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Life = Death - volume 3 - Poems on Life , Death

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by Nikhil Parekh

  3. STARVED??

  Every writer is starved for a publisher; the indispensable channel to propagate his work ubiquitously into the entire world,

  Every granule of desert sand is starved for cloudbursts of rain; those glistening globules of water to impart it with new life,

  Every eye is starved for beauty; those ravishing forms of mysticism which grant unsurpassable pleasure and a glint to its exhausted persona,

  Every valley is starved for an echo; that voluptuously resonating sound that clashes delectably against the gloominess of the still atmosphere,

  Every scorpion is starved for a sting; those robust globs of innocuous flesh; which grace it the astronomical privilege of piercing its ominous tentacles,

  Every sports car is starved for a driver; who can grip its steering wheel with insurmountable machismo; speed it at whirlwind speeds; with its nozzle handsomely

  permeating through majestic carpets of air,

  Every dog is starved for a bone; the tantalizing slices of red meat to appease its gluttony till unprecedented limits,

  Every mosquito is starved for immaculate entities; on whose impeccable flesh it could sit all day; and satanically suck blood all throughout the savage night,

  Every lip is starved for a kiss; that volatile inferno of unimaginable passion it stirred at the tiniest of caress,

  Every armpit is starved for sweat; that fountain of shimmering juice which made it feel all the more stupendously exotic,

  Every ear is starved for the voice of the nightingale; that ingratiating fantasy which it inevitably fomented; as it slowly drifted before blending with the senses,

  Every knuckle is starved for a punch; that astounding feeling of bravado which irrefutably descended; as it pounded through loose balls of open space,

  Every soul is starved for childhood; those profusely mischievous moments which divinely tickled it to rise higher above the angels,

  Every barren pond is starved for the royal lotus; the magnanimously alluring odor that profoundly illuminated each second of its unfurling life,

  Every telephone is starved for a melodious ring; that inexorably tinkling sound that made all around it rise with unanimous solidarity,

  Every butterfly was starved for sunlight; those fiery beams of the Sun God which filtered optimistic rays of hope in its miserably cloistered existence; engendered

  it to dance and fly,

  Every mind was starved for ravishing fantasy; fathomlessly fabulous dreams which incessantly kept it in a state of perpetual bliss,

  Every heart was starved for its beloved; the incomprehensible ardor she generated to unrelentingly accelerate its each beat,

  And every life was starved for love; that immortal affinity it solely desired since the time it took its first breath; the very reason it was still breathing and alive.




  A bucket of stones; to built and resurrect my gruesomely broken dwelling,

  A bucket of sparkling water; to clean my unwashed body; annihilate the last iota of dirt incorrigibly adhering to remote corner of my skin,

  A bucket of food; to wholesomely appease the overwhelming pangs of hunger in my famished stomach; my volcanic desire to chew,

  A bucket of flocculent cotton fluff; to impart me with compassionate warmth in the heart of frozen winter,

  A bucket of intractable glue; to coalesce the shattered fragments of distorted glass in which I sighted my heavenly reflection,

  A bucket of scintillating pearls; to sustain the vagaries of day to day and uncouthly monotonous life,

  A bucket of feather tipped pens; to emboss and evolve infinite lines of spell binding literature,

  A bucket of ominously black clouds; showering thunderbolts of tantalizing rain on the trajectory of this scorched planet,

  A bucket of antiseptic detergent; to decimate those inconspicuous germs lingering round my immaculate persona,

  A bucket of sizzling tea; to profusely reinvigorate and stimulate my every languidly dreary morning,

  A bucket of appetizing brown chocolate; to stringently awaken the dormant dormitories of my brain,

  A bucket of fortified sticks; granting me that impregnable prowess of defending myself against the most heinously hostile of enemy,

  A bucket of dead and stupendously lifeless bones; to make me realize the value of harmoniously precious life,

  A bucket of incomprehensibly enigmatic enigmas; to prolifically rekindle my dying imagination,

  A bucket of flabby caps; to wholesomely sequester me from acerbic rays of the flaming Sun,

  A bucket of looming watches; to accurately depict to me every unleashing minute of the day,

  A bucket of crisp bonded paper; to facilitate me to compile a grandiloquent book harnessed with my very own blood,

  A bucket of freshly extracted poignant ocean salt; to deluge my lackadaisical life with loads of seductive vibrancy,

  A bucket of uncontrollable love; to flood my impoverished visage with the

  ecstatic fire to leap;

  the turbulent urge to exist amongst a pack of savage wolves on this planet,

  And a bucket of breath to inundate my jacket of fragile brown lungs with freshly reinvigorating air; granting me the unprecedented tenacity to survive; granting me an indomitable urge to live my complete quota of destined years.



  There was no richness born ever greater; than uninhibitedly dispensing richness itself; to all those despicably besieged with whirlwinds of penurious gloom and

  maudlin malice,

  There was no miracle born ever greater; than Omnisciently disseminating miracles themselves; to all those disastrously orphaned and tyrannically lambasted with whiplashes of indiscriminately ominous despair,

  There was no philanthopism born ever greater; than benevolently diffusing grandiloquent philanthropism itself; to even the most fathomless quarters of this

  enchantingly colossal Universe; uniting with one and all synergistically; in the true spirit of eternal mankind,

  There was no compassion born ever greater; than unrelentingly spreading gregarious compassion itself; to all those brutally bereft of the quintessential spirit to live; those heartlessly dithering towards a gruesomely torturous extinction,

  There was no happiness born ever greater; than ubiquitously sprinkling the flavor of happiness itself; to each dwelling horrendously submerged with despondently murderous doom; profoundly enlightening the bizarre darkness with optimistic rays of desire,

  There was no mysticism born ever greater; than ravishingly wafting the majestic aroma of mysticism itself; to all those obsoletely infirm entities; ludicrously entangled in the miserable web of manipulatively monotonous and sinister prejudice,

  There was no enthusiasm born ever greater; than showering the melody of exuberant enthusiasm itself; to all those drearily divested; and lackadaisically stumbling like a pack of soggy matchsticks; even before alighting a single stride,

  There was no patriotism born ever greater; than unitedly bequeathing the magnificent splendor of righteous patriotism itself; to all those dastardly countrymen; who sadistically sold their motherland just to augment the stuffing of gold in the foundation; of their spuriously bombastic abodes,

  There was no charisma born ever greater; than resplendently distributing voluptuously enamoring charisma itself; to every lip horrifically enveloped with; pathetically dwindling sadness,

  There was no strength born ever greater; than fearlessly impregnating formidable strength itself; embedding unflinching fortitude in all those torturously maim and devastatingly crippled; becoming the vibrant tornado of ebullience in each of

  their bones,

  There was no titillation born ever greater; than the triggering the seductive thunderbolt of divine titillation itself; incinerating? cloudbursts of unrelenting yearning in all those organisms; encapsulated with murderously ghastly remo

  There was no prayer born ever greater; than unequivocally preaching the prayer for togetherness itself; Omnipotently coalescing all caste; creed; color and religion; in the fabric of humanity; and alike,

  There was no flamboyance born ever greater; than relentlessly disposing the stupendously passionate wave of flamboyance itself; to all those shattered hutment's of depravation; all those nonchalant entities dying every instant in deserts of diffidence; all the time,

  There was no charity born ever greater; than altruistically radiating the most regale rays of charity itself; to all those underprivileged orphaned and haplessly destitute; replenishing their tottered lives with the ointment of; unequivocal sharing,

  There was no innocence born ever greater; than splendidly bestowing the Omnipresent virtue of innocence itself; to all those derogatorily heinous devils; ruthlessly bent upon beheading all princely goodness; from living kind,

  There was no rhapsody born ever greater; than intractably endowing the unconquerable paradise of rhapsody itself; to all those unfortunately wandering

  without their loved ones; lighting the flame of jubilation in their lives; once again,

  There was no innovation born ever greater; than magnificently dispersing the spirit of innovation itself; to all those being unsparingly lambasted; by whirlpools of disdainful monotony and salacious greed,

  There was no life born ever greater; than bountifully gifting the chapter of vivaciously unassailable life itself; to all those immaculate creations of Almighty Lord; painfully creeping in agonizing trauma; towards their gory corpse,

  And there was no love born ever greater; than unendingly transmitting the immortal essence of love itself; to all those despairingly broken hearts; rekindling their bountiful treasury of beats once again; with the unsurpassably sweet fragrance of

  kingly existence.


  I meticulously counted the number of waves; rising and falling in the majestically undulating sea, I sang occasionally with the birds; humming a myriad of spell binding tunes,

  I tore a sheet of lanky dilapidated paper; into measly bits of orphaned fragments,

  I nonchalantly kicked each stone that confronted me in my way; hurling it high and handsome towards mystical puffs of sky,

  O ! yes the overwhelming burden on my shoulders seemed to be augmenting each minute; the hour incorrigibly refrained to fly; and for me at the current moment

  life was nothing but a big time pass.?

  I shooed the birds sitting tranquilly on the jaded rocks; chasing them till the point I wholesomely collapsed in a bedraggled heap on cold ground,

  I made boundless sandcastles in insurmountably slippery sand; dismantling them as they gathered the slightest of solid proportion,

  I held my ear abysmally close to the hollow walls; awaiting for the tiniest of sound that simply wasn't there,

  I indefatigably kept chanting a silly tune; giving it the pompously pretentious status of being the astronomical best,

  O ! yes the overwhelming burden on my shoulders seemed to be augmenting each minute; the hour incorrigibly refrained to fly; and for me at the current moment

  life was nothing but a big time pass.?

  I voraciously rubbed my glasses till the time they shone vivaciously bright; although they were already sparkling more than the mid-day Sun,

  I tied my handkerchief into unfathomable number of folds; spent countless moments thereafter in entangling the disdainful mess of my insane creation,

  I washed my body vigorously all throughout the night; evacuating the last bit of superficial dirt that just wasn't to be seen,

  I flipped through pages of the bulky history book; browsing through an unending labyrinth of dates; with beads of exasperating sweat trickling feverishly down my nape,

  O ! yes the overwhelming burden on my shoulders seemed to be augmenting each minute; the hour incorrigibly refrained to fly; and for me at the current moment

  life was nothing but a big time pass.


  I yawned like a maniacally fanatic; although the bones incarcerated in my body rared to surge forward with spurts of exuberant enthusiasm,

  I chewed slices of tangy gum for times immemorial; evolving a cocoon of bubbles only to obnoxiously burst them,

  I incoherently scribbled gargantuan tons of literature on barren paper; expending Herculean loads of my lazy frustration on my tiny little fountain pen,

  I relentlessly kept tapping my nimble feet; scowling in inexplicable disdain at whomsoever who encountered me in my way.

  O ! yes the overwhelming burden on my shoulders seemed to be augmenting each minute; the hour incorrigibly refrained to fly; and for me at the current moment

  life was nothing but a big time pass.




  If I were a formidable mountain; towering way above the clouds with my wonderfully enigmatic peaks,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to stand like an invincible wall; for all my comrades shivering in despicably inexplicable pain.

  If I were a turbulently cascading waterfall; culminating into a blanket of mesmerizing froth after clashing against the festoon of piquantly shimmering rocks,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to pacify the insatiable agony of the uncouthly blistering deserts; enveloping pathetically aggrieved entities in my rejuvenating swirl.

  If I were ravishingly charismatic pearl; diffusing into a cloudburst of Omnipotent shine; even in the most acrimoniously ghastly night,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to profoundly illuminate the lives of all orphans submerged in a dungeon of despair; enlighten their innocently dreary eyes with my perennial glow.

  If I were lethally terrorizing bullet; pulverizing everything to inconspicuous ash; the instant somebody released the trigger,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to decimate even the most diminutive trace of evil from the trajectory of this earth; ensuring that it breathed an air of holistic freedom; an air without disgustingly corrupt malice.

  If I were a seductively alluring shadow; magnetically extending my caress to the most fantastically panoramic places; far and wide,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to encompass all those tyrannically intimidated and enslaved; in the ingratiatingly welcome shelter; that lay embedded

  in my heavenly arms.

  If I were a robustly eternal fruit; blooming into a fountain of sparkling health; as every minute tantalizingly unfurled,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to appease the bizarrely disastrous hunger; of all those innocuously philanthropic; tottering towards the brink

  of horrifically ruthless extinction.

  If I were the richest man on this Universe; with my treasury perpetually overflowing with more wealth; than what the entire planet could ever perceive,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to scrap even the most infinitesimal speck of poverty from impoverished soil; ensuring that the strong and weak; existed in threads of irrefutable equality; alike.

  If I were a hive enshrouded with sacredly oozing honey; melodiously spawning into a cloud of astoundingly benevolent newness; as resplendently milky moonlight fell celestially from the skies,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to deluge every prejudiced life with stupendously uniting harmony; substituting each cold-blooded wound; with a

  gloriously enchanting fortress of mystical romance.

  And if I were an immortal heartbeat; existing since countless births in waves

  of insatiably impregnable passion,

  The first thing that I would have done; was to grant every devastatingly bereaved heart the ultimate wish of its survival; witnessing it blossom into unconquerable happiness; as I granted it the blissfully lost love of its life.



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