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Key To His Heart (Gay Romance)

Page 19

by Trina Solet

  The living room was small with a wide window facing another building across the alley. Under the window was a couch with sunken cushions. Phillip imagined curling up on it with Leon, letting his hands wander, not to mention his overactive imagination. Not wanting to let indecent thoughts take over, he turned away from there too.

  From what Leon told him, Phillip knew there would be a lot of books somewhere but he didn't expect this monstrosity of a makeshift shelving system. Two small particleboard shelves were sagging under a wire shelf that sat on top of them. Books were crammed in every which way. Seeing what Phillip was looking at, Ant went straight for those crazy shelves.

  "Don't. You'll start an avalanche," Leon warned him. "Let's go see what's happening in the kitchen."

  The kitchen and the living room were really one room. They only had to go a few feet to see everything Leon had laid out on the minimal counter space. He picked up Ant so he could get a better look. The snacks and finger foods got Ant's approval. Phillip had Ant start with a cream cheese celery stick.

  Ant made a face. "It's veggies." He munched on it while Leon showed Phillip his collection of drinking glasses.

  "Thrift stores aren't just for books," he said. "Next time I'll pick up some wine glasses. Now do you want your expensive wine in a Hamburglar glass or a Wile E. Coyote glass?"

  Ant was looking up at them eagerly, ready to make his choice.

  "You get juice in a SpongeBob cup," Leon told him and showed him a bright yellow plastic cup. "I got this one just for you. You're my guest of honor."

  Ant accepted the cup and beamed at him.

  "We want one of those," Lenny said, pointing at Ant. "Where do we get one?"

  "Maybe someone should tell him where babies come from," Mike said.

  "I know!" Ant announced. "Babies come from inside mommies."

  "Not daddies?" Mike asked. He seemed to be a little bit of a troublemaker at heart.

  Ant set him straight. "Daddies can help, but mommies have a special room inside just for babies."

  "And how do babies get out of the room," Mike asked while the others tried to shush him.

  Ant had the answer. "There's a door."

  They all cracked up, but Ant took it well.

  "Thank you for telling us," Phillip said. He was the one who came closest to keeping it together in the face of Ant's version of the facts of life. "Who told you about that?" Phillip asked him since it didn't exactly sound like something Lilly would say.

  "Bernie told me," Ant said. That made more sense.

  Though Ant was the life of the party, they got in some adult conversation too. Phillip heard about how Leon came to be friends with Mike and Lenny.

  "I worked at Lenny's craft store for a while," Leon said. Though he had poured wine for the others, he was having a Coke in a classic Pepsi glass.

  "That was before I took over the place from my mom," Lenny said. "You should have seen my mom doting on Leon. It was sickening. I had to fire him."

  "I quit because you couldn't pay me a living wage," Leon said.

  "I can barely pay myself a living wage. I quit my real job to take over the store and fired this one," Lenny said, pointing his glass at Leon. "I didn't need him full time like mom did. Her asthma was hellish at that store with all those bits of fluff and whatever from the craft supplies. But I didn't take over the place just for her sake. My old corporate job was stressing me out like you wouldn't believe."

  Mike confirmed it. "He was shredding so many napkins, we could have opened a confetti store."

  As the talk was going on, Phillip and Leon watched Ant inching toward the structurally unsound shelving.

  "I'm going to have to rope that off," Leon grumbled. "If you're looking for snacks, they're over here," Leon told Ant and pointed his thumb at the coffee table. "If you're looking for trouble, keep going that way."

  At the sound of his voice, Ant jumped. First he looked guilty then conflicted. After a minute, he made his decision and headed for the bookshelf. Leon handed his drink to Phillip and in two long strides, overtook the little trouble seeker. Laughing, he swung Ant up in his arms and spun him around.

  "Wrong choice, little dude," he told Ant, who was giggling.

  As the hour got late, Ant slept on yet another couch, and the couples danced. Phillip gazed at Leon then nuzzled his neck. Leon turned his head to speak into his ear.

  "You're happy," he told Phillip.

  Lifting his head, Phillip eyed him questioningly.

  Leon answered his silent question, "I was telling you because I wasn't sure you knew."

  "I know," he said and kissed Leon. The kiss was just long enough to let Leon know how he felt, but not start something. That would have to wait for after Lenny and Mike left. If they ever did. They struck him as the kind of guests one had to show to the door. Soon enough, that's just what Leon was doing.

  Chapter 33

  With the other guests gone, Phillip felt free to take Leon in his arms the way he wanted to. They slow danced, more relaxed and intimate now that they didn't have an audience. Leon might have been too relaxed even. His whole body molded against Phillip's.

  "I'm working you too hard," Phillip said seeing how sleepy-eyed he was as he rubbed his back.

  "Not yet, you aren't," Leon told him wickedly. He took Phillip's hand and led him to his bedroom.

  Phillip took one last look at Ant sleeping on the sofa. For his benefit, the lamp by the sofa stayed on as did the kitchen light. Leon's room was completely dark until he reached for the light switch by the door and a small lamp mounted by the headboard came on. Based on its position, Phillip figured it was mainly for reading.

  Going in, Phillip saw the single bed and only room enough for one chest of drawers at the foot of the bed. There was a stack of hardcover books under the window that acted as a nightstand.

  "I think this used to be a closet once, but the price was right so I'm not complaining," Leon said, quietly shutting the door behind them. As they were standing at the foot of the bed with their arms around each other, Phillip noticed Leon looked him up and down like he was measuring him. "It might be tough when we both try to fit in there."

  They both eyed the bed, but Phillip wasn't worried. "We'll manage." He pulled Leon closer against him and slipped a hand under the back of his t-shirt. Feeling Leon's body tense in his arms, he quickly reassured him, "We won't be doing anything too strenuous."

  "We better not. I think the walls are made of cardboard." Leon knocked on the wall very lightly, and Phillip heard a hollow sound that was very worrying considering that Ant was on the other side.

  "I'll behave," Phillip promised as Leon turned to look into his eyes.

  Leon smiled. "I like you when you're being good," he said and leaned in to give him a kiss. "And I like you when you're being bad. You can do no wrong with me," Leon told him in a low, intimate whisper.

  For a moment, Phillip basked in the trust he saw in his beautiful eyes. They sat close to each other on Leon's bed, and their knees touched that thin wall. Turning a little sideways, they kissed. Just from that one kiss, Phillip knew that he craved him like a drug. Already he was hard and ready for him. He had to tell himself to slow down.

  His groping hands didn't listen and his mouth stayed on Leon's, devouring him. They paused for breath and Leon climbed into his lap. His lips teased Phillip's earlobe. Leon's fingertips dug into his flesh. His curls brushed Phillip's face followed by the rough scrape of his stubble. Phillip pushed his fingers threw his hair and pulled him in for a thorough kiss.

  They kissed nonstop so long that he was dizzy with it, and it still wasn't enough.

  "I could kiss you forever. Give up everything just to kiss you," Phillip murmured as he kissed Leon's face.

  "Then do it," Leon dared him without taking his eyes off Phillip's mouth. His voice was low and dangerous, sending tremors through Phillip's whole body. Then Leon's lips crashed against his.

  Leon pushed him back then twisted them around so he was lying o
n his bed with Phillip on top of him. Phillip grunted at the feel of his long, slim body under him. He ran his hands over him then pulled off his t-shirts and unzipped Leon's fly then his own. Leon was rising toward him then pulling him down on top of him. Barely giving Phillip enough time to take his own button-down shirt off over his head, Leon was grinding against him, hungry for him.

  Reaching down between them where their bodies were pressed together hard and hot, he lightly grazed the length of Leon's erection and watched him writhe. Biting his lower lip so no sounds would escape, Leon squirmed until Phillip gave him what he wanted. He slid one hand over Leon's cock, one over his own then he pushed them together and started pumping.

  Throwing his head back, arching up, his whole body tight, Leon fought to stifle his sounds of pleasure. He stared up at Phillip with desperate eyes until Phillip's mouth covered his and swallowed his silent moans.

  Their soul-melting kiss made Phillip pump harder. Leon was raking his fingers down his back and over his ass, driving him crazy. The bed shook under them but that couldn't be helped.

  Losing himself in Leon's eyes, in every harsh breath and shudder, Phillip had to taste him. He leaned down over his cock and sucked him in, drinking him up as he came.

  Phillip was close too. Leon kissed him hard and added his hand to Phillip's, cupping his balls and caressing them. His touch was all Phillip needed. Almost forgetting not to let out a sound, he came with a blinding burst of pleasure and collapsed into Leon's arms.

  As Phillip's arms tightened around him and they stretched out on his narrow bed, Leon complained, "Too small for two."

  Phillip shook his head. "Just right." He didn't need more room. All he needed was Leon.

  A little later, they cleaned up, got dressed and got back in bed. In case Ant woke up, they slept with the door open. As usual Phillip didn't sleep much but he was so unbelievably happy.

  The next morning, waking up in a strange bed with Leon in his arms was disorienting and wonderful. Later on, coming out of Leon's claustrophobic bathroom, Phillip was faced with quite a scene. Wearing a blue towel around his neck, Leon was standing on the coffee table. Ant had one of Leon's t-shirts tied around his shoulders like a cape.

  While running around the coffee table, Ant was yelling, "Ant-man!" At the same time, he was throwing balled up socks at Leon, who only pretended to dodge them. When he caught the socks, Leon lobbed them back a lot more gently.

  "What's this?" Phillip asked as he caught a balled up pair of socks that had missed its mark.

  "Snowball fight!" Ant announced.

  "With socks?"

  "Leon's laundry is fun," Ant said as he ran up to Phillip.

  "Leon makes everything fun." Phillip swung Ant up into his arms and grinned at Leon.

  "We needed props. It's Ant-man vs. Lion-man," Leon said then he jumped off the coffee table and growled at Ant.

  Ant responded by giggling bravely.

  "Can I be your sidekick?" Phillip asked Ant.


  "What should be my costume?"

  Ant looked around and finally handed him a dishtowel.

  "Isn't it too small?" Phillip asked.

  Ant shook his head. Seeing no way out, Phillip made a headband out of it. He equipped himself with tongs and a spatula, and he was ready to be a sidekick. Looking him over, Leon decided he should be Lobster-man.

  "You get to be king of the beasts and I get to be a crustacean?" Phillip groused.

  For him playing second or even third fiddle was a familiar predicament. The last time Phillip played superhero, it was with Tony. Back then he was also stuck playing the sidekick even when he and Tony flipped for it.

  Phillip never imagined he would be doing it again, especially with Tony's son. Here he was with a striped dishtowel on his head, trying to catch socks with a pair of tongs and a spatula, and in general just looking ridiculous. But it was absolutely worth it. Hearing Ant laugh at him was the sweetest sound in the world.

  Chapter 34

  A Friday night mini party, then all night in Phillip's arms, followed by a Saturday morning goofing around – Leon couldn't believe this was his life. He was kind of dazed every time he thought about being with Phillip. If anyone had read his tea leaves and predicted this future, the one he was living right now, he would have laughed at them.

  But even after Phillip and Ant left, Leon felt he was still wrapped in their warmth. Leon wished they could have spent all day together. Phillip only had time to help Leon with the party dishes. Then he and Ant had to go home and play hosts to Lilly and Bernie, who were coming over for a visit.

  After getting a threatening text, Leon went to have lunch with Pavel. Pavel was complaining that he hadn't been invited to the party and making threats of throwing a party of his own and not inviting Leon. Then he added, "But you still have to help me set up and make a few things. And bring a few extra chairs. And stay to help me clean up after." Leon pictured himself with an oversized garbage bag picking up the empties while stepping over Pavel's passed out buddies. Nothing new there.

  Their meeting place for lunch was the usual hole in the wall pizza joint, but this time Leon ordered only a salad for himself.

  "Is that about your guy?" Pavel said while looking at his lightly dressed Caesar salad scornfully. "He sounds like a salad guy. Katya said he looked like money. Lenny and Mike told me about him too. They were gushing. I was... eh." He shrugged his burly shoulders dismissively.

  "That's because you didn't see him, or how hot he is, or how sweet he is!" Leon said, raising his voice.

  Pavel motioned with his hands for him to bring it down. "I just don't see you dating a money bag. You need someone young and fun, whose dick goes on for miles."

  "His dick goes the distance, believe me."

  "Have you two...?" Pavel started to ask.

  "No, but we've done plenty," he bragged though he was still stuck on the fence – wanting more and being afraid of what he wanted.

  "Good for you. Want a slice?" Pavel asked and held it out to him.

  Leon drew back. "Keep that away from me. I'm still trying to erase all evidence that a pizza has ever been near this body. I've doubled up on weight training and I'm taking the stairs at top speed like some stair climbing demon."

  "You're rejecting pizza and torturing yourself with exercise? This guy has been a bad influence on you," Pavel concluded. Nothing Leon said about Phillip was winning him over so far.

  "Whatever. He's hot, and from now on my body is a temple dedicated to him," Leon said and stabbed at his salad decisively.

  Pavel paused his chewing to ask, "Dedicated? Like forever or something?"

  Leon wanted to shout "Hell yes!" but decided to scale it back to a "Maybe. We'll see how it goes."

  "From what I heard, that Phillip is not too bad, but is he really what you're looking for in a guy?" Pavel wondered.

  Leon thought about it. He wasn't all that ambitious when it came to what he wanted in a guy. What was he looking for – someone who would be good to him and faithful. That sounded like Phillip, and on top of that, he set his body and soul on fire. Leon grinned to himself.

  "I guess that answers my question," Pavel said seeing his look.

  Lost in thoughts of Phillip, Leon hardly even noticed when Pavel shook his head at him.

  "Phillip isn't the kind of guy you look for. He's the kind of guy you can't imagine until you meet him or until he drops down from heaven right in front of you."

  "I'm eating here," Pavel objected. "Oh, man. I'm sorry I brought it up."

  Leon had no remorse. "But you did bring it up and that got me thinking about how wonderful Phillip is. He's so serious and assured and has the biggest heart and is gorgeous on top of that."

  "Stop it. I'm warning you."

  Leon only laughed. He did sympathize though. Not too long ago he would have strangled anyone who talked about his guy the way he was talking about Phillip. But now, against all odds, Leon had a wonderful guy of his own, and he didn't car
e if he made Pavel lose his lunch over it.

  "Ken is mad at us," Ant announced when Phillip brought him into the office at the end of the school day.

  "Ken heard there was a party and he wasn't invited," Phillip explained while he helped Ant take off his backpack.

  "That was days ago, ancient history. Why did you even tell him?" Leon asked sourly since he wasn't a Ken fan.

  "I didn't. Ant did. He likes talking on my phone. I was driving when Ken called so I let Ant talk to him. And he did," Phillip said with a mildly accusing look at Ant.

  "Ant was answering your phone? Are you after my job?" he asked Ant who denied it. Leon turned back to Phillip "Actually Pavel was whining about not being invited to the party too. We should set him up with Ken and they can drive each other crazy like Lenny and Mike do."

  "An interesting idea. But I'm afraid I have more bad news," Phillip said while giving Leon a sheepish look. "Ant did more than tell Ken about your party. He invited him to a party of our own. I've decided that means lunch. You are invited too. Ken wants to meet you properly."

  "Not rush past my desk and blow me off while I'm trying to announce him?" Leon made a face, but then he relented. "If Ant is throwing a party, I have to show up. And I owe you for putting up with my friends."

  "I liked your friends. But Ken is... an acquired taste."

  "Still, it's only fair," Leon pointed out.

  Phillip didn't agree. "There's nothing fair about spending time with Ken."

  "Is he that bad?"

  "No. He's a good guy at heart. He's just a little outspoken and overprotective, overbearing."

  Leon added one more item to the list. "Obnoxious. I remember what a sweetheart he is, but I can handle it," he assured Phillip. "And my very own best friend wasn't too sure you were the right guy for me."

  "Too stuffy and boring," Phillip guessed immediately.

  "What does he know," Leon said and ran the back of his hand over Phillip's carefully knotted tie.


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