Undying Vengeance
Page 14
Armani interrupted him. “Let’s hurry and do this before I change my mind. One small request first.” He said and closed his eyes. “Would you get a photo of Simone for me to hold while we do this?”
A tap on the door startled Donovan. Could it be Victor?
“Yes, I will do that for you.” He said and walked to the door. Fear filled him as he turned the knob.
He opened the door and saw the black hawk stare at him, its gaze cold and menacing. “Curse you,” Donovan scolded.
“Who is it?” Armani asked. He hoped it was Rex or someone he knew so he could think more about this whole crossing over thing. Was he making the wrong decision? ‘No,’ he thought. This was the right thing to do for Simone and for himself. What a pleasure it would be when he was able to look the killers’ in the eyes as he slowly killed them and sent them to Hell for eternity for what they did.
“A friend,” Donovan replied. He reached toward the hawk and took the note from the hawk’s sharp beak and read it.
I’m informing you that I’m on my way to Armani’s home. I hope you are there and have completed the task I asked of you. The Dark One’s need more strong men like Armani. If the task has not been completed, you and Armani will die a slow horrific death at my hands. Be prepared.
Victor, Master of the Dark Ones.
The hawk shrieked and bowed.
Chills ran up and down Donovan’s spine. He was a strong vampire, but not nearly as powerful as Victor. Age made a vampire acquire strength and skills that younger ones were no match for in a battle.
“Thank you, my friend. Don’t worry, it will be done soon.” Donovan said.
The hawk spread its long wings and flew high into the sky. Donovan watched as the hawk circled in the dark sky before landing in a high tree. The hawk was a gift to him from Victor when he crossed over. The hawk taught him valuable lessons on survival as a vampire. The black hawk was a companion and fierce protector as well as his eyes and ears. Donovan liked to think of the hawk as a dog for a vampire. Humans had dogs for the same reason he had the hawk.
“That was my hawk. The one you have been seeing for years. We’ve had our eye on you.” Donovan said and realized that was a stupid thing to say. And he didn’t have time to answer any more questions. Victor was well on his way. “I’m going to get the picture of Simone.”
Armani was silent. What the hell? Was this a dream? Would he wake up from this horrible nightmare? Of course, he knew it wasn’t. This was reality. Soon his emptiness would be gone. He would feel again and be in Simone’s arms for all of eternity.
Donovan returned with a beautiful picture of Simone standing in front of the yacht where Armani first met her. He handed it to Armani and said, “We must begin. Time is of the essence and we don’t have much of it. Victor is on his way.”
Armani held the picture in front of his face and stared at Simone. Tears welled in his eyes. He lost control and let the dam break, tears streaming down his cheeks. “I will be with you soon, my love. I am going to avenge our misfortune and will see you after that.” He kissed the picture and placed it on his chest. Warmth flowed through him as if she were lying on top of him.
Donovan placed a blanket on Armani covering him from the waist down. “Lay your head back, Armani. I’m going to recite some rituals before I pierce you with my fangs.”
Armani’s face turned white. Reality set in. The thought of dying to be reborn as a vampire frightened him. He wished he could drink some more of the scotch he had earlier. “What all is involved in this procedure anyway?” He asked, afraid to hear the answer, but needed to know.
Donovan gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s fast, but I won’t lie to you. It’s painful, but it only hurts just once. You will drift into a deep sleep when I am finished and wake the next day as a vampire.” Donovan glanced around the room once more before continuing. “I will bite you and drain you of your blood to the point of death. Immediately following that, I will slice my own wrist and you will drink blood from me, which will bring you back to life.” Donovan picked up a glass of water and drank. “And upon drinking my blood you will become a vampire.” He squeezed Armani’s shoulder. “When you feel pain think of Simone and she will give you the strength to fight. You must fight. Don’t give up. Resist death.”
“What happens after that?” Armani asked. “I sleep for a long time, wake up and . . . .” His voice trailed off.
“I will become your teacher. You will learn from me the skills and magic I know of being a vampire.” He snapped his fingers, dimming the lights in the room. “Like that. You will learn magic. The most important lesson is not the vengeance of the guilty ones who did this to you. That comes natural to humans as well as vampires. The most important lesson you will learn from me is how to mesmerize and hypnotize people to come to you when it’s time to feed and to drink their blood without taking too much and killing them.” He cleared his throat and said, “Let’s proceed.”
“Promise me I’ll live,” Armani pleaded and grabbed hold of Donovan’s cloak, his face etched with desperation.
“My friend, I cannot promise that which I have no control over. That fate lies in your hands.” He said and squeezed Armani’s hand. “But, I can tell you this. You are a strong man who loves Simone and wants revenge. That thought alone will aid you in surviving. I firmly believe you will live and I promise to do everything to see to it that you do.”
Armani closed his eyes and focused on breathing while Donovan recited rituals involving sacrifice, blood, death, new life and vampirism.
“I am now going to take the breath out of you and be the death of you.” Donovan said and leaned over Armani. “Please lie still and keep your eyes closed.”
Armani winced as Donovan’s fangs sank into the flesh of his neck. Images of Simone and him flashed through his mind. Dizziness swept over him and he felt sick to his stomach. Donovan sucked the blood out of him like a ravenous animal. The noises would forever haunt him.
Armani stared at the ceiling and saw Simone standing surrounded by a bright light, arms extended out to him. ‘Don’t do this, Armani. Please. Stop him while you still can.’ Simone whispered with the voice of an angel.
Armani tried to resist, but he was too weak and too close to death to fight what had already begun.
“Simone!” Armani screamed. Weakened by the loss of blood, Simone was the last person he remembered seeing or hearing before black darkness enveloped him.
“You must fight. Don’t let death defeat you.” Donovan ordered, shaking Armani. “Armani, drink now, damn it!” Donovan sliced his wrist with a sharp nail and blood dripped from the wound. He held his wrist to Armani’s mouth. “Take from me and have eternal life.” Donovan willed him to drink by force.
Armani pressed his lips to Donovan’s wrist and drank. When Donovan was sure he had enough for survival, he pulled his wrist away and sealed the wrist wound with a lick of his tongue.
“Welcome to the family of the Dark Ones, my friend. We are now brothers.” Donovan laid his hand on Armani’s forehead and quoted a mantra for full recovery and healing. “It is finished.”
Donovan covered Armani with an extra blanket, walked to a chair and sat staring at Armani. Would Armani regret his decision when he woke up? Of course he would. Donovan had deceived him in the worst possible way. Armani would forever be a vampire. Not temporarily, as Donovan had made him believe. It pained Donovan. He wondered if he lied to Armani to protect him or to save his own soul from death at the hands of Victor. Was he so selfish that he put his own needs before thinking of Armani’s?
Now was not the time for self-doubt. Victor would arrive soon and Donovan knew his Master would be pleased. The thought of Victor filled him with hate and anger. He didn’t know why, but forcing someone to cross over was not what he ever imagined he would have to do. He laid the blame on Victor.
Donovan jumped, chilled to the bone. A strong wind rattled the windows. The hawk shri
eked signaling that Victor had arrived. Thunder boomed. A bright bolt of lightning flashed past the window. Donovan closed his eyes sending out a silent prayer to any higher being in the universe who would listen. He was sure God was out of the question.
Donovan rose and glanced at Armani. Armani was in the state of deep coma like sleep. His face was pasty and ash white. Armani was the picture of death. What did Donovan expect? He had witnessed and been a part of aiding humans in crossing over many times in the past but every time he saw them after the transformation process it shocked him. Reasoning reminded him that yes, the humans who became vampires did actually die, only to re-born. A day or two of rest and Armani would wake more alive than he had ever been in his short lifetime, and with powers and abilities that were indescribable. Donovan smiled and hoped the feeling of complete power would enable Armani to forgive him for his deceit.
Donovan faced the door. Lightning flashed furiously outside, thunder boomed louder and louder as Victor neared the door. He hated to think of the future battle for Armani and himself but he knew in time the two of them would have to destroy Victor. Victor’s heart was cold, black and empty. Empathy and love were a fading wind. The only emotions Victor felt anymore were hate, anger and revenge. Victor’s kills had gone from justice killing to thrill killing. He killed for survival and it didn’t matter who he murdered. Innocent, helpless people were dying at the hands of Victor because he had lost self-control. Victor drank their blood and longed to feel them begging for their lives. Donovan heard from other members of the Dark Ones that many a vampire had to be destroyed because their hearts grew cold and the need to kill overpowered them. Drinking blood from a human to the point of death was like a high from drugs. It was a rush that some vampires got addicted to and most, being of strong will didn’t want to stop. The only option for the other vampires was to destroy them.
A loud scream sounded behind the door. What the hell was going on? It was a human and the voice yelling sounded too familiar to him. Within a second Donovan stood in front of the window and peered into the darkness, seeing as clearly as if it were broad daylight. Vampires all possessed night vision.
“Lord, have mercy on your soul, Gabe.” Donovan muttered. “I warned you not to come around here and you refused to obey.” Donovan stared at Victor and knew Gabe’s death would be swift. Victor must have just killed because he had a murderous look of satisfaction in his eyes.
Victor gazed at the window and smiled at Donovan, his eyes crimson red. There was no denying Victor was drunk on blood and unfortunately the blood of an innocent. Donovan forced a smile hiding his disgust and disapproval.
Gabe cocked his head to the side, placed his hands on his hips and glared at Victor. “You think you scare me, you freak!” He laughed. “Armani is my client and is going to listen to me. So, move on and trick or treat at someone else’s home and let me handle my business.” He said and waved his arms in the air in a ‘get out of my way’ motion. Gabe pivoted and walked to the front door shouting profanities over his shoulder. At the top of the stairs to the entry of Armani’s home, he paused. “Oh, and by the way you’re a couple months late for Halloween.” He chuckled and rang the doorbell.
Donovan was shocked that Victor allowed Gabe to disrespect like that.
A bony finger tapped Donovan’s shoulder.
“Hello, my friend.” Victor said. “Well done. Armani is now a part of the Dark Ones and I am very pleased with you.” He rubbed his chin and smiled. “Truth be told, I had my doubts that you could follow through with the mission, so to speak.”
Donovan didn’t take his eyes off Gabe. “Why did you let him disrespect you like he just did? That’s not your typical behavior.”
“Ever hear of playing cat and mouse?” Victor asked mockingly. “Gabe is the mouse and I’m the big cat who is going to attack and kill, but I want to play with him first.”
Victor had a sneaking suspicion Katrina walking into his life was a big part of the reason for his changed behavior, especially dealing with someone as despicable as Gabe. But he wasn’t going to tell Donovan that, at least not yet.
“Sounds like fun,” Donovan replied standing in front of the door. “Gabe deserves to die. He set up the whole plan of torturing Armani and killing Simone. Justice will be served tonight.” A feeling of satisfaction rolled over him like waves in the sea. The vigilante side of the Dark Ones was what he enjoyed most about being a vampire. He smiled at Victor and twisted the doorknob. “Now, it’s time for this worthless piece of humanity to walk the ‘Green Mile’ as Stephen King would say.”
Victor grinned, fangs gleaming. “Yes, my son now is the time. You and I are the executors.” Victor crouched to the left. “Let him in and let the games begin.”
Chapter Nineteen
Rex had never been as angry as he was right now. Insomnia allowed him little sleep after Gabe dropped him off. The run in with some creature named Donovan gave him relentless nightmares. Worry plagued him and questions of why Armani refused to answer his one hundred or so calls.
Rex rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and jumped out of bed. He picked up the phone and checked the time, only five in the morning.
“When I see you Armani there is an ass kicking to be had by you.” Rex said to no one. He pushed Armani’s number and Armani’s phone rang five or six times and went to voicemail. What had Rex expected? He had a nagging suspicion something was going on and it wasn’t good.
Rex walked into the bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror. Brownish-black bags hung under his eyes like a drug addicted junky. “You look like hell, Rex,” he told himself and pushed the bags as if that would somehow make them disappear. Time was ticking and he needed to get to Armani’s house and the sooner the better. He hoped he would be able to sleep once and for all after his visit was over.
He turned on the shower and inviting steam rose from behind the curtain. He had one foot in the shower when he heard his phone ring. Hope filled his heart. He ran to the bedroom naked. A frown creased his brow. It wasn’t Armani. A number he didn’t recognize flashed on the phone’s screen. He let the caller go to voicemail and walked to the bathroom like a dog with its tail between its legs. He stepped into the shower allowing him self the pleasure of relaxing. He had no idea what awaited him when he arrived at Armani’s house later. One thing he was sure of though was that it wouldn’t be anything good. Gut instinct, he supposed. He drowned out his thoughts and tipped his head back sighing as the water rolled on his body and bounced off him like rubber balls on a sidewalk.
Chapter Twenty
The hawk left Armani’s home when Victor arrived. He had flown to Adam and Alex’s home and watched them from a distance. The hawk shrieked. Hatred filled the hawk’s core being. Soon, the hawk would have the pleasure of watching these two men die at the hands of Armani. The hawk had grown fond of Armani over the years. So fond in fact he could feel the pain, loneliness and despair in Armani’s soul that was turning into hatred day by day.
Perched on the branch of a high oak tree, the hawk watched Adam and Alex walk out of their house. Alex, always a bit paranoid and rightfully so made sure to check that the door was locked three times. The hawk cocked its head to the right its yellow eyes never leaving Alex’s face. The hawk gripped the branch tight with sharp claws like talons. The hawk had to control itself from flying high into the dark sky, swooping down like a torpedo and gouging both of their eyes out. What a delight that would be. Unfortunately the hawk knew the consequences of that act: swift death at the hands of Victor. It wouldn’t be worth losing his life over. Donovan already promised him the eyes of these two fools on a platter once Armani and Donovan had destroyed them. Donovan was a vampire of his word and good things came to those that wait, even hawks. The hawk must always obey his Master and now that Armani had become a vampire, he had three Masters he would give his life for. Just as a seeing eye dog was for the blind, the hawk was the eyes of his master and showed Donovan what he saw and relayed it to him through the crystal
globes the vampire’s used to see what the hawk viewed in real time.
Adam stumbled and fell flat on his face. If the hawk had the capability to grin, it would have won an award for the world’s largest grin.
“Damn it all to hell!” Adam hollered. Alex stepped over him like a pile of trash. He didn’t even bother to ask him if he was ok.
“Maybe that will straighten out your face, son,” Alex said without a backward glance. “Get in the car.” He ordered and jerked open the car door.
The hawk found them to be quite entertaining to say the least. One thing the hawk was allowed to do was scare the enemies, and now seemed to be the perfect opportunity.
The hawk spread his large wings and took flight soaring high into the sky. The crisp cold breeze swept over him. He circled and watched Adam slowly get to his feet. ‘Let him get his balance.’ The hawk thought. ‘More fun that way.’ The hawk screeched and circled once more before it dove headfirst toward the car.
Alex saw the hawk headed straight for his car and jumped in slamming his door. “What the hell?” He heard a thud on top of the car. Alex glanced at Adam who was bent over re-tying his shoes and oblivious to the hawk. His son was a few watts short of a sixty-watt light bulb.
The hawk stared at Adam. What a weak human. Venomous hatred burned holes through the hawk’s heart, its eyes glowed bright yellow. The hawk extended its sleek black wings and used its large sharp claws and scratched the hood of the car sounding like someone raking their nails on a chalkboard.
Goosebumps covered Alex’s flesh and he covered his ears. “My beautiful car,” he muttered. “Damn that bird to hell.” Guilt washed over him like a passing rain. His only son stood outside with this rabid creature on top of his car. No telling what it might do to Adam. Alex rolled down his window as far as he dared and hollered at Adam. In order to save his car from more wreckage, Adam had to either shit or get off the pot, so they could drive away with his Cadillac in tact.