Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance

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Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance Page 7

by Renee Rose

He brushed her hair back from her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb. “Be a good girl, Leora. Open your legs and stay in position, and I will give you the release you still crave.”

  She flushed, embarrassed he read her so easily. Did he know how many times she’d tried to satisfy that itch while he was away? Drowning in the liquid violet pools of his eyes, she drew a shaky breath and obeyed, widening her stance.

  He offered a slight smile. “That’s it, little one. Good girl.” And then he struck her squarely between the legs with the leather strap.

  She screamed, but his hand shot out to her waist, held her steady.

  “Don’t move,” he murmured, catching her gaze once more.

  The sting had already faded to a hectic buzz, desire swirling and pulsing beneath it all.

  “I’m responsible for your orgasms, Leora.” He snapped the strap up again. She screamed in her throat but held still. “You will never, ever orgasm without me present.” Another spank to her pussy.

  She moaned and leaned against the ropes. The pain had morphed into molten need.

  He whipped up one inner thigh with short, measured slaps. Whipped down the other. When a drip of her arousal landed on the back of his hand, he looked up, appeared almost as wild as she felt. Would he veck her now? She needed him to.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please, master. Please, Seke.”

  “Look at me,” he ordered, standing in front of her again. He held her gaze as he whipped her pussy, once, two times, three. Five vecking times, and she didn’t move, held captive only by his beautiful amethyst stare. “Good girl,” he breathed as if in awe. “Now your breasts.” He slapped her right breast from the outside then backhanded it to whip the inside. One more swing and he spanked the underside.

  Her eyes smarted from the pain, and her pussy throbbed and ached.

  Seke gave her left breast the same treatment then dropped the strap and shoved his leggings down so he could grip his cock.

  She wanted that cock, needed it inside her so desperately. It was huge—bigger, even, than she’d imagined. Her mouth watered, looking at it. She wanted to take it in her mouth, to offer him pleasure.

  “How many times did you climax while I was gone?” he demanded. He looked fierce now, like the warrior he was, even while fisting his cock in his hand.

  “Two,” she whimpered. “But they…”

  He stroked his hand up the length of his cock and down, eyes growing darker purple, nostrils flaring. “But?”

  “They weren’t good…didn’t satisfy.” She licked her lips, watching his slow, deliberate movements.

  “No,” he growled. “That’s because you were being naughty. Naughty humans don’t get satisfaction.” He stroked up and down a little faster, and she began to fear he wasn’t planning on giving her that cock, that this was all a big tease.

  “You said if I—”

  He flashed a dark grin. “Your master will satisfy you. After he satisfies himself.”

  She closed her eyes, willing her breathing to calm down, reining in her desperate need.

  He pumped faster now, a glimmer of precum glistening and slicking the way. “Don’t you ever, ever touch yourself without my permission.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his cock straining and thick beneath the beating of his fist. “You don’t orgasm unless I allow it. And you never orgasm without me there. Understand?”

  “Yes, master, yes,” she agreed, as frenzied and excited to see his release as she was to earn her own.

  He came, showering her belly and thighs with his luminescent rainbow-swirled cum as he threw his head back and roared.

  “Yes...yes, master,” she encouraged, dancing closer to him, arms still suspended from the ceiling. She reached out her legs to wrap around his waist and bring that beautiful cock against her hot core. But he deflected her attempt, pushing her back and shoving his cock down inside his leggings.


  He gripped her hips, sliding his hands down the outsides of her thighs as he sank to his knees.

  One lick of her pussy and her internal muscles started to quake.

  “Does my little human need to come?”

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, master. Please.”

  He dragged his tongue up and down her slit and sucked on her swollen clit. At the same time, he gripped both her buns with his hands and squeezed. She tightened on the plug still stretching her anus as he ground in the pain of the previous whipping, all the while sucking and licking her straight to ecstasy.

  “Seke, oh no! Oh please! Oh, dear, sweet Mother Earth.”

  Somehow her legs had hooked over his shoulders, and her thighs now clamped around his ears. He found the plug in her ass and pumped it in and out while his tongue performed a kind of magic she hadn’t known possible.

  She screamed, thrusting herself against his mouth. He locked on her clit, sucking so hard she thought he might pull it off, all the while still pumping the plug in her ass. She screamed and screamed, kicking his back with her heels, her trembling thighs opening and closing spasmodically as wave after glorious wave of climax bucked through her. Lights danced behind her eyes, blinding her. She lost all sense of herself—where her body ended and his began. Where she was, what they were doing. She rode the glorious release until the last tremor had shaken through her and she was left hanging from the rope, body sagging between her suspended wrists and her knees, where they were slung over his shoulders.

  He released her clit from his suctioned hold and lapped her a few times with his wide tongue, soothing away the tenderness.

  She whimpered, an achy sob of release coming out of her throat.

  Seke stood, lifting her with him, shifting one of her thighs over his head to hold her cradled in his arms. “Release clip, release cuffs.” The cuffs detached from the rope and sprang apart. He carried her to the sleepdisk and laid her on her back, lifting her ankles in the air.

  “Relax for me, sweet girl.” He tugged on the butt plug.

  She tightened instinctively instead.

  “Exhale. Open. Give it to your master.” His encouraging commands made it easy to let go, and she focused on keeping her bottom relaxed so he could remove the large plug.

  It stretched her too wide as it came out, and she whined, but then it was gone. Her body felt empty, battered, well-used.



  Seke stared down at his ravished slave. Her knees had fallen open when he’d released her ankles, and her arms were flung over her head, hair a wild halo around her. Her flushed cheeks made the green of her shining eyes even brighter.

  Vecking beautiful.

  The trust she’d exhibited had been beyond his expectations and had produced the most powerful sense of dedication to her. He’d protect her above anything—or anyone—else at this moment. Even his prince.

  He brought his thumb to stroke slowly along her slit—not to arouse, just to caress.

  Her inner thighs tensed and quivered, green eyes flashed to his, questioning. But trusting.

  He vecking loved seeing that trust there.

  “Beautiful female.” He trailed a finger around one nipple, tracing the red lines left by the strap. “You please me.”

  He’d known it would be hard to train Leora. Hard because his attraction to her was powerful and the punishment required would be arousing to her.

  But he hadn’t known how much he would vecking adore seeing her come undone and knowing he’d been the one to bring her over the edge. He hadn’t known how much he would enjoy hearing her call him master, or seeing the moment when she chose to trust and obey. That moment he’d swung the strap between her legs and she’d held them wide for him had meant vecking everything to him. Her submission and trust made him feel whole and virile and strong.

  He leaned over and rubbed his cum into her skin. He stroked both hands up her sides to cradle her breasts. “Such a good girl.” Stroked a hand along her back to cup her ass. Down her thighs. He stroked her all over, savoring the
feel of her soft, smooth skin, the way her flesh still trembled beneath it, her purring noises as he did it.

  How much longer would it take him to train her? For instant obedience at his every command, for her to show deference and respect, to look to him for orders and answers?

  Not long enough, he feared.

  Because now that he had her, he didn’t want to give her up.

  But that was foolish. He couldn’t possibly maintain a relationship like this. She’d tempt him into breaking his vow too quickly. Veck, he’d already half-broken it today by coming all over her.

  “So tell me, little one, why the fit over the cage last night?”

  He kicked himself for it because she stiffened and pushed herself to sit, wariness returning to her face. Scooping her up by the armpits, he lifted her to wrap her legs around his waist and carried her over to a hoverchair, where he sat with her naked body agonizingly close to his.

  “What part bothers you—being locked up or the confined space?”

  A little shiver ran through her, but she sat up, her beautiful back sleek and straight as she met his gaze. “A little of both, I suppose. Despite my slave status, I haven’t endured much of either. On the agrifarm, we lived in a tent and worked outdoors. I don’t even like being confined in this pod, particularly, beautiful though it is.”

  Of course. He should have guessed. He stroked his palm up her back. “Thank you for sharing that with me. So let’s see if we can get you over your fear of it.”

  She lurched as if to climb off his lap, but he held her fast.

  “Why shouldn’t you conquer your fear of the cage? If you’ve mastered every punishment I can give you, you have nothing to fear from me.”

  It was a mistake—he’d fallen back on training her like a pupil, a student of the battle arts, not a slave. He wanted to give her tools to overcome her fears, to master her heart in adversity. Keeping another being, especially one he cared about, in weakness, in fear, went against a lifetime of training.

  Her pale-green eyes narrowed.

  He shrugged. “You’ve already mastered the spankings. They arouse you, so long as they’re not too harsh.”

  “But they still hurt.”

  “Feeling pain is a choice. You can reprogram your mind to perceive it differently. When I see you aroused from your punishment, it does something powerful to me.”

  She flushed and looked away.

  “So you see, you’ve already mastered me.” He cupped her chin, bringing her eyes back to his. “But that is how it should be,” he said softly. “The master should be as bonded as his pupil.” He didn’t choose the word slave because it didn’t fit—he didn’t see her that way now. Perhaps he never would again. “He should be willing to take any of the punishments for her in a heartbeat if he thought it would help the learning.”

  Skepticism scrawled across her features. “And you would do that for me?”

  He nodded. “I would.”

  “Strip naked and put a tail in your ass? Allow yourself to be cuffed and slapped in your intimate places?”

  None of those things would affect him. He did not suffer humiliation or pain, had learned many solar rotations ago how to maintain his spirit with the least resistance and maximum strength. Perhaps she saw the fierceness in his eyes, understood he’d take any amount of pain, would risk his life for her to keep her safe, because her eyes widened and her lips parted, as if in awe.

  She nodded.

  “Yes, you’re ready to try the cage again?”

  She hesitated a moment. “If my master wishes it.”

  The riot of emotion produced by those words nearly choked him. His chest twisted up, turned inside out, and then burst his heart right out of his body. It made him want to swear every solemn vow he could think of to her.

  But that reminded him of the one he’d sworn to another.


  He was in too deep now, and he couldn’t see the way out.

  He commanded the cage door to open and lifted his chin toward it, directing Leora to enter.

  She shot him an uneasy glance but dutifully climbed in, her chin firming into a resolute line.

  He walked to the cage, lifted and spun it so they were face to face. She lay curled on her side. “I could test you now. Leave you for growing lengths of time, but it’s not necessary, is it?”

  She leaned up on her forearm, considering him. “No, master.”

  “You’ve already conquered your resistance and taken the pain from the punishment.”

  “Is this a punishment?”

  “No. Nor was it ever intended to be. There are many who find small, enclosed spaces comforting. A safe place.”

  She considered him for a long moment then gave a single nod.

  His cuff beeped with an incoming hologram from Rok. He pushed the cage higher so it floated closer to the vaulted ceiling, removing her from the viewing space.

  “I received the training plan you sent,” Rok said without greeting.

  He waited.

  “With all due respect, I don’t fly that way.”

  Still, he said nothing.

  “I appreciate you putting it together, but I’m more of a seat-of-my-pants kind of pilot. You don’t learn by studying, you learn by doing. I’m planning on giving them the basics and then just getting them in the crafts for practical experience.”

  He sighed and rubbed his forehead. On one hand, he agreed with Rok—there was no better or faster way to teach a student than to throw them in and see what happened. But… “You risk human life and Prince Zander’s air fleet.”

  Rok interlaced his fingers and sat back. “Life is risk, master. This entire plan is heavy on the risk. And, meanwhile, we’re in danger staying on this sorry excuse for a planet. If the Ocretions come looking for their missing death pod…”

  “We circulated reports of the death pod crashing into a smuggler’s ship with no survivors. Inside sources say that information was accepted by the Ocretion empress.”

  “Any smuggler in particular?”

  “One who matched your description.”

  The corners of Rok’s lips lifted, and he visibly relaxed. The Ocretions had warrants out for his arrest for smuggling. “Thank you.”

  He blew out his breath. “Teach them as you see fit. The prince’s mate foresaw you leading an army for Zandia. I will trust you to lead.”

  Shock washed over Rok’s face, then he flushed and inclined his head. “Thank you, Master Seke.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes. I received the crystals and the gun to pierce Lily. Please thank Prince Zander for that.”

  He waited because it seemed Rok had more to say.

  “Lily is torn, thinking of her mother and sister and how she did not get the chance to be reunited with them in the midst of the new training plan. I thought we could arrange a time for them to conference?”

  He heard Leora’s head bang against the cage bars as she must have tried to sit up.

  “Yes, I’m certain they would like that, but neither is available at the moment. I will let you know when it can be scheduled.”

  Rok wasn’t a fool. He sat up straight and leaned forward, his brows slamming together. “What has he done with them?”

  When Seke hesitated, Rok noticed. “That’s it, isn’t it? Zander’s got them locked up somewhere as punishment? What has he done? Put them in that dungeon of his?”

  Seke modulated his face to keep from showing surprise Rok knew of the dungeon. It was a punishment they had devised on the pod. Even though they lived as refugees in Ocretion airspace, the Zandians preferred to keep their own government, which meant Zander issued his own punishments to their species. He also had a “no Zandian blood spilled” policy, since their species was in danger of extinction.

  “They are both in excellent health,” he said carefully.


  “They are on temporary social restriction.”

  Rok’s jaw tightened. “Tell me the truth, Seke—is Lam
ira a mate or a slave?”

  He noticed it hadn’t taken Rok long to drop the “master” part of Seke’s title, although he’d suspected his use of it wasn’t genuine to begin with. Rok hadn’t been raised as a Zandian, and he lacked the honor and manners of their species.

  His question was one Seke had known would come, and he had to answer it with care. When Rok had first shown up on Zander’s pod, he’d shown scorn for the prince and the palace, only coming to use the crystal bath out of necessity. But he’d fallen in love with Lily and had returned to request Zander’s help in rescuing her, knowing she was his mate’s sister. They’d intercepted the death pod carrying Lily and two hundred other humans condemned to die. Lily’s attachment to saving the humans and providing them with a place to live had forced Rok to offer to train the humans as Zander’s army to free Zandia. So while Zander and Seke needed Rok, their bond with him was precarious, at best.

  “Lamira and her mother were Ocretion slaves. Zander purchased them and mated Lamira.” None of that was a lie.

  Rok narrowed his eyes. “When can Lily see them?”

  “Soon. I will arrange it.” He ended the communication before Rok pushed for more. Before he even turned to look, he sensed Leora’s outrage from the cage.

  He stood and went to the cage. Her lips were tight; furious tears brimmed in her eyes.

  “Oh veck. I’ve lost you now, haven’t I?”

  She turned away from him, but he spun the cage to see her angry-hurt expression, the tears spilling down her cheeks as she held her mouth and jaw firm.

  “Look at me.” He adjusted the cage again to keep her face in view. “Do you trust me? I give you my word—and a Zandian never lies—I will arrange calls and meetings with your daughter. As many and as often as you desire.”

  Her nostrils flared, anger still simmering there. More tears spilled. Their salty scent overpowered his senses and gave him an itchy sense of urgency.

  “Do you believe me?”

  She sniffed, looking stonily past him.

  “Leora.” He made his voice a little darker, more forbidding. “You do understand why I did not allow it in this planet rotation?”

  Her throat worked to swallow and failed.


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