and shown me a fab time, and by the end of the night, I was like Alvin who?

  “Um, I was just, um . . . um, I was bringing your scripts,” she stammered.

  “Okay, thank you,” I said, holding my hand out for her to give them to me. She didn’t move. “Okay, Yolanda. What’s going on?”

  She took a deep breath, then let out a long sigh. “You’re not going to be happy.”

  “What are you talking about?” Yolanda could be so extra sometimes. I grabbed the stack of scripts and began flipping through them.

  “What are we doing some kind of story that—” I stopped when I saw it. Right underneath my name in parentheses to give the show intro was another name.

  “What the . . . ?” I mumbled, as I flipped through the pages. The stories on today’s episode were alternating: I read one and then Nelly read one. “What is this?” I screamed.

  Yolanda shrugged and said, “They just gave them to me to give to you and I just happened to notice that—”

  I didn’t even give her a chance to finish before I jumped out of my seat and bolted out of my office. I stormed into
Tamara’s office and her secretary, Kelley, immediately jumped up and tried to stop me. “Maya. Maya, wait.”

  I ignored her as I continued toward Tamara’s office. I probably should’ve brought the issue up with Dexter since he was the show producer, but Tamara was the main boss, so no sense in me wasting my time with a peon.

  “Maya, she’s not in there and—”

  I spun around and stared at Kelley. “Where is she?”

  “She’s . . . she’s unavailable.”

  “Where is she?” I screamed, when it seemed like she didn’t want to tell me.

  “She’s in Nelly’s office.”

  Nelly has an office?

  I had been down this road before with Evian not too long ago. I wasn’t about to travel down it again. I walked into the office to see Nelly and Tamara giggling like they were best friends.

  “Excuse me,” I said. “Tamara, can I talk to you?” I completely ignored Nelly.

  “Hi, Maya,” she said all bubbly. I wanted to smack her in her eye. Yes, I knew they had been talking about bringing Nelly on board, but no one told me this would be happening today.

  “Aren’t you excited?” Nelly continued.

  “No, because I didn’t know anything about this,” I said, glaring at Tamara.

  Tamara glared right back at me. “Well, if you bothered responding to my voice mail and if you hadn’t skipped our meeting, then maybe you’d know what was going on.”

  I folded my arms across my chest. “I’ve been busy!”

  “Okay, then I guess you’ll find things out when everyone else does.”

  “Now, now, ladies,” Nelly said. “We’re family now. All of us.”

  I ignored Happy Hannah, and said, “Tamara, what’s going on?”

  “I told you that I would be hosting with you,” Nelly said. “Did you not believe me?”

  “Haven’t we tried this before?” I asked Tamara, still not even acknowledging Nelly.

  “You know what? I’m gonna let you two chat.” Nelly headed toward the door. “But don’t chat too long, Maya. We have a show to do!” She hurried out the door and I wanted to pick her swivel chair up and throw it at her.

  “Are we really doing this again?” I asked Tamara as soon as Nelly was gone.

  “This time will be different,” Tamara replied.

  “Well, I’m not doing it.”

  Tamara exhaled in exasperation. “Maya, you‘ve worked with me long enough to know that I don’t do threats and I don’t do ultimatums.”

  “I’m not threatening. I’m just saying, if she stays, I don’t, and I don’t do ultimatums either.”

  I expected Tamara to get an attitude right back, but she actually smiled. “Maya, it’s really not that serious. We’re just trying to revamp things. Stop being a spoiled brat and get out there and do your job before I sue your little behind for all the money your daddy has!”

  That caught me off guard because Tamara had been pretty cool with me.

  “Maya, you need to get on set. They’re calling for you,” Yolanda said, poking her head in Nelly’s office.

  I happened to glance over at the big screen monitor that sat across from Tamara’s desk. Nelly was already in place. I rolled my eyes, not saying a word as I stomped out of her office.

  “That’s what I thought,” I could’ve sworn I heard Tamara mumble.

  Oh, this battle was far from over. I wasn’t about to go down this road again. Last time I just threatened to quit if they gave me a cohost. This time, I was actually going to do it.

  “Maya, come on, we’re thirty away,” the director, Manny, said, frantically waving for me to hurry up.

  I scurried on to the set as Manny began counting down.

  “We’re on in five, four, three, two . . .”

  “What’s up, everybody? It’s ya girl Maya Morgan,” I said, reading the teleprompter and forcing my signature smile. And while I had every intention of staying professional, I knew today was just the beginning. Things were really about to get crazy around here at Rumor Central.

  Chapter 28

  I was trying to have a good time at this party, but I wasn’t even going to lie. I was completely bummed out. I couldn’t believe that Tamara had played me like this and that I might really have to make good on my threat. The show had actually gone off without a hitch. As far as I could tell, no one could see I had an attitude on air, but off air, it wasn’t pretty.

  Of course, I didn’t really want to quit Rumor Central, but I’d threatened to walk away so many times that if I didn’t stay true to my word this time they weren’t going to take me seriously. And I had to show them I was serious. Nelly may have had them fooled, but I was hip to her game. She was straight trying to play that nice role, but I had no doubt that that chick was a backstabber if I ever saw one.

  “You sure you don’t want to dance?” a guy asked me.

  “Do you see me here with somebody?” I snapped.

  He looked around. “No.”

  And that only made me madder. J. Love had all but dumped me since we got to this party. I’d told him I didn’t want to come, but it was for one of his boys who had a new album out and he said we really needed to start getting as much press together as possible. But since we’d arrived, he’d been MIA. Now granted, I got it, it was probably because I’d been sitting there with a stank attitude. The last words he’d said to me before getting up and walking away were, “You probably should’ve stayed at home. I’m going to walk around.”

  But I couldn’t help it. I was in a foul mood. I sat there, sipping my cherry limeade, trying to will myself out of my funk.

  “You sure I can’t get you anything to drink?” the waitress asked.

  I’d told this chick fifteen times I didn’t drink. Why she was trying to force Patrón down my throat was beyond me.

  “No, thank you,” I replied.

  “Okay, just checking.”

  I’d had enough. A change of attitude wasn’t working. I was going to find J. Love. He needed to take me home. I couldn’t help but wonder where he was. It’s not like J. Love was a dancer so I didn’t expect to see him on the dance floor, but after walking around the club for ten minutes, I saw no sign of him. I had just turned and headed back to the VIP section when I saw him on the dance floor, a bottle raised in the air as he jammed to the latest Rick Ross hit. But that wasn’t what pissed me off. What sent my blood boiling was that while he stood there rocking back and forth, waving his bottle, a girl was grinding up and down him like some desperate hood rat. It made me want to go snatch them both up. I moved through the crowd on the dance floor, and if I thought I couldn’t get any more shocked, I did when I saw that the girl who was grinding was none other than Nelly.

  “Excuse me,” I said loud enough to get J.’s attention.

  Nelly did a slow wiggle as she spun around. “What’s up, Maya?” she said.

  “Uh, you want to tell me what’s going on?” I said, ignoring her and turning to J. Love.

  “Just chillin’—dancing, having a great time.”

  “Really? You really got this chick grinding up on you?”

  “We’re just dancing. Chill out,” she said.

  I put my hand up. Nobody was talking to her thirsty behind. All I knew was Nelly was really trying to take me there. And yeah, Tamara really needed to see that. Because I was sure that was just what the Rumor Central brand needed.

  Nelly stopped dancing and stared at me. “Maya, why are you getting all worked up? We’re a team now, we share everything,” she said, moving in closer to J. Love.

  Do you know this dude laughed like that was funny? But the glare in my eyes actually wiped the smile right off his face. Nelly better be glad I wasn’t a fighting type of chick because I would’ve mopped the floor with her silly behind. All I did was spin around and head toward the door.

  “Maya, wait up,” J. Love said, taking off after me.

  “Oh my God, J. Love!” someone screamed, stopping him.

  “Hey, babe,” he told
her, pulling his arm out of her grasp. “I gotta holla at my girl real quick.”

  “What your girl won’t do, I will!” she called out after him.

  “Ugh!” I rolled my eyes and kept stomping toward the door.

  “Will you chill out?” he said, pulling me to the side once we were in the parking lot. “We were just dancing. You don’t want to dance. You just want to sit over there being mad. I’m trying to have a good time. I’m here to support my boy. I’ve been working my butt off and I just want to party.”

  “And it looks like you’re doing a doggone good job of it.”

  “Why you trippin’ on Nelly? I don’t want that girl.”

  “I can’t tell, the way you were letting her grind on you.”

  He actually smiled again. “It looks like somebody’s jealous.”

  I pushed his shoulder. “This isn’t a joke, J. Love. That’s disrespectful.”

  “I wasn’t grinding on her, she was grinding on me.” He said that like that mess would make all the difference.

  “Whatever,” I said.

  “Babe.” He took a step toward me. “Don’t be like that.” He actually reached out to hug me. I was tired of being mad so I decided to let him grovel for a minute.

  “How can I make it up to you?” he said.

  I was just about to smile when some bold stank-head chick stepped right up to us, ignored me, and said, “J. Love, I’m your biggest fan. Can I have your autograph?”

  And this hoochie mama opened up her shirt, revealing silicone fake boobs for him to sign. He looked stunned at first.

  “Please don’t make me beg,” she purred. “I have a pen right here.” She held up a Sharpie. When he got ready to reach for it, I couldn’t help it. As hard as I could, I pushed him and turned and stormed over to my car.

  Chapter 29

  Nothing like some good friends to help you when you’re having a bad day. And Kennedi and Sheridan were definitely delivering. They’d had me cracking up, talking about Nelly and her sidekick, Alvin, and J. Love.

  “Girl, you need to give that buster a piece of your mind,” Kennedi said.

  “Oh, now, he’s a buster.” I laughed. She’d just finished going off about the way J. Love had acted at the party.


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