see also Harvard University
campfire stories, 602–3
“Camp Hunt in Mississippi, A” (Gordon), 434
Camping and Tramping with Roosevelt (Burroughs), 510, 768
Camp Life in Florida (Hallock), 360
camp men, 411–12
Camps and Cruises of an Ornithologist (Chapman), 15–16
Camps in the Rockies (Baillie-Grohman), 373
Camp Wikoff, 332, 334
Canada, Canadians, 68n, 118, 194, 247, 278, 354, 575, 790, 804
bears in, 300, 301
bighorn sheep in, 705
French, 243
national parks in, 209n, 628
Niagara Falls and, 638–39
T.R.’s research in, 226
U.S. boundary dispute with, 471
canals, 423, 736, 743
interoceanic, 348, 384, 397; see also Panama Canal
Cannon, Joseph, 426, 792
Canyon de Chelly, 74, 241, 290, 649
Cape Sable, 495–96, 708
Captiva Island, 732, 733
carbon emissions, 727
cardinals, 6, 359
caribou, 230, 385, 420–21, 563 Alaska, 276 woodland, 209–11
Caribou National Forest, 211
Carlyle, Thomas, 528
Carmack, Edward, 575
Carnegie, Andrew, 505, 575–78, 620, 771, 794, 802
Carnegie Institution, 463, 577, 725, 812–13
Carow, Charles, 98
Carow, Edith, see Roosevelt, Edith Carow
Carow, Gertrude Elizabeth, 230, 235
Carroll, Iowa, 129, 132–33
Carroll, Lewis, 119
Carson, Kit, 148, 241, 258, 309, 524, 671
Carson, Rachel, 19, 84, 724–25
Carter, Jimmy, 771
Cascade Mountains, 74, 148, 249, 292, 344, 410, 810
deforestation in, 342
Cascade Range Forest Preserve, 456–57
Cash, Walter, 379
Catch ’Em Alive Jack (Abernathy), 623
Catholics, 531, 787
Catlin, George, 4, 154, 163, 235, 688
cats, 46, 47, 60, 558
Catskills, 151, 339, 351, 357
Burroughs in, 219–23, 640, 752
Cattaraugus reservation, 373
Cavalry, U.S., 74, 175
Cawelti, John G., 465
cedars, 239, 469
Central Flyway, 19, 354, 360, 568, 712
Central Park, 29, 44
Central Park Zoo, 332–33
Central West Railroad, 292
Grant’s article for, 276, 285
Muir’s articles for, 235, 236, 541
T.R.’s writing for, 192, 193, 195, 201, 207, 784
C. G. Gunther’s Sons, 382, 386
Chacoan people, 414–16
Chaco Canyon, 414, 415, 616, 645
Chaco Canyon National Monument, 689
Chalmette Battlefield, 414
Chalmette Monument and Grounds, 414n
Chalmette National Historic Park, 414n
Champlain, Lake, 40, 390
Chandler, William Eaton, 149
Chanler, Winthrop, 262, 313, 378, 380
Chapin, J. R., 194
Chapman, Fanny, 489–90
Chapman, Frank M., 5, 99, 320, 321, 333, 358–59, 360, 369, 406, 484–92, 486, 570, 641, 714, 736, 743, 800
Audubon and, 358
background of, 2
Finley influenced by, 549
honeymoon of, 489–90
as lecturer, 11, 488
McLeod’s murder and, 730
Pelican Island and, 7, 8, 12–16, 487–92, 500
T.R.’s correspondence with, 1–2, 8, 15–16, 351–52, 360, 774–75
T.R.’s meeting with, 14
T.R.’s second annual message and, 358
writings of, 7, 13, 15–16
Chapman, John Jay, 217–18, 223
chapping, 682
Charles River, 101, 108
Charlotte Harbor rookeries, 729–30
Chase Lake, 748
Chazy Reef, 390
Chekhov, Anton, 169
Chemical Bank of New York, 42
Chemnitz, 477, 481
Chernow, Ron, 682, 760
Cherokee, 255, 275
Chessman, G. Wallace, 339, 372
Chestnut Hill, T.R.’s visits to, 125, 128, 137
Cheyenne, 26n, 173, 175, 188, 254, 263, 309, 591, 632
Cheyenne River Reservation, 254
Chicago, Ill., 98, 249, 332, 417, 761
Burroughs in, 220
Hotel Sherman in, 131, 134
meatpacking in, 253
railroads in, 241
Republican National
Convention (1884) in, 167, 168
slaughterhouses in, 137
T.R. in, 125, 128–29, 131, 134, 137, 151, 168, 349–50, 374, 510–11, 573
zoo in, 561
Chicago, University of, 511
Chicago Limited, 170
Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition (1893), 240–41, 256–59, 276, 428, 567
chickadees, 358, 359
Chickasaw National Recreation Area, 614
chickens, 51, 133n, 157
child abuse, 52–53
China, Chinese, 317, 425, 534, 618, 637
Choate, Joseph, 44
Choctawhatchee National Forest, 737
Christianity, 350, 397, 595, 658, 659, 711, 786
Chugach National Forest, 564–65
Church, Frederick, 126
Churchill, Winston (novelist), 391
Churchill, Winston (statesman), 227, 794–95
Cinder Cone, 690–91
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 469, 648
civil rights, 433, 434
Civil Service Commission, U.S., 580, 675
T.R. in, 14, 212, 217, 223, 225, 231, 235, 236, 248, 251, 253–56, 261, 267, 274, 287
Civil War, U.S., 14, 41, 74, 76, 79, 95–96, 100, 220, 255, 464, 701–2, 777
Collier in, 435, 698–99
Dewey in, 312
healing after, 701–2
Lacey in, 270
Mittie’s views on, 32
Noble in, 224
Theodore, Sr.’s avoiding of, 53, 164, 165, 244, 334
unifying nationalism after, 528
use of rangers in, 399
Clark, Clarence, 508, 623
Clark, George Rogers, 39, 243
Clark, William, 75, 84, 148, 150, 254, 270, 770
class-action suits, 361
Cleveland, Frances, 557
Cleveland, Grover, 79, 255, 291, 337, 364, 444, 618
as conservationist, 14, 20, 247–48, 267, 268, 269, 272, 288, 290–95, 341, 342, 430, 576, 750, 792
in elections, 79, 177, 212, 226, 247, 255
at Saint Louis World’s Fair, 521
Cliff Dwellings of Mesa Verde, The (Nordenskiöld), 655
Clinton, Bill, 536
Clinton, Hillary, 448–49
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (film), 632
coal, 414, 431, 635, 649, 681, 727
Cobb, Howell, 268
Cody, William (Buffalo Bill), 183, 188, 254, 276, 349, 590
T.R. compared with, 182, 355–56
T.R. endorsed by, 374
see also Wild West Show
Cole, Thomas, 33, 126
Coleman, Jon T., 593
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 645
Collier, Holt, 435–42, 436, 444, 697–700
Collier, Marshall, 437
Collier’s, 46, 153, 781–82
Collins, Michael L., 241
Colorado, 21, 242, 268, 421, 635, 786–87
as grazing state, 297, 445, 676, 680, 681
Great Loop tour in, 508, 523–24
mining in, 259, 654
national monuments in, 762, 789
prehistoric sites in, 414, 644
Public Lands Convention in, 681
Rough Rider shooting in, 374
timber inter
ests in, 445, 572
T.R.’s interest in, 306, 377–87, 389, 391, 413, 586, 612–16, 616
Colorado River, 224–25, 450, 451, 529, 757
Colorado Springs, Colo., 378, 612–13
Columbia National Forest, 778
Columbia River, 209, 250
Columbia University, 137, 138, 532
Columbus, Christopher, 256
Comanche, 263, 315, 581, 585, 587, 590, 594–95, 602, 605, 606, 610, 611, 622
surrender of, 586, 591
Comanche Buffalo Society, 630
Commerce and Labor Department, U.S., 564, 575, 652, 675
Committee of Seventy, 79
Committee on Measurements exhibition, 287
Companion Animals in Society (Zawistowski), 46
Condor, 550, 745, 746, 759
Congo, 657, 780
Congress, U.S., 20, 247, 397, 406, 473, 575, 638, 650, 773, 784, 785, 792, 797, 807
Alaska and, 385, 562, 563, 564, 795, 806
Antiquities Act and, 642–44, 647, 759
anti-trespassing laws in, 717
Biological Survey established by, 75n
bird protection and, 11, 18, 717, 728
buffalo repopulation and, 625, 628
Cleveland’s conservation efforts and, 268, 291
Devils Tower and, 633
election of 1904 and, 576
election of 1906 and, 667–68
forest preservation and, 237, 238, 239, 667, 684
Grand Canyon and, 527, 649, 755, 756, 757
Hornaday’s testimony to, 283
mineral wealth inventory of, 74–75
national parks and, 205, 269, 458, 459, 546, 568n, 614, 649, 655–56
Niagara Falls and, 639
R.B.R. in, 79
Spanish-American War and, 312, 446
T.R.’s annual messages to, 406, 408–11, 422, 457, 458, 472–73, 588–89, 667
T.R.’s circumventing of, 676, 677, 678, 682, 719, 741, 755, 810
T.R.’s testimony to, 231, 245–46
Wind Cave and, 462, 467
Yosemite Valley transferred by, 76
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Congressional Record, 679–80, 790
Conkling, Roscoe, 248
Connecticut, 88
Connecticut Audubon Society, 304n, 709, 711
Connecticut River, 87–88
Conrad, David E., 472
Conrad, Joseph, 607
Conrad, Rebecca, 646, 647
Conservation, 734, 735
conservation, conservation movement:
democracy and, vii, 20, 357
global, 763, 764, 790, 804
interstate cooperation and, 773
market hunting and, 15
modern, launching of, 5, 13–21, 187
as moral imperative, 20, 761
pre-Civil War, 3–5
Roosevelt Doctrine of, 692, 715
T.R. as visionary in, 19–21, 245–47, 689
T.R.’s letter to Wilson as statement on, 680–81
see also specific topics
Conservation Biology, 357
conservationist, coining of term, 5–6
conservationist consciousness, 689
Cooke, W. W., 214
Cooke City, Mont., 248, 249, 269, 270
Coolidge, Calvin, 444, 553, 811
Coolidge, W. W., 121
Cooper, James Fenimore, 27, 40–41, 464, 696
Cooper, John Milton, Jr., 226–27
Cooper, Peter, 50n
Copalis Rock, 714, 718–21
coral reefs, 724, 726–27, 797, 798
Corliss, George, 100
cormorants, 711, 727, 744 double-crested, 320, 497–98
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 586, 588
Coronado National Forest, 399
corporations, 383–84, 408–9, 680, 760, 786
regulation of, 684
taxing of, 354–55
Corps of Engineers, U.S., 74, 188
Corwin, Charles A., 800
Cosmos Club, 216, 309, 423, 548, 795
Merriam-Roosevelt debate at, 302–3, 305, 377, 379
cotton, 433
Coues, Elliott, 99, 100, 113, 125, 138, 225, 228, 247
background of, 95–96
death of, 225
T.R.’s competition with, 225
T.R.’s correspondence with, 143, 144
“Cougar, The” (Whitney), 286
cougars, see mountain lions
Country Life Commission, 783–85, 787
“Coursing the Prongbuck” (Roosevelt), 263
cowboys, 148, 153–54, 156, 233, 241, 244, 251, 253, 258, 309, 508, 629, 641
chapping of, 682
Collier as, 335–36
Oklahoma, 606
songs of, 681, 812–13
Texas, 435–36, 592, 665
T.R as, 163–64, 168, 315, 383, 435, 605–6, 610
in Virginian, 463–67
Cowles, Anna Roosevelt (Bamie), 43, 52, 56, 109, 165, 202, 230
Alice left with, 168
Edith’s friendship with, 190
home of, 177
T.R.’s correspondence with, 63–64, 101, 130, 141, 170, 181, 191, 193, 196, 224, 273
T.R.’s living quarters prepared by, 101
Cowles, William Sheffield, 312
cows, cattle, 37, 50, 82, 280, 382, 598, 676, 737
in Badlands, 150, 153, 162, 172, 197–200
bison crossed with (catalo), 413
in Dakota Territory, 120
drives of, 137, 153, 175–76
longhorn, 629
slaughtering of, 47, 137
T.R.’s investment in, 162, 165, 168, 170, 197, 198, 315
coyotes, 301, 302, 502, 589, 604
see also wolves, gray
crabs, land, 328–29, 330, 331
Crack in the Edge of the World, A (Winchester), 637
Craig, William, 427
Crandall, Roy, 719–20
Crane, Stephen, 322, 328
Crary, Charlie, 460–61
Crater Lake, 15, 19, 451–60, 544, 548
Crater Lake National Park, 453, 454–60, 463, 468, 549, 749
crayfish, 216
creationism, 44, 246, 299
Crocker, F.C., 262
Crockett, Davy, 169, 199, 241, 256, 394, 698
Crockett Almanac, 27
crocodile, Nile, 734
Cromwell, Oliver, 355
Cronon, William, 129
Crook, General, 171
Cropsey, Jasper, 33
crossbills, 94–95, 358
Cross-Timbers region, 587–88 610
Crow, 270, 628, 632, 639, 687
Crowded Hour Reserves, 777–79, 787
crows, 31, 187
Cuba, 12, 348, 359, 374, 384
self-determination for, 613
Spanish-American War and, 18, 310–12, 314, 315, 321–36, 378, 460
Culebra Island, 447–48
Cunninghame, R. J., 762
“Curiosities of Louisiana Sea Islands” (Job), 713
curlews, 9, 10
Curtis, Mr., 560
Custer, Elizabeth, 207, 218–8
Custer, George Armstrong, 74, 152, 188, 207, 217, 639
Custer’s Trail, 156
Cuthbert Rookery, 497
Cutler, Arthur, 68, 96, 167 Maine and, 111, 112, 117, 118
Cutright, Paul Russell, 22, 425, 804
Cuvier, Georges, 44
Cyclone, the (trap), 215
Czolgosz, Leon, 391
Dakota (duckbilled hadrosaur), 149
Dakota Territory, 4, 134, 137, 148, 249
“grand holiday” in, 232–33
reservations in, 226, 253–54, 255
T.R. in, 6, 27–28, 120, 152–65, 167–81, 211, 232–33, 244–45, 253–54, 289
see also specific places
Dallas, Tex., 597
Dalton, Kathleen, 16, 227
dams, 376, 422–25, 535, 544, 650, 663, 693
, 776
Daniels, Ben, 379, 623
Darimont, Chris, 704
Darling, Jay Norwood (Ding), 740–43, 749
Darwin, Charles, 23–26, 67n, 68, 72, 73, 91, 97, 100, 101–3, 245, 257, 318, 319, 322, 369–70, 416, 554, 555, 656, 704, 777, 811–12
death of, 368
in Galápagos, 7, 23, 430
Hall compared with, 349
pain as concern of, 46
survival of the fittest and, 23, 47
T.R. compared with, 62–63, 73
T.R. influenced by, 8, 23–24, 30, 33, 34, 47, 60–64, 73, 429, 430
see also specific books
Darwin, Erasmus, 46, 63
Darwin, Robert, 46, 63
Darwinism, 28, 43–46, 140, 188, 216, 416, 640
American Museum of Natural History and, 44–45
Benga episode and, 657, 659, 660, 661
Burroughs and, 319, 369, 370
Darling’s interest in, 740
Hall’s views on, 349
Merriam and, 299, 301
The Wilderness Warrior Page 128