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The Princess in the Tower

Page 13

by Cordelia Gregory

  He made sure the panties stayed at her calves while he stood her up and took the dress away from her body. Mistress held her head high unabashed by her naked body being on display, a small wicked smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She was an impressive sight and it made Diana feel awkward about her own small curved one. Alexandrov took hold of her hair and pushed her forward.

  “Walk towards the cuffs on the wall,” he instructed in a gruff voice watching her body lurch forward wearing a look of satisfaction as she fought to keep her body upright and balanced with her panties restraining her movement around her calves. She went to pick them up but Alexandrov reacted with lightning speed, picking up the riding crop again to lash it across the seat of her bare bottom. She yelped loudly raising grins and a laugh from the men in the room. Diana noticed not even James leapt to her defence, watching with lust as his Mistress was stripped and prepared for her own punishment by a dominant male. What the hell had she married? Someone who couldn’t care or truly love anyone, not even his own son or the Mistress who provided him with all of his sexual needs. The man was an unfeeling monster incapable of love. Had he loved her just to steal part of her company when they first met and married? Everything had been a sham.

  Mistress refrained from trying to pull up her underwear again and cover her own shaven pussy. She shuffled towards the cuffs still hampered in her walking by her panties trying to force her legs together. When she reached the cuffs, Alexandrov approached. Ilya led Diana to a safer area of the room out of the way, still protectively holding and shielding her own naked body from the occupants of the room.

  “Face the wall,” Alexandrov ordered.

  He raised Katya’s arms above her head and placed them inside the wide steel cuffs above her head. She growled when the action forced her to stand on her tiptoes. She strained on her bonds trying to free herself.

  “I still won’t give up anything, no matter what you do to me,” she spat with contempt.

  “Oh, I think you will be begging to give me the information when I am finished with you.”

  Alexandrov came to stand dominantly over Katya’s smaller body, his legs parted in a stance, aiming a few practice strokes with the riding crop at the air. Diana jumped in Ilya’s arms in response to hearing the familiar crack strike the air.

  “I have been whipped many times before. This does not concern me,” Katya persisted. “On the contrary, I find it most satisfying.”

  “You haven’t been whipped like this before,” he said sternly raising his arm to arc it in a perfect swing to make contact with Katya’s lightly tanned flesh of her left buttock. Diana winced. She couldn’t remember Alexandrov using such measured force with her spanking. But then the brothers had been gentle with her after her abuse from James. Katya laughed loudly but there was a shake to it.

  “From what I hear about you and your exploits, Katya, you like women to spank or whip you and you have never felt the caress of a man’s firm hand across your bare bottom or his belt. This is going to be a new experience for you.”

  The rest of the men looked on with interest to see how the scene was going to go. Would the formidable cruel Mistress who liked to dominate men be firmly taken to task by the strong male Dominant in the room whipping her backside?

  Alexandrov struck her opposite buttock raising another yelp but it wasn’t until he picked up the tempo of the lashes and slightly increased the severity of the strikes that she showed signs of buckling. Her bottom was stinging hot crimson now, just like Diana’s.

  Katya’s laughs became pants for breath and a fine sheen of sweat coated her body.

  “Are you ready to give me the name of the family who have taken Diana’s son to live with them?”

  “No.” Another shake in her voice.

  Alexandrov responded to her brief show of weakness, lashing her buttocks at a careful, hot, furious pace until she sobbed.

  “Stop, please. I will tell you.”

  “Are you sure? Because we can continue this for a while longer if we have to. I thought you enjoyed being whipped. I haven’t even got started yet. There are submissives who can take much more of this than you,” he mocked.

  He gave her three more lashes for good measure until she sagged with exhaustion on her bonds.

  “Korablyov Germanovich has him.”

  “The Industrialist?”

  “Yes. You know where to find him. You two have been friends. He took him for his daughter and their family. We handed the child to him, but I don’t know where he is now. He is with his daughter’s family. They are hiding the child from my father.”

  Another one of Alexandrov’s men ran in to the room.

  “Bazanov got away. He is too heavily guarded.”

  Ilya swore in Russian.

  “You might have us, but he is not going to let Diana have the rest of her company back. He wants to kill her. I persuaded him to keep her alive so we could get all of the company. Katya was your only protection from him, Diana. Now he won’t give up until Diana is dead. I just wish it could be me to pull the trigger and kill you myself,” James shouted at Diana. She wanted to retaliate but the gag Ilya still kept in her mouth prevented her from doing so. Ilya held her even tighter restraining the movements she made to get away and rage at James in the chair, forgetting she was still naked and bound with her arms behind her back.

  “Tie James up in the chair. The police are on their way. I took the liberty of calling my contact there once we got inside here. Time to leave.”

  Alexandrov was completely in control of his team and they obeyed his every command as though they were still in the GRU Spetsnaz. His tone was strong, dominant and made her feel safe.

  “Let’s go, I don’t want to have to explain this to them.”

  The men nodded and completed their tasks. Alexandrov walked towards Ilya and Diana. He took her straight into his arms and held her close. She could feel him tremble for a moment.

  “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again, kotyonok. Let’s get you out of here,” he said kissing the top of her head.

  Even though she wanted to leave, the thought of going outside still frightened her. He saw it in her eyes when she looked up at him.

  “Hush, little one. It is a short way to the car,” he reassured smoothing his leather gloved hand down the side of her face.

  Another man stepped inside the room just as more gunshots could be heard.

  “We need to leave quickly. They are bringing in re-enforcements.”

  Alexandrov nodded. He took out his Glock and looked at Ilya.

  “Carry her.”

  Alexandrov directed Diana at Ilya who gently took hold of her shoulders to turn her around. He dipped his tall frame and taking hold of her legs pulled her neatly over his shoulder. She mumbled against her gag. She didn’t want to be carried and she gave him a small amount of struggle. Ilya soothed his hand over her hot, bare buttocks.

  “Hush, little one. Be obedient. We will take care of you.”

  Ilya moved to follow the others, taking out his own weapon to defend her should it become necessary. Ilya had given Diana no choice but to obey him and leave the house. Giving up her struggle, she hung limp accepting his control as he ran with the others out of the front door carrying her. When she thought about the humiliation of being naked and carried out over Ilya’s shoulder bound and gagged for all to see into the fearsome outside, she realised it was the only way she would have left. Ilya started to run with her when a hail of bullets came in their direction, returning fire as he did so. The men crowded around him to protect Diana and returned fire. For a moment, they were forced to stop and stand their ground. Diana closed her eyes hearing a shot and groan from the men shooting at them when they fell down injured, or dead.

  She winced and shivered. Her thoughts made her sob. Tears spilled from her eyes to run down her cheeks as she wondered if she would ever go back to being normal, to the way she was before James locked her away. Her heart was pounding, she could barely breathe, and
she was dizzy – all because of the fear of not just losing her own life but for Ilya and Alexandrov. There was too much trauma around her and to top it all off, she was outside. Thankfully, the gag was stopping her from hyperventilating and losing control. She tried to calm herself. At least they had a lead on her beautiful son and it was wonderful to be reunited with the brothers who once more had acted like knights on chargers and rescued her. Alexandrov walked in front of them, his weapon aimed for any assailants who weren’t still occupied by the raid on the house by the police. His men surrounded them and although she was outside, Diana felt safe as long as she was in contact with her two knights.

  Chapter 14

  At Alexandrov’s direction, they walked in silence and stealth between the trees away from the house. The mist was curling around the trees drifting towards them. Somewhere an owl hooted making Diana’s body jump over Ilya’s shoulder. The cool air rested on Diana’s back, another reminder she was outside. So far, she’d kept her head down unable to bear the thought of where she was, but the fresh air was seductive despite her fear and the small voice at the back of her mind urged her to look up and see what she was missing.

  Taking a breath behind her leather gag, she raised her head and opened her eyes. She had to wait a little for her eyes to adjust and at first, she could only manage to sweep her gaze over Alexandrov’s back. She blinked finding her eyes unaccustomed to the dark and shifted them to the side and away from the men. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the barn owl she’d heard just before fly towards them. Her breath caught in her throat at the awesome sight of the magnificent ghostly white bird in flight as it swooped near them to pick up a mouse in its claws.

  Diana felt Ilya rest his gloved hand and move it back and forth along her spine to soothe her as she continued to force herself to take in the sights, sounds and smells of her outside surroundings.

  “It won’t be long now,” he whispered.

  She inhaled the black velvet night around her naked body. She smelt the pine coming from the trees and felt the brush of the breeze across her face and body and the dampness of the mist caress her body as they stepped deeper into the forest.

  Not long after, they came to a trail weaving between the trees. Three cars were parked. The car in the middle was an old style and it looked like one from Alexandrov’s classic car collection he kept. She recognised it immediately. It was a sleek black 1960s Russian Volga.

  The group picked up its pace, dispersing to get into the cars. Only Alexandrov and Ilya walked towards the Volga. She heard Alexandrov give an instruction to his brother in Russian. Although they argued, Diana noticed that Ilya still gave respect to his brother, deferring to him as the elder alpha. Alexandrov opened the back door of the car and Diana felt herself being lowered to rest lengthways on the smooth black leather seat. Ilya closed the door and got in the driver’s seat. His brother walked around to the other side and sat in the back with Diana.

  Alexandrov with gentle loving care, lifted her head onto his lap pausing to caress her cheek with his leather gloved hand.

  “Ilya, turn up the heating so, little one gets warm. The night is chilly. Then get us out of here.”

  Diana listened to the sound of his smooth even voice that felt like strokes on her body. Although they were in a car and not inside a house, she felt more comforted to be enclosed in the small space with them both. Lying on her side in her black patent leather high heels, her hands still bound behind her back and the gag in her mouth, she snuggled against his knee liking the way the leather seats caressed her naked figure. He made no move to unbind her and for that she was grateful. Strangely, she felt more secure that way because of her fear. She loved smelling the leather as Alexandrov cupped the side of her face while she lay facing the front seats watching Ilya drive. She closed her eyes content and revelling in the contrast from the chill outside to the feeling of warmth from Alexandrov’s touch. Her body felt comfortable stretched out on its side rubbing against the long black leather seat.

  The billionaire bent to brush his lips against her hair before seductively sweeping his hand down over her shoulder, along her arm, turning to stroke the back of his knuckles down her side until it came to a rest upon her hip to possessively clasp it. Her body shivered with need in response, the first flush of wetness licking at her pink pussy lips, preparing her for his penetration.

  After waiting for a while, allowing her to enjoy the simple hold of her body. She felt him undoing her gag at the back with one hand. She lifted her head enabling him to remove it from her mouth and throw it to the floor. She took a breath in, opening her mouth once more but before she could close it, Alexandrov slipped his gloved thumb inside it.

  “Suck, my little one,” he instructed. “It will calm you.”

  He pulsed it in and out between her ruby glossed lips allowing her to rim it. She sucked like a newborn babe curling her tongue around his wide male thumb finding both comfort and arousal in the action. She could see him bend to watch her for a short time and then his hand holding her hip began to move again. He was smoothing it over her hip, down across her stomach, warm desire pumped faster around her body flushing it with a rosy glow that intensified when he slipped his leather clad index and middle finger between the folds of her pussy. She gave a small whimper against his thumb when he spread them wide open and peered over her body to inspect them making her feel confused. She glanced at Ilya driving. He was watching her through the rear-view mirror with his smouldering ice-blue eyes. Had he been watching her all this time in between those stolen moments when the road did not demand all of his attention?

  “Has she been touched? Did he violate her?” Ilya asked his brother with restrained urgent concern in his tone.

  Alexandrov ran his thumb down the middle of her vagina, stopping to play with the small bud, flexing it back and forth until she felt another rush of creamy juice flood her pussy before he circled her entrance.

  “No. There is no bruising or signs of damage,” he answered quietly maintaining the thrust of his opposite thumb in and out of Diana’s mouth.

  Ilya breathed a sigh of relief.

  She became content again, captivated by his continued caress of her pussy, gasping when he pinched her clit.

  “I need to be inside her,” Ilya spoke again, the urgency in his tone now stronger.

  His brother nodded and carefully coated her entrance with her juice before gently pushing his gloved middle finger up inside her. Diana moaned against his thumb in her mouth.

  “We will be able to stop soon. I will tell you when.”

  Ilya nodded in return. He turned back to concentrate on driving the Volga but Diana could feel his eyes sweeping over her body every now and then warming her arousal alongside Alexandrov’s internal caress of her channel. She couldn’t wait to be between them both.

  They travelled for a little longer then Alexandrov gave a command.

  “Turn left off the road. There is a small clearing. We won’t be followed. The men will stay on the road and wait for us as instructed. I warned them this would happen.” He gave his brother a knowing smile and Diana could see Ilya return it with a nod of acknowledgement just before he executed the order.

  The car was jostled when it went off road on the grass up between an avenue of trees.

  “Turn right into the small clearing,” Alexandrov said. “Stop here. We are hidden from the road here but not too far away should security be needed. They will guard the entrance to the clearing.”

  Ilya brought the car to a stop and turned around in his seat to watch Alexandrov prepare Diana for taking by both of them.

  “Join us, Ilya.”

  Ilya got out of the car when Alexandrov removed his fingers from her mouth and pussy to pull her up and spread her legs over his own until she was sitting up on his knee in a straddled position in front of him. With her arms tied she had no freedom to direct her movement and was helpless but to obey and enjoy their touch. Her vagina was wide open in this position and rubbed Alexandro
v’s clothed cock in his suit trousers. She expected him to unsheathe it immediately but instead he reached up to roughly clasp the bottom of her face and bring her red glossy lips to his mouth. He thrust his tongue dominantly inside the dark chamber easily subduing her tongue to reign supreme and control the deep kiss. She could hardly breathe. His power was overwhelming her senses making her weak and pliant, needing his complete control. He did not need to speak to tell her how afraid he had been for her nor his euphoria for having rescued her, his robust handling and actions spoke volumes making her heart leap with joy. The need to submit fully to him and Ilya became strong. She wanted to kneel before them and surrender her will, but she knew what they wanted and needed more was to mount her and reclaim her from James.

  Diana heard the car door close and felt Ilya’s presence. He swept his own soft leather gloved hand down her back beginning the physical connection between the three of them. While Alexandrov still held her face crushed in his hand, devouring her mouth at a feverish pace, she heard the noise of his zip going down.

  “Is she ready?” Ilya asked in a husky voice.

  “Yes, she is soaking wet. I saw to that,” he told him roughly letting go of her face to place his hands on her hips and force her to raise her body until her pussy hovered over his crotch. Alexandrov pulled his long hard cock out of his trousers and with Ilya’s assistance began to lower Diana on top of it. She held her breath as Alexandrov made sure her pussy lips split neatly over the tip so he could position his cock just inside the entrance to her channel while his brother held her waist to keep her in place.


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