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True Crime Stories Volume 4: 12 Shocking True Crime Murder Cases (True Crime Anthology)

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by Jack Rosewood

  Just over a year after the West Yorkshire Police received the first letter, the writer sent a cassette tape that taunted the investigators. Eventually, the police captured the true Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, who they determined did not write the letters or send the tape to the West Yorkshire Police.

  Did the letter writer, tagged “Wearside Jack” due to his distinct Wearside accent, kill Joan Harrison?

  Authorities began to doubt that Wearside Jack killed anyone. Their thoughts were confirmed when the saliva sample was run through the United Kingdom’s criminal database in 2005 and came back as a match to a man named John Humble, who had been arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct in 2000.

  Humble was sentenced to eight years in prison for the “perversion of justice” in the Yorkshire Ripper case. He was definitively proven not to be Joan Harrison’s killer.

  But the police in Preston were not any closer to solving Joan Harrison’s murder.

  Christopher Smith

  In 1975, Christopher Smith was in his late twenties and like Joan Harrison had largely fallen through the cracks of society. He was a heavy drinker, drug user, and known street thug and criminal. By the 1980s, Smith had gained quite the reputation for himself on the streets of Preston. He had convictions for assault as well as property and sex crimes.

  Christopher Smith was a one man crime wave.

  But by the mid-1980s Smith settled down and had a daughter, who eventually gave him grandchildren. He seemed to have left his criminal life behind, but in 2008 his old life caught up with him in more ways than one.

  Suffering from terminal illness that was partially brought on by his hard living early in life, Smith turned back to the bottle and was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in 2008. He was then required to give a DNA sample as per British law.

  Six days later, his DNA profile came back as a perfect match with Joan Harrison’s killer.

  Since Smith cleaned up his act before the United Kingdom’s criminal DNA database went into effect, he was not on file and therefore evaded justice for over thirty years.

  As it turns out, Smith also evaded justice for Joan’s murder, at least in this world. Before the police could arrest him for her murder, he died at home, but not before writing a full confession on his deathbed.

  Smith’s note, dated January 29, 2008, read: “I would like to put the record straight. I can’t go on with the guilt. I have lived with it for over 20 years. I am truly sorry for all the pain I have caused to anyone. Please believe me when I say I am sorry. I love my grand kids and my daughter. I cannot go back to prison anymore. Please God help my family who I worship. I have been out of trouble for over twenty years so please God help me. I am so sorry. God forgive me. I love you all forever.”


  As humans, there is no doubt that we have a fascination with crime. The fascination is not morbid, but instead concerns the desire for us to understand what makes a people from our communities commit some truly disturbing crimes.

  We are also fascinated with the police procedural process and the cat and mouse game between cops and criminals.

  The twelve cases profiled in this book provide exciting and disturbing examples of these themes.

  Some of these cases, such as the Hinterkaifeck murders and the murder of Chandra Levy, remain unsolved. The motive behind these murders remains as mysterious as the killers who committed them.

  Other cases have been solved after several decades through a combination of excellent police work and advances in science. As science progresses, it becomes more and more difficult for criminals to get away with their nefarious activities.

  Despite the scientific advances made in the realm of crime fighting, there is no doubt that crime will continue well into the future. As it does, there is also no doubt that there will be more cases that will baffle and intrigue the interested public.

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  More books by Jack Rosewood

  SAVE $17 - This (6) book True Crime Collection from bestselling author Jack Rosewood is packed with 6 grim true crime stories about serial killers. Original price almost $24! SAVE $17!

  According to statistics, at least 50 to 100 serial killers are currently roaming the United States, traveling highways and backroads in search of their next victims.

  This true crime box set unites the stories of some of the most sadistic killers in United States history into one fascinating collection that vividly reveals their bloody reigns of terror.

  California resident William Bonin, who had a genius IQ and could have done anything with his life, instead enlisted his friends to help him lure young men into the back of his blue Ford Econoline van, where he tortured his victims so sadistically that one died of shock from the pain and sheer brutality of his attack.

  In Texas, praline candy maker Dean Corll also had a proclivity for young men, and plied his teenage accomplices with drugs and booze so that they would bring their friends to his house for a party, although Corll was the only one having any fun. After using drugs and alcohol to subdue his victims - sometimes boys from families who’d already lost one son to the madman - he would cuff them to a wooden board so they could be raped and tortured in ways that would give anyone nightmares.

  Brothers James Jr. and Linwood Briley were also a gruesome team. After watching them torture the exotic animals they collected, James Briley Sr. was so terrified of his two oldest sons that he locked his doors at night for fear that he might become their next victim. The elder Briley was right to be afraid, because at 16, Linwood shot his elderly neighbor from his bedroom window as she hung her laundry outside, then casually said, “I heard she had heart problems, she would have died soon anyway.”

  While many serial killers are unable to work alone, others see their work as a solitary art.

  This collection of true crime stories brings together the worst of both types, those who enlist the help of others to perform their dastardly deeds, and those who kill alone.

  Donald “Pee Wee” Gaskins committed his first murder in prison in a desperate bid to appear tough enough to prevent the rapes and torture that were commonplace for him, but by the time he got out of prison, he was done being a victim, and he cruised the Atlantic coast in search of both male and female victims, killing so many that he earned the nickname “the Meanest Man in the World.”

  Robert Berdella, the owner of Bob’s Bizarre Bazaar in Kansas City, also worked alone, and enjoying luring friends and male prostitutes home, only to hold them captive in his basement, torturing them until they died, then disposing of their dismembered remains at a local landfill, where they have never been found. It wasn’t until a seventh kidnap victim escaped through a basement window wearing only a dog collar, sneaking out while Berdella ran his store of oddities, that police caught the man who kept a detail log and photographs of his horrifying crimes.

  These six serial killer biographies travel decades and miles, bringing your worst nightmares to life. A true crime anthology that’s truly the stuff of nightmares, this boxed set is one that you’ll want to read during those moments when you forget that the monsters are real, and could be living right next door.

  This True Crime Box Set includes the following books

  Robert Berdella: The True Story of The Kansas City Butcher

  Dean Corll: The True Story of The Houston Mass Murders

  Donald Gaskins: The Meanest Man In America

  The Briley Brothers: The True Story of The Slaying Brothers

  Martin Bryant: The Port Arthur Massacre

  William Bonin: The True Story of The Freeway Killer


  The world can be a very strange place in general and when you open the pages of this true crime anthology you will quickly learn that the criminal world specifically can be as bizarre as it
is dangerous. In the following book, you will be captivated by mysterious missing person cases that defy all logic and a couple cases of murderous mistaken identity. Follow along as detectives conduct criminal investigations in order to solve cases that were once believed to be unsolvable. Every one of the crime cases chronicled in the pages of this book are as strange and disturbing as the next.

  The twelve true crime stories in this book will keep you riveted as you turn the pages, but they will probably also leave you with more questions than answers. For instance, you will be left pondering how two brothers from the same family could disappear with no trace in similar circumstances over ten years apart. You will also wonder how two women with the same first and last names, but with no personal connections, could be murdered within the same week in the same city. The examination of a number of true crime murder cases that went cold, but were later solved through scientific advances, will also keep you intrigued and reading.

  Open the pages of this book, if you dare, to read some of the most bizarre cases of disappearances, mistaken identity, and true murder. Some of the cases will disturb and anger you, but make no mistake, you will want to keep reading!


  Of all the many psychopaths and sociopaths that have hunted for human victims throughout history, few have been more disturbing or mysterious than Christopher Bernard Wilder – the beauty queen killer. From the middle of the 1960s until 1984, Wilder sexually assaulted countless women and murdered at least nine in Australia and the United States. The beauty queen killer was not only a true psychopath, but also a hunter as he carefully chose attractive girls and young women to victimize. But Wilder was no creepy looking killer; he was an attractive, articulate man who used a camera and offers of a modelling career to get his unsuspecting, naïve victims to remote locations where he would then rape, torture, and ultimately kill them.

  Among serial killer biographies, Wilder’s is a cautionary tale. First as a juvenile and later as a young man, Wilder was arrested on numerous occasions for sexual assaults in both Australia and United States; but he never served any time behind bars due to technicalities, witnesses refusing to testify, or the judges showing sympathy towards the beauty queen killer. When one considers some of the better known American crime stories from history, many red-flags are apparent that point towards the future criminal potential of an individual: for Wilder, the flags were bright, crimson, quite large, and difficult to avoid, yet were ignored by his friends, family, and the authorities. Christopher Wilder’s saga is therefore not just a true crime murder story, but also an unfortunate example of how the system can fail to protect the public from a known sexual sadist.

  Open the pages of this intriguing book and read the story of an American serial killer who had it all: looks, money, and beautiful women. But as this captivating true crime story will reveal, nothing was ever enough for the beauty queen killer as he killed his way across the United States in order to satisfy his sadistic lust. Aspects of the Christopher Bernard Wilder story will disturb you, but at the same time you will find it difficult to put this serial killer biography down because you will be drawn in by the FBI’s hunt to capture the elusive criminal.





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  A Note From The Author

  Hello, this is Jack Rosewood. Thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed the read. If you did, I’d appreciate if you would take a few moments to post a review on Amazon.

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  Jack Rosewood


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  Patrick Kearney:

  The True Story of

  The Freeway Killer

  by Jack Rosewood

  Historical Serial Killers and Murderers

  True Crime by Evil Killers

  Volume 18

  Copyright © 2016 by Wiq Media


  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


  This serial killer biography includes quotes from those closely involved in the case of American serial killer Patrick Wayne Kearney, also known as the Trash Bag Killer, and it is not the author’s intention to defame or intentionally hurt anyone involved. The interpretation of the events leading up to Kearney’s arrest and capture are the author’s as a result of researching the true crime murder. Any comments made about the psychopathic or sociopathic behavior of Kearney – one of the most prolific murderers in California history - are the sole opinion and responsibility of the person quoted.

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  150 interesting trivia about serial killers and the story of serial killer Herbert Mullin.


  Patrick Kearney: The True Story of The Freeway Killer

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  Chapter 1: Murder in the making

  The consequences of bullying

  Somebody would pay

  A dangerous outlet

  Life, luck, changes

  Chapter 2: Murder and a descent into madness

  Murders become more dangerous and detailed

  California dreams turn to dust

  Blood is the drug

  Chapter 3: Parents face worst nightmares

  Another family faces horror

  Troubled boy meets sad fate

  Another family faces heartache

  Chapter 4: A sick obsession

  Hillside Stranglers

  The Zodiac Killer

  Chapter 5: A bad time to be gay

  Are gay men more apt to kill?

  Homosexuals as targets

  Murders damages civil rights efforts

  Hitchhiking made murder easier

  A deadly stretch of highway

  Sadistic and prolific

  Chapter 6: When Kearney went hunting

  Grisly deeds unearthed

  Nightmares in bags

  In death, LaMay helps track a killer

  Searching for a killer

  Mother protests son’s arrests

  Chapter 7: A confession brings horror to an end

  Boy’s questions led to death

  Police hope for more answers

  A tour of death

  First court appearance

  Kearney pleads guilty

  Questions will haunt police forever

  His victims remembered

  Chapter 8: Why necrophilia?

  No chance for rejection

  The hints people missed

  Killer soon forgotten

  Chapter 9: Parole becomes a nightmare for police and families

  Family continues to fight against parole

  Chapter 10: Confession recanted

  Family struggles to rebuild

  A life behind bars

  Chapter 11: A survivor tells his story

  Another’s last moments recalled



re books by Jack Rosewood


  A Note From The Author

  The making of a serial killer

  It leaves us always asking why

  Serial killers think they’re unique – but they’re not

  Nature vs. nurture?

  Going inside the mind: Psychopathy and other mental illnesses

  Top signs of a serial killer

  Trademarks of a serial killer

  A Note From The Author


  Patrick Wayne Kearney was eight years old when he began having fantasies of murder.

  And you know how it can be with fantasies. Sometimes, the imagination satisfies, and other times, it only accentuates the hunger.

  Kearney was hungry, and that need of his was eventually going to be sated.

  The oldest of three boys, Kearney was born on September 24, 1939, in Los Angeles, to parents George and Eunice Kearney. George was a member of the Los Angeles Police Department, while Eunice stayed home to care for the children, Patrick and his younger brothers, Michael and Chester.

  The City of Angels was a lucky place for a kid to grow up, or would have been, had the future serial killer not been sickly as a child, which made him an easy target for school bullies.

  Despite having an IQ of 180 – which makes him, psychologists say, a genius – he was unable to find ways to win over his peers, even after his parents moved to Arizona, where he switched schools and had access to a new group of classmates. But everything’s hotter in Arizona, and so was the bullying Kearney faced at his new school. The bullies were the same, and Kearney was still an easy target.


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