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Dead Lawyers Don't Lie: A Gripping Thriller (Jake Wolfe Book 1)

Page 15

by Mark Nolan

  Cody started fighting back and trying to bite Jake on the hands and face and throat. Cody’s paws raked and scratched Jake’s chest and thighs, and Jake was glad he was wearing a long sleeved jacket. As the two Marines wrestled, Jake carefully pressed his chest down on top of Cody’s chest, while holding his collar and yelling in his face. The whole time Jake was doing this he used the “command voice” that he and the dog both knew from their days in military combat.

  Jake yelled, “Cody, Out! Out-out-out! Dammit, out!”

  Cody struggled for a while and at one point he almost wiggled his mouth free of the lead and nearly bit off Jake’s left ear. It was a very close call. Jake felt the hot breath from Cody’s nose on his ear, and he realized that this dog was extremely aggressive for a retriever, and was far more dangerous than he’d expected.

  Retrievers have been bred for many years to have less of a bite than most other breeds. That way they can retrieve and carry back a duck or a pheasant during a hunt. They will hold the game bird lightly while not sinking their teeth into the meat, the way a terrier or another breed of dog naturally would. However, this particular retriever had shown a bite like a steel bear trap snapping shut on a grizzly’s leg. Jake instinctively knew that when Cody had served as a war dog, he’d probably killed an enemy combatant who had attacked him and his pack. It had no doubt been a kill-or-be-killed situation, and that tends to change anybody’s personality some, whether they are a human being or a dog being.

  After struggling some more, Cody eventually came to realize he’d been dominated into submission by this man who was obviously a fellow Marine and a dog man. He was very much like a twin brother of his previous Alpha. Cody felt that Jake did not mean to harm him, and that he had to accept Jake as his new Alpha now that Stuart had died. This was the chain of command.

  Cody was not happy about losing Stuart, his pack leader and best friend. Yet he was a trained warrior, and he would now accept orders from Jake as his new Alpha. The bonding process would take time, but now Cody was partners with Jake and would never try to bite him again. He would instead fight to protect him and his pack, and he would follow him into hell, and fight and die by his side if necessary.

  Cody stopped struggling and exhaled a long breath. Jake carefully unwound the lead from around Cody’s snout. With his mouth freed, Cody let out one last heart-wrenchingly sad howl. Jake gave orders to Cody as he lifted the exhausted and forlorn dog off of the casket, set him on his feet and walked him slowly to the Jeep. Once there, Jake carefully picked up Cody and put him in the back seat. The dog offered no resistance. Jake petted Cody for a minute and spoke soothing words to him.

  “Who’s the best dog?” Jake said. “You are, Cody. You’re the best dog ever.”

  Jake closed the passenger door and got into the driver’s seat. He looked at his phone for a moment, checking the photo Terrell had sent, of the car with darkened windows that had been following them. As Jake drove out of the cemetery grounds and back to San Francisco, he kept careful watch for the car.

  “Cody, now that the rain has stopped and the sun is out, I think we should go to the Fort Funston Beach dog park. You can walk on the sand and run at the edge of the ocean surf, bark at seagulls and then rest in the sunshine. Does that sound good, what do you say boy?”

  Cody made a non-committal growling sound deep in his throat as if he was saying “Maybe, or maybe not.” He was still angry at being Alpha-rolled by Jake, but he was too exhausted to bark.

  While they drove, Jake played the classic song Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd on the stereo, in memory of Stuart. It had been one of Stuart’s favorite songs. Jake pushed a control and opened the back passenger windows. Cody stuck his head out the window and let the wind blow in his face while the song played. Jake looked in the left rearview mirror and noticed that Cody seemed to have tears in his eyes, but that must be from the wind blowing on his face, right?

  When they arrived at the beach, Jake saw people flying in hang gliders overhead, families having picnics, and kids making sandcastles and running barefoot at the water’s edge. There were plenty of dogs there too, enjoying the freedom of one of the world’s best dog parks. Cody walked slowly at first and looked around warily. Jake knew that when Cody was a war dog he’d served in desert environments. So at first the sand might bring back old memories. But retrievers love the water, and after a while, Cody perked up some and ran and splashed in the incoming surf.

  Soon Cody was chasing the plastic flying disk that Jake tossed into the water, retrieving it and dropping it at Jake’s feet with a challenging look in his eyes that seemed to say, “Is that as far as you can throw it?” Jake knew this dog was an independent soul and would require his full attention to make sure he didn’t bite some annoying jerk or do anything else they both might regret.

  After an hour of running up and down the beach, Cody drank some bottled water that Jake poured into a plastic bag he was using as an improvised water bowl. Jake then reached into his pack and took out a Kong toy. This toy was the treat that military dog handlers used to reward their dogs. Cody recognized it instantly, and he stretched out on a beach towel and chewed on it. After a while, Cody fell asleep with the Kong toy next to his face. His feet twitched, and he huffed in his sleep as his troubled dreams unfolded.

  Jake was glad to see Cody taking a nap. The exercise and sleep would do him a world of good. While Cody slept, Jake called Stuart’s parents, and he spoke quietly to the mother. “Hi ma’am, Jake Wolfe here, I wanted to let you know that Cody is doing better now. It took some time, but he finally let me take him away from the cemetery. We went to the beach, and he played in the surf. Right now he’s worn out and taking a nap.”

  “Thank you, Jake, it was kind of you to help Cody. My husband and I talked it over with Alicia and Terrell. We think it would be best if you would please adopt Cody and keep him with you.”

  “Oh ma’am I couldn’t do that. Cody was your son’s dog, and I’m sure you’ll want him living there at your home once I get him retrained for you.”

  “No I think Stuart would have wanted his dog to live with you Jake. Stuart thought of you like a brother. It would make you and Cody happy, and it would make us happy too. We want the best for Cody, but we can’t get him to obey us or do anything we say. He needs a firm hand and something useful to do.”

  “Well if you’re sure about that, then yes, of course, I’d be honored to have Cody live with me. I promise to take good care of him.”

  “I know you will. Cody has a veterinarian appointment to go to because he hasn’t been eating much of anything lately, so please take him to that. The vet’s name is, let me see here I wrote it down… Sarah Chance. When I saw her on TV, she seemed to be a very nice person, so I made an appointment with her for Cody.”

  “Really, Sarah Chance is your vet? Yes, I’ll be happy to take Cody in for his appointment.”

  Jake wondered, what were the odds? Did Terrell and Alicia have something to do with this vet appointment? They obviously had a hand in how the parents decided to let Cody live with him. They were good friends, and he felt lucky to know them.

  “Cody also has a slight limp on a hind leg, from a lingering war injury,” the mother said.

  “Yes, I noticed that while we were here at the beach.”

  “Nobody has been able to do anything about it. Dr. Chance said she could try holistic medicine, a change of diet and acupuncture.”

  “I’ll be sure to ask her about it.”

  They said their goodbyes and Jake ended the call. Cody was awake now, and he licked Jake’s hand. That was a good sign. Jake gave Cody some dog biscuits he found in his backpack that were still good. Cody chomped them down. He seemed to be getting some of his appetite back.

  “Nobody could ever fill Gracie’s paws,” Jake said, “But I think we’ll get along just fine Cody.”

  Cody barked once and took Jake’s hand in his mouth and held it, not biting it just holding it. This was a new behavior Jake had not seen with any
other dog, and one he guessed that only a retriever might do.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Cody? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. We’re partners in crime now, big guy. You’re stuck with me. And I’m glad you like the water because your new home is floating on it. Are you okay with bunking on a boat version of a bachelor pad?”

  Cody looked Jake in the eye, let go of his hand and barked once as he wagged his tail. Jake thought it was almost as if the dog had nodded his head “yes” at him too, but that was impossible, wasn’t it?

  Chapter 39

  Max Vidallen was thrilled at how his court victory had destroyed Sarah Chance’s financial life, her veterinary practice and her reputation. Afterward, he drove away in his red Porsche, and he decided to celebrate. He made a phone call to a high-priced matchmaking service.

  It was a very discreet “arrangement” service that specialized in matching up female models and actresses with rich and famous celebrity men for ongoing relationships. The men paid $10,000 a month to help support their girlfriends, and the matchmaking service kept ten percent as its fee.

  With more than a hundred clients at the present time, the service was earning a gross income of over a million dollars a month. The ten percent fee was paying the woman who ran the company a hundred thousand dollars a month and over a million per year. Most of that was pure profit because her overhead costs were only for a website and a phone. She ran the business from the living room of her penthouse apartment, on the top floor of a luxurious high-rise building.

  It was all perfectly legal too because this kind of arrangement constituted an ongoing relationship between two consenting adults, not one evening of sex for cash. Vidallen was an attorney, and he’d checked into the laws to make absolutely sure it was okay. The legal documents involved were similar to the “girlfriend agreement” that many of Hugh Hefner’s female houseguests had signed in years past at the Playboy Mansion.

  While most of the paying customers were men, there were also many female clients who sought out the special arrangements too. These were wealthy and powerful alpha women who were far too busy for dating. They enjoyed having a ridiculously handsome and hot “boy toy” in a fun relationship they could begin and end whenever it was convenient for them. Each hard-bodied male escort acted incredibly charming and chivalrous as he catered to the female client’s every whim and desire.

  Max Vidallen had recently ended a six-month long arrangement with a woman named Belinda. She had quit the matchmaking service to focus on her career in the financial district. Vidallen asked the madam named Crystal if she had any new young women who had joined recently. He hoped that one might be available to visit his multi-million-dollar home in Mill Valley for a first date.

  Crystal was pleased to hear from Vidallen. He was a long-time customer, and she knew his money well. He should have logged into the private dating website to look at the newly available members. He was so accustomed to delegating things at his law firm that he expected Crystal to work for him and choose the perfect companion. Crystal thought Vidallen was somewhat of an annoying jerk. Belinda had thought so too. Money was on the line, however. She had to send somebody. It had to be a woman who was highly independent, and who would not let him boss her around. She scrolled through the website the way Vidallen should be doing, and she came upon the photos of a new Swedish girl who was able to wrap men around her little finger. Yes, she would be a good choice.

  The woman using the fake name of Crystal now used her fake Eastern European accent as she said, “Max, darling, yes there is a new and absolutely stunning blonde actress who joined our matchmaking service recently. You’ve probably seen her on TV in a commercial for a chain of tanning salons. In the ad, she’s wearing a pink bikini and pink heart-shaped sunglasses, and she blows you a kiss.”

  “Yes I’ve seen that commercial and I know who you’re talking about, she’s a real beauty.”

  “Her name is Kelli Ivarsson, and she is even more impressive in person, I assure you. Kelli is a Swedish import, a blue-eyed blonde with a delightful accent and a fun sense of humor.”

  “Kelli sounds like someone I’d like to meet.”

  “She’s an aspiring actress who is going to be very famous and unattainable soon, but her career is not on the fast track just yet, and a girl has to pay her bills you know. Kelli is far too busy to be dating random guys met at bars with no references. She’s looking for a relationship with a successful, charming and generous gentleman.”

  “I’m sure Kelli would be a fun person to be in a relationship with. I’d like to meet her as soon as possible. Is she available tonight by any chance?”

  Crystal heard the desire in his voice and smiled as she said, “Kelli is rarely free on short notice, but a famous athlete who had reserved a date for tonight was called out of town unexpectedly. His loss is your gain. As you know, the fee for our matchmaking service is $10,000 a month, paid in advance and non-refundable.”

  “I’m really going to miss Belinda, she was amazing. Please charge the monthly fee to my American Express Black Card, just like before. Tell Kelli she can pick up her favorite liquor or anything else she wants on the way to my home and add it to my tab.”

  “Of course, sweetheart; and the charge will appear on your credit card bill as the usual advertising agency fee.”

  “I love it; that makes it look like a business expense.”

  “You are as clever as you are handsome my dear.”

  “You probably say that to all of the clever and handsome men.”

  “No, you are a very special gentleman and speaking of that, I know you remember our service agreement; you promise to treat her like a queen and she promises to make you feel like a king,” Crystal said.

  “Yes, I guarantee she will be pampered like royalty and will feel like we’re newlyweds on our honeymoon,” Vidallen said.

  “That’s exactly what I like to hear. You are a classy guy Max. I know you and Kelli will have an enjoyable evening, and I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship for both of you.”

  Crystal ended the call, and then she said to herself in her usual voice, “The dummy can’t be bothered to use the website, and he expects me to choose someone for him. Then he waits until the last minute, and thinks a highly desirable woman will drop everything and rush over to his fancy house that mommy and daddy left to him.”

  Crystal shook her head, took a deep breath and placed a call to the Swedish actress, to let her know she had a date proposal for this evening. She said that the man was wealthy, good looking and generous.

  When Kelli Ivarsson got the phone call, she logged into the matchmaking website to learn more about this guy who was asking her out. She looked at his photos, read details about him, and checked the reviews left by previous girlfriends. He seemed like a bad guy to get into a lawsuit battle with, but his former girlfriends said he spent money like water, and he could be quite charming if he wanted something.

  Some people would call Kelli a gold digger, but she felt that she was just practical and logical. Her mother had always said, “There are millions of men in the world and it's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as a poor man, so choose wisely.”

  Kelli was new at this, and she wanted to be careful about any potential relationships. All of the men were carefully screened, but she’d rejected two of them so far. One was an egotistical blowhard who talked about himself non-stop, and the other was a heavy drinker who had wanted her to spank him. Thanks but no thanks. There were so many wealthy single men to choose from on the website, why should she settle on the first few that came along? Maybe the third try would be the charm.

  Kelli’s finger hovered over the screen of her phone and moved back and forth between the “Accept Date Proposal” icon and the “Decline Date Proposal” icon.

  “Oh well, I didn’t have anything interesting planned for this evening anyway,” Kelli said. She went ahead and pressed the “Accept Date Proposal” icon.

  That opened
another screen, and she saw some more private details about the man and his home and their date for this evening. There was a note that said he wanted to relax in the hot tub before dinner, and he’d asked her to bring the pink bikini and sunglasses. That made her laugh. Men could be so simple-minded and predictable at times.

  Kelli got undressed and took a quick shower, then toweled off and applied expensive skin lotion to her nude body. Next, she put on the tiny pink bikini she’d worn in the television commercial, and over that she wore a little black dress. It was a designer dress made of fine silk, and it flattered her figure in a wraparound style that was also easy to take off with a tug on the sash. She added a pair of pink patent leather pumps and a matching pink pearl jewelry set of a necklace, a wrist bracelet, an ankle bracelet, and a pair of earrings. The finishing touch was some lipstick named Hot Pink Candy Yum Yum. And of course the infamous pink heart-shaped sunglasses.

  The matchmaking service sent a limousine to pick Kelli up at her front door. It was driven by the same driver from the previous dates, a big bodyguard-sized Hawaiian guy named Mano. He got out and held open the door to the back seating area for her.

  “Hello Kelli, you look lovely today,” Mano said. “Do you want to stop at any stores or restaurants on the way?

  “Thank you Mano. Yes, I’d like a bottle of Krug champagne as always,” Kelli said. “And maybe some chocolate dipped strawberries if a store has any.”

  “I can stop at a special market I know of in Mill Valley, they always have all kinds of amazing foods ready for takeout.”

  “You’re so good to me Mano. Be sure to get something for yourself, the client will be billed for it.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. A top-shelf bottle of scotch would be very nice; thank you my sweetness.”

  Mano loved his job, driving these beautiful actresses and models from place to place, and getting free liquor and gourmet food in the process. Plus there was the very rare occasional secret date with one of the women when they got bored with Mister Moneybags and were in the mood to give a bad boy a good time. Nobody could ever know about that, however, and Mano never breathed a word to anyone.


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