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Highlander's Kiss

Page 13

by Amy Isan

  Alexander cleared his throat and tried to push the door open more, but Gavin held it firm. “Can I help ye?”

  “We have two men we found in the stables, we need ye to decide a fitting punishment for them.”

  “Is this really necessary?” Gavin pleaded. “Canae Barron handle the honours?”

  Alexander shook his head. “Normally, yes. But they say they traveled with Elyn, and demand to see ye.”

  Gavin sighed and glanced over his shoulder at Elyn, who had sat up from the noise. “Do ye know anything about this?”

  “Aye... I thought maybe they had escaped. Gregary and Stewart, they helped me get here.”

  “Very well,” Gavin said. He turned back to the cracked door. “I’ll be down in a minute. Give me some time.”

  Alexander nodded gruffly and turned away. Barron gave Gavin an apologetic smile and followed. When they had disappeared from view, Gavin shut the door again.

  “What do ye want me to do with them?” Gavin asked Elyn. He sat down on the bed and turned to her.

  “They need a clan... They did... attack us at first. They were just common bandits. After I injured them, they turned into kittens.”

  “Funny. I never thought that much of bandits.”

  “They were banished from their clan. I hold Maxwell responsible, and I want them placed in our guard.”

  “Aye,” Gavin said. “Ye donae have to plead with me, runag, ye are as much of a Lady as I am a Laird. Consider it done.”

  She hugged him and kissed his neck, and he ran his hand up her naked back. She kissed him again, and then dug her nails into his shoulders, pulling him back down to the bed. He laughed as she pulled his clothes off. “I am a Lady, aren’t I?” Elyn smirked. “First order of the day... get those clothes off.”


  Down in the throne room, Gavin and Elyn took their seats at the end of the hallway. After conferring with the captain for a little while, Gregary and Stewart were brought in. Stewart still hobbled on his injured leg, but he looked a lot better than when Elyn left him. At least he wasn’t worse off.

  As they crossed the hall, Gavin watched them intently.

  “Sire, thank ye for meeting us,” Gregary started. He kneeled and lowered his head. “It has been so long since I’ve been in such a lovely castle...” He looked at Stewart, who was unable to kneel. “Forgive my brother, he’s injured.”

  “I understand,” Gavin said. He held up his hand. “Elyn tells me that you helped her cross into the highlands from Kinfauns.”

  “Aye, we did.”

  Gavin paused, which Elyn took advantage of. “Why were ye in the pews?What happened with Katrine, how did she get out?”

  “To be a witness,” Gregary said resolutely. “Everyone else in attendance witnessed Katrine and Gavin marry, but I knew the truth. As for Katrine, she slipped out of her bindings when I left Stewart to watch Stewart couldnae have gone after her safely. If any guards had come snooping around the stables, he’d be dead.”

  Gavin stood up and unsheathed the sword from his hip. He descended the stairs and stood over Gregary, who looked up at him with a hardened expression. “Sire, if ye mean to execute us, I understand.”

  “I donae intend to execute ye. Ye helped the Lady in a time of dire need, and without ye, we most likely wouldnae be standing here having this conversation. She tells me ye lost your last clan. Ye were banished, is that right?”

  Gregary nodded slowly.

  “I decree the instatement of you two into the clan MacKenzie from now until forever. Ye donae have to be clan-less any longer, lads.”

  Gregary froze as the words sunk in. He broke out into a broad smile, and stood to his feet, embracing Gavin. “Thank ye! Ye won’t regret this!” Gavin chuckled, his laughter warming Elyn’s cheeks. To see a smile on his face, and for them to already be bringing happiness to people, was more than she could have asked for. She tried to hide her blushing cheeks.

  Gregary embraced Stewart and the brothers couldn’t help but laugh with joy. After they settled down and regained their composure, Gavin waved the captain of the guard over. “See to it that these men get set up with proper accommodations, and are treated for their injuries.”

  “Aye,” Alexander said. He gestured for the other guards to escort the new clansmen out of the hall. After they left, Alexander stepped forward. “Now. For the Maxwells. They’re still in the dungeon, and I wanted ye to bring them forward to officially decree their punishment.”

  “Very well,” Gavin said. He nodded and crossed his arms, before leaning over and whispering in Elyn’s ear. “How do ye think they handled getting a taste of their own medicine?”

  Elyn bit her lip with worry. She whispered, “I donae know if Katrine deserves a harsh sentence...”


  “She seemed to only be a mad person when I first met her — but on the highlands, she changed. Like she was someone else. I donae know if it is really her fault.”

  “She still should have to pay for what happened... I canae be seen forgiving traitors of the crown, can I?”

  “Well, we were thought to be the same at one point.”

  Gavin leaned back and frowned. He unfolded his arms and scratched his growing stubble. Speaking louder this time, “Perhaps you’re right.”

  After some time, the guards brought in a restrained Robert and Katrine Maxwell, guiding them down the hall with a tedious reluctance. They seemed to fight every inch they were nudged forward, making the air grow heavy with tension. Gavin frowned as Robert crumpled to his knees in front of him.

  “Do your worst, MacKenzie,” Robert said. Katrine fell to her knees too, but with tears in her eyes. Gavin looked to Elyn and nodded.

  “Robert Maxwell, I officially strip your clan from Scottish records, take your castle, and banish you from this kingdom. Every Scot in the land will know of your deeds, and if ye are ever seen again, I won’t be so kind.”

  He nodded to Alexander who stepped forward and pulled Robert up by his wrists. Robert struggled and spat on the ground. “This kingdom will still burn. I’ll come back for ye, Gavin, trust me.” Alexander shoved Robert toward a group of guards, who took hold of him and started dragging him from the room.

  Gavin added, “Give him a boat, he’ll have a long journey to the next island.” He closed his eyes and turned to Katrine. “As for ye, Katrine Maxwell, ye are not banished. But without your castle or clan to back ye, you donae have anywhere else to go. I invite ye to join the Macrae clan, who will take over control of Kinfauns Castle.”

  Katrine sobbed and shook her head. “I donae want yer charity. This is yer doing isn’t it, Elyn?” She scolded Elyn and hissed at her. “Just banish me, I deserve that much.”

  Elyn rose from her throne and shook her head. “I donae think so. Ye have a kind heart, Katrine, I think it’s just been suffocated by your mother and father for too many years.”

  “I donae,” Katrine breathed. She looked to Robert and saw the scowl smeared across his face. “I deserve what he gets.”

  “Well, ye donae always get what ye might think ye deserve,” Elyn said. She descended the steps and put her hand on Katrine’s shoulder, summoning her. Katrine looked at Elyn, who Elyn regarded then as an equal. “Life isn’t a fair game. Trust me.”

  Katrine nodded slowly, and Elyn gestured for the guards to remove Katrine’s restraints. The ropes tying her hands together were cut, and Katrine rubbed her wrists painfully. She rose to her feet and turned to see Robert being pulled out of the throne room, a look of betrayal stricken across his face.

  The doors to the room slammed shut on Robert’s face, and only the muffled sounds of him struggling followed.

  “Is that all, Alexander?” Gavin asked. Alexander nodded gruffly and hung his head.

  “Aye, sire.”

  “Good. I think it’s time for Elyn and I head to back to Eilean Donan.” Gavin swept up Elyn’s hand and gave her a squeeze. “It is nice enough here, but I miss home.”

  “Sire, what
about ruling here?”

  Gavin nodded. “I’ll still perform my duties. If you would like to watch over Iverlochy, I’ll allow it. Ye seem to have more than enough control of the castle.”

  Alexander fell to his knee and bowed graciously. “Thank ye, sire, I won’t disappoint.”

  Gavin gave Alexander a warm smile. He waved for Barron to approach.

  “Barron, prepare the men for the trip back to Eilean Donan. I want to go home.”

  “Aye, Gavin, as do I.”


  After gathering the highlanders and men in the castle square, Gavin and Elyn bid farewell to Alexander and Castle Iverlochy. They mounted their horses and began the journey back to Eilean Donan, followed by a hundred clansmen that fought in their honour. The MacKenzie banner flagged in the wind, but was still as bright and fervent as ever.

  Elyn rode Rhys, who she was delighted to see in the stables already tucked away. She couldn’t believe that Gavin had actually ridden him all the way from Eilean Donan bareback. She rode next to Gavin, who had acquired a taste for the style. They laughed as they pointed out landmarks of their previous journey together and as they dreamed of returning back to bed in Eilean Donan. Elyn couldn’t explain how much she wanted to see her family again, a lot of her fear in Kinfauns was not seeing them again.

  Gavin laughed and thought of Alec, wondering if he and Sheena had grown closer in his absence. Last he heard, they had been stealing off to the highlands to try and make some adventures for themselves, but Gavin hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

  As they rested for the first and second nights on the highlands, Gavin and Elyn took pleasure in their private tent. They pitched it far away from the rest of the group, and explored each other’s skin with delicate but passionate play. The hot humid air in their tent desperately fought the cold fog outside, which crept along the lochans like an eavesdropper. The highlands pulsed and listened, and they were always all around them.

  As the sun rose on their small army of men on the third day, they spied Eilean Donan in the distance. Elyn and Gavin laughed and cheered, coaxing the rest of the men into a race back home. Many of the men didn’t think they would ever return, having expected to go to battle for their Laird and Lady at the gates of Iverlochy. To be spared such fate was something that Gavin took pride in, not just for himself, but for Elyn’s ingenuity.

  He considered Katrine and Robert. Elyn was right, people didn’t have to die at the hands of each other, especially when bloody feuds had plagued families and clans across Scotland for centuries. But was it always avoidable? Did it come with a price?

  They reunited with family and kin at Eilean Donan, inviting the villagers from Dornie to enjoy a feast to celebrate, not only of their return, but new roles as protectors of Scotland. Sheena and Alec had taken control of the castle with Barron and Gavin gone out on the field, and to solidify their bond, hand-fasted. Sheena and, by extension, the Douglas Clan, joined the Macraes that evening.

  Finally back home, Elyn and Gavin had a chance to unwind in their chambers.

  “Do ye think we can always avoid violence?” Gavin asked, breathless. His chest was exposed, his body sticky with glistening sweat.

  “I donae know... have ye been thinking about it?”

  “Aye.” Gavin said. He sat up on his elbow and looked deep into Elyn’s eyes. She smiled. “I still donae know what’s going on down in England... they haven’t attacked us in quite some time, but I have a feeling deep in my bones.”

  “England can wait. Why do we have to think about them anyway?”

  “I donae know, maybe I’m just shaken up over the Maxwell trial.”

  “We’ll have Alec and Sheena takin’ control of Kinfauns, which is close enough to the border to warn us of anything strange.”

  “Yer right.” Gavin collapsed backward and sighed heavily. “You’re right.”

  Elyn grinned and rose to her elbow, then she threaded her fingers through Gavin’s chest hair. “I know I’m right, Gav.”

  He met her eyes and touched her chin, thumbing her lip. “Aye, runag, ye usually are. Ye usually are.”

  Chapter 13: Colin

  Colin had been waiting for a moment like this. After roving around the highlands for the last couple of days and making his way toward the lowlands, he was ready. He laid low in the underbrush while a cart passed by, and then he rolled out and struck the wheel, frightening the horse and throwing the driver from his seat.

  The haggard old man that Colin had knocked down looked around in confusion. Colin stood over him and cackled, looking exceptionally pleased.

  “Who are ye?” the man cried. “What’d ye do to my horse?”

  “I’m going to take it off yer hands, auld man,” Colin said. He snatched up the reins of the horse. He climbed on top of the animal, somewhat clumsily, and sneered at his victim. “Good luck out here, it’s vicious. Especially with winter setting in...”

  He lashed the reins and the horse darted off down the path. Despite Colin’s lack of experience with riding horses, he had picked it up pretty quickly as he rode with Barron’s men across the highlands. It wasn’t too complicated for him, just controlling the beast through force of will.

  He left the old man and his over turned cart in the dust. Colin hadn’t been this thrilled for a long time, and his heart surged with adrenaline. For so long he had been deprived, kept back, punished for trying to step forward. When Robert had tasked him with taking care of the prisoners, he finally found his calling. Dominance.

  There was one problem, who to go to now? Surely, Barron had been successful taking back Iverlochy, and if that were the case, Robert would be no where to be found. Colin rode the stolen horse down the trail, following its gentle curves over hills covered in decaying and brown grass. He headed south. Kinfauns might not come to his aid, but he had a feeling a small country further south might.

  If he paid the right price, and said the right words, that is. But perhaps he would stop by Kinfauns first, just in case any slighted Maxwell clansmen might want to join him. He recalled a cousin of his, who Robert had callously left back in Kinfauns when he moved to Iverlochy to join the King. Dominic.

  He would need any help he could get. But after his run-in with the MacKenzies, he wasn’t willing to feel that powerless ever again. He could borrow power, certainly. It was within his grasp already.

  The End

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  Did you love Highlander's Kiss? Then you should read Highlander's Embrace by Amy Isan!

  1540, Scotland

  A storm is brewing on the Highlands…

  When headstrong and stubborn Gavin MacKenzie is driven to seek vengeance after the murder of his father, he seeks help from the King of Scotland. But things are amiss as he begins his journey across the fierce and unforgiving Highlands. And when he crosses paths with a crimson-haired young woman just as tempered as the Scottish Highlands, passions are quickly set ablaze. He fears she has already stolen his heart.

  A secret two decades old could unravel everything...

  Elyn Douglas doesn't feel like she belongs in the small village of Dornie, lingering right outside the walls of Eilean Donan Castle. After the assassination of Laird Angus MacKenzie, she’s thrust into a world of violence and highlanders, but when she meets the rugged and powerful Gavin, she doesn't know what to expect. All she knows is that when he look
s at her, her heart melts a little bit of the frost that has plagued her whole life...

  As chilling rain and howling wind pelt the Highlands, Elyn fights the racing of her heart that begs for her Highlander's Embrace...

  Read more at Amy Isan’s site.

  Also by Amy Isan

  Misty Highlands

  Highlander's Embrace

  Highlander's Kiss


  Catching Caitlin

  Watch for more at Amy Isan’s site.

  About the Author

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