“Yes twelve is the most popular number, are you getting married?” I laugh at little at her. “No, I am not getting married.”
“Oh that’s a shame, you two make a lovely couple.” I see Michael shift around nervously to hear what I will say and I feel my face flush hot.
“No, he is my friend.”
“Oh sorry but I really must say, that you two look good together.” Again, my face is flushing hot I look at Michael who looks as uncomfortable as I feel.
“Thanks but I have a boyfriend, but I will take the tableware can please box it up for me?”
“Yes no problem and again I am sorry for before.”
“That’s okay,” the girl heads away and I turn to Michael he looks uneasy.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes Alanna now are we done here?”
“Yes I will pay then we can leave.”
“No I don’t want to rush you I am sorry, take your time.”
I smile at him knowing how hard this for him. We wander round the stores for a few hours and now I have bought too many things. I decided that the tableware was not enough for my mom so I got her some new perfume. There was a sale on kids clothing in JC Penny therefore, I bought Penelope a completely new wardrobe. I also got my dad a big bottle of his favorite cologne, as for myself I didn’t buy anything. There is everything I could ever need at the house so there is no need to buy more. I feel sorry for Michael, as he carries almost all of the bags. However, I notice that he has one of his own. I am not sure what he bought, I never saw him even looking at anything. Adrian has texted every hour to make sure I am okay, and he has even called Michael to make sure that he is looking after me properly. I really wish that he was here, at least then I would not feel so guilty about Michael. I can now see that he cares about me and it is hard on him. He clearly wishes we could be more, but he knows as long as Adrian exists there is no way that will ever happen. I feel selfish for wanting Michael in my life, I do not want to be with him but somehow I need him. I cannot explain how I feel about him. I feel as if he is a piece of my life that has been missing. I know that Adrian would not approve of this, but if I am to be with him then I will be around Michael and I cannot ignore him. He means a lot to me and I hunger for him in my life.
We sit quietly as the car drives us back home. When we arrive back, Michael and I carry the bags up to the Condo, he still has not said a word and I begin to worry what could be on his mind. He opens the door to reveal the other guard he has no emotion on his face he just stands as if he is frozen. I walk over, place the bags on the sofa, and have seat next to them. Michael does the same but he has a small bag in his hand.
“Alanna I got you something,” he says as he hands me the bag. I smile at him feeling excited to see what he has bought me.
“You didn’t have to,” I say as I open the bag and find a small box at the bottom. I open it to see a pair of blue earrings set in diamonds with symbol of the evil eye. He stares at me as I take one out.
“Do you like them?”
“Yes they are lovely.”
“I hope they will protect you.”
“I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff.”
“I am not really, but the girl in the shop said that you would like them, so I bought them for you.”
“Thanks Michael,”
“You are most welcome, now can you excuse me there are few phone calls I have to make.”
“Of course,” I say and he walks away not looking back. I take the bags into my room and set them in the closet. I lay on my bed and I begin to think about Sophie and how this is longest I have gone without talking to her, I take out my phone and begin to compose a message.
Sophie its Alanna, I think we need to talk about everything. There is a lot for us to sort out, hope I hear from you soon.
I take out my laptop and sign into my emails, there are so many that need a reply. I start on the emails from my mom, but I have no time to reply, I receive an instant message,
Portia: Hello
I have not heard from her in a while and I just know she will have so many questions. There is also that whole thing about her and Chace. I cannot ignore her after all she is one of my friends even though sometimes I do not trust her.
Alanna: Hello Portia, how have you been?
Portia: Not so good Alanna,
Alanna: What is wrong?
Portia: I do not know if you have heard about everything with Chace and me.
Alanna: I heard a little, what actually happened.
Portia: He used me Alanna; he pretended that he and I were together so that he could break up with Chelsea.
Alanna: That is Chace all right, how are you coping?
Portia: I am fine, how are you getting on with your new boyfriend?
Alanna: My boyfriend,
Portia: yes the tall, good-looking British one!
Alanna: Oh, yes it is going fine.
Portia: Someone said that you took a break from college.
Alanna: Yes, I really needed a break from it all.
Portia: That is the best thing, if you are not feeling yourself.
Alanna: What do you mean?
Portia: I heard you had a bit of a scare, health-wise.
Alanna: Yeah I was not sleeping right and I had a funny turn, but I am fine.
Portia: I am glad to hear that everyone was so worried.
Alanna: About what,
Portia: Alanna people were saying that you had an eating disorder.
Alanna: Really, I can assure you that I do not.
Portia: I am glad to her that, listen babe I got to go right now but can we catch up sometime?
Alanna: Yes why not.
I do not see myself meeting with Portia that does not seem realistic with Michael and Jackson there, what would Portia think? I look down my contacts and see who is online. I quickly notice that Adrian is and it has been a while since we last spoke (about 45 minutes) therefore, I quickly send him message,
Alanna: Hello Adrian
He replies almost instantly,
Adrian: Are you home?
Alanna: Yes, I am home safe.
Adrian: I was worried today when you were out.
Alanna: it is not good to worry so much.
Adrian: Anyway, what did you but today?
Alanna: I got a few things for my family is that okay?
Adrian: Did you pay them with my credit card?
Alanna: Yes,
Adrian: Then it is okay, what did you get yourself?
Alanna: Nothing actually,
Adrian: Why, I told you to buy whatever you wanted,
Alanna: It is as you said everything is already here for me.
Adrian: Did you have dinner yet?
Alanna: No not yet,
Adrian: Okay,
Adrian: How is Michael?
Alanna: He is fine.
Adrian: Is he still opening up to you?
Alanna: Not so much today but he did tell me about his brother Chad.
Adrian: What did he say?
Alanna: He told me how he did not like you and how he made your life hell.
Adrian: Did he say anything else?
Alanna: No well, he told me that you met my dad in London.
Adrian: I see and how do you feel about that?
Alanna: Fine, I know you backed out of the deal but I guess it is wrong to mix business and pleasure.
Adrian: it is not wrong I just did not want to do it. Here I was sending this bloke’s daughter gifts and I was about to do a deal with him, It just did not seem right.
Alanna: I understand but how did you know that he was my dad?
Adrian: I saw you with him.
Alanna: Of course,
Adrian: Alanna are you happy.
Alanna: I could be happier.
Adrian: What would make you happier?
Alanna: You being here,
Adrian: I wish I could be there with you, but if I did then I would have no company left.
Alanna: Is there more to you not being here than just that, your business needs you?
Adrian: Alanna, you miss nothing do you?
Alanna: So there is another reason?
Adrian: I am trying to keep away from you, so that the Marshalls do not find you.
Alanna: Who are the Marshalls?
Adrian: They are the family of the person I killed and they are the people that have been following you.
Alanna: So it is a revenge thing.
Adrian: Yes, Alanna I took away their loved one and they have been waiting my whole life for me to have someone for them to do the same to me.
Alanna: Are you finally telling me what happened?
Adrian: If you want to know and are sure, you can handle it.
Alanna: Yes, please tell me.
Adrian: The person I killed was David Marshall.
Adrian: One cold winter night when I was twelve, Alice had gone out late and the house was freezing. She had not paid the bills in over three months, so we did not have any electric. Around ten, I went to bed because I knew that she and David would be home soon, he would only start about the cold, and he would most likely take it out on me. I had a small candle, next to the mattress on the floor I was lying on and I heard them when they came in. They were very loud but something felt different that night, Alice was screaming louder than she ever did. I could hear things being broken and slams as if something was falling. I heard David say that he was going to kill Alice, if she did not pay him for the drugs he had supplied to her. I could hear more struggles in Alice’s voice, so I took the candle and went down stairs. When I did I saw blood everywhere, Alice was covered the floor and the walls were dripping in blood. Even the fridge was covered, David must have opened the fridge door and slam Alice’s head against it. I saw David on top of Alice he was choking her she was blue in the face and she had not long left. He never heard me come in behind him, I went over to him and he turned and saw me. He immediately took one hand off Alice and started hitting me with the other. His hands were full of blood and now the blood was all over me. I managed to get away from him and he started to choke Alice again, with no other choice and Alice almost dead, I took a knife that was lying on the kitchen counter and without hesitation, I plunged it into the back of David. He fell back instantly and died shortly after. Alice managed to get up and she slapped me round the face about ten times. Then she just left me there, a scared twelve year old that had just killed someone to save her life. I ran over to the woman who lived next door and told her everything that had happened. She immediately called the police. When they came, they knew what had occurred and that I had acted in self-defense of my Mother. I had nowhere to go but into care. My father left me and my Mother now did the same. The police were aware of David’s family and they placed me in police protection. The next few years of my life were hell, I only knew what it was like to have a family at the age of fourteen when Mr Jenkins came and got me. Alanna I hope that you can understand all this, if you feel you need time then that is fine.
Alanna: I do not need any time I understand why you did it. It was not your fault and you should not feel guilty for what you did. I am glad that I now know what really happened.
Adrian: Are you sure you do not feel different about me now,
Alanna: No, I only love you more.
Adrian: You are the most astonishing person I have ever known. It is as if no matter what I tell you about me you never question it.
Alanna: You thought you were bad, how could you feel that way?
Adrian: I never knew that I was capable of that. I scared myself it was not me and for years and still to this day, I feel like I am a bad person.
Alanna: No a bad person, would just have let Alice die.
Adrian: Even though I hated her for the way she treated me, I could not let him kill her, she was the only person I had and I did not want to lose her.
Alanna: It is only natural to feel that way.
Adrian: Now Alanna about you and your safety
Alanna: David’s family wants to kill me.
Adrian: It pains me to think it but yes, it is they.
Alanna: Why are they after revenge after all this time?
Adrian: The Marshalls are a high crime family and they need to show that they live with a balance.
Alanna: What does that mean?
Adrian: It means Alanna, that they always get there revenge. Just like revenge has been sought out on them.
Alanna: So they are used to this kind of thing.
Adrian: Alanna the only way for me to explain this to you is by this, if a member of their family killed someone, they would expect one of their own to be executed in revenge. To show that there is a balance, they must seek out the person who killed David. Their loved one and do the same to them and that is what puts you, in danger.
Alanna: Do they not understand that you were just a child at the time?
Adrian: That does not matter, I took David’s life and that is all they see. Alanna if you feel that you do not want to be with me anymore, I would understand.
Alanna: I want to be with you always, nothing could make me change my mind.
Adrian: Not even Michael.
Alanna: No Adrian, I have wanted to talk to you about him.
Adrian: Then talk.
Alanna: I will always love you and only you, I need you to know that?
Adrian: I do,
Alanna: However, I do need Michael too.
Adrian: Why,
Alanna: Ever since we have been together in this house, I have bonded with him and I feel strongly about him.
Adrian: Do you have loving feelings for him?
Alanna: No, but it is something else I feel for him.
Adrian: What is it Alanna?
Alanna: It is hard to explain, he is a missing piece of me that I did not know was missing and I need him in my life Adrian.
Adrian: I do not know what you are saying, is it him that you want to be with?
Alanna: No, it is only you, but I need him as a friend.
Adrian: You know that he loves you, right.
Alanna: I know that he cares and I want to talk to him about it, make sure he knows that I want to be his friend.
Adrian: I cannot say I am entirely happy about this, however, Michael is my brother and I am glad that you two get along but Alanna I will not lose you to him.
Alanna: You will not lose me; I have no worries about that and if I had to choose it would be you every time.
Adrian: I do trust that what you are saying is true.
Alanna: Good, I will never let you down.
When Adrian finally stops texting, an hour or so later, I am so tired that I just crawl into bed. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep but my brain is working overtime. I cannot begin to understand what Alice did. How could just leave Adrian scared and alone after what he did for her? I feared what Adrian was keeping from me was far worse than it actually was. At least now, I know that it was self-defense and he did not just go out and kill someone. What strikes me the most is the bravery he had. I know at the end of the day someone died, but it could have been Alice and although maybe she did not deserve saving for what she did to Adrian. However, I will always think that maybe if she had died, then Adrian would have too. I feel myself begin to fall asleep with the image of Adrian in my mind.
I walk over to a small door under the stairs in a cold small dark house; I open it to find a boy sitting in the dark. I switch on the light and I see the fear in his green eyes. He takes my hand and says,
“Please help me,”
I look at him and see his pain. There are bruises all over his face and neck. His hands are blood stained and freezing cold. I walk him into the kitchen and sit him down at one of the chairs. I get him a glass of water and then I hear a huge bang at the front door. In barges a man with dark hair, the boy clings to me and I tell him that everything will be okay. The man comes closer to me and he has a knife in his hand. He swipes out tryin
g to catch the boy, but I push him out of the way. The man gets even closer and now his breath is right in my face, there is a smell of strong alcohol from him. The look in eyes is pure evil. I try to run away from him but he catches me, he drags me back into the kitchen, he sits me down on the chair and takes a rope out of his pocket, he ties my hands together. As he comes closer to me leaning, right into my face, I lift my foot and kick him as hard as I can between the legs. He falls to the ground and I run, this time he cannot catch up to me. I grab the boy and head to front door when I open it I feel the cold on my skin. However, it is not the cold winter air that I feel; instead, it is the feel of a cold blade going through my skin. I look down and there are pools of blood, I lift up my hands and I see that they are, splashed in my own blood. I feel myself fall and the pain is excruciating, but all I can see is the boys glowing green eyes.
“Alanna are okay?”
I wake with a jolt, my heart is racing and sweat is pouring from me. I look and see Michael sitting on my bed. I sit up looking around to the environment in which I am. When I finally mange to get my breath back I look to Michael,
“Am I okay?”
“I heard you screaming, I came as fast as I could were you having a bad dream. “Yes I was.”
“What was it about?” I sit back and lean fully against the headboard. “It was about the night that Adrian killed David.” I see the astonishment on Michaels face.
“He must have told you everything.”
“Yes I dreamt it wasn’t David who got hurt, instead it was me.”
“Alanna is there anything I can do?”
“Yes can you stay with me?” I see Michael trying to decide and he looks at me.
“Of course I will.”
Michael climbs onto the bed and lays flat on his back with his head resting on the pillow. I lie down and turn on my side, I huddle into his chest and he puts his arm around me. The feeling I have when he does, is safety.
I wake around 7am and as I do, I see that I am still huddled into Michael’s chest. I look up at him, he is still sleeping he looks so peaceful, and with him lying like this, I can really see his beauty. Knowing that it would not be long until he wakes, I rest my head again on his chest. I know that I should get up but something is stopping me. I like the feel of him and I know it is wrong, but I do. I do not want him to wake up and I wish I had not wakened so early. I decide that I will lay here for another five minutes and then I will get up. I want to close my eyes, but I cannot all I feel like doing is staring at him, so I do. I take in the darkness of his hair and the way it is strangely messed. Even though his eyes are closed, I still have a picture in my mind of what they look like. They are light blue and mesmerizing, his lips are full and I see them twitch a little as he sleeps. He is beautiful and a different kind of beautiful to Adrian, although I would not go as far to say that he is better looking than Adrian. Still there is something very alluring about him. I look at his face and I know that I could not be without him.
Three Thousand Miles To You,(Three Thousand Miles, Series, Book #1) Page 20