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Undying Vengeance

Page 3

by Burnham, K. L.

  Armani opened his eyes when the door closed. He needed his space and time alone to mourn the loss of Simone and the many dreams they had. Exhaustion plagued him but he had too many things on his mind to take it easy. Life was no longer easy and every day was going to be hell for him. The sooner he accepted this the better off he knew he would be. But, Armani wasn’t willing to accept what happened to Simone or himself. That would be like asking a poor man for a loan of an outrageous amount, which was more than impossible. It was unimaginable.

  Armani threw the blanket off of him and slowly sat up. His head hurt and the left side of his face burned. The doctor wanted him to take the bandages off several times a day so the skin could get oxygen as part of the healing process. For what, Armani had no answer. His face was forever deformed and scarred. He stood and walked to the winding staircase.

  The walls lining the staircase were decorated with black gothic light fixtures and candles spaced apart every three feet. He looked up at the beautiful stained glass dome built into the ceiling. Not even that made him smile. It served as a reminder of Simone. She was the one who had requested it and of course he said yes. He could count on one hand the number of times he said no to her.

  There were six bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs. One bedroom was Armani and Simone’s. The other five were for the children they had talked about having once they were married. Simone wanted a large family and the two of them agreed that five children would be perfect. Only God knew how many children they would’ve been blessed to have. These thoughts raced through his mind as he climbed the stairs. When Armani reached the top of the stairs, he ripped his shirt off and threw it over the stairway railing and screamed a dreadful piercing scream. Agony, heartbreak, loss, and anger swirled inside him like a hurricane. Armani fell to his knees, placed his head in his hands and cried. The loss was unbearable and the tears wouldn’t stop streaming down his face. If only he could hold Simone one last time. “Why did you let her be taken from me?” Armani screamed. He lay down on the floor and curled up in the fetal position.

  He felt like an abandoned newborn. The one thing he lived for was gone forever. Life was meaningless and death was a welcome guest to him.

  Armani raised his head, wiped his eyes, stood up, and stared down the hallway that lead to Simone and his bedroom. The only thing keeping him alive was the revenge he would have on the ones who killed Simone and left him damaged physically, mentally, and emotionally. His face was a hideous reminder of what these people took from him that he would never get back. Only upon his death would he see Simone’s beautiful face and smile that lit up a room. Death would be his end after he made the people who did this pay with their own lives. He felt like an empty shell and for Armani, the darkness had just begun.

  He walked with heavy footsteps toward the bedroom he and his love had once shared. A cold draft blew through the window, the curtains dancing like ghosts in the wind. The smell of her perfume still lingered in the air. God, how his heart ached as he wished she would be in the bedroom waiting for him. When he reached the bedroom he paused and took a deep breath before opening the door. Simone was so beautiful, long brown hair, brown eyes, and a smile that melted your heart.

  But, there was no Simone. She was gone forever, but he could feel her presence in the bedroom. He walked in and sat on the king sized bed sinking into the soft, white down comforter. “Simone, I’m so sorry. If you hadn’t met me you would still be alive. Someone had a vendetta against me for a reason I have no knowledge of. It caused you to die, and my sprit to die forever.” Armani said. It felt peaceful to talk to her even though he knew she didn’t hear him. He vowed to catch the murderers and get revenge. Only then could he let Simone’s spirit rest in peace and allow himself to let go and rest in peace as well. Happiness was a thing of the past for him. “Simone, I love you and only you, and always will. I hope you can hear me and feel my devotion to you.” Armani closed his eyes and lay on the bed remembering when they first met.

  Chapter Four

  They met at Armani’s birthday bash. Rex had planned the party and held back no expenses to make sure it was the best day for his best friend. It took place on Rex’s large yacht with over two hundred people in attendance.

  Rex knew how to throw a party. Balloons, a dance floor brought in onto the yacht, a DJ, a bar staffed with ten people, and a cake that looked like it could feed a city. The cake was a personal favorite of Armani’s. It was decorated with his face and those of his band mates and on top was a mini stage with instruments made of candy. That alone must have cost a fortune. Armani was happy he had so many friends and family who loved him and thought he was as happy as he could ever be. He had his band, a lot of friends, fans, wealth, success, and beauty. Maybe a bit too proud at times, but Armani knew he was attractive and could have anyone he wanted. He enjoyed being single but his mind changed when he first saw her at this birthday party. Something inside him told him that Simone was the woman he had been waiting a lifetime for and that he would spend the rest of his life with her. Who had she come with? He wondered. A woman this beautiful had to be here with a date.

  Armani walked around and found Rex at the bar talking to a young woman with red hair. He wasn’t drunk yet, lucky for the woman sitting next to him. Rex had a tendency to act like an idiot when he consumed too much alcohol.

  “Excuse me ma’am, I hate to interrupt, but I have to ask Rex a quick question.” Armani said and smiled at the young woman. Her eyes were emerald green and sparkled like diamonds. No wonder Rex was smitten with her.

  “Not a problem,” she said with a wave of her hand.

  Rex seemed irritated, but he would get over it. He turned to look at Armani.

  “This will be quick, don’t worry. You see that woman over there,” Armani said pointing at Simone. “Who is she?”

  Rex turned to look. “Oh, that’s Simone. Her father owns some big computer company. I don’t remember the name, but he’s a very powerful man.” Rex smiled at Armani. “Interested, buddy?” He asked.

  Armani shrugged. “Maybe, but I haven’t even met her yet. Is she here with someone?”

  “Yeah, she was invited here by a girlfriend. From what I gathered, Simone came with a girlfriend of hers who won tickets to the party. Not that she couldn’t have pulled some strings and came anyway.”

  Armani smiled. “Well, that’s a good start. No guy in my way.” He chuckled. “Why didn’t I hear about the tickets people were winning?”

  “Our manager raffled off about ten of them with the proceeds going to charity. It’s a good cause. Lighten up. After all, it makes us look better to the public. Good publicity is always better than bad publicity.” Rex slapped Armani’s shoulder. “Go ahead and talk to Simone. I’m a little busy myself with this beauty.” Rex said and flashed a grin at the red head. Clearly she loved the attention from Rex, the rock star.

  Armani laughed. “Thanks. Enjoy yourselves.” He put a piece of gum in his mouth and thought about how to approach Simone and what to say.

  “Hey, just ask her to dance.” Rex said as if reading Armani’s mind.

  Armani turned to look at his friend who was already lost in conversation with the pretty red head.

  Simone stood in the distance watching people dance while she sipped red wine. Armani walked in her direction unable to take his eyes off her. She saw him coming and smiled. Her smile lit up his heart, which was crazy because he didn’t even know her. Her face and smile showed she had inner beauty as well.

  “Hi, I’m Armani Belvedere.” He said and extended his hand.

  Simone blushed. “Hi Armani, I’m Simone.” She said taking his hand. “This may sound stupid, but I want you to know I love your music. Your voice is so wonderful.” She let go of his hand and fidgeted with her hair, “and happy birthday.”

  “Thank you, Simone.” Armani said. His heart raced. He felt like a school boy with a crush. “Would you like to dance with me?”

  Simone held her hand out. “I’d love to,” she gushed
. “Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies.”

  They danced to many upbeat songs and held each other tight during the slow sets. Armani felt the connection between the two of them immediately.

  Simone stopped dancing and wiped her brow. “I’m thirsty, how about a drink?” She asked. “I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Armani said and led her through the crowd of people who were busy dancing, laughing, and talking.

  Rex approached them, staggering and laughing and wrapped his arms around Armani.

  “Happy birthday to you, my best friend!” He exclaimed.

  “Rex, what the hell are you doing?” Armani asked, handing Simone a fifty-dollar bill. “Simone, go ahead and order whatever you want, and I’ll have whatever you have.” Simone smiled and walked toward the bar.

  “There’s nothing wrong, dude. Happy fucking birthday!” Rex exclaimed.

  A short Spanish man handed Rex a microphone and pulled out a chair for him. Armani wished he could hide. He swallowed hard when Rex jumped onto the chair.

  “Hello, party people!” Rex’s voice boomed through the speakers. “My best friend turned 33 today and deserves a birthday serenade.” Rex shouted and waved his arms back and forth as he led the crowd in a chorus of happy birthday. People raised their glasses and sang along. Rex, being the humorous guy he was, held his lighter in the air and swayed.

  Armani smiled. It was a sweet gesture and he loved everyone singing to him, but he was ready to throw himself overboard. Being a musician for two years, he was used to performing in front of tens of thousands of people, but he hated surprises when he wasn’t ready for the attention.

  Rex jumped off the chair and handed the microphone to Armani. Armani stood on the chair and cleared his throat. He was a tall handsome man with chiseled features, high cheekbones, shoulder length black hair, big lips, and piercing green eyes. His days at the gym had paid off and the women never failed to show their appreciation.

  “Thank-you, Rex for that surprise and thank you everyone who came out tonight to celebrate me getting another year older.” The crowd applauded and hollered. “But, in all honesty, I think birthdays should stop being celebrated after your twenty first birthday. I feel like an old man.” He laughed and gazed at Simone. “I want everyone to know that the best gift I received today was the opportunity to meet Simone, the beautiful brunette standing over there.” He pointed in her direction and winked. “Thank you everyone and let’s keep this party rocking and rolling.”

  Armani jumped off the chair and hugged Rex. Simone tapped Armani’s shoulder. “Thanks for acknowledging me. That was sweet but embarrassing.” She handed him a cosmopolitan and gulped hers down quickly.

  “I’m sorry, but I meant what I said. One thing you should know about me is that I’m always honest, about everything.” He said and clasped her hand in his. “Let’s find a quiet place and talk.”

  Simone followed Armani to a table overlooking the ocean. “What a beautiful night. You couldn’t have asked for better weather for an outdoor party.”

  The blue-green waves of the ocean rolled, licking the sides of the yacht. It was a peaceful evening. They could see the city lights in the distance. Overhead a hawk circled in the sky.

  “Now, that’s odd. I’ve never seen a hawk hunting near the ocean,” Simone said, her gaze on the hawk. “And its eyes seem to be glowing red.” She stared a moment longer and chuckled. “I guess I drank my cosmopolitan too fast.”

  Armani looked at the hawk. “That is strange. Maybe it got into the punchbowl.” He chuckled.

  “Maybe, but it’s still a bit spooky to me. Do you have a jacket or something I can put on? I feel cold.” She said rubbing her long, lean arms.

  Armani slipped his black leather jacket off and helped Simone put it on. “That should help.” He sat down and put her hands in his. “Forget about the bird. Now, tell me all about you.”

  Two men standing across the dock stared at them through binoculars. One of the men threw his down and pounded his fist on the rail.

  “We’ve got to get her away from him. Simone is to be with me, father. That is and always has been the plan, even from the time I was young and she and I were playmates.” Adam said. He was a short bald man, his face like a lions with uneven eyes. “Being with her will increase my wealth and our popularity in the community. There’s no such thing as love, you and I know that. All that matters is money, power, and status.”

  Alex looked at his son and placed his hands on his shoulders. “We will, my son. Money talks and you know I have many people I can pay to get rid of him and possibly her if need be. Did I mention Gabe Davis is paying us top dollar to inflict pain on Armani?” He asked an evil smile on his lips. “As you see, Simone made it to the party and naturally caught Armani’s eye. This is working out better for us than I thought. You understand how the mafia works. What belongs to us, we always get at any price and Gabe is paying us a handsome sum and in the future will get us access to their hotel floor and room. Gabe gets what he wants and we get what we want.” He threw the binoculars overboard and walked to the yacht’s exit. “Come on son, let’s get the ball rolling.”

  Adam took one last look at Armani and Simone, his round face turned red and hatred filled his heart. He wanted them both dead. Armani, because he was the beautiful rock star all women wanted, and Simone because time and time again she turned down his offers to date him and be his. She always told him it was better if they remained friends and yet she was never available to do things that friends did together. He wouldn’t force her to be with him, like his dad wanted. He would kill her and make sure his face was the last one she ever saw.

  Armani loved listening to Simone talk about her family, her career and her future plans. Her voice was like sweet music to his ears. This was Heaven.

  The black hawk they had seen earlier shrieked and flew around the yacht. Armani watched the bird as it flew in circles seeming to want him to pay attention to what it was doing. It dove up and down in the dark night sky aiming toward a yacht a few hundred yards away. Armani saw two men standing on the deck of the yacht the hawk was obsessed with and wondered why they were focused on Simone and him.

  He nodded his head toward the yacht. “Looks like the paparazzi spotted us,” Armani said.

  “More like they spotted you and want to start some rumors about us,” Simone laughed. “Can’t wait to see what stories they come up with.” She rolled her eyes.

  Armani smiled at Simone dismissing the men and the hawk with a slight wave. “Back to you,” He said. “I could listen to you talk forever.”

  Armani remembered that special day as if it happened yesterday. His eyes filled with tears. He should have seen it coming. Someone as beautiful, perfect, and wonderful as Simone was bound to be too good to be true. A woman who loved him for who he was, not what he was and that made her even more special.

  He thought of the hawk he had seen over the years since meeting Simone. Was this bird some sort of messenger or a mere coincidence? The black hawk acted like a guardian angel watching him incessantly. Puzzled, Armani got off the bed wishing he would die. There would never be an end to the pain he felt. It ate him up inside. His soul was empty. Falling to his knees, he put his face in his hands, looked up at the ceiling and screamed.

  Chapter Five

  Donovan paced back and forth across the living room floor. Watching Armani through the eyes of his faithful black hawk, he felt the pain as if it were his own. He had once been a man and knew what it was like to feel the anguish and pain of losing someone you loved more than life itself and to have them taken from you without even a goodbye. It crushed your soul, sucking the will to live out of your body like a vacuum.

  Donovan’s shackles were loosened by his savior and father, Victor who saved him from eternal damnation. He stopped pacing, remembering their first meeting and shuddered.

  The experience was horrifying when Victor came to him in his darkest despair. Victor’s a
ppearance was like that of a raven with his jet black hair, black eyes, pointy sharp nose to his long black cape which danced around him like the wings of a bird.

  “Who the hell are you?” Donovan asked.

  Victor studied him with unblinking eyes. “I am Victor, Master of the Dark Ones. I’m here to rescue you from your anguish and pain.” He walked a circle around Donovan daring him to say no or look away. “Trust me and do as I say. You will not avenge the ones who killed your loved one as a human. I know this because I have witnessed this group of powerful people. You will avenge your lovers death only to have them kill you soon after.”

  Donovan shook his head bewildered. Was Victor reading his mind? Questions he had for Victor were being answered before the words had a chance to leave his mouth.

  Victor poked Donovan with his long bony finger. “And you were going to take the easy way out and kill yourself. You coward! These men who hurt you would get away with murder and without justice being served.” A mocking smile played on his lips. “What then?”

  Donovan shook with fear. Goosebumps prickled over his body. Licking his lips he said, “I honestly don’t know. Why are you here?” He asked feeling like a mouse cornered by a cat.

  “Don’t be scared, Donovan. I’m here to help you, to offer you a better life, a way to make this group of people pay for what they did to you and your soul.” He seethed and smiled, fangs glistening.

  Donovan winced. Was it his imagination? Did Victor have fangs or were the drugs and alcohol he consumed making him hallucinate?

  “I have been watching you for a long time. Your torment and pain has reached me and I want to help. Also, yes, I am a vampire. A good one, I might add. I’m in the business of righting the wrongs done to people.” Victor bared his fangs again. “And I’m wonderful at reading people’s minds as you have already figured out.”


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