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Page 2

by Harley McRide


  She turned to look at him and saw him smiling and she knew she had done it again. Georgie turned back to the window quickly, she really needed to get that under control, dammit, he thought it was cute, but she found it frustrating since she was saying everything that was on her mind! When she was nervous and freaked, she said shit, most of the time thinking she was not talking out loud, but then finding that she actually was more than half the time. Apparently, this was happening a lot since she had been kidnapped, but really come on, who wouldn’t be freaked about learning they were in another country and had been kidnapped. Okay, so maybe Wonder Woman or Cat Woman, or Supergirl, oh and Storm from X-Men.

  “Cute,” he whispered into her ear and she jumped and closed her eyes. Damn, she was so not going to get horny when she was kidnapped. The guy was hotness personified and she was sure he already knew that. Bastard. She needed to get some distance but, where the hell was she going to go?

  “Okay, how are we getting outta here?” she asked breathlessly, yeah, not hiding much with that voice. Since he winked and grinned at her, yeah, not hiding shit.

  He put his hands on her waist and then moved her to the side, he tried to open the window with no luck. Then ran his hands around the sill, and he sighed and put his head down.

  “Fuck,” he said and she looked at him with wide eyes.

  “What? Fuck? Fuck what?” she said. She didn’t like the sound of that any more than hearing she was going to be crawling out of that window.

  “No worries, we just need to change our plan a little. The window is re-enforced so we are going to need to get out of here through the front door. I would assume the door is as well, which means I’m not breaking my shoulder to bust through it. So, plan B is gonna happen,” he said and then frowned as he walked out of the room and made his way into the small bathroom. Georgie watched as he searched the dingy little bathroom, she was so not ever using that room. It was disgusting.

  “Plan B? We had a good Plan A? ‘Cause killing ourselves trying to escape is not really a plan I am gonna get behind. I mean, it would kinda defeat the purpose a little, don’t you think?” Georgie muttered and looked back out the window to the buildings surrounding them. She had no clue where the hell they were, but there weren’t too many people outside, so she assumed they weren’t in the best neighborhoods.

  “Baby, I always have a Plan B. It is just usually something I reserve for emergencies. See, if I pulled out Plan B all the time, people would start getting suspicious,” he said and she frowned.

  “Okay, not sure I wanna know what Plan B is then.”

  “Hell yeah!” Boomer said and she watched him grab a few things from under the sink, she frowned when she saw bug spray and fingernail polish. She wasn’t so sure why he was getting so excited about that but she watched.

  He walked into the large room and set the containers on the floor then stood and winked at her. “Plan B. The good part is, they didn’t take my lighter.”

  “Lighter? How are those things Plan B, are we gonna do our nails or something?” she said with a frown and he winked at her and pulled on his belt. When it was free, he pulled something from the inside liner, which was strange, it looked like a rope of sorts. Then he laid it out on the floor and then touched the latch on his buckle, it was a Harley one, which made her smile. But a little compartment opened up and there was a tiny lighter.

  “Well, that is kinda cool, huh,” she said, staring at him. She really needed to know a little bit more about him, she thought. Anyone who had a wick and a lighter built into his belt had a story. She knew it would be interesting.

  He walked to the window and looked out and frowned. “Okay, we need to move like now, they are walking down the street. We need to get everyone when they are here, and no more messing around. If any of them are gone, we are screwed.”

  Georgie moved to the window and looked out. Two men with leather cuts were walking toward the building they were in. She squinted and tried to make out what was on their cuts, but she couldn’t see. She heard Boomer behind her and she turned. He was using the rope to tie the two containers together.

  “See,” Boomer said softly. “You just need to make sure that you heat things up a little before you actually light the wick. If you don’t, it will go out before you can get it to blow.”

  She frowned and looked back out the window. “They are almost here.”

  “That is okay, let them come, we can take out the motherfuckers along with getting us the fuck outta here,” Boomer muttered and she shook her head. He had his little lighter and was heating the bottom of the containers. He was very careful and precise with how he did it, she was impressed, well fucking freaked out, but impressed she had been kidnapped with MacGyver.

  “Okay, so you are gonna kill them?” Georgie asked with a shaky voice.

  Boomer looked at her and then stood and walked to where she was standing and he placed his hands on her upper arms and said, “Baby, I get you are freaked, and this is completely out of your realm, but you stepped into this world by working for the Ops. Most of the time you wouldn’t be in this mess, but life is not all sunshine and roses, we need to get out of here and make sure they don’t follow us. As it is, we are gonna have to do some fast thinking to get back to the US, with the border patrols being what they are, and just saying, going to the cops is not an option, we are gonna need to find somewhere to hide and get a phone,” Boomer said and Georgie bit her lip.

  “Shit, I didn’t think about that, I mean, I know we gotta get away and everything is just, I don’t know. I mean, we have no money, no phone, no passport. What the hell are we gonna do?” Georgie whispered.

  Boomer smiled at her and said, “Hopefully get home.”

  She rolled her eyes and he grabbed her hand and then with his other grabbed the containers and the lighter and walked to the door. She was shaking, she had no clue what Boomer was planning, but she did know this was gonna suck, like big time.

  He put his ear to the door and she frowned and then moved around him and did the same. Shit, they were in the building, she could hear them all talking. Eekk, about them too. Boomer swore under his breath a little.

  “When will they be here?” one man said gruffly.

  “Soon, they will bring the money and then we meet with the others and plan our trip across the border,” another said and Boomer tensed.

  “Two for the price of one right?” The man laughed.

  “Yeah, at least they will take both. That way we don’t need to kill the girl like we thought. When the Ops find out we sold her it will hurt more, wondering and thinking where she was.” The other man chuckled. “It was good the Columbians don’t care either way.”

  Boomer pulled back and snarled at the door, and then he said, “We really need to get the fuck outta here and find a damn phone. I need to call Fling now.”

  “Fling? Who is Fling? Why are they selling us to the Columbians? Why do they want us?” Georgie whispered and Boomer shook his head.

  “Listen, we need to get outta here,” Boomer said and let her go and then moved to the mattress and pulled it to the door. He handed her the containers and said, “Hold these, do not shake them at all.”

  Georgie nodded and he bent and used the lighter and set the edge on fire, he blew on it to make it spread and go faster. She smelled the smoke and put her arm over her mouth and breathed slowly. He stood and nodded, held out his hand and placed the container in the middle of the bed and then pulled her to the corner and blocked her from being able to see.

  “What the fuck?” she heard one of the men yell. “Shit, man, they set something on fire in there.”

  “Goddammit, we need them alive,” the other snapped and she heard them running.

  Boomer was breathing slowly, she wrapped her arms around him as the smoke began to billow and become thicker. “Hang on, they are coming, get ready,” Boomer said and then reached behind his back with a hand and grabbed one of hers. She nodded and then wa
ited. She could hear the men cussing loudly on the other side of the door. Then the door was flung open and Boomer reached with his free hand and punched the first one through the door on the side of his head and then kicked the other one back when he tried to enter as well. Whatever, it meant both men went down hard and they ran. Three men were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

  Two of them went for Boomer while one came at her. He thought since she was small, she would be defenseless, but they didn’t grow up with Tony and the O’Malley brothers. They had taught Sofie, Maria, Mia, and her how to defend themselves. By that she meant they literally made a ring in their backyard and taught them how to fight. They weren’t nice, they made sure the girls totally knew how to handle anything.

  Georgie fell back on her left foot and then kicked with her right, hitting the man right in the stomach. She followed through with a knee to the balls, and he roared in anger. Well, he didn’t go down like she thought he would and wow, this could totally suck. She glanced briefly at Boomer who was fighting two men. The smoke from upstairs was beginning to drift down the stairs, she heard the two men upstairs yelling loudly.

  The man lunged at her and she hit him right in the Adam’s apple. It was very painful she discovered when she was young when she accidently hit her brother. The man’s eyes widened because she had hit him accurately. He gasped and Boomer pushed one of the men he was fighting into the other and then grabbed her hand again.

  Through the door, she didn’t have a chance to look around, Boomer was moving fast, and she was trying to keep up without falling on her ass. That was a chore, but she was more worried about them catching them so she focused. Boomer seemed to at least know where he was going. Her throat burned from the smoke she inhaled.

  They made it out though, and Georgie was coughing and out of breath by the time they made it across the street and stopped. Boomer leaned against the wall and looked back at the building, waiting for something. They didn’t have to wait long, the rumble of the blast across the street shook the ground they were standing on, there had to have been more flammable things somewhere in the building, because once it started it just kept going, the first was a small blast and then it got bigger, and bigger. People ran from their buildings to watch the explosion, Georgie didn’t get a chance to see it though, Boomer was pulling her behind him after the initial blast.

  Well that was one way to escape, she thought as they ran down the street. Boomer was looking for something, she could tell of course since they would pause and then turn a corner and run, then pause and repeat. After about ten blocks of this, she was out of breath and ready to stop. Her leg muscles were screaming and she wanted to just give up, but Boomer apparently wasn’t going to let her, the asshole wasn’t even out of breath when they paused once again.

  “Come on, baby, we just need to go a few more blocks,” he whispered and she sucked in a ragged breath and nodded because she couldn’t speak even if she wanted to.

  They ran some more and finally, after what seemed like a mile, Boomer stopped in front of a small adobe house. She frowned and looked around, they were in a small neighborhood right off the main street. She hadn’t been to Tijuana before so she didn’t know where the hell she was compared to the border. She wanted to go home, and have a shower.

  As Boomer looked around closely before entering into the small postage stamp of a yard, she took the opportunity to look at Boomer. He was sexy, he was hot, and damn, she was really glad he had been kidnapped with her. This could have really sucked, in a huge way, if she were alone.

  “Come on,” Boomer said and she sighed and followed like she had a choice. They walked to the front door and before Boomer could knock on it, the door swung open and they were greeted by the receiving end of a shotgun. Not okay, Georgie thought.

  Chapter Two

  “Um,” Sofia said slowly and looked at her parents who were about ready to come out of their skin. “Okay, before you all freak out, the Ops, they are on this like in a huge way. They have the surveillance and the guys have already made some calls. Boomer, a man from the Furies club, was apparently taken with her because he tried to stop them. Maxi and Ice say he is the perfect guy to get kidnapped with.”

  Sonia frowned at her daughter and then opened and shut her mouth a few times and finally said, “There is a perfect person to get kidnapped with? How does one become the perfect person to get kidnapped with? How many people has he been with, how many times has he been kidnapped? I feel like to have this title and the perfect man to be kidnapped with, there has to be records somewhere.”

  Her father wasn’t so calm and cool like their mother. “Fuck that, I am calling Tony, he needs to be here, now. I will not just sit back and wait for my daughter to be returned to us. This is not okay.”

  Sofia sighed and then looked at her parents, she had dreaded this conversation with her parents, right when they had been called early this morning to be told her sister had been kidnapped by the Vipers, she had panicked. Maxi and Ice had both assured her they would take care of the situation with the Warriors and they had taken off with the rest of the club. Shay and the other Lady Riders had come over to her new house and invaded the place. She knew they were trying to make her feel better, but really it wasn’t working. Her parents were gonna flip, and they had said the exact thing she had assumed they would. Call Tony.

  Bob was sitting in between her parents, which still made her want to laugh and roll her eyes. They had been serious about adopting her, which was slightly creepy and a little weird. Oh everyone teased them about wanting the first grandchild and all, but that had really not been the reason. Both Sofia and Georgie knew this. Their parents were genuinely loving people. When her mother met Bob, it had been love at first sight, the tiny little pregnant woman who had no family, was instantly taken under Sonia’s wing, no ifs, ands, or buts.

  Bob said softly, “If Creed and the others say they will take care of it, they will take care of it. Never have they let me down, not once. Give them a chance before you call Tony in to take over. If you want to tell him, have him call Kink, work through it that way. But I swear, he will not let anything happen to Georgie, you are family, all of you. Creed and Fork think nothing is more important.”

  Sonia looked at Bob and leaned into her and then she nodded and said softly, “Okay, we will call Tony and Maria, they need to know what is going on. I will make sure they stay there for now, but if it takes too long, I can’t promise Tony will not come out.”

  Sofia nodded and sighed on the inside. She was glad they could come to a compromise. It was at least gonna make the guys a little more at ease knowing the Roarks weren’t going to invade their compound. That could have gone very bad. Besides, with everything going on at home, her parents were already worried about Tony and Fin, they didn’t need any more stress.

  “Um,” Bob said and winked at Sofia when she said, “How about Sof and I take you two out for lunch. We can run downtown, get a break from here, I can get my exercise for the day. When we come back, maybe they will have some good news.”

  Sofia mouthed to Bob, ‘thank you’, and her new friend nodded and smiled as she stood. She shook her head as she watched her mother and father link their arms with both of the women and led them out of the room.

  “Damn it, Edwardo,” Boomer yelled loudly and Georgie jumped at his growly voice. “How many times have I told you not to point a fucking gun at me. I swear, one of these times I am gonna kick your ass, or shoot you myself the next time.”

  The man grinned and Georgie cringed a little. She looked at the man, he was handsome although very short, like so much so, she was certain she would tower over the man when he stood by her, not that she would get that close, he may be handsome, but he also had that look in his eye. The one where she was certain, showed exactly how deadly he actually was. She would not under estimate the man, Georgie could see where maybe people would make that mistake.

  “Boomman,” Edwardo smiled and shook his head. “You know you can’t just
walk up to my house and think I won’t protect it. What are you doing here?”

  Boomer grabbed her hand and looked around and then walked in the house without being invited, pushing passed the man who was grinning. She had no idea what was going on, she was nervous as she looked around the small house. It wasn’t messy, it was cluttered. She checked out the nice furniture in the living room, she could see the small kitchen, which was decent. Not really what you would expect when you looked at the short man.

  “Edwardo,” Boomer said as he walked into the room and closed and locked the door.

  “Hey, why are you here right now? We don’t have a meet set up for a few days,” Edwardo said.

  “This has nothing to do with that, Edwardo, we are in a spot of trouble and need to use your phone first of all, and then we need to figure out how the fuck we can get back across the border without papers,” Boomer said and Edwardo narrowed his eyes.

  “Seriously? You came here without documents.”

  Boomer nodded. “Not willingly, we were kidnapped.”

  The man groaned and rolled his head back and said, “Come on, you are killing me here. You know they already don’t like it when you come to town, the Federales are looking to bust you for anything, but being here without papers? The US won’t even get involved with you.”

  Georgie looked confused and looked at Boomer and then whispered, “Why won’t the authorities in the US get involved with you? I mean, we are from the US, they should help us if we go to the Embassy.”

  Edwardo looked at her with a horrified expression. “Chicka, no way, you don’t want to do that. You go to the Embassy and they will crawl up everyone’s ass with a microscope.”

  Once again she was confused and looked at Boomer. “Um, okay, why would we worry about that?”


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