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The Princess in the Tower

Page 15

by Cordelia Gregory

  “I love you so much,” he whispered, kissing her.

  Ilya came into the cockpit. A wide smile on his face. He took her from Alexandrov and held her close, kissing her deeply while the Russian police entered the small room.

  Chapter 16

  Diana took one last look at her handsome, blue-eyed, dark-haired son and bit her bottom lip to hold back her overwhelming emotion. She held on to the fact that he was happy and well cared for even if it was a poor substitute to holding him in her arms and bringing him home. The thought of being reunited with him had kept her going all those nights alone in the tower. What was she going to do now, without him? He clung to his foster mother refusing to look at her. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Her heart ached. How could she take him away from a life he was happy with? She loved him enough to do what was best for him. But it threatened to kill her. He wouldn’t even stay in her arms. He screamed and cried for his Russian mother so much it was making him ill. Diana believed she would be cruel if she took him from the family who had so diligently cared for him these last three years and risked their lives to protect him from Bazanov.

  The British police had taken Bazanov into custody but his contacts and those who worked with him in the UK and Russia where still dangerous. Alexandrov hadn’t told her all the details but he had been working with a rival Russian Mafia family his father had once had links with in his youth to ensure Diana’s future safety. Something he had set up that night when he’d arranged for Bazanov to have a distracting phone call that had necessitated him leaving the castle, a piece of information given to his rival that had prompted the disruption of the heart of his drug business.

  Ethan would always be her son, but they were his family now. The only one he had ever known. The woman looked desperate.

  “I am sorry. I am sorry,” was all she kept saying to Diana as she rocked the child back and forth in her arms.

  Diana bent and kissed the top of her reluctant son’s head and then turned to run out of the room and the house feeling her emotions too high to handle in front of all those people. She couldn’t afford to lose control now. She’d been holding herself tightly together for so long for this moment and now it was being so cruelly taken away from her. The fresh air of the early morning was some relief, but panic was rising fast throughout her body. One of the security men approached to offer assistance when he saw the tears running down her face, tears she hadn’t even noticed were there, but she shrugged him off with a sob and walked over the grass into the grounds.

  She stumbled over the grass not knowing where she was going. She couldn’t breathe and she could hear herself panting hard. Panic attacks had appeared when she was first locked in the tower. Over time she’d learned to make herself numb and forced them to regress under the promise that one day she would break free. When she gave birth to her son that promise was added too. Diana had gained her freedom but not her child. However noble her sentiment was for leaving the child with his adoptive parents for his own welfare and because she loved him so much and wanted him to have what he needed, a part of her, her instinct was screaming at her for leaving him.

  The world was spinning, and adrenaline pumped through her veins so fast she thought she might take off like a rocket. Darkness crept in from the sides of her vision and she had the curious sensation of falling. But before she hit the ground unconscious, she felt Alexandrov’s strong arms around her body as he scooped her up and heard Ilya’s soothing voice of reassurance.

  “Everything is going to be all right, Diana. We are here.”

  That was all she needed to hear as she fell unconscious.

  Diana regained consciousness when she felt herself being carried by Ilya up to the bedroom in his Russian residence.

  “Hello, little one,” he said gently smiling down at her as he reached the top step of the sweeping staircase on the first floor. He carried her across the landing to go up the second staircase to the next floor closely followed by Alexandrov. “She’s awake,” he whispered to his brother who was walking next to another man.

  “Who is that?” Diana asked in a drowsy voice.

  “The doctor. You’ve just been through a traumatic situation. We want you checked out.”

  Diana said nothing. The image of the woman rocking her son and his frantic cries when she tried to take him away filled her mind producing a fresh batch of tears and heartache. Ilya held her tighter.

  “Shh, Diana. Everything is going to be all right. You did the right thing. You did what was right for your child. Shh,” he whispered in a caressing tone. He stopped on the stairs and brushed the top of her head with a kiss and gently rocked her in his arms before continuing on to the bedroom. Once inside he laid her on top of the bed and let the doctor take over. They stood watching her protectively while the doctor conducted his examination.

  “I want to give you a sedative so you can get some rest,” he told her in broken English.

  “But I don’t want to sleep,” Diana protested.

  “You need to rest. You are exhausted,” the doctor was firm. He reached in his bag and took out a syringe.

  “Ilya, Alexandrov, please don’t let him put me to sleep.”

  They came towards her and sat on the bed.

  Alexandrov smoothed his hand down the side of her face and spoke to her in a stern though gentle voice.

  “We are taking care of you, kotyonok. When we entered into this relationship you surrendered to our will and vowed to obey us. Do you remember?” He stroked his thumb across her cheek and Diana felt some of her tension ease with his touch. She nodded. “But…”

  “No buts, Diana,” he warned. “We expect your complete obedience. We won’t do anything to compromise or hurt you. We vowed to protect and take care of you in return for your submission.”

  He was making them sound like wedding vows and she supposed they were in a way.

  “I expect your obedience, Diana. Rest is necessary. We will stay with you and be here when you wake up. You will not be left on your own.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she relented knowing he was right.

  Alexandrov lifted her up from the pillows and began removing her white suit jacket. He helped her move down the bed, so she was in a more comfortable position for sleep against the pillows and undid the sleeve of her blouse and rolled it up her arm. Ilya’s handsome face smiled down reassuringly at her.

  The doctor approached holding a full syringe.

  “This will help you sleep and calm your mind,” he said.

  He slipped the needle painlessly into her arm.

  Ilya took a warm white cashmere blanket from the armoire and covered Diana with it. She looked up at them already feeling her eyes begin to close. Alexandrov stroked her face.

  “Shh. That’s right. Don’t fight it. We will be right here,” he soothed in that lovely velvet whisper, caressing voice he used when she was agitated or afraid. Her eyes fluttered one more time then closed and peaceful sleep claimed her.

  A few hours later Diana woke to find that they had kept their word. Alexandrov was lying on the bed answering messages on his mobile while Ilya was sitting in the chair next to the side of the bed reading a book. They became very protective, watching her with extra concern and she was not allowed to be on her own. She had to sign adoption papers for her son and the whole episode was draining and upsetting. After a week had passed and the formalities had been seen to, the Russian brothers announced they were taking her back home to Alexandrov’s home in Hertfordshire to settle down and properly begin their life together. St. Petersburg was beautiful, but she just wanted to go home and somehow move on with her life. She would never forget her son. But she had to try and put him at some distance in her mind knowing now he was safe, for the sake of her sanity and to try and calm the everlasting separation anxiety she felt.

  The night they returned, the billionaires had a surprise for her. They were having dinner alone but had dressed formally for the occasion at Alexandrov’s request. Alexandrov and Ilya sat
at the head of the opposite ends of the long mahogany dining table in their tuxedos while Diana had been placed in the middle between them in full evening dress. She wore a white and black floor length dress to compliment them. The sleeveless bodice had been created from white lace and was decorated with small Swarovski crystals and wove around in a round collar at her throat. The clear netting between the middle did little to hide her ample cleavage as did the long split in the black skirt to hide her bare legs tapered in the black suede, impossibly high heeled, Louboutin’s attached to her feet by the design of a cuff around her ankles.

  The first course of celeriac soup was served and all three ate almost in silence. There had been no disagreement between them all but there was a tension in the atmosphere. Electricity danced in the air all around them. In any event it was difficult to carry out a conversation at the awkward distance they were seated around the table with the lit candelabra in the middle. She eyed them both for any signs of them being ready to give away the surprise, but they were giving nothing away and the charade continued until the soup course was finished and the dishes were taken away by the staff.

  Before the butler left the room Alexandrov spoke to him.

  “Dimitri, please take the candelabra away from the table.”

  The man nodded and put it on the sideboard as the fish course was brought in and laid in front of them.

  Alexandrov spoke again.

  “Dimitri, please bring Diana’s food to me.”

  Diana raised an eyebrow at him. Why was he taking her food away? She had been looking forward to eating lobster again. It had been such a long time since she had enjoyed it.

  “Thank you. I will ring when we want the next course.”

  “This is all very Downton Abbey,” she offered feeling a mite offended. “But why have you taken my food away?”

  He ignored her. Instead he spoke to his brother over the long distance at the other end of the table. Ilya appeared amused by the whole scene and was wearing his wicked smile.

  “Ilya, don’t you think the table looks bare without an appropriate table decoration in the middle of it?”

  Ilya raised his napkin and placed it on top of the table. He now wore a serious look making Diana even more confused at the game the two were playing.

  “Yes, I agree. We should do something about it.”

  “Yes, I think we should.”

  Alexandrov placed his napkin on the table next to his and Diana’s plates sitting side by side. He approached Diana and held out his hand gesturing for her to take it so he could assist her in standing from the high-backed leather chair. Confused, she took it and stood.

  “Turn around, please.” He was still speaking to her in a formal clipped tone. Bemused, she did as she was told. He placed his large male palm onto her bare back, where the bodice was cut away to the skirt, as though to centre and steady her for a moment. Then he reached for the small pearl buttons on the back of the collar of her dress and undid them. He slid it down her arms to reveal her bare breasts. Now, she was beginning to understand his motive to some extent. She stood perfectly still and allowed her Dominant Daddy to take control of her body wondering what pleasure he would choose to inflict upon her tonight. He turned his attention to the skirt of the dress, undid the buttons and allowed it to slip over her small hourglass figure until it pooled around her feet leaving her clothed only in her skimpy black lace underwear and her sexy high heels.

  Alexandrov helped her step out of the dress laying around her feet. Ilya remained where he was sitting and simply lustfully watched her figure sway as Alexandrov led her to the table and helped her up on to it on all fours facing his end. He took hold of the pins holding her hair up and removed them allowing her blonde curls to cascade down onto her shoulders.

  “Much better table decoration to view while eating,” Ilya complimented beginning to eat his lobster.

  Alexandrov returned to his position at the other end of the table and sat down. He too began to eat making Diana frown and stare with desire at her own plate sitting next to his own.

  “Don’t frown, Diana,” Alexandrov chided her, a wicked smile twitching at his mouth. “You will spoil the effect.”

  He made her stay quiet and in position for a couple of minutes while he finished his food. Then he put his own plate on the sideboard and returned to put her own in front of him. His black eyes smouldered at her as he beckoned to her with his finger to come forward.

  Obediently, Diana began to crawl along the table towards him conscious of how her body felt and appeared as she did so. Her breasts moved from side to side, the movement seemingly captivating Alexandrov. The possessive dominant way he looked at her made her damp between her thighs as she continued to crawl towards him. She stopped just in front of the plate expecting him to stroke or caress her. But he was to surprise her.

  “You are breathtaking, kotyonok,” he said reaching for the solid silver knife and fork he had placed at either side of her plate and stuck the fork into a piece of lobster coating it in the sauce.

  “Open,” he demanded giving another one of his short one-word commands she loved to hear so much. She opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her the morsel of food enjoying the soft texture of the lobster and the lemony taste of the sauce coating it.

  He arranged another piece on the fork.

  “We have decided to give you something very special tonight,” he said inserting another piece into her mouth watching her glossy red lips part and allow him to do so. “We want to make you conceive and carry our child. It will be the first of many if you so wish.”

  She stared at him and finished her food. She was elated, overwhelmed. Every emotion swirled within her competing for prominence. She couldn’t believe it. She hadn’t expected the relationship to even go down that route. She never thought she could or would have another child. She never thought she could trust a man like she did Alexandrov and Ilya ever again after James, but she was being offered a new start.

  Alexandrov sat poised with another forkful of lobster studying her eyes for her answer.

  “Yes, yes. I would love to carry a child for you both,” she told him breathless. Then a sudden thought struck her. She couldn’t just replace her son.

  “But what about…”

  Alexandrov pushed the food at her lips and she obediently took it, halting her speech.

  “Your son? You worry about replacing him, yes?”

  She nodded.

  “This is not about replacing your son. This is about adding to your family and starting a new life with Ilya and me,” he told her gently soothing her fear. “No one can replace a child. We understand that. Do you agree?”

  “Yes. Yes, I want this so much.”

  He gave her the last piece of food and smiled, watching her eat. He placed the fork and knife back down on the plate and said, “Then there is no time like the present to start.”

  As though on cue she heard the noise of cutlery and a plate being swept from the table onto the floor at the opposite end of the table. The long table moved feeling the weight of another person on top of it. With a gasp, she turned her head to the side to look back along it. Ilya was walking along the table tall and proud towards her adjusting the cuffs on his tuxedo as he did so as though preparing to undertake a task. She raised one eyebrow at him in surprise. He cast a dominant figure, a hunter who was coming to take his prey and her body tingled knowing he was coming for her and there was no escape.

  She felt Ilya tower above her fragile form standing on the table behind her, increasing the excited tingle and making her skin delightfully shiver. Alexandrov took hold of the bottom of her face firmly and studied it while Ilya lowered himself onto his knees directly behind her. Ilya took hold of the skimpy panties and with his strength snapped the thin straps at the side. He roughly pulled the remnants from her body, exposing her pussy and leaving her completely naked on top of the table, at their mercy, only wearing her high heels with their sexy red soles. He put the tattered remnan
ts in the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard the zip on his trousers go down. He did not speak any words she simply felt the brush of the tip of his cock against her entrance and the stroke of his fingers the length of her already juicy pussy lips. He nipped her clit making her cry out and a rush of cream soaked her vagina easing the nudge of his penis at her entrance.

  Alexandrov reached forward and kissed her hard. Ilya sat at her entrance waiting. As soon as Alexandrov stopped his kiss, his brother took hold of her hips like reins and thrust himself deep inside her with one hard stabbing motion. She cried out with satisfaction at the brutal movement. He jolted her body on top of the antique table making his thrust deep and fast then slow and teasing until she was crying and panting at the same time, tormented by pleasure. All of the time, Alexandrov held her face watching every course of pleasure dance across her beautiful pale features reaching out with his free hand to enclose a breast in it and squeeze, pulling at the nipple, stretching the tip down towards the table, torturing her with the pleasure pain sensation.

  Diana didn’t know how much more she could take. She could hear Ilya growling his need for her with every driving thrust. He was going deeper and deeper, his cock swelling to rub against her G-spot making her scream out. Alexandrov never took his eyes from hers, captivated with the sight before him that he and his brother commanded. She fought to hold her climax just as they’d taught her, but she thought she might explode if Ilya didn’t give her his permission to let go soon. The table shook the knives and forks and made the plates lift as Ilya rammed inside her to the hilt and finally gave her the word.

  “Now,” he ordered loudly slapping one bare buttock twice to encourage her obedience.

  With a scream Diana let go and came, her eyes boring into Alexandrov’s who was still holding her face and tormenting her breasts as her body bucked towards him with force while his brother fucked her hard. Her whole body melted inside, flooding her juices around his cock, forcing the fire inside her to burn out of control and consume her as her climax took her to the highest point with an ecstasy she had never felt before. At the same time, Ilya roared his own release making her body slam back against his with his hold on her hips as reins, his hot potent seed pumping from his cock deep into her channel to reach her womb. Finally, her spinning world began to return to normal and she could feel Ilya kissing her back as she fought to control her breathing again.


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