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Highlander's Kiss

Page 10

by Amy Isan

  “I’m sorry, Katrine. I know you’re better than this, but I donae have time to convince ye otherwise.” Elyn reached forward and pulled out Katrine’s hair pins, freeing them and letting her hair fall over her shoulders. Elyn fixed her own hair up using the pins, then leaned in close to look for something else identifying. A locket hung around Katrine’s neck bearing the Maxwell insignia. She unlatched the necklace from Katrine and slipped it around her neck.

  “How do I look?” Elyn asked, doing her best to adopt a more pompous posture. Gregary looked over Katrine, then gazed at Elyn before nodding.

  “Looks close enough to me.”

  Elyn shook her head. “I need to fool her father, not ye. But I guess this will have to do.” Elyn instructed Gregary to man the horses again, and she climbed and sat in the drivers seat next to him. She’d be presented to Iverlochy as Katrine would be, that was the only option. Hopefully, the state that Gregary was in wouldn’t be too off-putting to the guards.


  Night fell on the highlands, and the moon twinkled overhead, making the stars look pitiful. The distinct smell of smoke washed over the group as they came near the castle, replacing the scent of chilled fog filling their heads.

  At the castle gates, Gregary slowed the horses and stared on awkwardly. Elyn ducked her head down and stared at the back of the horses, not wanting to make eye contact with the guard. She had made him practice and rehearse his lines as they approached. He clicked his tongue as a guard came up alongside to examine him.

  “What have ye got here?” The guard peered over the carriage and his eyes briefly locked on Elyn’s. She panicked and looked away quickly.

  “Katrine of Kinfauns,” Gregary said. “I’m her driver, now let us through, I’m sure King Maxwell wouldn’t like ye holding us up.”

  The guard held up his hands apologetically and waved the carriage on in. They entered the gates of the castle unimpeded, and Elyn breathed a sigh of relief. The last line wasn’t practiced, but perfect. Elyn hadn’t considered the guard looking inside the carriage, and he would have been in for a surprise if he saw a tied up Katrine and injured Stewart aboard.

  Gregary pulled the carriage alongside the stables and dismounted from the driver’s seat. He held out his hand and helped Elyn down from the seat, each doing their best to look as regal as possible. If any onlookers thought something was wrong, then it wouldn’t be long before King Maxwell knew something was wrong. Gregary freed the horses from their collars as Elyn nodded to the villagers that had turned to stare at who had shown up in a carriage. She reckoned none of them had actually seen Katrine up close in person, and even if they had, she hoped she looked similar enough, it wouldn’t be much of a problem.

  Elyn walked inside the castle doors and the two guards escorted her down the hallway. After a few moments of frozen fear, she bit her lip and turned on them and spoke sharply. “Do ye two really think I need help seeing my own father? Please leave me be.”

  The guards stared at her, and Elyn was sure she’d blown it. Their faces glowed red and they looked at one another, before nodding furiously and turning away. They called out apologies as they raced back to their posts at the entrance.

  Elyn sighed, freed of two men who were way too close for comfort. She considered trying to reach Gavin first, but knew if she was caught wandering around without seeing Maxwell first, it would be trouble. Recalling her last visit to Iverlochy, she traced the path to the throne room, her feet quietly padding against the lush carpet that lined the floor.


  Elyn found the grand doors that led to the throne room, and sucked in air. She reached and pulled the door open, and ducked inside as quickly as she could.

  The throne room was deserted save for some guards posted around the outer hallways. She stared at all the lush and incredible decorations, but was surprised that Robert wasn’t around. She thought for a moment and then approached one of the guards. She cleared her throat and spoke louder than she meant. “Where is La — where is my father?”

  The guard nodded and answered quickly. “Lady Katrine... he is in his chambers. Do ye need me to send word for your arrival?”

  “No, that isn’t necessary. I’ll go to him now.”

  “Very well.”

  Elyn padded back to the entrance of the throne room, and cast one long look at it before leaving.

  Back in the grand hall, she passed the corridor that led to the dungeons. She stared hard into the darkness that shrouded it, feeling in her bones the pull to see Gavin. To touch his face, to feel his arms around her again. She knew he was strong enough to withstand whatever punishment they doled out to him, but it still pained her to know he was under any kind of duress. She gritted her teeth as a mad thought possessed her: that this was all her fault.

  She dismissed it and ascended the stairs to the chambers. She swallowed hard, her hands shaking and heart racing at the thought of confronting Maxwell face-to-face.


  She found his door, it was the only one with men posted outside of it. She dismissed the men with a gesture she had seen Katrine use on Dominic, outside Kinfauns, to leave her be. She adopted a dry frown and knocked on the door.

  Some rustling on the other side preceded his voice. “Who is it?” She clenched her jaw to keep herself from bursting inside and yelling, ‘the woman you tried to kill.’ She closed her eyes and breathed hard, before answering: “Katrine.”

  A scurry of commotion rushed to the door and the handle turned and opened immediately. Robert Maxwell stood inside, holding the knob and beaming with pleasure. His gaze looked her up and down, and Elyn held her breath waiting for his expression to sour and for him to see through her trick. She balled her hand to try and keep her shivers at bay.

  “Katrine! Why, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you. How many years has it been...?”

  Elyn hesitated, but Robert waved his hand. “No matter. I expect there wasn’t any trouble? I see you’re wearing your mother’s necklace, I told you to stop stealing that.”

  Elyn smiled and touched the locket. “No trouble at all. But exhausting nevertheless.”

  Robert invited her in and gestured for her to sit. Elyn found a seat near the foot of the bed and flattened the wrinkles from Katrine’s dress. She looked around the room, which was luxuriously furnished, with gold jewels dangling from the hearth and bed posts. But the luxury only made the room's disarray that much more noticeable, with papers and books strewn all over the place. Crumpled maps were tossed aside, and a couple of loose leaves were dangerously close to the hearth. A fire roared, consuming a log with abandon. The air was dry and refreshing after so many nights in the elements.

  Robert closed the door with a click, then turned and threaded his fingers as he walked toward Elyn.

  “Now that you’re finally here, we can get this whole charade over with —,” Elyn’s heart skipped a beat, and she tried to open her mouth to protest whatever Robert was going to say next. “— After you are wed to Gavin, it’ll be trivial for me to take his castle and his people will be forced to recognize me as their true King.”

  “Ah, aye,” Elyn said. She was keenly aware that she was still flushed from what she thought was a close call. Robert walked past her and turned, so he was out of sight. He briefly touched the hair pin that propped Elyn’s hair up, admiring it with a gentleness that surprised her.

  “Would you like to see him...?” Robert asked. His voice trailed off in a peculiar way, and Elyn felt the hair on the back of her neck rise in response. She swallowed and shook her head.

  “Nay. I’m too tired. When is the ceremony going to be held?”

  “Tomorrow morning. Yes, you’re right — you should get some rest. But I insist you eat first.”

  Elyn shook her head again, a lock of hair falling free and getting caught on her cheek. “I’m not hungry, I’m too excited.”

  Silence. Robert moved to the hearth and Elyn heard him touch the stone surface above it. He scraped it as if he were clea
ring it of dust. She dared not turn to face him. Too much focus on her and he might grow suspicious. If he wasn’t already.

  “Is something wrong?” Robert asked. “I’m not used to you being so cold.”

  “Nerves, I think,” Elyn explained. “The road was bumpy, and the weather was wretched.” She paused. “Dominic insisted on coming. But I told him he had to stay with... what was her name?”


  “Yes, her...” Elyn braced herself and dared to go further. “Why is the place in shambles?”

  “Ah, yes, that.” Robert said. He turned to observe the state the room was in. “I’ve been looking for an important document.”


  “Full of questions tonight, aren’t we?” Robert mused. Elyn opened her mouth to apologize, but he held up his hand. “I suppose I can tell you. The King’s will, detailing his inheritance.”

  “Wasn’t that in his will decreeing you King?”

  Robert cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “No. The real one. I canae have anyone else finding it. I foolishly destroyed the king’s insignia when I took the crown, and that document is dangerous now.”

  Elyn nodded and started rubbing her necklace between her fingers, unaware she was doing so. After she realized it, she stopped and threaded her fingers together, before sighing heavily. “I should rest.”

  Robert cleared his throat as she stood up. She avoided meeting his gaze, and moved toward the door.

  Robert pushed himself in front of her and blocked the exit. “Tell me, Katrine,” Robert tried to meet her eyes. “It has been so long since I’ve been home. I suspect your mother hasn’t been a fool, messing anything up...?”

  “I donae know — she donae tell me anything,” Elyn said, growing annoyed. Her mind raced. “Ye know that.”

  “Aye...” Robert moved aside and pulled open the door for her. “I’ll have the servants wake ye in the morning. The dress should already be picked out in your room. I’ll have one of the men lead you there.”

  Elyn nodded and didn’t answer. She stepped across the threshold back into the windy hallway, and swallowed. One of the guards had already overheard, and he gestured for her to follow him further into the castle.

  After getting into her room, she insisted he leave her alone and she slammed the door on him. She ran to the side of the bed and collapsed on it, breathing hard and finally letting her anxiety get to her. Did he know? Was he suspicious? She rolled over on her back and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t have. Even if he did, it couldn’t be enough to change his plans.

  She laid in the bed, doing her best to calm her nerves. She knew nothing would help though, not if she didn’t see Gavin that night. She climbed back to her feet and approached the door, and she pressed her ear against it.

  No one outside. The guard must have actually left. She pulled on the handle and started to sneak down the hall. It was late, but not late enough to be pulling off the stunt that she was about to. She didn’t care though — she had to see Gavin. Especially if Robert was suspicious of anything — it might be her last chance.

  Chapter 10: Gavin

  Gavin’s heart pounded. He opened his eyes and looked around, feeling a kind of tug on his soul that something had changed. He briefly forgot that the other men had escaped, and with Colin gone, he hadn’t been disturbed in quite some time.

  Gavin’s neck ached, the stone floor wasn’t the kind of bed he ever expected to sleep on. He rolled over and stretched out, before planting his hands against the floor and lowering himself. He did an explosion of push-ups, feeling the sweat bead on his forehead before he stopped. He couldn’t explain the anxiety he felt, but he just knew that something had changed in the air of the castle. He rolled onto his back and started pulling himself up to his knees, straining against the weight of the furs that held him down. He tried to determine what time it was. Was it night? Or day? When was Katrine going to arrive so he could finally be put out of his misery? When would he get a chance to find out if Elyn was still safe?

  He hoped Barron and the others hadn’t been caught. He suspected they hadn’t. He had a feeling that Robert or Colin would take perverse satisfaction in telling Gavin if Barron and the men had been killed. But maybe they were waiting to crush that ember of hope.

  A sound outside the chamber alerted him. His stomach growled in protest, but he ignored it. He climbed to his feet and approached the bars, grasping them with his swollen fingers. The door unlatched and a woman stepped inside. Gavin frowned, because his first thought was that it was Elyn, and he tensed up. But he was sure it couldn’t be.

  The woman closed the door and turned to face Gavin. He stared at her hard, trying to figure out what she was doing there. Her brow knitted and she burst into a smile. She raced toward the bars and reached through them, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him forward before he could react. She kissed him hard, and he knew that his gut instinct wasn’t wrong — it was Elyn. Those lips had a flavor to them that he could never forget. He reached between the bars and planted his hands on her head, turning her lips and kissing her deeper. She let out a soft moan in response, and he felt a tear from her cheek drip onto his.

  After a long and passionate kiss, they pulled away and gazed at each other, their spirits renewed and empowered. The fire of their love blazing at full strength again, threatening to destroy the hearth it was contained within. “Gavin, ye are still alive!”

  “I thought I might never see ye again.”

  She blushed and looked down, and she gasped when she saw his wounds. “Oh my God, who did this?”

  “Maxwell’s men. But Barron and the rest escaped. They should be reaching Eilean Donan any day now...” he paused and his eyes widened. “What are you doing here? It isn’t safe!”

  “I know that — I’ve already met with Robert.”

  “You what?” Gavin shook his head in disbelief. “How?”

  “Ye’d be surprised how similar Katrine and I look. He hasn’t seen her in so long... I think I fooled him.”

  “Why!” Gavin fell to his knees, his hands sliding against the bars. “Why would ye do that?”

  “Gavin,” Elyn said, her voice unwavering. She lowered herself to sit in front of the bars, meeting his eye level. She stroked his arm through the bars. “Robert Maxwell wants his daughter to marry Gavin MacKenzie, and guess who he has together in the same castle now?”

  Gavin’s eyes lit up. “My God, you’re a genius. Right under his nose?”

  “Aye, under God and Scottish Law.”

  Gavin reached through the bars and kissed her again, holding her. She embraced him, and he felt his heart swell with vigor again. After some time, she pulled away from him. “It’s better — I know that the King was killed.”

  “By ‘King’ Maxwell, of course,” Gavin said. “Who else?”

  “It isn’t that — his true will wasn’t ever found — Robert’s been losing his mind trying to find it.”

  Gavin’s eyes widened. “If we can find that... we can turn Iverlochy on him. At least, until Barron can return with some highlanders. I hope he contacts your family as well.”

  “Aye,” Elyn said. She nodded quickly and turned at the sound of footsteps. “I have to go, I told him I couldnae meet with you because I was too tired. I’ll see ye in the morning.”

  Gavin kissed her one last time, but the sound of footsteps in the hall forced her to end it early. She stroked his cheek one last time and departed, latching the door shut after giving him one last hungry glance of gratitude.

  He slumped back against the ground and stared at the black ceiling. His neck didn’t hurt anymore, and he felt like he might finally get a peaceful night of sleep. His mind felt soothed just seeing her safe. He rolled her plan around in his head, considering the odds. While it seemed dangerous, there wasn’t any other way. It would secure their wedding that had been put off by this whole affair.

  He grinned and burst into uncontrolled laughter for the first time in what felt like ages
. He clutched his stomach and tried to stifle them, but it was almost too much. To Gavin, the look on Robert’s face if he found out, would already be worth more than all of Scotland.

  He moved to the back of the cell and started working out again. His pent up energy was too great to control.

  He squatted down and muttered the plan to himself, turning over the details or problems he could think of. He wished desperately he could go into her chambers and make sweet love to her that night, but he knew it was impossible. He had to hold out, and hope everything would work out. It was hard for him to contain himself.

  He traced the marks on his body from Colin’s whip, and he admired how healed they already were. They weren’t sore at all. He gripped the bars of his cage and screamed out, trying to expel his pent up energy.


  Elyn raced back to her chamber, only pausing when a yell rang through the halls. She whirled around just as she recognized it was Gavin’s voice calling out in triumphant joy. She smiled to herself as she ascended the stairs back to her room, doing her best to not breath too loudly and draw attention to herself. She lowered her head as she passed by a highlander standing guard outside of Robert Maxwell’s room. Soon she found her way back to her chamber.

  She latched the door shut and collapsed against it, her heart and spirit out of control. She waved her hand to try and cool her flustered cheeks, the dry and hot air in the room almost too much to bear after her exciting day. She listened hard to see if the guard had followed her, but heard nothing.

  She relaxed and took off her cloak, tossing it on a chair. She only noticed the wedding dress then, hanging from the top of her bed. A glorious green dress as lush as the tall grasses of the highlands. There wasn’t anyway Robert had picked out such a fabulous dress, was there? It was embedded with jewels and rich sapphires. She touched it carefully, as if it might burst into flames or disintegrate if she insulted it. It was more beautiful than she could have imagined.


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