gregariousness of, 12, 13, 396–97, 433, 768
as gubernatorial candidate, 331, 333–36
at Harvard, see Harvard University
hazing incident of, 93, 105, 109, 118, 164–65
health problems of, 22, 36–37, 54, 56, 59, 65, 68, 93, 100, 113, 115, 116, 118, 124, 126, 133, 135, 151, 154, 181, 350, 428–29, 594
as historian, 164, 231, 241–44, 262; see also Naval War of 1812, The; Winning of the West, The
homeschooling of, 68, 96
homesickness of, 128, 137, 140, 181
house leased out by, 165
house purchased by, 147
inauguration parade of (1905), 581–83
inheritance of, 110, 142, 191
insomnia of, 123, 136, 167
investments of, 148, 153, 162, 165, 168, 170, 191, 198
keen hearing of, 31, 73, 97, 158
Latin of, 65
in launching of modern conservation movement, 5, 13–21
law-and-order attitude of, 242
legacy of, 753–54, 788–89, 815–16
as “man’s man,” 163
marriages of, see Roosevelt, Alice Lee; Roosevelt, Edith Carow
as master builder, 535
mayoral campaign of, 196
mental health of, 109, 123–24
mountaineering of, 116–19, 127, 140, 173
natural history education of, 22–45, 103, 164, 186
naturalist career abandoned by, 143–46
in New York assembly, 142–43, 150, 154, 165, 166–67, 168, 185, 190, 226
optimism of, 12, 14–15, 109, 153, 198, 393
as outdoors writer, influences on, 25–28, 83
patricians rejected by, 227–28
as police commissioner, 287–89
political career considered by, 123, 331
political stagnation of, 212, 377–78
powers of observation of, 130
as president, 1–3, 5, 6, 8, 11–21, 24, 181, 211, 215, 224, 238, 239, 253, 367, 396–816
puritanical streak of, 71, 134, 177, 224, 287
racism and ethnocentrism of, 243, 255, 274–75
as rancher, 6, 161, 162, 164, 167–71, 175, 189, 191, 198, 233
religious practices of, 56, 522–23, 614
romantic vision of, 153, 161, 177, 198, 233, 394
self-confidence of, 111, 115–16, 266
self-criticism of, 113, 196
self-reflection of, 211–12
sketching of, 33, 34, 38, 53, 138, 669
in Spanish-American War, 13, 18, 27, 310–36, 316, 326, 336, 354, 475, 508
spectacles of, 31, 94–95, 156, 159
strenuous life preached by, 68, 227, 331, 348–51, 355, 380, 412, 427, 429, 544, 568, 603, 614, 795, 808, 813
as Teddy, 444–45
as traitor to his class, 355, 409, 675
as transforming agent, 14
trust-busting of, 20, 634–35
as vice president, 11, 14, 40, 63, 376–78, 384–95
as vice presidential nominee, 355–56, 373–76, 375
writing habits of, 213–14, 223
writing style of, 28, 175, 180, 223
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr., 39, 41–44, 67–69, 71, 82, 98, 103, 106, 119, 219, 580, 753
animal protection and, 42, 45, 46–47, 50, 53, 59
appearance of, 42, 109
Civil War avoided by, 53, 164, 165, 244, 334
death of, 109–10, 138, 167, 223
Elliott’s correspondence with, 128
foreign travels of, 35–38, 53, 56, 57, 59–60, 416
hunting and, 46–47, 57
J. W. Pinchot’s friendship with, 340, 347
marriage of, 32
as museum founder, 2, 42, 43–44, 63, 145, 202
philanthropy of, 41–44, 144
politics and, 100
puritanical nature of, 111, 128
T.R.’s career choice and, 67, 99
T.R.’s childhood and, 24, 29, 31, 32–33
T.R.’s clothes and, 98
T.R.’s correspondence with, 32–33, 104, 105
T.R.’s emulating of, 66, 140, 164, 197, 202, 369
Roosevelt, Tweed, 440
Roosevelt, William Emlen, 66–67
Roosevelt (Wister), 122–23
Roosevelt and Son (financial firm), 67, 68
Roosevelt and Son hardware, 42
Roosevelt Bar, 315
Roosevelt County Park, 332
Roosevelt Dam, 425, 535, 776
Roosevelt family:
coat of arms of, 90
genealogy of, 63
Manhattan homes of, 30, 43, 65, 66
Roosevelt Hospital, 67
Roosevelt Island, 45
Roosevelt Museum of Natural History, 23, 30–31, 37, 58, 65–67, 109, 268, 352
directors’ meetings of, 66–67, 202
donated to Smithsonian, 143–46
Roosevelt red ware, 707
Roosevelt Report, 421
roosters, 54, 559
Root, Elihu, 356, 377, 395, 397, 580, 620, 653, 788, 792
Rosen, Jonathan, 31
Rothman, Hal, 647, 755
Roughing It (Twain), 796
Rough Riders, 18, 313–36, 316, 466, 581, 610, 611, 743, 756
adoption of name, 258, 313
animal mascots of, 324–27, 326, 332–33, 380
Arizona and, 314, 331, 403, 756, 775–76
in battles, 322–23, 777
in Colorado, 378–79
Cuban landing of, 321, 327
Great Loop tour and, 508, 523–24, 526, 527, 530, 534
in Montauk, 324, 325, 326, 331–34
park and forest protection and, 398–99, 403
reunions of, 354, 524, 594
showbiz side to, 316–17, 327
transport to Florida of, 315–19
tropical diseases and, 324
T.R.’s leadership of, 327, 339
in T.R.’s vice presidential campaign, 374
Rough Riders, The (Roosevelt), 27, 324, 325, 329, 331
serializing of, 354
strenuous life in, 349
Rousmaniere, John, 139n
Rowle, Marion, 202
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, British, 48
Royal Zoological Museum, Dresden, 37
Rush, Frank, 625–29
Rush, Sylvester, 469
Russell, Charles M., 197
Russia, 48, 76, 413, 565, 566, 786, 788
Russia, SS, 53, 54, 65
Russo-Japanese War, 565, 617, 618–19, 652, 669–70
Rutland Railroad, 392
Ryan, Kevin, 719
Sagamore Hill (formerly Leeholm), 91, 191, 197, 202, 223, 226, 289, 333, 359, 387, 449, 557, 619, 774
birds at, 686
construction of, 148, 149, 166, 169
pets at, 557, 561, 692
renovation of, 579, 670
trophy collection at, 6, 180, 209, 301, 374, 733, 762, 794
T.R.’s writing at, 213–14
Saint Helens, Mount, 690, 691
Saint Louis, Mo., 521–22, 567, 571
T.R.’s addresses in, 115, 507, 521
Saint Louis World’s Fair (1904), 521, 567, 578, 581, 657, 658
Saint Paul, Minn., 134
T.R. in, 137, 149, 152, 165, 168, 513
Saint Paul Island, 76, 651, 652
Saint Regis Lake, 71, 105
salmon, 90, 100, 144
Saltonstall, Dick, 126
Salt River, 20, 425, 776
Sampson, Alden, 280, 388
Samuels, Harold, 331
Samuels, Peggy, 331
San Andreas Fault, 637–38, 652, 690
San Antonio, Tex., 312, 313–14, 324, 327, 594, 597–98
Buckhorn Saloon, 314
Sanborn, Elwin R., 625, 626
Sanctuary! Sanctuary! (Sharp), 717–18
Sandburg, Carl, 754
Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 5, 706–7
Sand Hills, 129, 468
Sandoz, Mari, 188
San Francisco, Calif., 533–34, 536, 540, 734
earthquake in, 637–38, 642, 651–52, 690
Hetch Hetchy and, 789–90
plume hunters from, 745
restaurants of, 548, 550
San Francisco Mountain Region, 215
Sanibel National Wildlife Refuge, 742
San Jacinto Mountains, 291, 293
San Joaquin Valley, 376, 425, 680
San Juan Heights, Battle of (1898), 323, 324, 374, 777
San Juan Hill, 324, 332, 508, 777
Santa Fe, N.Mex., 524
Santa Fe Railway, 645–46, 685
Santa Rosa Island, 3
Santayana, George, 101
Santiago, Battle of (1898), 323, 324
Sargeant, Dudley A., 124
Sargent, Charles S., 543
Saturday Evening Post, 641
Saturday Review, 228, 791
Saving Darwin (Gibson), 661
Sawyer, Moses, 71–72, 102, 105, 130
Scalp Hunters, The (Reid), 25–26, 228
Schenck, Carl A., 428
Schmitz, Eugene, 638
Schurz, Carl, 203
Schwatka, Frederick, 562
Schwiebert, Ernest, 92
Merriam’s articles in, 301, 302, 304, 412
T.R.’s rebuttal in, 302, 304
Science and Philosophy of the Organism, The (Driesch), 812
Scott, Mount, 611, 627
Scribner, 334, 780
Scribner’s, 153, 237, 354, 621
Scribner’s Magazine, 382, 434, 445–46, 563, 604, 666, 683, 794
Scribner’s Monthly, 504
sculpture, 257, 335, 387, 640, 688
Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 725
seals, 29–30, 215–16, 247, 385, 470, 564, 579, 651–54, 715
Grant’s protection of, 77, 651, 721–22
Seattle, Wash., 292, 293, 295, 551–52, 680
Secret Agent, The (Conrad), 607
Secret Service, 427, 590, 618, 623, 695
Seemann, Berthold, 718
segregation, 372–73, 404–5, 660–61
self-reliance, 184, 267, 331, 350
Selkirk Mountains, 200, 209–10
Selous, Frederick Courtney, 762, 808
Senate, U.S., 12, 240, 366, 384, 459, 462, 575, 590, 642, 647, 673, 679
Cleveland’s forest lands act and, 293
Committee on Territories of, 269
Judiciary Committee of, 622
Sense of Place, Sense of Time, A (Jackson), 672
Sequoia National Park, 267, 271, 286, 421, 450, 467, 541, 752
creation of, 236
protection of, 398, 399, 444
sequoias, 532–33, 536–37, 556, 752
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 504–5
Seven Springs area, 613–14
Sevier National Forest, 635, 764
Sewall, Bill, 111–20, 114, 130, 140–43, 387, 641
Cutler’s correspondence with, 167
in Dakota Territory, 119, 170–71, 172, 179, 191, 193
T.R. compared with, 115
T.R.’s correspondence with, 140, 141, 167, 169–70, 196, 666
T.R.’s partnership offer to, 169–70
Sewall, Dave, 115
Sewall, Sam, 115
Seward, William, 76, 807
shad, 83, 84, 86, 87–88, 235
Shafter, William, 321
Shakespeare, William, 370
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 102–3
Sharp, Dallas Lore, 717–18
Sharp, Patrick, 331
Shasta, Mount, 299–300, 541, 547, 548, 636, 680, 747
Shea-White Plumage Bill (1910), 731
sheep, 199, 207, 260n, 280, 426, 445, 563, 605, 676
bighorn, 178, 180–81, 183, 185, 205, 260n, 512, 629, 704, 705
overgrazing of, 235, 271, 288, 397
Pinchot-Muir dispute over, 295
slaughter of, 189
Sheldon, Charles, 808
Shell Keys, 712–13
Sheridan, Philip H., 203, 206, 244, 590–91, 617
Sherman, James S., 815
Sherman, William T., 168, 203, 244, 253, 618, 752
Sherman Antitrust Act, 634
Shoshone, 250, 509–10, 632
shrews, 34, 60, 210, 215
Sierra Club, 455, 536, 539, 541, 543, 544, 547, 636, 790
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner), 240–41
Signs and Seasons (Burroughs), 6, 219, 361
Simpson, Sloan, 593, 600, 620–21
Sinclair, Upton, 253, 721
Sioux, 156, 171, 253–55, 275, 509–10, 567, 581, 628
Lakota, 155, 253, 460, 632
Oglala, 609
Sioux City Journal, 740
Siskiwit Islands, 18n, 616
Sitting Bull, 152, 253, 255
Skinner, John, 83
Slabsides, 368, 617, 768
slaves, slavery, 27, 34, 63, 435, 436
“Small Country Neighbors” (Roosevelt), 666
Smalley, Eugene V., 148
Smedes, Miss., 431, 434–35, 437, 442
Smith, Albert, 327
Smith, Alfred Charles, 61
Smith, Clinton G., 779
Smith, Hoke, 267–70, 288
Smith, Jedediah, 171
Smith, John, 691–92
Smith, John B., 333
Smith, Paul, 70
Smith, Walter, 499
Smith gang, 497–99
Smithsonian Institution, 100, 107, 282, 283, 584, 656
as “America’s attic,” 145
T.R.’s African safari and, 763, 779–80, 794
T.R.’s donations to, 143–46, 210, 215
Yellowstone buffalo and, 273
snakes, 91, 603, 608, 732, 734
snipes, 62, 109
snow buntings, 54, 95n
snowshoeing, 114–15, 114
Snyder, Gary, 548
socialism, 469, 783n
Society of American Foresters, 779
Something in the Soil (Limerick), 70
Son of the Middle Border, A (Garland), 386
Sonoran Desert, 529, 707
Sons of Daniel Boone, 544
“Sou’-Sou’-Southerly” (Roosevelt), 138–39, 666
South Carolina Audubon Society, 730n
South Dakota, 149n, 152, 268
Black Hills of, 253–54, 273, 291, 400–403
buffalo repopulation in, 412, 511, 628
Great Loop tour in, 518–19
reservations in, 253–54
South Dakota Mining Company, 461
Southern Lumber Company, 503
Southern Pacific Railroad, 271
South Texas Coastal Plain, 251–52
Spain, Spaniards, 292, 298, 310–13, 315, 593, 781
forest conservation and, 446
navy of, 311, 312
unfitness of, 317–18, 331
Spanish-American War, 13, 18, 27, 303, 310–36, 326, 354, 446, 475, 508, 534, 703, 777
deaths in, 324, 329–30
Maine incident and, 311, 312, 313, 318, 323
start of, 312
worst combat in, 328
see also Rough Riders
sparrows, 54, 97, 108, 686, 700, 761–62
speeches of Roosevelt, 11, 149, 355, 371, 389, 390–91, 596, 597, 813
annual messages to Congress, 406, 408–11, 423, 457, 458, 472–73, 589–90, 667
Arbor Day, 683–84
at Governors’ Conference, 770–71
Grand Canyon, 19, 527
during Great Loop tour, 507, 511, 516–17, 521, 524, 525, 527, 530–31, 533–34, 547, 552
in Memphis, 694–95
in Mississippi, 701
to National Editorial Association, 691–92
in New England, 426, 427
New York annual addresses, 338–39, 353, 356–58
in Oklahoma, 600, 601, 614–15
in politi
cal campaigns, 255, 377
to State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 241
strenuous life in, 349–51
westward expansion, 231
Spencer, Herbert, 23, 349, 350, 430, 554
Spielberg, Stephen, 632
spoils system, 226, 236, 254, 580
spoonbills, roseate, 7, 10, 13, 483, 494–95, 728, 729
Sport in the Alps (Baillie-Grohman), 373–74
Sprague, Henry L., 371
Sprague and Stearns expedition, 452
Spring-Rice, Cecil Arthur, 212, 252, 766–67, 789, 794
Sprinkle, William, 571–72, 713
Sprunt, Alexander, Jr., 725
squatters’ rights, 170, 190
The Wilderness Warrior Page 135