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The Princess in the Tower

Page 6

by Cordelia Gregory

  “May I?” Ilya checked before laying his hands on the man’s naked wife and taking the lead from his brother.

  “Of course.”

  James’ smile was now forced again and his tone strained. Ilya felt triumph rise inside him. Wait until I take your beautiful helpless wife away from you and treat her the way a woman should be.

  Ilya tucked his fingers beneath Diana’s chin and raised her face up towards him.

  “Look at me,” he said gently trying to communicate reassurance. Slowly she turned her eyes towards him and for the first time he saw her defiance and the feisty temper talked so much about by her husband to everyone. It was what had kept her surviving in her captivity all of this time. A thrill coursed through his veins. He wanted to tame it and bend it to his will.

  In no time, I will have you kneeling at my feet, obedient and willing, little one.

  He raised her chin a little higher until she strained. At this early stage, it was important she feel his power over her and know she was safely contained within it.

  “Good girl.”

  Resting his hand on top of her shoulder he began to trace the outline of her curves, lightly brushing his hand along the side swell of her breast until it rested on her hip. He could feel her skin shiver and tingle as he did so and knew, despite the game they played, she was excited by his touch as she had been the night before.

  Ilya abruptly let go of her chin and stood back to drink her in.

  “You have a very beautiful wife, James.”

  Alexandrov stood and approached to take his own turn to inspect and assess Diana. He was a little more direct than Ilya. He stood in front of her and rested his hands on her hips as he allowed his eyes to sweep over her body with a surprisingly possessive eye. He was in danger of giving the game away. His brother was well and truly smitten with Diana and Ilya knew then and there he would never succeed in making Diana his alone. She looked at them both with need and admiration every time they cast their eyes on her. Alexandrov skimmed his hands upwards from her hips to cup and hold her breasts. He let the plump mounds lift and wobble on his hands as though he were testing their weight.

  “Such dark plum coloured nipples,” he appreciated.

  He removed one of his hands from her breasts and placed it gently around her slender neck. He held it there for a moment then stroked his fingers up and down. Ilya watched Diana’s face blush a gentle pink with arousal.

  “How does she taste?” Alexandrov asked never taking his eyes from hers.

  He moved his hand from her throat, gently squeezing her breast as he did so to raise a gasp from her glossy, wet, scarlet lips. He was quick to take advantage, slipping his thumb onto her bottom lip pressing downwards to keep her mouth open before dipping it inside the silky dark chamber. He moved it back and forth. James grinned and replied after having been too mesmerised watching Alexandrov’s firm handling of his wife.

  “I can’t remember. She doesn’t deserve pleasure like that. But perhaps you will want to sample her taste and find out for yourself,” he said callously. “She’s a good whore when I want her to be so she will indulge you.”

  Ilya was off his seat to remonstrate with James. His brother let go of Diana’s breast and swiftly turned to press his hand hard into his chest, forcing him to halt. Ilya glared at James breathing hard, his fist curled ready to punch the man. Alexandrov turned to him. There was fury in his own eyes he was trying to wrestle with and calm. He shook his head at Ilya.

  “You don’t deserve a beautiful woman like Diana,” Ilya said with contempt.

  James raised an eyebrow at him.

  “And you do?” he snapped in a challenging way.

  Alexandrov shook his head at Ilya again.

  “Yes, I…”

  “Are we going to discuss this all night or are we going to get to fuck your wife? Do you still want us to take the extra five Empyrean-629s?” Alexandrov fiercely interrupted.

  Ilya tried to calm his breathing and hold his temper in check. If they were going to get Diana out of the castle, he had to keep himself under control. How many times had the bastard said this to his business associates? Yet Ilya could see the jealousy in the man’s eyes. He wondered what was going on in James’ mind. Maybe deep down he really thought he wasn’t good enough for her.

  Diana appeared afraid of the trouble brewing between the three men and she moved away from Alexandrov. James reacted violently grabbing hold of her hair to bring her back.

  “Where the hell do you think you are going?” he spat. “You are going to fuck them both. That’s what you want, and you know what happens when you dare to disobey me, whore.” James raised his hand to hit her and bring her back in line. Both men advanced towards him to stop him. Ilya made sure he got there first.

  Before James could bring the back of his large hand crashing down across the side of her pale face, Ilya caught hold of her wrist and yanked Diana away from her husband towards him.

  “I don’t believe in hitting women.”

  Ilya was shaking with rage, but he managed to smile. He had to play a careful game here. He wound his hand gently around Diana’s throat to hold her still and in place with her back against his chest. He circled the tips of his fingers over her naked hip to soothe her fear. “But I do believe in disciplining them. There is a much better way to bring your wife to heel, James. One you will find both satisfying and arousing,” he said.

  James lowered his hand. Alexandrov looked at him with approval.

  “Show me.”

  Ilya caught hold of Diana’s wrist in a robust but careful manner and led her to the Chesterfield.

  “It’s very simple,” he grinned at James. “Haven’t you ever spanked your wife?”

  Diana stared at him in horror.

  “Spank me?” she repeated looking at him with confusion. This wasn’t in the plan.

  “You should show more respect, if you do not wish to be disciplined,” Ilya winked at James and sat down on the couch swinging a naked Diana swiftly over his knee making her shriek with surprise.

  He placed one hand on her back to steady her and stroked his other palm lightly over one peaches and cream buttock to soothe her fear before positioning her bare bottom more prominently over his knee. He loved the way her pussy rubbed against the trouser leg of his tuxedo and her body hung helpless over his legs. She looked like a beautiful princess he had captured.

  “The idea is to spank her enough so it stings and burns when she sits down again. That way she will remember her error and not make the mistake of doing it again,” Ilya instructed.

  “In essence, treat her like a naughty little girl,” James commented with amusement forgetting his anger. He walked over to the Chesterfield with Alexandrov to observe Diana’s bare bottom as it was spanked over Ilya’s knee.


  “I like it.

  He could see James watching him caress his wife’s bottom with interest. Ilya deliberately cupped the seat of her rump in the middle and squeezed it hard.

  “Stop struggling. It will do you no good,” he told her squaring his taut lean muscled body, widening his legs a little further. He raised his hand and brought it crashing down hard against Diana’s delicious, pale, plump flesh.

  Diana cried out and panted when the second strike shook her opposite bare butt cheek. James chuckled and walked closer to better observe her punishment. Diana struggled like a wildcat but with one hand firmly pressed on her back, Ilya held her in place. He continued to whip his hand in quick succession back and forth across her bare bottom and the tender backs of her thighs until tears erupted and she fell limp across his knees submitting to her discipline from the billionaire in front of his brother and her husband.

  Ilya coloured her butt a rosy pink. He was being lenient and had he wanted her to feel the sting more he would have been firmer with his strikes. Nevertheless, James was impressed. He bent over and caressed his wife’s sore hot bottom inviting Alexandrov to do the same. Alexandrov pressed the back of
his fingers onto her bottom to feel the heat emanating from it and gently stroked. He nodded to his younger brother with approval.

  “Interesting,” James said. “I will have to try this more often. She is quiet and obedient now.”

  Ilya was surprised to feel a little dampness coating the trouser leg of his tuxedo underneath her body. He’d expected her to be angry even though it had been the only way to save her from being struck by James and sticking to the plan.

  So, you are aroused from your spanking, little one. I can’t wait until I can do it again.

  While James stood up and turned around, Ilya quickly looked between her thighs and slipped his fingers gently between her pussy lips to test how wet Diana was. She gave a small moan when he stroked his middle finger the length of her vulva finding her soaking wet. He smiled with triumph and inserted his finger into his mouth to suck away the evidence, enjoying her sweet taste.

  “So, where do you both want to fuck my wife?” James asked.

  Ilya sensually stroked his fingers along Diana’s hip enjoying the way jealousy and anger fluttered stronger in James’ eyes.

  “Have her taken to my room and my aides will prepare her,” Alexandrov instructed.

  James nodded.

  “I will be bringing two friends to watch. This is something we do a lot just to make sure Diana performs well for you.”

  He meant Bazanov and Taylor.

  “As you wish,” Alexandrov appeared undeterred although Ilya knew inside he would be fuming.

  Ilya was forced to end his caress of Diana’s body when her husband abruptly pulled her up to her feet and lifted her up into his arms to carry her to Alexandrov’s bedroom.

  Chapter 8

  A short while later, the Russian billionaires walked into Alexandrov’s bedroom in their tuxedos to find Diana prepared for them to the precise instructions they had given. James, Bazanov and Taylor were already there sitting on chairs at the bottom of the four-poster bed which was dressed in black and red silk covers. Keeping their cover, Ilya and his brother conversed with them while they smoked cigars and drank. Ilya felt anger rise inside him. He didn’t want any of them near Diana and it was an effort to keep his control. He walked towards her on the bed expressing his approval at the way she had been arranged for them to take her.

  Diana was completely naked. She wore a blindfold and had been sat on top of a stack of pillows at the head of the bed. Her arms were splayed to the sides, her wrists secured in cuffs secured to the mahogany headboard. Her legs were parted and bent at the knee to reveal her invitingly open pussy for business-like penetration and her ankles wrapped in black leather cuffs attached to the bottom of the bed. She moved within her bonds trying to see out of the bottom of her blindfold. Alexandrov had deliberately suggested the blindfold to help Diana. They didn’t want her having to look at Bazanov, James and Taylor when she was mounted.

  She was a beautiful, enticing sight to behold. Every time she moved, Ilya could see glimpses of her rosy bottom from the spanking he had delivered so lightly to placate James just before. Her breasts hung large and free like ripe fruit with their dark, plum coloured nipples jostling with her movement. He gazed at her shaven pussy with approval loving the way the folds had been forced to open by her position and prevent her from hiding its depth. She appeared so helpless and vulnerable in front of all the dominant men standing around her, yet she didn’t realise the power she held over all of them with her beauty, intelligence and every delicious curve and swell of her body.

  Ilya walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down on the bed near her just as his brother did on the other side. Ilya was the first to cup her face and brush her lips with a kiss. His brother skimmed his fingers along the inside of her thigh.

  “Relax, Diana,” Ilya whispered to her. “We will protect you. Let go and allow us to pleasure you.”

  Diana gave a small gasp when he took her mouth more strongly devouring her lips with a cruel ferocity that left her reaching for breath. The moment he pulled away, Alexandrov caught hold of her jaw and roughly turned her face to him so he could thrust his tongue dominantly inside her mouth and kiss her hard.

  Ilya bent to caress his lips across the inside of the thigh nearest to him unable to tear his eyes from the soft pink flesh between her thighs beginning to glisten. He pressed her thigh downwards and reached over to descend his mouth in a kiss across the bare mound, slipping his lithe slick tongue out between his lips to lick its tip the length of her pussy. He curled his wet tongue around her clit, teasing and nipping it as he drew it back and forth between his teeth while his brother still devoured her mouth.

  Alexandrov abruptly let go of her mouth and stood to loosen his bow tie. As he came to pull it out from underneath the collar of his evening shirt, he bent to capture the taut nipple of one breast between his teeth. He cupped each of her breasts squeezing them hard in his large male palms, trapping the flesh between them to press his fingers in firmly to knead them. He playfully nibbled at the nipple as his brother nipped at her clit. The double sensation left Diana gasping and crying out with need. She writhed in her bonds unable to fight the fire playing across and through her body with their intense touch. She bucked her pelvis towards Ilya unable to help herself from doing anything else and thrust her breasts at Alexandrov trying to force more of the teat into his mouth as he drew it in and out teasing her.

  Ilya could see her bite her bottom, red, glossy lip with her restless desire and smiled against her pussy, now confident she was lost in the pleasure they were inflicting on her body so much so she wouldn’t feel the weight of the extra eyes viewing her naked body writhing and bucking on the bed.

  Ilya slipped his hands underneath her bottom satisfied at the small amount of heat still emanating from her skin after the spanking he had given her. He circled the entrance to her channel with the tip of his tongue enjoying her sweet intoxicating taste and smell at the same time he harshly dug the pads of his fingers into her sore bottom. The action raised another strangled cry from her lips. He knew by the sound made that she couldn’t tell whether she made it from pleasure or pain, or perhaps both.

  He thrust his tongue urgently up inside her wanting to feel and taste more of her. She panted and her legs trembled against him. They slid downwards weakened. She became slicker and more pliant moving fluidly to the tempo and pace they set upon their lovemaking. She was so wet and silky. His mouth was flooding with her juice. He teased her for a while longer and then abruptly let go wanting her to feel the loss and crave him once more. At the same time, his brother let go of her breasts. She made a sound that resembled a sob. He undid his bow tie and undressed like his brother still unable to take his eyes from her. She was bewitching him. He hadn’t wanted a woman as much as Diana ever before in his life. He worried it might consume him and he would be forever lost in her. It was worth the price to claim her with his brother. If he was to be lost, he wanted to be with her.

  Ilya removed his shirt and returned to her unable to keep separated from her. He grasped the bottom of her face and tilted it up to him as he bent over her.

  “I want you to know just how good you taste,” he said it loud enough so James could hear.

  He roughly pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. He heard her whimper and felt satisfaction harden his cock that little bit more. His brother was now naked. He sported a tall, hairless, lean, muscled, toned, athletic body just like his own. Ilya glanced at the bottom of the bed. Bazanov, Taylor and James had become silent surrounded by a haze of cigar smoke. With lust in their eyes, they watched Diana’s captive naked body being pleasured by whom they thought were two strangers. It made Ilya possessive of Diana. A look at his brother told him he felt the same. He wanted to shield her body from view. Ilya leaned over her continuing to kiss her until Alexandrov climbed up onto the bed to stand between Diana’s widely spread open thighs. He put his feet on either side of them. He lowered his tall frame into a gentle squat position rippling his strong powerful thigh muscles
as he did so, clenching his buttocks tight. He guided his cock to her mouth and pushed the tip at her wet glossy lips demanding entry, taking hold of the back of her head. He gave her a firm one-word command.


  Ilya watched her obey him opening her mouth wide as he played his fingers along her thigh and toyed with her breast. Alexandrov pressed the tip of his cock down against her bottom lip and stayed poised there. Another one-word command followed.


  Diana’s tongue curled out from her mouth and wrapped over his penis. She flicked the wet tip over his dark helmet and swirled it over and under as though she were licking an ice cream.

  Alexandrov’s features tightened with arousal and Ilya noticed the men at the bottom of the bed staring captivated by Diana’s tongue and the wicked way it lashed over Alexandrov’s cock. He noted with amusement that any minute now they were going to drool. Alexandrov pulled Diana’s head forward and thrust his cock deep inside her mouth in one movement. Ilya heard Diana’s gag reflex click in and then relax as his brother moved his penis in and out of her mouth making sure he hit the back of her throat every time, to force her to become used to his presence in her mouth, his butt muscles clenching and unclenching as he did. He issued a gruff order.


  Ilya finished undressing and crawled on top of the bed between Diana’s legs. Lying flat he devoured her pussy once more. Diana moved restlessly unable to know how to take the two-pronged pleasurable assault. Her hips frantically bucked towards his mouth while she eagerly sucked on Alexandrov’s cock dominantly fucking her mouth at a furious pace.

  All of a sudden Alexandrov pulled out of her mouth breathing hard. He had been close to a climax. Ilya gave Diana’s vagina one last loving lick and replaced his brother inside her mouth. Ilya cupped her chin and forced her head to strain up towards him. With his free hand, he ripped the blindfold off her. She stared at him.

  “I want to see your face when I fuck your mouth. Open wide, little one and take me deep.”


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