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Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance

Page 13

by Renee Rose

  Hopefully by the time they realized they were harboring escaped slaves, the Zandians would have regained enough power to hold their own.

  Seke’s cuff blinked with an incoming hologram from Zander. He accepted it. “Please tell me you worked everything out with your mate.”

  “I did. I’m not sure whether to thank you or throttle you for the advice you gave me.”

  “Come over here and try to throttle me. I could use a challenge.”

  “Yes.” Zander hesitated, and he realized, for once, his pupil might have been trying to give him advice. “A vow of celibacy may have made sense before our species was in danger of extinction.”

  His brows slammed down. Veck this. Zander had no vecking idea what his vow was about.

  “You saved me instead of them, didn’t you?”

  Breath whooshed in his lungs before he expected it, and he almost choked.

  “I should have known that. I should have guessed. I’m so coddled here, it never occurred to me. I knew you lost them, but I didn’t realize you might have had a choice of who to save.”

  Seke swallowed, hard. His stomach sank like he’d eaten a boulder. “There was no choice.” He barely got the words out. Zander had become a son to him, after they escaped. He’d practically raised the boy—he loved him like his own family. “I am Master at Arms. I serve the Zandian throne.”

  Zander looked stricken. “I’ll never be able to repay that debt. Even if I win back Zandia.”

  It was a heavy task Seke had set on the prince’s shoulders from a young age. Seke had forced the same sense of duty on Zander he’d upheld himself. Zander had to study for war, amass enough wealth, and lead a campaign to regain their home. But there was no way he’d let the boy carry the weight of his family’s death, too. Seke forced breath into his lungs. Out of them. Memories from the invasion flashed before his eyes. The marble ceiling of the ancient palace crashing down around them, explosions everywhere.

  “You were closer,” he croaked. “I had a better chance of getting you out than I did going for them. We’d probably all be dead if I’d chosen differently.”

  He’d forgotten that truth in his daily self-condemnation. He hadn’t just chosen for duty. He’d made the only choice there had been—the one that saved two Zandian lives.

  Zander rubbed his ear. “If you’re honoring your family with this vow out of love, then I bow to you. But if it’s out of obligation, or guilt—”

  “Don’t.” He held up his hand. He didn’t want Zander’s philosophies on the matter. He had enough swirling in his head to keep him up every night for a solar cycle.

  Zander raised his arm with the fist bent at a ninety degree angle, as was the traditional Zandian greeting. “I honor your honor.” He spoke the benediction in their native tongue.

  Seke bowed to his hologram. “I honor your honor.” He ended the transmission before he choked up. As he walked slowly back to his chamber, a tenuous peace settled like a mantle over his shoulders. He hadn’t chosen honor over family—he’d made the only choice available to him. Saving Zander over his own children had been the result of circumstance, not his orchestration. That adjustment of focus changed things, somehow. It put to bed the largest chunk of guilt he carried.

  And it had been so long since he’d lost them, his grief for his family no longer stung. With the layer of guilt removed, their death was like a box he could move within, instead of the coffin he’d chosen. What did that mean for his vow? Did it change things?

  He activated the door to his own small sleeping chamber with a numeric code—the death pod was a primitive craft. The room was no more than a cot and washtub. With a groan, he sank to the cot and dropped his face into his hands. His body was weary, but his mind still ran in one hundred directions. And all of them led to Leora.

  He hoped her visit with Lily had gone well.

  Maybe he’d just check on her. He had access to the security feed from the palatial pod via his wrist cuff. He wouldn’t let it become a habit to spy on her, but tonight—just tonight—it might put his mind at ease to see her.

  He flicked on the feed and found her chamber.

  Oh holy Zandian moons. No.

  His female slumped with her back against the door, as if she’d just come in. Tears streaked her beautiful face.

  Had things gone badly with Lily? Did she feel guilty over their lost years?

  “Seke,” she whispered. Her hands came to her throat, and he realized they held the collar he’d used on her. Where had she found it? He’d sent all the equipment to storage. The fact she’d sought it out and stolen the collar for her own keeping made ice flush through him.


  The tears were over him. The pain he’d caused her. He’d hoped she hadn’t grown as attached as he had, but he should have known. She’d given him her heart. And he’d vecking handed it back without so much as a kiss.

  Without thinking, he found himself on his feet, moving out the door. He didn’t stop to give Lundric orders, didn’t pause for anything. He put his oxygen helmet on. The hatch opened and closed behind him. He boarded his ship and flicked on the switches. With the ship in cloaking mode, he took off, on the most direct course for the palatial pod.

  Veck the vow. Veck everything.

  Leora was his.


  Leora pushed her damp hair out of her face and swiped at her tears with the back of her hand. She couldn’t cry forever. There had been worse things in her life. She’d had her three-year-old taken from her. Had lost her mate. Had survived as a slave for over forty solar cycles.

  Life was easy for her now. She’d been offered freedom. She wasn’t required to work. She lived in beautiful, luxurious surroundings with servants who tended to her needs. Why, then, did it feel like she couldn’t go on?

  She voice-commanded the lights off and curled up on her sleepdisk, even though she knew sleep wouldn’t come.

  The door to her chamber slid open.

  She jerked the covers up to her chin and blinked. A huge Zandian male stood silhouetted in the doorway. By the breadth of his shoulders and the tilt of his horns, she knew it must be her Zandian.


  The door shut, enclosing them in darkness.

  “Forgive me, Leora.”

  She flew off the sleepdisk, throwing herself in his direction, unable to see but knowing he’d catch her.

  He did.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, arms banding around his neck. He returned the embrace, pulling her tightly against his warm body, one arm hooked under her bottom, the other around her back. He twisted, rocking her from side to side.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured into her hair. “I shouldn’t have left you. I will never leave you like that again.”

  “Seke.” Her voice choked with emotion. “I’m sorry I pushed you. I shouldn’t—”

  “Shh. Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I alone am to blame.”

  “No. Stop shouldering the galaxy.” In the dark, she sought his face and laid her palm against his smooth cheek. “I will share your burdens.”

  Seke went still. “I believe you would.” His voice was hoarse. “But I would never ask that of you, little one. A Zandian male protects his mate.”

  A burst of joy exploded in her chest. “Mate?”

  “Will you wear my crystals?”

  “Yes,” she gasped, hardly daring to believe her ears. Happy tears sprang to her eyes and coated her lashes.

  His lips found her neck, and he nipped her, lowering her hips until her mouth came flush with his. He claimed it, tongue licking between her lips, lips demanding. She lost herself in the kiss, hardly noticing he’d set her on her feet and was backing her up to the wall.

  The sound of fabric tearing made her jump. Seke ripped her robe from her shoulders. He spun her around. “Hands on the wall, little one,” he breathed her in ear.

  She flattened her palms against the wall, arching and pressing her bottom back at Seke.

e heard the rustle of discarded clothing, and Seke’s arms came around hers, forearms planted on the wall just outside her hands.

  “Spread your legs, Leora. I need to put my cock in you now or I won’t go on breathing.”

  “I’m ready,” she whispered. Her pussy, already moist from their kiss, had turned molten the moment he’d given the order to put her hands against the wall. His dominance triggered instant arousal.

  Without needing his hands to guide him, he positioned his cock at her entrance and thrust upward.

  She cried out with pleasure as he nearly took her off her feet.

  “I’m going to veck you so hard you’ll go hoarse from screaming.” Seke’s coarse, growled speech preceded a bite on her ear.

  She moaned her assent, offering him full control of her body. He gave her his cock in deep, hard thrusts, wrapping one arm around her waist to hold her steady for the assault.

  “This pussy belongs to me, now,” he growled. “Doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, master.”

  He chuckled. “I am still your master, aren’t I?”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head as waves of pleasure swept through her. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to veck you like this anytime I like. Anywhere. In every position.” It was a good thing he held her up, because her legs had turned to jelly. “I’m going to give you more pleasure than you know possible. And you’ll learn to pleasure me.”

  “Yes, yes!”

  “Tell me what you need, sweet Leora.”

  “You,” she panted. “I just need you.”

  He vecked her so hard stars danced behind her eyes.

  “You have me.”

  He grabbed a hoverseat and dropped into it, seating her on his lap, facing away from him. “Ride my cock, love.” He gripped her hips and moved her rapidly up and down over his thick cock.

  Her head hung forward, breasts bounced, and the need to come made her scream in her throat.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “You,” she whined. “You, Seke. Please, oh veck, please.”

  He reached around and found her clit. The moment he rubbed it, she lost control, legs shoving straight out in front of her, feet flexed, her entire body convulsing as her pussy squeezed Seke’s huge cock.

  “That’s it, little human,” he growled and slid her up and down a few more times before he, too, went off with a curse and a shout.


  Seke didn’t want to ever leave the sleepdisk. Leora lay cradled against his body. Her sweet, citrus scent filled his nostrils, copper hair fanned out behind her on the sheets. He hadn’t meant to be rough with her again, but he couldn’t help himself. She brought out the beast in him.

  But he’d make it up to her. They had a lifetime in which he could learn to take his time and find out exactly what she liked—where she wanted his mouth and fingers. What made her scream. Not that their first attempts hadn’t been explosively satisfying for both of them.

  Her dark lashes fluttered open, and her green-eyed gaze fell on him. She made a contented sound and tossed one leg over his hips, bringing her small palm to his chest.

  He held it there, against his heart.

  “Are you at peace with this? With us?” she asked.

  “Yes. I believe—” He stopped and cleared his throat, which was closed with emotion. “I believe I made the only decision available to me when the Finn invaded. I couldn’t have saved my family—there was no time. Dying with them wouldn’t have served Zandia. I’ve put my guilt to rest and, with it, the vow that served no one.”

  “Seke, I have something to tell you.”

  She sounded serious, and he had to work to keep from stiffening. “Tell me.”

  “When Zandia was invaded, Rok was in the palace, too. He told Lily a guard helped him escape, along with two other children.”

  Seke didn’t move. His breath had stopped as he waited for her to go on.

  “Lamira believes they were yours.”

  His heart jammed up in his throat so tight he couldn’t speak. “My daughters? They escaped?”

  “They were shot down over Stornig. Rok doesn’t know what happened to them, but Lamira believes they’re alive.”

  Seke dropped his head onto the pillow, unable to hold it up. His eyes smarted. “Lamira thinks?” He choked. “My daughters are alive?”

  “Yes.” She straddled him and found his hand, picking it up with both hers and squeezing it. “We’ll find them, Seke.”

  He opened his arms. “Come here.”

  She smiled and slid down, draping her delicious little body over his larger one.

  He couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but hold his female tight. Loving her was the best reason for living he had. She was his heart—his life—an extension of his very soul. To think he could have her—and his daughters—seemed like more than he’d ever believed he deserved. More than was possible.

  But here she was. Her lithe body wriggled over his, a serene smile playing over those perfect lips as she offered to help him find his daughters.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, closing his eyes to savor the moment.

  She kissed his chest. He kissed her hair. And then he flipped her on her back and pinned her wrists, ready to give her the first vecking of the day.

  Read all the Books in the Zandian Masters Series!

  His Human Slave


  Zander, the alien warrior prince intent on recovering his planet, needs a mate. While he would never choose a human of his own accord, his physician's gene-matching program selected Lamira's DNA as the best possible match with his own. Now he must teach the beautiful slave to yield to his will, accept his discipline and learn to serve him as her one true master.

  Lamira has hidden her claircognizance from the Ocretions, as aberrant traits in human slaves are punished by death. When she's bought by a Zandian prince for breeding and kept by his side at all times, she finds it increasingly harder to hide. His humiliating punishments and dominance awake a powerful lust in her, which he tracks with a monitoring device on her arousal rate. But when she begins to care for the huge, demanding alien, she must choose between preserving her own life and revealing her secret to save his.

  His Human Prisoner


  When a beautiful human slave steals Rok's ship and leaves him stranded on an abandoned planet, he's furious. Discovering her sister is the mate to the prince of his species only makes him more determined to find her and punish her thoroughly for her crimes. Yet when he captures her, he finds her impossible to resist. Punishment becomes exquisite pleasure as he teaches her to submit.

  Lily's attraction to the huge Zandian warrior unnerves her. She's never been moved by a male, nor interested in sex before, but Rok coaxes every bit of emotion out of her as he demands her complete surrender. But he intends to turn her over to the authorities, which will mean her certain death. She must find a way to escape the handsome alien before she loses her life--or worse--her heart.

  A Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading Training His Human! My original plan was to make this series a trilogy, but many of you wrote to me and said you’d love me to keep writing in this world. Since I’ve never written a series longer than three books, I accepted that challenge. My new plan is eight books!

  Stay tuned for Lundric and Cambry’s story, and I’m even planning a romance for our stodgy doctor, Daneth. Of course, Zandia still needs to be recovered and Seke’s daughters found! If you’re not on my newsletter list, please sign up! You’ll get free books, bonus scenes, discounts, and my thoughts on D/s in books and the bedroom. You can sign up here.


  Thank you to Jane Henry, Katherine Deane and Rose Marie of Flawless Fiction for their beta reads!

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d by the Marine, Theirs to Punish, The Alpha’s Punishment, Disobedience at the Dressmaker’s and Her Billionaire Boss. In addition to the free stories, you will also get special pricing, exclusive previews and news of new releases.

  Other Titles by Renee Rose


  The Hand of Vengeance, His Human Slave, His Human Prisoner, Training His Human

  Dark Mafia Romance

  The Don’s Daughter, Mob Mistress, The Bossman


  Scoring with Santa, Owned by the Marine, Theirs to Punish, Punishing Portia, The Professor's Girl, Safe in his Arms, Saved, The Elusive "O" (FREE)


  The Alpha’s Promise, His Captive Mortal, The Alpha’s Punishment, The Alpha’s Hunger, Deathless Love, Deathless Discipline, The Winter Storm: An Ever After Chronicle


  The Darlington Incident, Humbled, The Reddington Scandal, The Westerfield Affair, Pleasing the Colonel


  His Little Lapis, The Devil of Whiskey Row, The Outlaw's Bride


  Mercenary, Medieval Discipline, Lords and Ladies, The Knight's Prisoner, Betrothed, Held for Ransom, The Knight's Seduction, The Conquered Brides (5 book box set)


  Renaissance Discipline


  Stepbrother’s Rules, Her Hollywood Daddy, His Little Lapis

  BDSM under the name Darling Adams

  Medical Play

  Yes, Doctor


  Punishing Portia, His Human Slave

  About the Author

  USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE is a naughty wordsmith who writes kinky romance novels. Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and Spanking Romance Reviews' Best Historical, Best Erotic, Best Ageplay and favorite author. She's hit #1 on Amazon in the Erotic Paranormal, Western and Sci-fi categories. She also pens BDSM stories under the name Darling Adams.


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