Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance

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Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance Page 6

by Renee Rose

  “Deep breath in.” Stars. Seke’s deep rumbling voice seemed to go inside her and speak to every cell.

  Her body obeyed without her command.


  She tensed, failing to exhale.

  He waited.

  Realizing she hadn’t followed instructions, she slowly blew out her breath. Seke pushed the plug in, stretching her wide. She whimpered but inhibited her urge to resist, remembering tightening against the intrusion would only cause discomfort. Instead, she focused on relaxing, exhaling again, allowing Seke to insert the—veck! Vecking thick plug inside her.

  Once he’d pushed the widest portion of the plug through, it seated easily, a cool metal handle applying pressure against her back hole, held open by the neck of the plug.

  “Seke.” She literally had never whined before in her life. It wouldn’t have been tolerated by any Ocretion, but the tone carried from her lips now, shaping his name into pleading.

  “Good, little human.” He patted her bottom, which jiggled her ass, and hence the plug inside her.

  She bit back the moan on her lips.

  “On your feet, sweet girl. Into your cage.”

  Her face burned with humiliation when he righted her and wiggled the plug in her ass where she stood fully bared to him.

  “I didn’t think I’d like to see you this way.” His voice sounded clogged, even deeper than usual. He brought his hand to the swelling bulge of his erection in his trousers and gave it a quick stroke. “I didn’t think I’d want to see you debased.” Another stroke, and his eyes rolled back a little in his head.

  He hadn’t received release the previous planet rotation. She wanted to give it to him now.

  “But it turns out I vecking love it, Leora.” He pulled her forward, using the plug as a handle once more. Her bare breasts danced right in front of his mouth, and his eyes locked on them like a wild beast on prey.

  “Only for me, though. No one else will ever see you this way.” He spoke the words fiercely, as if fending off the other potential viewers as his competitors.

  His jealousy told her he may have been bluffing the previous planet rotation when he’d said he would show her bare spanked bottom and tail plug to the entire pod. She wasn’t confident enough to test him on it, though.

  He brought one fingertip between her legs, curling it along the seam of her pussy as he drew her even closer with the plug, plunging the hardened bud of her nipple into his mouth. He sucked—hard.

  The sensation shot straight to her pussy, which gave a tug as if an invisible string connected the two. Her knees went weak, and she fell into him, her hands flying to his massive shoulders, catching herself just in time, as he finger-tapped the swelling bud of her clit.

  “You’re all wet for me again, Leora.” His voice sounded dark and satisfied. “I won’t use you for my own satisfaction, but it’s within my right, as your master, to decide if and when you shall be offered release.”

  She had a feeling he was making up the rules as he went. Apparently, her body vecking loved his rules because her inner thighs trembled. Heat gathered in her core, swirling and pulsing as the simultaneous sensations of the plug stretching her bottom hole, his tongue laving her nipple, and finger twiddling her clit had her dangerously close to begging for release.

  And she’d sworn to herself before sleep the last planet rotation never to allow him to pleasure her again.

  So much for that vow.

  Desire coiled tighter with each powerful suck of his mouth on her nipple, each stroke of her clit. Just as she was about to go off, he stopped.

  “Get in your cage, little one.” His deep, raspy voice sent a fresh wave of desire through her, but he removed his mouth and his fingers from her.

  “Wh-what?” She couldn’t see straight, dizzy with lust, confused.

  “You heard me. One hour in the cage with the plug in your ass. Get in.”

  Her mouth fell open in shocked outrage.

  “Now, Leora, or you’ll never get that release.”

  Her sex clenched at just the mention of a climax. It was a powerful motivator. She wanted his hands back on her almost as much as she wanted to kick him in the shin for his arrogant manipulation. She didn’t want to want him.

  But humans didn’t often get what they want in this galaxy, did they?

  With as much dignity as she could muster, she walked to the cage and climbed in. The idea of being imprisoned that way horrified her, but it was only an hour. Thank the great Mother Earth he hadn’t forced her in there the previous evening. She wouldn’t have survived it.

  Seke placed a plate of food in the cage and shut the door. “Lock cage.” It clicked shut. He glanced at the readout on his cuff. “I will be back to release you in an hour. Be good, little human.”

  She ignored him, turning pointedly to the plate of food and picking up a slice of handmade bread slathered in a delicious sweet paste. She took a bite, keeping her concentration solely on the food, but the moment Seke left, she pushed the plate away.

  Did he really believe she could go from the verge of an orgasm to eating breakfast?

  She supposed the answer was he didn’t know. He only had to eat once a week, which was ten planet rotations on Ocretia. He wouldn’t know about hunger. She wondered what he knew about a human female’s release. Maybe it was completely different from a Zandian female.


  He knew. He’d known just where and how to touch her. How to make her scream, how to arouse her in the most wonderful and humiliating ways.

  She didn’t want to give him credit for the incredible way he played her body, but she had to. He knew female pleasure.

  She rolled onto her belly. There wasn’t enough room in the cage to lie straight, but she fit with her knees bent. With her face pressed against the soft woven rug at the bottom of the cage, she slid one hand between her legs.


  As he walked swiftly to the battle arts studio, Seke brought up the feed of Leora in her cage so it displayed on his arm cuff.

  And then he nearly tripped and fell flat on his face.

  Leora—his glorious, naked slave—lay in her cage, not eating, but with one perfect, delicate hand between her legs.

  Oh, one true star of Zandia.

  Holy veck.

  He wanted to return immediately to his chamber to watch—no, to tell her she was never, ever allowed to orgasm without him. The urge to be with her for every second of her pleasure made his body flush with heat, sweat to break out around his horns.

  But Prince Zander arrived behind him. “Everything all right, Master Seke?”

  He gulped a breath and struggled to regain his sanity. He would chastise Leora for giving herself a release when he returned, and he’d make it an enjoyable punishment for both of them. Cheered by that thought, he gave Zander a curt nod and motioned to the battle arts studio.

  Zander preceded him into the studio and took his position, bowing to Seke, his master in this chamber.

  Seke bowed and then swept a foot out to drop Zander to his back on the floor before the prince registered he’d begun. He’d trained the boy well, though, and Zander sprang to his feet, at once on the offensive, coming for Seke.

  He parried the kicks and blows, waiting for the right moment to again take Zander by surprise, this time flipping him to his back.

  His pupil did a back handspring to rise. This time, his eyes narrowed, watching his master with the awareness Seke played a different game today. This wasn’t practice. It was punishment.

  Zander proved his understanding with his next move. As he picked up a wooden staff and twirled it, swinging it in Seke’s direction, he asked casually, “How goes it with Leora?”

  Seke grabbed his own staff and lunged, forcing Zander back into a corner with swing after swing of the staff, which met Zander’s with increasing force each time.

  “That bad, eh?” Zander dodged the strike Seke aimed for his temple and dive-rolled away, out of the corner, his wooden staff c
lacking on the floor as he took it with him.

  It probably would’ve ended normally—he would have exercised Zander harder than usual, but they would have bowed to each other and parted with reverence, except he saw the read-out of Leora flash on his cuff. How the feed activated again, he wasn’t sure. As a Master Warrior, he didn’t allow such things to distract him.

  But—true Zandian star—Leora had one hand between her legs, one stretched behind her to grip the plug. She writhed between them, pleasuring both holes, her flushed face vecking gorgeous.

  His cock sprang against his leggings, and he must have moved instinctively because, the next thing he knew, the crack of wood on bone rang out, and the young prince crumpled and went down flat on his belly, unconscious.

  Oh vecking excrement. His heart surged into his throat.

  What had he done? Had he really just struck Zander on the temple?

  “Daneth to the studio,” he barked into his wrist cuff, kneeling beside his royal pupil.

  Zander’s eyes blinked open, irises purple from the pain. “You’re more angry than I thought,” he mumbled, pushing himself up to sit with Seke’s assistance.

  He wished he could laugh at Zander’s attempt to defuse the situation, but he found no levity. He’d lost control of his emotions, of the situation. He’d allowed a female—a human female—to distract him into striking the sole living Zandian of the royal bloodline. It was unforgivable. He could have killed him with that blow!

  “Forgive me, my lord,” he choked.

  Zander touched his fingertips to the bruise already swelling near his eye.

  Daneth burst in the room, pale and determined. “What happened?”

  Zander defied their concern by jumping lightly to his feet, causing both Daneth and Seke to stand close, ready to catch him if he fell. He pushed their hovering hands away. “Seke let me know what he thought of my latest order,” the prince said mildly, his lips twisting into a rueful grin.

  “Staff blow to the temple,” Seke clipped to Daneth, impatient to see Zander treated.

  “A mild painkiller, no more,” Zander ordered for himself as Daneth ran his scanner over his body.

  “Single contusion. Due to the location, it may cause temporary dizziness, headache, loss of vision, nausea. Requires analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and bed rest until patient has recovered,” Daneth’s scanner read in a crisp, female voice.

  “I don’t need bed rest,” Zander said. “Just the painkiller.”

  “I insist on rest for at least an hour,” Daneth said, looking past Zander to Seke for support.

  But Seke wasn’t going to quarrel with Zander—not after what he’d just done.

  “The painkiller,” Zander snapped. “And put me on your monitor.” He indicated Daneth’s cuff, which provided him with constant feedback about Lamira’s medical state so he could monitor the growing baby. “That way, you’ll know if I need anything.”

  Daneth’s lips closed in a thin line, but he removed the medication gun from his medical case and shot Zander’s neck with it. “Rest. One hour.”

  “Go back to your lab.” Zander waved him away, walking out of the room without waiting for either of them to bow to him. Daneth’s obsession with keeping the Zandian species from extinction had led him to sequester himself for long hours in his lab, studying genes, reproduction, and investigating the possibility of producing test tube young.

  Daneth turned a cool, assessing gaze on Seke. “The human female is affecting you.”

  “Leora,” he growled, ready to knock another friend to the floor with a blow to the head. “Her vecking name is Leora. You know that.”

  Daneth gave a faint smile, and he realized the physician had purposely goaded him. “Human females do seem to have this effect on Zandian males, do they not? I’d be interested in testing further pairings.”

  Now Seke did grab Daneth, wrapping his fist in the male’s lab coat and yanking him close, so they stood just a hand’s distance apart. “It’s not a pairing, and you’re not testing any more—” He spluttered, not even sure what he was saying. “There will be no further purchases of human slaves here,” he thundered.

  Unruffled, Daneth continued his bemused, curious study of Seke. “Is it the slavery that bothers you, or your attraction to the human?”

  He released Daneth, suddenly disgusted with himself. He was a Master Warrior, a self-disciplined teacher of the battle arts. A male who never lost his temper or acted with emotion. What had happened to him?

  It was true, Zander had also suffered as he’d become attached to his human mate. He’d become irritable, irrational. Did this mean Seke had grown Leora?

  But he couldn’t get attached. He wasn’t free to mate—he’d made a vow of celibacy in his dead mate’s memory. Breaking it would be dishonoring himself and her.

  “It’s both,” he muttered to answer Daneth’s question, and walked away before the male could probe him further.

  “If you like, I could run the gene-matching program on the two of you.”

  “No,” he barked, unnecessarily loud. “She’s not for breeding.”

  “Of course not,” Daneth murmured to his back as he strode swiftly away.

  Veck. Veck Daneth and his vecking gene-matching program that had brought the humans upon them in the first place.

  He just needed to get through Leora’s training, and then he’d leave. He’d go to the death pod and help Rok train their new troops. Far away from Leora and those beautiful, moss-green eyes.

  But even that thought sickened him. How would he leave her after training her in such an intimate way? He was conditioning her to bond with him, to attach herself to him as her master. He could hardly abandon her after putting her through this humiliating training.

  And it seemed even his thoughts of resistance were futile because his feet had carried him not to find Zander to ensure he suffered no ill-effects from the blow, but straight to his chamber, to punish his wanton little slave.


  She’d been touching herself since the moment Seke had left. Even though she’d brought herself to orgasm, once through touch alone and once by touching and replaying the eroticism of the position he’d had her in earlier for her inspection, she still had found no relief.

  With a low moan, she rolled to one side and lifted her top knee open to give herself better access to her sex. It had never been so wet, so swollen, so vecking needy before.

  You’re all wet for me again, Leora.

  Stars, the male infuriated and aroused her at every turn!

  The door panel swished open and Seke strode in, dark and purposeful. He stopped in the middle of the floor and stared at her, horns tilting in her direction as the door swished closed behind him.

  “Vecking stars, Leora,” he choked.

  He wanted her. She enjoyed the surge of power that came with that realization. In a flash, he was at the cage, spinning it so the door faced him and barking for it to open. He grabbed her ankle and tugged her backward out the door, until both legs were out and she’d folded at the waist, her torso still in the cage. “Lower cage.” His deep command caused the cage to float gently downward, until her toes reached the floor.

  Within seconds, he had two fingers curling inside her, the swell of his cock bumping the plug in her ass. “Leora, did I say you could give yourself release?” His lips were right at her ear, the growl feral.

  Her internal muscles started to quiver around his fingers. He withdrew them, leaving her panting, desperate. A sharp slap on the ass made her cry out.

  “Did I?”

  “No, master,” she gasped, desperate to say the right thing, to please him so he would return to touching her. She’d been so close.

  He slid his fingers over her slit again, pinched her clit.

  “Ugh!” she groaned. “Please. Please, master.”

  “Vecking stars, I like it when you beg, beautiful human.” He spun her around to face him.

  She wobbled on her feet, knees weak with desir
e, eyes glassy and unfocused. She licked her lips suddenly hungry for him to take her mouth the way he’d claimed the rest of her.

  But he didn’t. He picked up her wrists and clasped them together, then pulled them high, yanking down a cord she hadn’t noticed hanging from the ceiling, and clipping her to it. He tugged until it lifted her arms straight in the air above her head.

  “I’m going to have to punish you, little one.” His heavy breathing and dark eyes betrayed excitement, not anger.

  Her nipples pebbled up, pointing toward him as much as his horns leaned toward her. He rummaged through the box of implements and produced a soft leather strap.

  Her eyes went wide, and she danced away from him as he approached. Her poor bottom could not take a spanking with that—she was sure of it.

  He slapped it against his palm as if testing its weight. “I know your bottom is too sore, beautiful. I’m going to find other places to spank.”

  “Seke,” she whimpered. “No.”

  He stroked his free hand down her side, resting it at her hip. “Open your legs wide, Leora, so I can punish that naughty pussy of yours.”

  She made a little sound of protest, but when he nudged her bare feet apart, she obeyed the command. She realized her excitement outweighed her fear. Seke had been careful with her, even when delivering the horrible whipping last night. This would not be nearly so bad, whatever it was he had in mind.

  He rolled most of the strap around his fist until he’d shortened it to no more than a hand’s length.

  He struck lightly, slapping the leather against one of her breasts, kissing her skin with the leather.

  She shrieked and danced away, spinning around the rope connected to her wrists. It hadn’t hurt so much as it frightened her. In reality, only a light sting and warmth remained where he’d struck her.

  “No, no.” The correction was soft, patient. His hands steadied her, planted on her hips to hold her still. “Open your legs.”

  She didn’t move, her breath rising and falling in short pants, body trembling.


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