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The Princess in the Tower

Page 10

by Cordelia Gregory

  They raised her from the floor and sat her down on the potty. She felt her cheeks warm. She didn’t know where to look when they knelt down before her to watch the show. Diana was desperate to wee but found she couldn’t release her water. Ilya noticed her tension and stroked her arm lightly with the tips of his fingers to ease her anxiety.

  “Just relax, little one and let your water flow,” he urged.

  Alexandrov stroked her back.

  “Just calm your mind and relax your body and it will come,” Alexandrov added.

  “But I can’t do it with you watching me,” she insisted. “It just won’t come, and I need to go. I have cramps now,” she felt helpless tears brimming at the backs of her eyes and her cheeks felt as though they were on fire with her blushing.

  They both reached in between her folded arms to rub her lower tummy. Alexandrov glanced at Ilya who immediately nodded to something he was silently suggesting.

  “We will help you, little one,” Ilya told her moving closer towards the potty.

  His brother did the same, opening her folded arms so that she could no longer hide her naked body from them.

  “Sit up straight, little one and be proud,” he smiled.

  Both men reached between her legs and pushed their middle fingers against her pussy. She was dry with her anxiety but the moment they touched her in unison, her arousal leapt to life. They made light stroking movements with their fingers and in no time at all she was wet, but she still needed to pee and it was too much of a distraction.

  “How will this help?” she persisted.

  Ilya explained in a low deep voice that caressed over her taut nerves.

  “It is very simple. When you climax all of your muscles will relax, and your water will flow.”

  “But if you are still touching me then…”

  “Yes. Now relax and let us take control. We don’t want you to be in any more pain.”

  Fear threatened to get the better of her and she suddenly tried getting up to her feet only to find she was held firmly in place. She attempted the feat once again until a hard slap against her pussy lips stopped her dead.

  “Stop misbehaving, kotyonok,” Alexandrov’s words were stern and warning. He gave her vagina another slap for good measure. It was perfectly aimed catching the small bud to elicit not just pain but pleasure. Her body gave a jolt on top of the potty. Something wicked stirred within her deciding to push him to see what would happen.

  “I don’t want to do this, Daddy.”

  She tried to stand up again. Once more she was held in place by the brothers.

  Another strike echoed across her pussy, but she was to receive another surprise. Ilya reached forward to spank first one breast then the second in quick succession. The tips of her breasts stung for a moment and she yelped but there was no time to recover when he repeated the action and his brother spanked her pussy firmly but carefully and didn’t stop this time. Ilya picked up his own spanking of her breasts. Each man’s slaps were measured and not harsh, but they were enough to make Diana realise she had no control over the situation. Instead of feeling afraid or angry, she felt secure. They were setting boundaries for her and helping her live in the real world again outside of the tower.

  Her vagina tingled and began to flood as she shrieked and yelped with each slap to her breasts and pussy. She loved how her breasts wobbled and quivered on her chest with each strike and the way Ilya’s palm brushed the teats to sting them to erection.

  Pretty soon she was heavily wet between her thighs and she was able to keep her cramps at a distance in her mind. They brought her punishment to an end.

  “I hope you realise just who is in charge here, little one. We will have your obedience, or you will be disciplined. Do you understand?” Alexandrov was taking to her like a father again.

  “Yes, I understand, Daddy. I will be a good girl now,” she said quietly.

  His finger was already back inside her pussy and joined with his brother’s.

  “Put your hands at the sides of the potty and do not try to hide your body again. We want to watch you relieve yourself,” Ilya said in a seductive voice.

  Slowly, she moved her hands to the side and tried to overcome her bashfulness as they rhythmically moved their fingers back and forth, circling the rim of her entrance building her arousal higher. Ilya continued to stroke her arm with his free hand and Alexandrov replaced his own on her back, gently moving it back and forth to soothe her and lull her into quiet obedience. They took turns thrusting their fingers up inside her channel to stroke the wet muscles lining it until they joined their middle fingers and pushed up deep inside her leaving her panting for breath.

  “Good girl,” they soothed each cupping a breast to knead and squeeze as she felt herself come close to climaxing.

  Inside her their fingers curled to stroke her G-spot, teasing and tormenting the area until she moved restlessly on top of the potty panting and moaning. They appeared enthralled with her movement.

  “You don’t have to wait for us to give you permission to come today, kotyonok. You may climax when you wish,” Alexandrov informed her.

  They continued their pleasurable torment, squeezing her breasts a little harder, flicking the tip of the nipple back and forth, pulling and tugging on it in unison until she almost sobbed with her desire. Their fingers were so deep inside her and the intense look on their handsome faces as they waited for her to come was a potent aphrodisiac in itself. She was completely at their command and in their dominant power. Two alpha males sexily controlling her mind and her body to build her passion and break down all of the barriers she had in trusting anyone to take care of her and love her since James.

  Her orgasm erupted strongly with a cry from her lips. Her body flushed with warmth giving it a rosy glow as she bucked on their fingers. They pumped them faster and harder inside her showing no mercy as they rammed them hard jostling her body on top of the potty. A part of her was still trying to hold on to her water, embarrassed by the idea of her pee running over their fingers when she let go but the climax was too powerful and before she knew it, her water flowed out uncontrollably to tinkle into the plastic potty making a sound that inwardly mortified her. She had no choice but to listen and ride the intense fiery orgasm stoking her insides while her water began to flow in a torrent to fill the potty, cascading over their fingers as they watched it fall.

  “Good girl,” Ilya said continuing to thrust his finger hard inside her channel alongside Alexandrov’s. “Just a little more to come out and it will be all over.”

  Finally, her water ceased flowing and her cramps stopped. Diana’s orgasm receded leaving her feeling warm and free of tension. She sat over the potty not wanting to look down at the water sitting there. Both men’s fingers remained inside her channel gently stroking the aftershocks that shuddered in there and then they gently removed them. They hugged her close.

  “Good girl. We are proud of you, little one. Now sit there and we will get you cleaned up.” Ilya slipped a baby wipe in between her legs and dabbed her vagina clean then threw it in the bin.

  The brothers stood and washed their hands before returning to her. Ilya took hold of her waist and raised her from the potty while Alexandrov removed it and disposed of the water. After being allowed to wash her own hands, she was asked to lie back down on the towel again while Ilya fixed the diaper around her. After the diaper came some pretty white panties a toddler would have worn with frills on the back. Then she was led back into the bedroom and Ilya placed the beautiful white dress over her head and settled her in it. He finished by tying the sash and bow behind her. She walked towards the full-length mirror after they had placed delicate white ankle socks with a tiny pink frill and some pretty white satin shoes on her feet and looked at herself. Her face was devoid of make-up but her cheeks still bore a rosy glow. Alexandrov had lovingly brushed her hair and now when she looked upon herself, she decided she looked like a pretty princess. She’d never seen herself as attractive. Never thoug
ht of herself that way. She’d been shut away for so long in the tower she felt very small and inconsequential in the world but here with the brothers she could allow herself to feel beautiful. Delighted, she twirled around in the dress admiring herself.

  “I love it, Daddies. Thank you.”

  She reached up and gave each of them a kiss.

  Alexandrov grinned at his brother.

  “I think there is something else we should give her,” he said. Ilya nodded.

  “It will make the outfit perfect.”

  They each took her by the hand and led her downstairs to a room at the back of the house. Alexandrov loved to collect things. She knew about the cars but she didn’t realise he also liked to collect porcelain and antiques. He was so different from his brother who simply liked fast cars and motorbikes. They both had depth but Alexandrov was more secretive with his. He talked little about his own family but from what she could gather from Ilya their rich father had been a cruel man and Alexandrov had suffered much. They never mentioned or talked about their young brother. It seemed too painful for them. It made her feel protective of them both. She hoped in time they would be able to talk to her and seek solace in her arms as she had done in theirs.

  Around the room were cases of Alexandrov’s most precious pieces and antiques from all over the world. They stopped at a case in the middle of the room containing a beautiful tiara. Alexandrov opened the case and took it out. His eyes sparkled as he did so.

  It was one of the most beautiful, exquisite pieces of jewellery Diana had ever seen. Not particularly having been interested in jewels before, getting dirty fixing cars and building plane engines were more her thing she still couldn’t help but feel in awe of it.

  It was made of diamonds and emeralds with one large emerald in the middle.

  “This is believed to have belonged to one of the Romanov Princesses. They believe, Princess Anastasia. It was owned by my family and on my mother’s death it passed to Ilya and myself. I have kept it here since our feud.”

  “I, or should I say, we have been waiting for the right woman to come into our lives to give it to. This is our gift to you,” Ilya said quietly.

  “Call it a wedding gift from us both. We can’t both marry you, but we can collar you as our own submissive with vows,” he turned it over in his hand lowering his eyes as though he had been afraid to say the words and she reject him. “That is if you wish to fully become ours. We love you very much.”

  “We don’t want to be with anyone else but you.”

  Her heart leapt at the declaration of love from them both.

  “I love you both as well. I don’t want to ever be apart from you,” she told them tearfully touching both of their faces at the same time. “This is beautiful, but I don’t need a tiara to know how much you love me. I might break it.”

  They laughed.

  “No matter. We will still love you,” Ilya joked.

  “Please. We want to do this,” Alexandrov said turning the tiara over in his hand.

  “Okay, Daddy,” she said placing her hand gently on his arm and smiling. “Thank you. I accept it as your wedding gift to me from both of you.”

  “We want you to wear this for afternoon tea in the garden later but please try it on now.”

  Alexandrov placed the tiara on her head and fixed it in place. It felt a little heavy to wear at first, but she got used to its weight quite quickly.

  “Here, take a look at yourself. You are a princess,” Ilya’s eyes were wide with adoration as he handed her a mirror.

  Alexandrov said nothing. He was too busy staring in wonder at her. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt tears brim in her eyes. She did feel like a princess again. No one had ever given her a gift like this before. She hugged them tight.

  The tiara was returned to the case for later.

  “Now for the hard part, my little love. Time to go outside,” Alexandrov said taking her hand to lead her out of the room.

  Chapter 11

  They took her to the French doors at the back of the Georgian mansion. She hadn’t even gone outside but her heart was already thumping at the very thought. Adrenaline pumped strongly through her blood system paralysing her movement. She stopped dead refusing to move. Both of her daddies held her hand on either side as she stared out at the sun pouring through the glass doors and the cloudless blue sky tempting her. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go outside, she just felt afraid. Inside the tower room everything had been contained and she had gotten used to knowing the limits of what she could do and what she couldn’t. Outside in the big wide world anything was possible. It wasn’t safe. It was unpredictable. She hated herself for thinking that way, but she couldn’t seem to lock out those thoughts or the physical symptoms the fresh air appeared to produce.

  “I can’t. I can’t. Please don’t make me.”

  Alexandrov bent to lift her chin up.

  “Little one, if you don’t allow us to help you get used to the outside again, you won’t ever be able to see the beautiful aircraft you designed for real,” he whispered. “We will be at your side every step of the way. Your daddies will not allow anything to happen to you.”

  She took a deep breath knowing he was correct. She had to beat this and not allow fear to control her life. Ilya squeezed her hand while Alexandrov opened the door and stepped outside first, tugging her hand for her to follow. Diana put her right foot on the paved area listening to the birds and the fountain in front of them playing loudly, feeling the spray of water fall like mist over her face with the direction of the breeze. She put her other foot on the ground feeling her legs shake as she did.

  “That’s a good girl. You are doing very well. Just a little further then, we can stop and look around,” Alexandrov was cooing at her again.

  Diana felt lightheaded as they led her past the fountain to the edge of the first tier of the terrace overlooking some formal gardens and down over the grass towards another pool with a fountain and a lake beyond.

  “We want to take you to the lake so you can paddle in it,” Ilya said squeezing her hand once more.

  She couldn’t help but jump with every noise. Her heart was thudding so hard under her ribcage she thought it might explode. It was strange to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin. They finally got to the edge of the first tier and stopped.

  “Good girl, Diana. Remember to keep breathing, little one,” Alexandrov said with a smile. “Remember you are safe at all times.”

  She nodded still wanting to run back to the house and seek the indoors. She glanced back prompting Ilya to shake his head.

  “No, no zvyozdochka.”

  Little star, she automatically translated in her mind. She liked that name just as much as kotyonok, kitten. They were used with such love.

  “You are not going to allow this to defeat you. No running back to the house,” he said holding her hand tighter and tugging her down to the second tier and third with Alexandrov.

  Eventually they reached the grass and she could see her goal in sight. The springy, neatly manicured grass felt strange under her feet.

  “Just a little bit longer,” Alexandrov encouraged her.

  Every step was small and took forever but she was doing it. That was all that mattered, and her daddies were being very patient with her. When they reached the edge of the lake, she could see a rug had already been placed there with some drinks. She sat down feeling her heart lessen its stammer and took in the peaceful lake with its bright blue colour and the white and pink water lilies on top of it. It made her smile. No one was in sight and she was becoming used to the sounds of nature. Alexandrov poured her fresh orange juice into a small plastic child’s cup with a lid and two handles. She sipped on it and to her surprise began to feel more comfortable with being outside. Shortly after Daddy Ilya took off her socks and shoes and went paddling with her in the water rolling up his suit trouser legs to do so. The water was so cool and refreshing on her feet. Then Daddy Alexandrov read her a story about a
princess from a book and she was allowed to lie on her front and do some colouring in.

  She felt a little embarrassed when she needed to pee again and her daddies refused to take her back to the house so she could use the toilet or the potty. She had to use the diaper. She held her water for as long as she could in the hope they would change their minds, but they didn’t. Then Daddy Ilya called her a naughty girl. He pulled her up on to his knee and lifted up her dress to press down hard on her tummy while he slipped his hand underneath her bottom still clothed in the diaper and held it. She squealed when a trickle of water came out into the diaper. He pressed harder as his brother watched with amusement and suddenly her water was cascading into the nappy to make it swell underneath his hand as it contained her pee. He rubbed the diaper as it did, skimming his fingers underneath the elastic sides to check for any leakages making her cheeks warm. She buried her head in his chest as she peed unable to stop herself.

  A baby changing bag was on the rug when they arrived, so Ilya had everything he needed to change his baby girl. He took out a changing mat and sat her down off his knee on top of it asking her to lie down. He pulled up her dress and pulled off her panties and removed the heavy wet nappy disposing of it in a separate bag. Using wipes, he lifted her legs and cleansed her vagina and bottom. Then he smoothed baby moisturising cream over her bottom and put a new nappy on her. He replaced her panties and cleansed both his hands and hers.

  There was more paddling then it was time for tea and to wear the tiara again. Her daddies led her back to the terrace for afternoon tea and she received another surprise. Sitting on one of the pretty garden chairs in front of a large table with a white damask tablecloth, a cake tier filled with delicious cakes of all shapes and flavours, sandwiches without crusts of all different fillings with a pretty porcelain tea service, was a big Teddy bear. It had a large red bow tied around his neck. She thanked her daddies after hugging her new friend and sat very still and behaved like a good girl when Alexandrov put the tiara on her head to wear for afternoon tea. For once she felt hungry to devour the cakes, but her daddies insisted on her eating some sandwiches first.


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