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Undying Vengeance

Page 12

by Burnham, K. L.

  Armani listened, intrigued. “What made you change your mind?” He asked. “Thoughts of revenge or knowing you would die and the murderer was still out there? Did someone save you?” Armani asked his attention devoted to Donovan. His heart hurt for the vampire. Maybe he and Donovan had more in common than he had initially thought. “I’m sorry for interrupting. Please continue.”

  Donovan smiled weakly. “Yes, you could say someone saved me. His name is Victor and he is the master of the Dark Ones. A vampire not to reckon with, that’s for sure, a ruthless killer with a dark, jaded past. Revenge is his vendetta and not only for the torture he endured, but also for those who are brutally beaten and living the abuse of his past.” Donovan paused briefly and studied the architecture of Armani’s home. The man had expensive taste. The home was breathtaking, a beauty to behold.

  Armani wondered if this was the way for him to avenge Simone’s death. Was Donovan here to give him the answers, even possibly help him cross over as the vampires say? He was ready to do whatever it took to kill the men who killed Simone and his soul. Whoever was responsible for this deserved the just punishment of an eternity in Hell. “I have a question. So, this Victor, what torment did he go through? How did he cross over and become a Master?”

  “You must have read my mind. I was getting to that point,” he said and smiled. “Victor was abused and tortured as a child in horrific ways beyond comprehension. His parents had images of his bruised and beaten body painted so they could hang them on the walls of their home.”

  Armani’s face twisted in disgust. “What the hell kind of sick people were his parents to do this to him?”

  “Sick beyond a shadow of a doubt, my friend. They are dead now and rightfully so.” Donovan smiled a wicked gleam in his eye. “And a brutal death his parents faced when Victor got his revenge. Gruesome and full of torture as it should have been. Someday when you meet Victor, he will inform you of what he did to his parents and how he continues to kill the abusers of children in the same manner.”

  Chills ran up and down Armani’s spine. “So, what does any of this have to do with me? I want revenge for Simone’s death, but I have no desire to cross over and become a vampire to make this happen.” He placed his hand on the left side of his face and winced in pain. It felt like someone had taken a cattle prod and pierced the side of his face. He needed his pain medication and now. “Please excuse me, Donovan. I must get a pain pill. This cursed side of my face feels like it’s on fire.”

  Donovan eyed him like a hunter stalking its prey. “Be my guest and when you return I have two choices for you.” He folded his hands and said, “And you will be making a choice tonight.”

  Armani wished he had never let Donovan into his home. He wanted revenge for Simone’s death, but the price he had to pay seemed much too steep for him. Crossing over was not something you just did. Hell, people took more time to decide on the purchase of a car. This was his life Donovan was talking about and not something you could return if you didn’t like the way it felt. ‘Curse the day I had thoughts of revenge,’ Armani thought. Maybe those thoughts somehow reached the undead and now he was going to get what he asked for. Would it be possible for Donovan to get revenge on the guilty while he watched? He would have to remember to ask him that.

  Armani walked upstairs and into the bathroom. He opened the cabinet and took twisted the pill bottle open. He threw two pills in his mouth and chased them down with water. Armani walked to the bed and sat on the edge, his eyes moved to the picture of Simone sitting on the end table. He picked it up and stared into her eyes.

  “I wish you were here, my love. Daylight has died in my heart since your death. I’m so sorry I couldn’t have saved you.” Armani said and wiped tears from his cheeks. He set the picture on the table. “There is not a day that goes by that I don’t hope that you will be here when I return home. When I hear a knock on the door I can’t help but hope it’s you on the other side. But, it’s a fool’s dream to keep believing you will show up when I know you are dead and gone.” He wept. “Hope fills the heart and fades away, my Simone.”

  Armani slowly made his way back downstairs and returned to the living room where Donovan sat on the sofa waiting for him.

  “I feel your pain, Armani. I was in your shoes once. Believe me, crossing over was the best thing I ever did for myself. Victor helped me pick the pieces up and move on.” His unblinking eyes never left Armani’s face. “Revenge, closure and an end to the pain is worth the price of becoming a vampire and saying good bye to your mortal life.” Donovan said.

  “I want revenge more than anything in the world, but it won’t bring Simone back.” Armani said, sadly. “But, I’ll feel better knowing the guilty people who killed her and did this to me,” he said pointing to his face, “are dead.”

  Donovan floated to his feet. “Let me give you your two choices, Armani. A choice is to be made tonight.” He said. “Your first choice is to cross over and become a vampire. You will get revenge on the people who killed Simone and murdered your soul. Being a part of the Dark Ones means you will have eternal life as an immortal. You will never die, at least not by physical means.” He paced to the window and stared outside. Hunger pains seized him. He needed the energizing life blood of a mortal but time was of the essence and Victor would be checking on his progress soon. He smiled and put two fingers in the air. “Option number two is what we call a temporary cross over.”

  Armani looked at him skeptically. “What do you mean a temporary cross over? I’ve never heard of such a thing.” He shook his head and snorted. “Hell, I’ve never heard of crossing over. Let alone the fact that vampires do exist.”

  Donovan knew telling Armani about the temporary crossover was a lie but it had to be done. Donovan feared for Armani’s life and convincing him to cross over of his own free will was only going to lead to a dead end. In time he would explain why he had to manipulate him and Armani may hate him but in time he would accept being a vampire and understand why Donovan had to lie to him.

  “A temporary cross over means that you become a vampire, but only for a short time and die once you have gotten your revenge on the people who did this to you and Simone.” Donovan noticed Armani looked skeptical. He threw in another lie to motivate him to accept the offer. “You will have eternal life with Simone. The minute you torture and kill the guilty ones, Simone will be waiting for you when you die and the two of you will go onto eternal life, never to be separated again.” He hoped he sounded convincing.

  “I am an empty lifeless vessel, a hollow log. Will the pain ever subside? Slowly I die each day. What once was a life of color is now black and white.” Armani quoted lyrics from a song he had recently written. “Life is hopeless. I am a sailor lost at sea, waves roll around me threatening to sink my ship. Hope dies each and everyday. Life is not worth living without the one who completed me . . . . .”

  Donovan cleared his throat and interrupted Armani. “Those lyrics are beautiful. Your songs are filled with your heart and soul and I would like to hear more of them. But, right now I need you to make a decision. We don’t have much time.” He walked to the window. “Victor will be here soon to check on our progress and his temper is not something you or I want to reckon with.” Pivoting, he floated to Armani and stood in front of him. He offered his hand and asked, “Have you made your decision?”

  Armani knew he had to make a decision. “I have a question first.”

  “Go ahead and ask anything you want,” Donovan nodded his head. He understood how confusing and hard it was to make such a life changing decision having been in the situation himself long ago. But, time was running out. Some questions would have to remain unanswered until the transition.

  Armani stood and stared into Donovan’s eyes. “Is there any way you can get revenge for me and I help you? Only I stay a mortal and not have to crossover.”

  The hopelessness in Armani’s eyes pained Donovan’s heart and soul. Guilt tore at his insides knowing he had lied about the temp
orary cross over. But he kept telling himself he had no choice.

  “Armani, I’m sorry, but no I cannot get revenge for you. Only you can do it,” Donovan said and shifted his feet. Donovan placed his hands on Armani’s shoulders and said, “You must decide between the two choices I gave you or Victor will come and kill us both. A decision must be made right now.” The hunger pains would not subside. He wished he had time to feed on human blood, but time was ticking and every second counted.

  Armani walked hunched over to the bar a few feet away and poured himself a tall glass of scotch. He gulped half of it down in a second. “Ok, Donovan, I have made my decision. I want to temporarily cross over.” He swallowed the remaining scotch and sat on a bar stool and wallowed while allowing the scotch to do its job. “The men who did this will pay for their crime. Death is too easy for them. They need to suffer as I have suffered. I am ready.” He said and stumbled toward Donovan.

  Donovan watched him. Armani was about to cross over and become a vampire, an immortal forever. Donovan tried to tell himself that Armani would forgive him in time for his deceit, but he wasn’t entirely sure about that. Donovan took Armani’s hand, steadied him and led him to the couch. “Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Let us begin.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Katrina pulled the blanket up to her chin. The couch was comfortable enough, but what Victor said to her made her uncomfortable. What kind of request could a vampire possibly ask of her? A human couldn’t do much for a vampire except offer an endless supply of blood or worse, be the one meal before death. Well, she supposed she could end up being his ‘feeding tank’. The thought of being food for a vampire’s existence sent chills down her spine. Maybe he thought of her as something to remind him what it felt like to be human. An accessory, just like furniture, was that what he wanted of her? She was scared to ask him what his request was. He had such a wicked gleam in his eye when he mentioned having a request of her.

  Victor watched her from the kitchen. Such a beautiful woman, and she fit perfectly in his life right now. He decided to act as a vampire of chivalry. After all, he forced her to move in and chivalry was by no means an act of love.

  “Katrina, would you like something to eat or drink?”

  Fear seized her. Was he going to feed her blood? What type of foods could a vampire have stored in his refrigerator or freezer? “No thank you. I’m not hungry or thirsty.” She said and pulled the blanket up to her nose trying to hide from what was happening. Katrina wished that she could disappear under the blankets and wake up in her bed realizing this was all just a bad dream. Curiosity was killing her. “What do you have that a human could eat or drink, Victor?” She asked. Fury at the situation drove her to sit up and face the kitchen where Victor stood. “Are you going to offer me a glass of blood? You will never make me taste blood, Victor!” She screamed and clenched her fists.

  Victor watched her, aroused by her feistiness. “I would never make you drink blood, my dear. I was offering to cook food for you or offer you a beverage of your choice. Not blood. Would you like a glass of wine or a cocktail?” He asked, smiling inside. Katrina wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and he loved that about her already. “For dinner I was thinking steak or lobster.” He crossed his arms and stared at her, a warm expression on his face. Mere moments ago he had been ready to kill her, but something about her had calmed him. The monster within was at bay when he was in her presence, but it didn’t mean the monster didn’t exist. Unfortunately, it did and always would.

  Victor thought of Donovan. He was with Armani convincing him to cross over. Armani would be a perfect fit for the Dark Ones. Donovan knew his life depended on a successful cross over. Once he had Katrina settled in he was headed over to Armani’s home to check on things and make sure that every thing went as planned. If not, God have mercy on Armani and Donovan’s souls. They would both be destroyed. Victor didn’t have a soft heart when it came to his followers. But, the woman on the couch made his heart feel things it hadn’t in many centuries.

  Katrina smiled at Victor reminding herself to play nice. She may have lost the first battle but she would win the war. “You know what. I am a bit hungry, Victor. I’d love a hamburger with onion and mayo only, please. And a glass of red wine sounds wonderful. I could use it after tonight.” She said. “Maybe it will help ease some of this pain in my ankle.”

  Victor sensed she was in more pain than she lead him to believe. “Let me get you some ice for the swelling. That will help the pain a little bit as well.” He disappeared and a moment later he was at Katrina’s side with ice wrapped in a towel. He placed it on her ankle. Katrina was lying back staring at the ceiling. Her beauty would never cease to amaze him. “You know what?” He asked. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.” He whispered.

  Katrina winced. He called her a creature? What man would ever call a woman that? It sounded ridiculous and absurd. She snickered. “I’d like to think of myself as more than just a creature, thank you very much.” She lifted her head and gazed at her ankle, letting out a deep breath. The cold ice chilled her from head to toe. “Could I have another blanket, Victor?”

  A blanket appeared out of nowhere and Victor covered her with it and brushed her cheek with his palm. “I would do anything for you.” He smiled.

  It was the first real smile Katrina had seen and the first time he seemed happy. Katrina laid her head back, closed her eyes and tried not to think about where she was and how she got here. Let alone, how the hell she was going to get herself out of this situation.

  “Don’t worry you will learn to love me and your new home.” Victor said.

  Forgetting he had the ability to read her mind, she chastised herself. Many of her thoughts needed to be kept at bay so he wouldn’t eavesdrop on her private thoughts and motives. “I have to ask. How you do that?” She asked.

  “Do what, Katrina?” Victor asked his lips turned upward in a crooked smile. “Read your mind?” He laughed. “It’s easy, really, especially for an old vampire such as me.” He walked to the kitchen, stopped and placed his hands on each side of the doorway. “Would you like to learn?” He asked, moving his head from side to side.

  “Yes, if it means I get to read your mind.” She stated matter of fact.

  Victor faced her, a cold hungry look in his eyes. “I don’t allow people or other vampires to read my mind. That will never happen. I am much too powerful and strong. Even when I find my mate and share blood with her my mind will not be open to her.”

  Katrina sat up again. She had so many questions. “You said when you find your mate and share blood with her, your mind and thoughts will remain closed to her. Is it true, then what they say in books about sharing blood with a vampire that it forms an unbreakable bond and connection with the ability to read each others minds?” She asked a puzzled look on her face.

  Victor smiled. Katrina was such an innocent mortal. “Yes, that fact is true, but many things they say about us are not true. Fiction, as you know tends to be the imagination of an author. Some facts and reality is mixed in with what the author wants to make up about vampires. Most of the facts written in fiction books that involve vampires are taken from the very first vampire book titled, Dracula. I’m sure you’ve read that one.” Victor ran his hands through his black hair. “I have much to teach you, but right now I want to prepare you a meal. My queen needs to eat and rest.” Victor turned and walked into the kitchen.

  Katrina didn’t say a word. The sounds of clanging dishes and Victor whistling reminded her of home. She closed her eyes and imagined she was lying on her own couch.

  A kiss on her nose awoke her. Katrina jumped. Victor kneeled beside her, a smile on his face. What if he had decided to pierce her neck with his sharp fangs instead? After all, she assumed death would be the final end result in her stay here. “How long was I sleeping?” She yawned.

  Victor stood and held his hand out to her. “Only about thirty minutes. Come with me. Dinner is ready for the two of

  Katrina sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “It sure smells good.” Her stomach growled. “I guess I’m hungrier than I thought,” she grinned and placed her hand in Victor’s and he helped her to her feet.

  “How does your ankle feel when you put weight on it?” He asked.

  “Much better than I thought it would,” she said amazed it didn’t pain her more.

  “Come, dinner is ready,” He said leading her to the kitchen.

  She stood in awe and stared at Victor’s kitchen. It was the biggest one she had ever seen in her life. It didn’t even compare to the ones in magazines. The walls were a pale gray, the shiny marble floor was black and red checkered. It was a bit dizzying, but pretty and rich all the same. Three large stainless steel refrigerators lined one wall. A large oven and grill stove sat next to the sink. Two silver dining room tables were placed on each end of the kitchen. A bar sat next to the walk out patio with ten black bar stools surrounding the table. Katrina noticed that there was enough alcohol to stock a small bar.

  “Do you drink a lot?” She asked and pointed the bar.

  Victor set the food on the table and smiled. “No, my dear, I tend to stay away from alcohol. Once in awhile a glass of wine suits me well.” He gestured for her to sit down. “The bar is for looks and entertainment purposes.”

  Katrina walked toward a chair and smiled when she saw a dozen roses in the center of the table. “The flowers are beautiful.” She leaned over and smelled them. She touched the glass vase and noticed how expensive it was. “My God, this is a Tiffany vase.”

  Victor stood behind her and pulled the chair out for her to take a seat. “I have expensive tastes and always have.”

  Katrina sat and Victor pushed the chair in. “Thank you. You sure are a gentleman, and believe me they are hard to find these days.” She said, unfolded a napkin and placed it on her lap.


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