of Lowell, 227
of Whitman, 221–22, 330
Political Animals (Donahue and Trump), 257
Polk, James K., 243
Ponce de Leon, Juan, 724, 737
Poole, William Frederick, 231
Populist Party (People’s Party), 268, 292
Portland, Ore., 293, 453–57, 548–51, 667
Portland Audubon Society, 715
Port Neuf National Forest, 779
Portsmouth, Treaty of (1905), 618, 652
Post Office, U.S., 226, 251, 309, 387
Potomac River, 45, 237, 407, 412, 566
pottery, 707
poultry industry, 51
poverty, the poor, 27, 41, 43, 127, 405
Powell, John Wesley, 74, 290, 302, 422, 423, 450, 455, 525, 535
Prairie, The (Cooper), 40
prairie dogs, 155
prehistoric sites of 1907, 673–707
“Preliminary Life of the Birds of the Adirondacks” (Merriam), 108
“Preliminary Synopsis of the American Bears, A” (Merriam), 300
Preserving Different Pasts (Rothman), 755
President’s Committee for Wildlife, 741
newly assertive, 683
Pinchot’s manipulation of, 803
T.R.’s manipulation of, 682
see also specific publications
Pribilof Islands, 76–77, 563, 579, 651
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 299, 305
Proceedings of the Conference of Governors, 771
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 704–5
Proctor, Alexander, 257, 387
Proctor, Redfield, 391
Progressive Party, see Bull Moose Party
Progressive Petticoats (R. B. Roosevelt), 79
prostitution, 287, 289
Protas, Josh, 670–71
Public Land Commission, 665
Public Lands Convention, 681
Pueblo, 280, 414, 415, 645, 646, 654, 671, 689, 707
Puerto Rico, 21, 359, 384, 397, 445–49, 582–83
daughter Alice’s goodwill tour to, 552
Spanish-American War and, 312, 318, 446, 460
T.R. in, 445, 669
puffins, tufted, 551
Pulitzer, Joseph, 310, 683
Pulmelly, Raphael, 203
Putnam, Carleton, 123
pygmies, 657–61, 659
Pyne, Stephen J., 754
quail, 83, 133, 264, 417
Quigg, Lemuel Ely, 331–32
Quillayute Needles, 714, 718–21, 728
rabbits, 47, 216, 558, 560, 798–99
Peter, 558
rabies, 606
raccoons, 136, 216, 715, 734
racism, 243, 285n
Bronx Zoo and, 657, 658
of Reid, 26, 27
of T.R., 243, 255, 274–75
railroads, 238, 239, 245, 271–72, 354, 378, 426–27, 508, 594, 617, 633, 635, 682
in Alaska, 563, 806–7
buffalo promotion by, 588
Great Loop tour by, 507, 508, 509, 514, 516, 520, 522, 525, 529, 536, 552
in Oklahoma, 587
“Roosevelt Special,” 336, 507, 509, 552, 593, 596, 597, 600
Rough Riders and, 315–19
timber needs of, 236–37
see also specific railroads
rain forests, 445–49, 470
Olympic, 148, 305, 306, 551, 811
“Ranch, The” (Roosevelt), 195
ranching, ranches, 150, 167, 598, 665
T.R.’s investment in, 153, 162, 165, 168
see also Elkhorn Ranch; Maltese Cross Ranch
“Ranching” (Roosevelt), 208n
Ranching with Roosevelt (Lang), 159, 161, 164, 280
Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail (Roosevelt), 6, 151, 195, 201, 212–13, 223, 247, 263
Remington’s illustrations for, 201, 212, 639
Virginian compared with, 464
“Ranchman’s Log ‘Schack’,” 149, 170
Randolph, John, 229
rangers, 20–21, 399, 565, 765, 779
in Oklahoma, 589–90
see also forest rangers
Raymond L. Ditmars (Wood), 732
“Real and Sham Natural History” (Burroughs), 504, 505
recapitulation theory, 349
Reclamation Act, 535, 663
reclamation projects, 425, 692, 694
Reclamation Service, U.S. (later the Bureau of Reclamation), 423–26, 535,663,675,771,772, 801
Everglades and, 734, 743
Klamath basin and, 746–48
Reconstruction era, 41, 79
Records of North American Big Game (Ward and McCabe), 206
Red River, 73, 129, 590, 594, 610
Red River country, 134–37
Red River valley, 37, 152, 158, 249, 568
Redwood National Park, 751n
redwoods, 532–37, 547, 556, 751–53, 771
Reeves, L. P., 730n
reform movements, 14, 142, 150, 164–65, 168, 170, 222, 287
T.R. as assemblyman and, 142, 150, 164
T.R. in civil service and, 212, 217, 226, 256
T.R.’s abandoning of, 170
T.R.’s governorship and, 336, 338–39, 372–73
Reid, Mayne, 25–28, 37, 58–59, 60, 73, 83, 99, 134, 164, 177, 245, 370, 417, 430, 697
on Florida, 320
Grinnell influenced by, 187
Winning of the West influenced by, 228, 229
Reid, Whitelaw, 788
Reiger, John F., 189, 264
Remington, Frederic, 195, 207–9, 208, 262, 309, 311, 639–40, 641, 687–88
sculpture by, 335, 640, 776
T.R. compared with, 212–13
T.R.’s correspondence with, 241, 639
T.R.’s work illustrated by, 151, 201, 207, 208, 212, 265, 639
Reptile Book, The (Ditmars), 731–33
reptiles, 37, 279, 731–35
Republican Roosevelt, The (Blum), 370, 384
Republicans, 1, 138, 142, 190, 292, 297, 354–55, 404, 522, 523, 642, 667, 673–76, 784
as conservationists, 14, 20, 77, 224
in Iowa, 647–48
New York State, 336, 347–48, 355
progressive, 791, 793
radical, 27
Texas and, 585
T.R.’s investigation of, 226
see also specific people and elections
Republic Oil Company, 634
reservations, 275, 373, 451, 510, 765
in Dakotas, 226, 253–55
in Nebraska, 226, 254, 255, 628
in Oklahoma, 226, 241, 585, 587, 591
reservoirs, 376, 415, 422, 424–25, 636, 663, 748, 779
reversion, 686
Rexroth, Kenneth, 295–96
Reynolds, Charley, 188
rhinoceros, 656, 794–95
Richards, DeForest, 507
Richards, William A., 13
Richardson, Mrs., 101
Righter, Robert W., 643
Riis, Edward, 387
Riis, Jacob A., 24–25, 217, 373, 387, 393
on Roosevelt pets, 557, 558
Ripley, Edward Payson, 675
Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, The (Morris), 105, 139n
Rivers of Empire (Worster), 424
Robbins, Roy M., 667, 676
robins, 33, 505
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (Conie), 36, 43, 56, 60, 109, 265
on “grand holiday,” 230, 232–34
T.R.’s correspondence with, 126, 131, 134, 321, 327, 329
Robinson, Douglas, 165, 230, 327, 753
Rockefeller, John D., 383, 634, 683, 685
Rockhill, W. W., 286
Rocky Mountains, 74, 149, 171, 232, 374, 523
artists and, 207, 260
birds of, 265–66
buffalo repopulation in, 255, 276
development of, 241–42, 296
in fiction, 262
“grand holiday” in, 230
r /> grizzlies in, 586
politics and, 292, 389
Reid and, 26, 28
trap use in, 215
trees and forests in, 250, 342
T.R.’s interest in, 39, 297, 377–84
wildlife depletion in, 205
Rodgers, Mark A., 650
Rodriquez, Adolfo, 310
Rogers, Archibald, 202, 237, 262, 388
Rogers, E. P., 202
Roosevelt, Alice, see Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Alice Lee, 114, 147, 165–68, 196
death of, 166–68, 181, 190, 193
European travels of, 140
in Mount Desert Island, 126
pregnancy of, 151, 165, 166
T.R.’s marriage to, 116, 120, 123, 125, 137
T.R.’s missing of, 128, 137
Roosevelt, Anna, see Cowles, Anna Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Anna Hall, 224, 273
Roosevelt, Archibald, 230, 356, 449, 560, 586, 615, 631
pets and, 552–53, 557–58, 615, 692
T.R.’s correspondence with, 692, 769
Roosevelt, Corinne, see Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaack, 42, 80
animal protection and, 47, 50, 53, 59
Roosevelt, Edith Carow, 202, 227, 332, 558, 559, 670, 813
in Adirondacks, 392–94
in Albany, 337, 338
campaigning of, 211
European travels of, 193, 196, 222
financial concerns of, 214
as first lady, 404, 536, 557, 578, 630, 774
in Florida, 319, 325, 586
on “grand holiday,” 230–35
health problems of, 234, 313
marriage of, 196
on Mississippi, 692
Pine Knot and, 615–18, 665, 767, 769
pregnancies and childbirths of, 197, 223, 230
T.R.’s dating of, 98, 105
T.R.’s engagement with, 190–91, 196
in Washington, D.C., 230, 404, 536, 552, 557, 615, 630
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 127, 273, 586
Roosevelt, Elizabeth Ellis (Aunt Lizzie), 78, 80
Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr., 273
Roosevelt, Elliott, Sr. (Nell or Ellie), 32, 43, 63, 134–38, 158, 166, 182
alcoholism of, 213, 223–24, 273
Boone and Crockett Club and, 202, 224
clothes of, 131
death of, 273
foreign travels of, 56, 60, 128, 151, 213, 224
hunting of, 124, 128, 130, 151, 213, 224
libertine ways of, 128, 134, 224
mental problems of, 213, 223–24
in Midwest, 124–25, 127–32, 127, 134–35
sweet nature of, 127, 273
in Texas, 125, 128, 130, 151
T.R.’s competition with, 127, 130, 136, 151, 213
writing of, 286
Roosevelt, Emlen, 42, 112
Roosevelt, Emlyn, 494
Roosevelt, Ethel, 230, 322, 326, 392–94, 559, 561, 586, 615
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 469, 586, 648, 731, 741, 788, 811
Roosevelt, James A., 150
Roosevelt, James West, 30, 66–67, 112, 202
Roosevelt, John J., 50
Roosevelt, Kermit, 223, 230, 356, 392–94, 586, 753, 774
T.R.’s correspondence with, 428–29, 449, 574–75, 617, 618, 666, 669, 670, 682, 733, 795
Roosevelt, Margaret Barnhill, 80
Roosevelt, Martha Bullock (Mittie), 35–38, 39, 41, 52, 71, 98, 147
death of, 166, 168, 181, 190
in Egypt, 56, 57
in Long Island, 69, 137
southern background of, 31–32, 268, 404
T.R.’s childhood and, 24, 29, 31, 32
T.R.’s correspondence with, 32, 63, 65, 95, 105, 116, 152
T.R.’s moving back with, 165–66
Roosevelt, Nicholas, 695
Roosevelt, Quentin, 393, 429, 631
Roosevelt, Robert Barnwell (R.B.R.), 12, 68, 77–92, 78, 97, 98, 101, 222, 282
animal stories of, 82
automobile of, 375, 384
background of, 80
Baird’s correspondence with, 89–90, 143
bird interests of, 89, 320, 687
Boone and Crockett Club and, 264
death of, 648
as Democrat, 79, 80, 100, 375, 376
diaries of, 78, 81, 90–91
Elliott compared with, 128, 224
fish conservation and, 80–90, 144, 202, 235, 583
on Florida, 12, 89, 91, 320, 321, 722, 724
gadgets championed by, 138
Green’s relationship with, 86, 89
importance of legacy of, 85, 91–92
at inauguration parade, 583
Jordan influenced by, 758
Lotus Lake of, 89–90, 91, 372, 375, 494, 583, 648
as man of letters, 79–80, 102
mayoral ambitions of, 89
NYAPG and, 264
oyster farming of, 372
T.R. compared with, 91, 142, 182–83, 247, 353
T.R. influenced by, 12, 80, 91, 100, 113–14, 202, 249
T.R.’s correspondence with, 583
white pine campaign of, 648
womanizing of, 78–79, 224, 583
Roosevelt, Theodore, III (Ted), 197, 213–14, 230, 351, 356, 448, 494, 558, 753
Burroughs’s relationship with, 368, 369
T.R.’s correspondence with, 581–82, 788, 795–96, 802
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr.:
accidents of, 161–62, 181–82, 234, 427, 600
American chauvanism of, 15, 58, 102, 141, 142, 227, 231, 256, 258, 266, 310, 311, 313, 371, 397, 415
Americanism of, 244, 255, 266, 410, 507, 528, 534–35, 635
animal protection and, 45, 46–53, 59, 142, 316, 327
appearance of, 12, 65, 98, 193, 253, 330, 387, 552, 792
as assistant secretary of the Navy, 294, 297–98, 303, 310–13, 797
awards and honors of, 332, 511, 532, 533, 536, 619, 669–70, 764
birth and childhood of, 22–31, 23, 63, 164
boxing of, 93, 105, 110, 121–23, 344–45, 350, 603
as bridge figure, 110
career choice of, 67–68, 99, 123, 143
celebrity of, 211, 264, 324, 330–32, 339, 342, 374, 384–85, 613
as civil service
commissioner, 14, 212, 217, 223, 226, 231, 235, 236, 248, 251, 253–56, 261, 267, 274, 287
class-consciousness of, 136, 160
clothes of, 98, 130, 131, 169, 178, 180, 182, 193, 250, 315, 316, 378, 513, 545, 609, 614, 676, 772
collecting of, 30–31, 32–33, 41, 57, 63, 73, 91, 94, 97–98, 109, 123, 131, 268, 794
at Columbia law school, 137, 138
concentration of, 141, 227
conflict-of-interest charges against, 236
as conservation visionary, 19–21, 245–47, 689
death of, 45, 247, 741, 757
as deputy sheriff, 191–93, 192, 313
drinking of, 314, 384–85, 610
eating habits of, 47, 71, 234, 438, 609, 618
in Egypt, 55–58, 56, 59
in election of 1888, 211–12
in election of 1898, 331
in election of 1900, 294, 355–56, 373–76, 375
in election of 1904, 61, 389, 406, 422, 502, 507, 524, 527, 553, 568, 572–77, 573, 597
in election of 1912, 94–95, 119, 816–17
emotions bottled up by, 167
European travels of, 35–38, 53, 54–55, 59–60, 62, 63, 65, 102, 138, 140–41, 196, 222, 227, 416
expansionism of, 298, 302, 384, 471, 531, 534, 797
expressions used by, 104n, 115, 156
as father, 230, 356, 429, 553, 579, 753
as “father” of the frontier thesis, 241
financial concerns of, 165, 191, 197, 214
fitness regime of, 93–94, 104, 105, 108, 110, 115, 795, 808–9
fortitude, vitality, and energy of, 104, 122, 141, 16
0, 162, 227
German of, 102, 131
as governor, 11, 14, 337–61, 338, 364, 365, 368–72, 376–77, 390, 392, 403, 415, 477, 772
“grand holiday” of, 230–35
Great Loop tour of, 502–53, 556, 578
as Great White Chief, 160, 255, 581, 610
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