The Wilderness Warrior
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Balfour, Arthur James, 576
Balfour, Graham, 385
Ballinger, Richard A., 810
Bangs, Outram, 722
Baptist Church, 658, 659
barbarism, T.R.’s views on, 184
Barnes, William C., 629
Barnum, P. T., 51, 124, 276
Barringer, D. M., 286, 388
Barrows, Walter B., 214
Barrus, Clara, 541
Barrytown, N.Y., 33–34
Barton, Clara, 378
Bartram, William, 4, 89, 483
bass, 91, 100
Bass, William W., 755
Batavia Mountain, 221
Bates, Katherine Lee, 265
Bates, Marston, 723
Baynes, Ernest H., 588–90, 593, 609, 622, 714
Beaman, D. C., 787
“Bear, The” (Faulkner), 436, 444
Bear Bob, 34
Beard, J. Carter, 382
“Bear Hunting in the South” (Gordon), 4334
Bear Lake Hunting Club, 698
Bear Mountain, 94–95
Bear River National Forest, 779
bears, 34–35, 41, 59, 183, 308, 373, 383, 385, 558, 632
black, 34–35, 72, 210, 301, 434, 437, 438, 441, 555–56, 656, 658, 695–700, 736
at Bronx Zoo, 279
brown, 301, 443, 562, 563
classification debate over, 298, 300–301, 302
in Colorado, 612–13, 615
coloration of, 812
grizzlies, 35, 74, 76, 171, 173–75, 257, 569–70, 586, 603, 705
Jonathan Edwards, 558
in Mississippi, 431–45, 441,502
in Oregon, 680
polar, 100, 257, 562–63, 705, 812
silver-tipped, 280
teddy, 431, 441, 442–45, 553, 705
traps for, 438, 545
T.R.’s pretending to be, 234
in Yellowstone, 271, 502, 569–70, 578
“Bear’s Disposition, The” (Roosevelt), 308
Beaver Island, 372
beavers, 179, 205, 216, 279, 412
Beck, Thomas, 741
Bederman, Gail, 163, 164, 349, 350–51
Beebe, Charles William, 722, 800
bees, 480, 759
Bell, Alexander Graham, 99
Bell, John, 54–55, 62, 135, 362
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 800
Benga, Ota, 657–61, 659
Benson, John A., 543
Benton, Thomas Hart, 191, 193–94, 583
Berger, Thomas, 157
Bergh, Henry, 48–53, 49, 81, 288, 316
Bergh, Matilda, 48
Bering Sea, 76–77, 247, 562, 579, 651
Bering Sea Tribunal, 579
Berkshires, 427
Berlin, 37, 276
Berry, Wendell, 743, 745
Berryman, Clifford, 441–42, 441, 443
Bessey, Charles Edwin, 468
Best, Harry Cassie, 548
Bible, 156, 476, 583, 765
Bickmore, Albert S., 43–44, 417
Bicknell, George, 739
Bierstadt, Albert, 33, 60, 74, 203, 260–62
big business, 410, 535, 574, 676, 795
environmental insensitivity of, 295–96, 553
see also corporations
Bigelow, Henry Bryant, 641
Bigelow, John, 83
Bigelow, Poultney, 194
Bigelow, William Sturgis, 312–13
Big Game Hunting (Roosevelt), 368
Bighorn Mountains, 15, 148, 171–75, 177, 181, 184, 199, 295, 302
grizzlies in, 173–75
Big Pasture, 581, 586, 590, 592, 594, 598, 599, 601–12, 616, 619
Big Trouble (Lukas), 259
Bill (spotted hyena), 561
Billington, Ray, 241
Billy Possum (toy), 443
Billy the Kid, 354, 466
Biltmore, 341, 400, 427–28, 492
Bingham, George Caleb, 60
Bingham, Jesse, 460
Bingham, Tom, 460
biodiversity, 8, 15, 474
“Biological Origins of the Ruling Class, The” (Burroughs), 319
Biological Survey, U.S., 215–16, 295, 387, 410–14, 421, 430, 466, 501, 504, 525, 590, 616–17, 629, 761, 774, 789, 793
Alaska and, 563
Animal Damage Control Unit of, 606
annual reports of, 713, 715
bird protection and, 714–19, 721, 743, 795, 800, 801
classification debate and, 246, 298–303
Darling and, 741
establishment of, 75
Florida and, 13, 477, 492–93, 496, 497, 498
game repopulation and, 628, 629
T.R.’s work for, 377, 378, 379, 381–82, 512, 515, 609, 615
bird fertilizers, 566
Bird-Life (Chapman), 3
Bird-Lore, 730
“Bird Migration in the Mississippi Valley” (Cooke), 214
birds, 1–19, 26, 29–33, 60, 69–73, 98–99, 114, 144–46, 194, 351–52, 389, 462, 544, 708–50
Adirondack, 40, 71–73, 105–8, 308
of Alaska, 77, 470, 564
Badlands, 158
beaks of, 31, 73
in Bronx Zoo, 279, 359
Burroughs’s interest in, 6, 220, 221, 358–59, 361, 364, 370, 371, 545, 603
decline of T.R.’s interest in, 136, 138
eggs of, 584
in Egypt, 57–58, 59, 146
Elliot and, 38, 45
extinction of, 7, 9, 11–12, 133n, 686–87
in film, 328
of Florida, 3, 7, 11–12, 13–18, 17, 20, 89, 91, 320, 358, 359, 361, 364–67, 474–77, 479–85, 487–501, 550, 568, 708–12, 711, 721–31, 737–41
flying of, 97
game vs. song, 5, 6
of Grand Canyon, 529
of Hawaii, 797–800
identification of, 31
of Iowa, 133
of Long Island, 69–70, 71, 97–98, 108, 138, 334, 362, 363, 364, 475, 640–41, 686
of Louisiana, 700
map of reservations for, 818–19
of Muir Woods, 752
of New Jersey, 98
of Oklahoma, 591, 602, 603
of Pacific Northwest, 548–51, 549, 714–20
pain and, 46
protection of, 11–12, 13–20, 46, 68n, 189, 348, 357–67, 369, 370, 372, 482–83, 568–72, 583–84, 714–20, 790, 796–800
of Puerto Rico, 445, 448–49
R.B.R.’s interest in, 89, 320, 687
of Rocky Mountains, 265–66
tagging of, 61
Texas, 251, 252
T.R.’s collecting of, 30, 58, 144–46
T.R.’s shooting of, 57, 58, 61, 63, 94–95, 97–98, 103, 135, 136
of Virginia, 618, 686, 687, 767, 774–75, 777
of Washington, D.C., 6, 570, 640, 813–14
of Yellowstone, 233–34
see also Audubon Society; specific birds
Birds and Bees and Other Studies of Nature (Burroughs), 289
“Birds and Bonnets” (Chapman), 2
Birds and Poets (Burroughs), 222
Birds of America (Audubon), 55, 101, 220, 249, 485, 641, 687
Birds of the Colorado Valley (Coues), 113, 125
Birds of the Eastern United States (Chapman), 774
Birds of Washington and Vicinity (Maynard), 814
Bird Studies with a Camera (Chapman), 7, 13, 485–88, 549, 774
bison, see buffalo
Bitterroots, 74, 137, 200, 265, 295
Black, Sam, 333
blackbirds, 133, 412
Blackfeet, 188, 254, 257, 581
Black Hills, 188, 207, 253–54, 291, 400–403, 631–34, 662
buffalo repopulation in, 273, 277
Black Hills, The (Dodge), 632
Black Hills Forest Reserve, 469, 518
Black Mesa Forest Reserve, 280
blacks, see African-Americans
Blaine, James G., 168, 170, 177–78
Blaschka, Leopold,
Blight, David W., 41
Bliss, Cornelius, 294, 297–98, 320, 389
blizzard of 1899 (Storm King), 347
Bloxham, W. D., 365
bluebirds, 351–52, 603
Blum, John Morton, 9, 370, 384
Board of Police Commissioners, New York City, 287–89
boatswains, 36
bobcats, 157, 380
Bohlman, Hermann, 549, 549, 550, 551, 716, 717, 720, 744, 745, 747
Bonaparte, Charles J., 634, 653
Bond, Frank, 13, 491
Book-Lover’s Holidays in the Open, A (Roosevelt), vii, 19, 498, 526, 756, 765, 799
Boone, Daniel, 169, 199, 241, 243, 394, 530, 603
Boone and Crockett Club, 194, 201–7, 203, 209, 212, 224, 235–39, 242, 245, 247, 248, 255–65, 268, 280, 283–91, 307, 341, 342, 343, 364, 371, 379, 385, 406, 408, 416, 568, 582, 678, 705, 711, 767, 776
Alaska and, 562, 563, 564, 807
Bliss backed by, 294
Bronx Zoo and, 277–78, 283, 284
buffalo and, 277–78, 304, 590, 611, 628
constitution of, 205, 261
dinners of, 313, 371
election of 1896 and, 289–90
executive committee of, 388, 421
founding of, 6, 185, 202–3, 224
global interests of, 763, 764
“grand holiday” and, 231
La Farge and, 342, 347
log cabin exhibit of, 256–57
objectives of, 204, 214, 473
publishing ventures of, 232, 259–65, 287, 290, 303–4, 307, 308–9, 371, 555, 666
“record book” trophies of, 260n, 374
Roosevelt Report of, 421
Sierra Club and, 543
as T.R.’s “bully pulpit,” 213, 236
Twain’s views on, 703
Virginian and, 464, 465
Whitehead’s pro bono work for, 264
wildlife depletion concerns of, 205–6, 411
Yellowstone and, 236, 238, 239, 272, 322, 508, 528, 570, 633
Booth, John Wilkes, 580
Borah, Jake, 615
Boston, Mass., 4, 121, 687
Boy Hunters, The (Reid), 26–27, 58, 73, 697
bradawls, 155
Bradley, Guy, 495–99, 498, 742, 743
murder of, 497–99, 727, 730, 731
Bradley, Mrs. Guy, 727
Brady, Mathew, 74
Brahm, Nikolaus, 67
Brands, H. W., 384
Brazil, 102, 541, 733–34
Breaking New Ground (Pinchot), 238, 343–44, 457
“Brer Rabbit” stories, 82
Breton Island Federal Bird Reservation, 16, 570–72, 584, 695, 712–13, 715, 725
Bridger, Jim, 27, 148, 171, 521
Bridger-Teton National Forest, 250
Bridges, Robert, 334
“Brief History of the Boone and Crockett Club” (Grinnell), 225
Brisbin, James S., 153
British Columbia, 200, 209, 300
British Museum, 485, 762
Brodie, Alexander, 526, 775, 776
Bronco-Buster (Remington), 335, 688, 776
Bronx Zoo, 276–85, 304, 308, 333n, 342, 420–21, 561, 603, 656–61
Benga episode at, 657–61, 659
birding at, 359
buffalo and, see buffalo, Bronx Zoo and
Brooklyn Howard Colored Orphan Asylum, 660–61
Brooks, Nick, 566
Broward, Napoleon Bonaparte, 500, 735, 736
Brower, Dave, 535
Brown, Arthur Erwin, 388–89
Brown, Henry S., 522
Brown, Hugh C., 253
Bryan, William Alanson, 796
Bryan, William Jennings, 374, 376, 385, 519, 740
in election of 1896, 289–90, 292
election of 1904 and, 553, 574
in election of 1908, 773, 777, 780, 785–87, 792
at White House Governors’ Conference, 772–73
Bryant, Henry, 476
Bryant, William Cullen, 50n
Bryce, James, 368
Buchanan, Minor Ferris, 435, 439, 441
Buckskin Charlie, 581
buffalo, 6, 9, 14, 28, 195, 205, 241, 258, 281–84, 373, 374, 412, 460, 624–30
bison vs., 147n
Bronx Zoo and, 277–78, 279, 283–84, 304, 413, 420, 462, 511, 588, 594, 624, 625
conservation of, 4, 19, 201–2, 206, 216, 235, 248, 272–73, 276–79, 307, 778
heads of, 6, 147, 165
Hornaday’s taxidermy and, 281–82
hunting of, 26, 28, 136, 150–52, 154–55, 157–58, 160–65, 168, 199, 277, 767
lonesome Georges, 154, 158, 160, 162, 263
Lucky Knight, 413
Native Americans and, 26, 255
New York repopulation plan for, 276–77
in Oklahoma, 511, 587, 588, 589, 590, 593–96, 609–12, 641
Plains (Bison bison bison), 147
slaughtering of, 154, 155, 186, 187, 225, 269, 413, 604
stamps and, 309
telegraph and, 155
wire for, 521
wood, 147
in Yellowstone, 235, 269, 270, 272–73, 277, 296, 413–14, 510, 588, 589, 624
Buffalo, N.Y., 282, 283, 389, 391–95
Buffalo, The (Haines), 604
Buffalo, Wyo., 172, 175
Buffalo Hunter Spitting a Bullet into a Gun (Remington), 208
Buffalo National Park, 628
buffalo robe evening, 136, 158
buffalo soldiers, 444, 591
“Buffalo Story, A” (Anderson), 263
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, 107, 108
Bull Moose Party, 95, 119, 743, 783n, 816–17
Bullock, Annie, 53
Bullock, Martha, 53
Bullock, Seth, 400–403, 402, 466, 469, 641, 761
in Great Loop tour, 513, 518–19
at inauguration parade, 581–82
Bunyan, Paul, 810
Bureau of American Ethnology, U.S., 415, 450, 706
Bureau of Corporations, U.S., 575, 576, 634–35, 684, 807
Burke, Edmund, 776
Burnett, Burk, 595, 598–602, 607, 608
Burnham, John, 307
Burns, Robert, 540
Burnsted (thief), 192–93, 192
Burroughs, John, 6, 217–25, 246, 264, 290, 358–63, 368–71, 392, 503–5, 533, 548, 554, 579, 617, 623, 651
Alaska trip of, 300, 469, 675
background of, 219–20
bird interests of, see birds, Burroughs’s interest in
Darwinism and, 319
Forest and Stream attack on, 517–18, 555
on gospel of the ledge, 528
Great Loop tour and, 503–5, 507, 508, 509, 510, 512–19, 523, 528, 529, 553, 578
hunting as viewed by, 371, 544
London’s views on, 781–82
manatees and, 722
as Oom John, 370–71
Petrified Forest and, 645
at Pine Knot, 767–69, 773, 774, 776–77
on T.R., 222–24, 228, 272, 348, 371, 509, 513, 514, 519, 802
T.R. compared with, 19, 219, 221, 247, 289, 420, 618, 785
T.R. influenced by, 180, 223, 249, 265, 266, 369–70, 430, 783
T.R.’s correspondence with, 8, 368–71, 503–4, 505, 509, 570, 640–41, 679, 687
T.R.’s meeting of, 217–18, 222–23, 368
Whitman’s relationship with, 220–22, 517
in Yellowstone, 218, 505, 507, 508, 509, 510, 512–18, 556, 621
Burroughs, Julian, 223
Burton, Joseph, 523
Burton, W. R., 739
Bush, George H. W., 444, 799
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 522, 532
Butterfield, Kenyon L., 784
Cadillac Mountain, 126
caiman, common, 733
Calhoun, Nehemiah, 52
California, 129, 144, 242–45, 247, 291, 380n, 398, 574, 642, 680
anti-Japanese sentiment in, 565, 65
bird reservations in, 800–801
conservation movement in, 235–36, 237
earthquake in, 637–38, 642, 651–52, 690
in Great Loop tour, 529–36
national monuments in, 751–53, 758–59
national parks created in (1890), 236, 244; see also General Grant National Park; Sequoia National Park; Yosemite National Park
reclamation and, 425
settlers in, 296
water issues in, 342, 422, 575, 734, 789–90
wildfires in, 664
Yosemite Valley transferred to, 76
California, University of (Berkeley), 532, 536
California Fish and Game Commission, 88
Call of the Wild, The (London), 178, 308, 619, 781
Cambridge, Mass., T.R.’s lodgings in, 100–101, 103–4, 125