moral impact of, 369, 383
Native Americans and, 275
Reid’s anticipation of, 27
social, 255, 317–19, 323, 331, 661
T.R.’s belief in, 8, 46, 182, 184, 231, 245–47, 249, 283, 302, 317–19, 331, 350–51, 369, 374, 383, 388–89, 429–30, 474, 783, 812, 813
Winning of the West and, 228
zoos and, 276, 282, 283
“Darwinist Frontier, The” (Sharp), 331
Dary, David, 153
Daskam, Josephine Dodge, 40
Davidson, James O., 772
Davis, Henry G., 574
Davis, Jefferson, 701
Davis, Richard Harding, 327
Deadwood, S.Dak., 253, 255, 403
Dean, Anona Birdsong, 609–10
Dean, Cornelia, 704
Debs, Eugene V., 576, 635
Deep Red Creek, 599, 601–2
deer, 33–34, 47, 165, 195, 382, 742
Adirondack, 307, 308
black-tailed, 280, 374, 381
hunting of, 82–83, 213, 438, 504
mule, 160, 230, 302, 411, 420–21
slaughter of, 189
white-tailed, 72, 150, 157, 172, 183, 185, 205, 230, 232, 302, 390, 397, 609, 624
Deer Family, The (Roosevelt, Van Dyke, Elliot, and Stone), 416–20, 466, 620
deforestation, 236–40, 341, 342, 343, 359, 376, 577, 667, 684
global, 790
in Puerto Rico, 447
Delaware, 738
DeLeon, Daniel, 635
democracy, 177, 255, 350, 426
conservation and, vii, 20, 357
national parks and, 20, 517
Puerto Rico and, 446
Democratic National Committee, 79
Democrats, 80, 143, 268, 667, 784, 795
Southern, 432, 701
in Texas, 585
see also specific people and elections
Demoulins, Edmond, 317
Dennett, Fred, 662
Dennis, William C., 653
Denver, Colo., 259, 523–24, 765
Descartes, René, 47
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 47, 60, 322, 369, 429, 555, 657
Desert of the Little Colorado, 215
Des Moines Register and Leader, 740–41
Des Moines River, 132, 133n, 270, 521
Devils Lake, 567, 568, 583
Devils Tower, 15, 403, 631–35, 632, 642, 648, 661–62
Devils Tower National Monument, 661–62, 689
Dewey, George, 311, 312
diaries of Roosevelt, 33–34, 35–41, 53–58, 117
Adirondack, 39–41, 70–73, 106
Badlands in, 158, 179
Bighorns, 172
Cuba, 334
Edith in, 191
Europe in, 35–38, 54, 55, 102, 141
father’s death in, 109
Garfield shooting in, 140
Harvard in, 125
Middle East, 55–58, 61–62
Midwest, 128–29, 130, 133, 135, 136
Oyster Bay, 69, 95, 108
revival of, 167
Spanish-American War, 321, 330
waning of, 139
wife Alice in, 126, 137, 138, 191
Dickens, Charles, 54, 218
Dickinson, Emily, 133
Dickinson, N.Dak., 192–94
Dillard, Annie, vii, 19
dinosaurs, 44, 61, 149, 187
Dismal River National Forest, 468–69, 519–20
District Investigative Committee of the Forest Service, 779
Ditmars, Raymond L., 279, 603, 731–33, 737
Dix, John A., 50n
Dodge, Ira, 234
Dodge, Richard Irving, 380, 632
Dodge, William E., Jr., 44
dogs, 37, 38, 46, 47, 68n, 82, 249, 506, 781
Cuba, 325–26, 326, 333, 561
hunting, 133, 135, 307, 438–39, 502–3, 604–7, 622, 698, 699
Jack (terrier), 558, 561, 615
Pete (bull terrier), 561
progress of, 318–19
of Rough Riders, 325–26, 326, 333
Skip (terrier), 615, 616, 616, 692
stray, 46, 48
at White House, 558, 561, 562, 615, 616
wild, 34, 38
Domebo Canyon, 585
Dommerich, Clara, 365
Dommerich, L. F., 364–65
Donahue, Jesse, 257
Donaldson, Frank, 378–79
donkeys, 37–38, 46, 48
Dooley, Mr., 375
Doughty, Robin, 10
Douglass, Frederick, 100, 247
doves, 97, 359, 686
Dow, Wilmot, 112–14, 114, 116, 120
in Dakota Territory, 120, 170, 172, 179, 191, 193
T.R.’s partnership offer to, 169
Dowd, Maureen, 703
Drayton, J. Coleman, 202
Dreiser, Theodore, 129
Dresden, 37, 60, 62, 63, 102, 477, 812
Driesch, Hans, 812
drover, use of word, 153
drugs, 594–95, 623
Drum Taps (Whitman), 221–22
Dry Tortugas, 12
Dry Tortugas Reservation, 18
DuBois, Charles L., 13, 16, 491
ducks, 139, 307, 484, 548, 583
Labrador, 9, 320, 362
Duluth, Minn., 73, 129, 249
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 373
Dutcher, William, 8, 12, 362–66, 369, 551, 714, 738, 739, 743, 744, 800
Pelican Island and, 13–14, 490–94, 495
Dutton, Clarence E., 454, 455, 490–93, 526
Eads, James B., 693
eagles, 187
bald, 242, 332–33
golden, 233, 325, 326, 332–33
Eagle Watchers Society, 325
Earp, Wyatt, 354, 466, 623
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The (Marsh), 340
earthquakes, 637–38, 642, 651–52, 690, 691
Eastern Flyway, 96
East Park, 800–801
East River, 48, 51–52, 84
East Timbalier Island, 18, 712–13
Eaton, Howard, 588
ecology, 12, 429, 447
Edge of the Sea, The (Carson), 724–25
Edison, Thomas, 219, 258, 620
Edith Kermit Roosevelt (S. J. Morris), 190
Edmonston, John, 62–63
education, 317, 350, 554
of Native Americans, 373, 765
about nature, 352–53
segregation in, 373
see also specific universities
eels, 90–91
egrets, 8, 10, 13, 31, 497, 728, 734
plumes of, 496, 727
snowy, 10, 11, 320
Egypt, 53, 55–58, 56, 59, 146, 780
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 444, 535, 802, 811
of 1832, 3
of 1876, 100
of 1880, 138
of 1884, 167, 168, 170, 175, 177–78
of 1886, 196
of 1888, 211–12
of 1892, 79, 226, 247, 248, 254, 255
of 1896, 289–90, 292
of 1898, 331, 333–36
of 1900, 294, 355–56, 373–76, 375
of 1904, 61, 389, 406, 422, 502, 507, 524, 527, 553, 568, 572–77, 573, 597
of 1906, 667–68
of 1908, 576, 773, 776–77, 780, 782, 785–87, 792, 795
of 1912, 94–95, 119, 783n, 816–17
electricity, 258
elephants, 647–48, 740, 763
Elfrida (yacht), 390, 392
Eliot, Charles William, 45, 103, 123, 578
Eli Yale (macaw), 449
Elkhorn Ranch, 6, 169–72, 177–80, 191, 193–95, 198, 247, 258n, 767
cattle at, 172, 179
closing of, 289, 315
as “cradle of conservation,” 194
description of, 189
“grand holiday” in, 230, 232, 234
“Elk-Hunt at Two-Ocean Pass, An” (Roosevelt), 250
Elkins Act (1903)
, 807
elks, 47, 76, 150, 165, 195, 199, 205, 213, 230, 249–50, 257, 373, 382–83, 420–21
Alaska, 385
Bighorns, 173, 174
Bronx Zoo, 279, 420–21
Colorado, 380, 381
conservation of, 4, 6, 19, 183, 201–2, 206, 235, 307, 406, 411
repopulation of, 629
Roosevelt, 305–7, 646
round-horned (wapati), 265, 306
slaughter of, 189, 201
in Yellowstone, 270, 305, 382–83, 429, 502, 505–6, 510, 511
Ellenbrook, Edward Charles, 603
Elliot, Daniel G., 38, 45, 416–17, 810
Elliott, Jack, 135
Elliott, John, 60, 63–64
Elliott, Maud, 60
El Morro, 670, 671, 688
El Yunque National Forest, 448
emancipationist memory, 41
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 22, 53, 101, 273, 369–70, 530, 783
Muir’s relationship with, 540, 541
self-reliance and, 331, 350
Emmons, George T., 470–72, 564
England, 54–55, 102
“English Sparrow in America, The” (Barrow), 214
Erdrich, Louise, 19
Ethiopia, 561, 577
eugenics, 285n, 349, 657, 661
Evans-Hatch, Gail, 760n
Evans-Hatch, Michael, 760n
“Eve of St. Agnes, The” (Keats), 111
Everglades, 320, 493–94
scheme for draining of, 734–36, 743
Evidence of Man’s Place in Nature (Huxley), 64
evolution, 7, 8, 23–26, 28, 43, 60–61, 62, 63–64, 98, 245, 247, 276, 350–51, 352, 369, 430, 777, 781, 812
of birds, 97, 474
of eels, 91
Harvard and, 102, 103
of humans, 388–89
Huxley’s defense of, 25
micro-, 704–5
by natural selection, 23, 60, 64, 318
sociobiology and, 349
executive branch, lawsuit against, 678–79
Executive Orders, 17, 20, 519, 571, 616, 631, 633, 689, 741, 748, 776
bird reservations (1907–1908) and, 712, 719, 721, 723, 726, 728, 737, 738, 743, 747
bird reservations (1909) and, 796–800
of Harrison, 77
Pelican Island and, 13–16, 17, 491–92, 493
Exploration and Empire (Goetzmann), 75
Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons, The (Powell), 290
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 24, 47
Exuberance (Jamison), 123
“Fable for Critics, A” (Lowell), 227
Fairbanks, Charles W., 573–74, 573
“fair chase” doctrine, 195, 201
Fall, Albert, 198
Farabee, Charles R., Jr., 398
Farallones Egg Company, 789
Farallon Islands, 242, 789, 801
Far and Near (Burroughs), 369
Farragut, David, 312
Faulkner, Charles, 269
Faulkner, William, 436, 444
feathers, 7, 90
ornamental use of, 2, 9–11, 14, 18, 320, 366, 488, 496, 548–49, 551, 571, 710, 727, 728, 729, 731, 739, 742, 745
Feathers and Bird Protection (Doughty), 10
Feather Wars, 18, 367, 477, 490, 494, 496–99, 730
“Features of the Proposed Yosemite National Park, The” (Muir), 235
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 (1938), 361
Federal Wildlife Laws Handbook, 365
Fellowcraft Club, 217–18, 222–23, 368
Ferguson, Robert B., 249
Ferguson, Robert Munro, 230, 233, 234
Ferguson, Thompson B., 596
Ferris, Joe, 154–60, 162, 163, 168, 169, 170, 197, 232, 641
marriage of, 191
Ferris, Sylvane, 155, 157, 162, 170, 232, 641
Elkhorn Ranch given to, 315
Fewkes, Jesse Walter, 656
Few Trails, 275
Field Museum of Chicago, 417, 762, 763, 800
Fight for Conservation, The (Pinchot and Garfield), 6, 805
Fighting the Insects (Howard), 772–73
Fillmore, Millard, 49
finches, 58, 59, 358
fingerprinting, 571
Finley, Eileen, 716
Finley, William L., 548–52, 549, 553, 579, 715–18, 720, 743–49, 744, 778, 800
Darling influenced by, 741
Three Arch Rocks and, 549, 550–51, 715–18, 744
Finley Rock, 749
Finnegan (thief), 192–93, 192
Fire Island, 89–90, 562
fires, 190, 236, 339, 664, 765
firewood, chopping of, 179, 793
First Book of Geology, The (Shaler), 103
First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, 313, 324, 334
fish, 25, 37, 109, 390
conservation of, 80–90, 144, 202, 235
see also specific kinds of fish
Fish, Hamilton, 80
Fish, Stuyvesant, 432
Fish and Fisheries Commission, U.S., 90, 144
Fish and Wildlife Refuge Service, U.S., 570–71
Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 320, 448–49, 539, 567, 629, 706, 743, 745
Oregon and, 748, 749
see also National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S.
Fish Commission, U.S., Reports of, 86
fish-crows, 108
Fisher, Walter K., 798
Fish Hatching and Fish Catching (R. B. Roosevelt and Green), 89, 648
fishhawk, 98–99
fishing, fishermen, 84–88, 91–92, 242, 360, 714, 722
in Florida, 728
haul-seining, 489
of pelicans, 474, 475
Fishing and Shooting Sketches (Cleveland), 293
Fisk, Nelson, 391
Fitzgerald, C. W., 761
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 285n
Five Acres Too Much (R. B. Roosevelt), 79, 102
Five Cities (Leighton), 290
Five Civilized Tribes, 587
Flagler, Henry, 721, 734–35, 802
flamingos, 10, 742
Flathead Reservation, 628
Flathead Reserve, 291, 295, 810
Flattery Rocks, 714, 718–21
floods, 693–94, 715
Florida, 9–18, 51, 128, 361, 474–501, 586, 721–43
Audubon in, 4, 89, 481, 710, 724
bird breeding and nesting grounds in, 3, 359, 481–82
bird preservation in, 7, 11–12, 13–18, 17, 20, 358, 364–67, 474–77, 479–83, 490–501, 721–31, 737–41, 803
botany of, 319
Burroughs in, 722
coral reefs in, 724, 726–27
extinct species in, 320n
Indian River region in, 7, 16, 17, 320, 474, 476–84
Job’s book on birds of, 708–12, 711, 716, 721, 725, 727
Muir in, 483, 540
national forest in, 736–37
Panhandle of, 736–37
R.B.R. in, 89
T.R. in, 12, 18, 319–21
wildlife refuges in, 742
Florida and the Game Water-Birds of the Atlantic Coast and the Lakes of the United States (R. B. Roosevelt and Green), 12, 89, 91, 320, 648, 722, 724
Florida Audubon Society (FAS), 12, 364–65, 367, 447, 476, 725, 739
Kroegel and, 482, 490, 493, 495
McLeod and, 730, 731
Florida Keys, 4, 321, 708, 710
Foote, Hunger L., 434, 438–39, 585
Foote, Shelby, 434
“Foraging Ant, The” (Roosevelt), 28–29
Forbush, Edward Howe, 568–69
Ford, Gerald, 757
Ford, Henry, 219, 802
Forest and Stream, 83, 183–86, 185, 188, 202, 204, 207, 278, 309, 562, 767
Burroughs attacked in, 517–18, 555
Chapman’s letter to, 2
founding of, 360
Grinnell’s editorials in, 19n, 188, 264, 340
Grinnell’s standard at, 213r />
subscribers to, 246–47
T.R.’s letter in, 248, 249
T.R.’s work reviewed in, 184–86, 266
Yellowstone and, 232, 248, 269, 517
Forest and the Sea (Bates), 723
Forester, Frank, see Herbert, Henry William
forest rangers, 295, 331, 398–401, 664
in Adirondacks, 393, 394
classifications of, 398
in Grand Canyon, 398
Forest Reserve Act (1891), 237–40, 242, 244–49, 259, 284, 288, 290
forest reserves, 579, 676–81, 736, 741, 805–6
Bliss’s views on, 320
cartoons in promotion of, 451
Cleveland’s creation of, 290–94, 342
Crowded Hour Reserves and, 777–79
Harrison’s creation of, 238
map of, 820–21
Pinchot and, 294–95, 340–46, 353, 372, 579, 675, 676, 678, 680, 803
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